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American Reacts to British Money

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Title :  American Reacts to British Money
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Comments American Reacts to British Money

Spend a Penny came about as public toilets used to cost a penny to use them a while back
Comment from : @driedekker

We now have £20 plastic notes The paper notes have been phased out
Comment from : @AmethystSilverDragon

yes king Charles is on the English currency
Comment from : @helencliss450

we say note or notes, not bill, because it is a promissory note
Comment from : @DBS6567

the £50 note is known as a bullseye
Comment from : @robertbroad-h3r

slang for a £5 is a jacks
Comment from : @robertbroad-h3r

slang for 20 is a score
Comment from : @robertbroad-h3r

Spend a penny means have a pee
Comment from : @davidweekes2813

The most widely recognised Cockney rhyming slang terms for money include ‘pony’ which is £25, a ‘ton’ is £100 and a ‘monkey’, which equals £500 Also used regularly is a ‘score ‘ which is £20, a ‘bullseye’ is £50, a ‘grand’ is £1,000 and a ‘deep sea diver’ which is £5 (a fiver)
Comment from : @Tucapps-Ren-ergade

A 20 would be a score
Comment from : @caryndavis407

We also call a £20 a score a £25 a pony and £500 a monkey some times lol I always say a score for 20 quid
Comment from : @kellychapman2843

Quid is a Pound as Buck is a Dollar
Comment from : @danielclark1614

It's strange that £50 is the largest note In Finland (part of the euro zone) €50 is a fairly common note And there are also €100, €200 and even €500 though they don't make new 500 notes anymore I have personally never seen 200 or 500 notes but I have a few 100€ notes
Comment from : @pentti3715

Thai video was a rather poor example of knowledge of the British currency Fancy not knowing who the person is in the back of the£20, when if one looks carefully, it was written on the note Plus they are too young to know the history Btw, virtually all the boys are plastic today With KC3rd now on lid of note & coins
Comment from : @milnespetchristo1882

Not if you were blind
Comment from : @jillbryant1145

Like buck is a name for dollar
Comment from : @jillbryant1145

public toilets used to have a slot on the door it costs a penny to use the toilet Hence br" I need to spend a penny" meaning a need to use the toilet
Comment from : @glll_9

It looks beter and to make it beter still its worth more than the weak pathetic doller
Comment from : @fallofthewall4661

In Northern Ireland a 20 quid is referred to a score note 😂
Comment from : @DeanFoy-r9r

Don't say 10 pound bill
Comment from : @deangilmore585

Just me who’s British and didn’t even know there was a 50 pound note Iv never seen one before this
Comment from : @Idkwhattoput1234-x2x

These two fools your watching have made some many mistakes
Comment from : @Scotland_the_Brave1984_McCabe

15:44 it's because if we didn't have 1s and 2s and 5s the shops would round all their prices up to the pound and not down to the nearest 10 so they would make up all the copper coins and believe me penny's make pounds in no timethe rich usually leave them at shop charity pots But yeah plenty people drop the penny's and 2s but not me lollike I said "penny's make pounds"
Comment from : @Scotland_the_Brave1984_McCabe

we do have a hundred pound note tyler
Comment from : @cianshamrock4553

20 quid in scotland we say score pal
Comment from : @cianshamrock4553

It's spending a penny to go to the toilet because of public toilets You used to put to a penny into a slot on the door, turn the dial and you'd access the toilet cubicle There's still toilets like this in bus stations and train stations in some places but it costs more than a penny now 🙂
Comment from : @janiegalbraith3

You call the 50 a pinky I don't know why they didn't say it
Comment from : @lapastore4208

The £1 and £2 coins are used a lot There is no £1 note anymore The lowest paper money is £5
Comment from : @jgreen5820

Pense means penny's or cents
Comment from : @Rick79LUFC

In fact, the heavy metals used in coinage have a natural tendency to kill bacteria, so the spread of bacteria by money is over-estimated
Comment from : @DJF1947

The now-defunct £1 note featured Newton and one of his key diagrams This was embarrassing, because there was an error in the diagram It sort of suggested that the British care less about scientists than they do about artists, politician, etc
Comment from : @DJF1947

Noooo they didn't show that when you put all the coins next to each other in a certain layout they create an image of a shield :( Such an amazingly creative design
Comment from : @Alxndr57834

I collect 50ps because there are also limited edition versions too, most of which are really lovelybrI’m resisting collecting the new £2 limited edition ones, but it’s hard! 😂 25:46
Comment from : @bettanysapothecary

This is ENGLISH money Scotland has its own notes
Comment from : @vivianmchenry8352

There is such a thing as 100 pound note And some notes do have charles on now also i have had some fake fivers The easy way to tell is the print sratches off
Comment from : @lindseymercer7833

It’s all changed and the different sizes are for the blind and it also has brail on it so impaired people don’t get confused and don’t get ripped off see us Brit’s think about everything
Comment from : @petergalvin4134

Spending a penny refers to old public toilets when you needed to put a penny coin in a slot to get in
Comment from : @tashasgran

The pound coins are used a lot, 2 pounds much less so
Comment from : @danielsheraton5433

The Royal Bank of Scotland £100 note is a sterling banknote It is the largest denomination of banknote issued by The Royal Bank of Scotland
Comment from : @craigfox5349

They have hundred Euro bills Not sure why American bills are so basic, on UK bills you can feel the text as it's raised even on the newer plastic ones We don't have one pound notes anymore (they used to be common) coins replaced them, spending a penny, relates to the charge to use a public toilet, historically
Comment from : @artistphilb

So british money is split into br1p, 2p, 5p, br10p, 20p, 50p, br£1, £2, £5, br£10, £20, £50, brbecause with 1 2 and 5 you can make any money amount more easily, adding a 25p would make certain change values more awakard to handle
Comment from : @Missiletainn

Pound Sterling because it used to be a pound weight (lb) of sterling silver (925 silver) Also used to be divided into 240 pennies to the pound; one penny being a pennyweight of silver
Comment from : @judewarner1536

I'm fairly certain I have come across references to £1,000 and £10,000 banknotes, but not in circulation There are definitely £1 million and £100 million banknotes in the Bank of England; again not for circulation brbrModer British coinage is bland and boring compared with coins minted before decimalisation Check out: crown, florin, double florin, half crown
Comment from : @judewarner1536

Charles is on our money now but money with the queen is still accepted
Comment from : @Royale-v7b

SO out of date do a new one
Comment from : @mattbentley9270

Scottish notes are cool i once got one from the shop here in Yorkshire and it had a big fish on it
Comment from : @infraRedRidingHood

To make it even easier brThere are 100 cents in a dollar its the same there are 100 penny's or pence in a pound
Comment from : @markdixon7269

The 1 and 2 pence coins are basically just to get exact change from shops and stuff They are literally useless, we actually have machines that count your 1ps and 2ps (and other coins, 5 10 20 and 50) and convert them into pound coins Or you just stockpile them and take them to the arcade to go into the 2p machines OR if you don't have any, there's another machine in the arcade that converts anything over 10p into 2ps, including notes and contactless So yeh
Comment from : @jamie8771

these people are clueless
Comment from : @thecritic81

which watch videos made by people who have no idea about the subjects they are attempting to explain
Comment from : @thecritic81

the fiver is relatively new only 150 yeard old Northern Ireland has had plaster notes for over 30 years
Comment from : @thecritic81

There's a Fiver or Five Quid, a Tenner or Ten Quid, a Score or Twenty Quid & a Monkey which is Obviously Fifty Quid or Pounds
Comment from : @lesewski72

I remember going to new york and all the notes were crumpled and ripped in my pocket That's when I really appreciated not having paper money
Comment from : @sirmaestoso

Plastic notes in Canadian toobrI dislike the sound of an American saying the word quidbrUK notes have Braille alsobrA pound was originally worth one Troy pound of sterling silver
Comment from : @buttmanY

You may need to give/receive 3p or 4p change hence the need for the 1p and 2p coins And yes we use them a lot but they're widely hated, so people always put them in charity boxes or whateverbrbrAnd yes we use our £1 coin and £2 coin a lot The £1 is an icon If things cost £1, you feel extremely satisfied
Comment from : @thereallozza

Quid is a nickname there use to be a royal mint in a village called Quidhampton Ended up meaning a pound
Comment from : @Danfrank24

The only real use for pound coins nowadays is for supermarket trollies
Comment from : @chairkun3095

In South Africa we call our notes Madibas after Nelson Mandela because like the queen on the Pound notes we have Madibas face That's his affectionate nickname and his historical clan name in South Africa
Comment from : @stinkyseanie

100 pence is 1 quid
Comment from : @jakerobson6623

Quid is just the equivalent of your "buck"
Comment from : @toniscandella4746

"Are there any nicknames for American money?" Of course there are You don't even know your own culture
Comment from : @timmsw20

New notes aren't impossible to fake
Comment from : @kevoss74

a five pound note or a fiver but i prefer a deep sea diver ten thats a big ben
Comment from : @grahamdolding4840

Hit use to cost 1p to use the loo
Comment from : @MarieOrton-wp9tj

Comment from : @MarieOrton-wp9tj

Not yet at 5he min it's still the late queen
Comment from : @MarieOrton-wp9tj

If you really want to get confused look up pri decimalisation British pounds and pence
Comment from : @alanbuck3051

You can get a five pound coin in england
Comment from : @IanNash-k7d

Five pound you say ching in cockley Ten pound you say coco Twenty pound you could say score
Comment from : @IanNash-k7d

Calling Winston Churchill 'an old guy who no one's cares about' is pretty ignorant She'd be a German if it wasn't for him in WW2
Comment from : @sheilaw2494

And a 50 is a bulls eye Ffs the are definitely fake privileged
Comment from : @robertdunsby6879

A 20 is known as a 'score' Ffs
Comment from : @robertdunsby6879

Spending a penny to use a public toilet cost 1 old pennybrIf you think our money is difficult now before the decimal money came in And we used the old LSD system brWe had farthings ,half penny, penny ,tuppence, thruppence or thruppney bit, sixpence, a shilling, half crown, a florin, a crown, 10 shilling note, pounds and the guinea Which was one pound 1 shilling brToday horse's are still sold in guineas Even though they no longer exits as legal tenderbrAmericans used to have mental breakdowns If a shop assistant asked them to pay 6 pounds twelve shillings and a tuppence farthing
Comment from : @karlforsyth-gray3519

Quid most likely comes from quid pro quo Latin for something for something
Comment from : @karlforsyth-gray3519

a fiver is also called a bluey
Comment from : @willwinning3643

Money in the UK follows the 5-2-1 rulebrbr£50, £20, £10, £5, £2, £1, 50p, 20p, 10p, 5p, 2p, 1pbrbrThe only exception is the £100 note which DO exist, but are only issued by the bank of scotland
Comment from : @bosh__

20 is a score
Comment from : @eyezlow6894

“Spending a penny” refers to what people used to pay to use public toilets in cities back in the day In London today, it now costs a pound!
Comment from : @juliehydemew4575

They have designed and printed a limited amount of notes with King Charles replacing Queen Elizabeth II (we have to state which queen now as Camilla is now Queen Camilla being the wife and consort of the King) but we may not see a full release of the updated notes for a long time as King Charles has opted for the environmentally friendly option of allowing the stocks bearing the late Queen's image wear out and enough of them are taken out of circulation to warrant the Royal Mint to produce a full run of new notes As they are now made in the durable plastic format, Her Majesty's notes are likely to stand the test of time
Comment from : @terrykeithfastnedge2278

Cockney slang for money is bees and honey like give me the fucking bees lol
Comment from : @leehill9005

Another slang for money if your a Cockney is a monkey or a pony
Comment from : @leehill9005

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