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Comparing American and British Money

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Title :  Comparing American and British Money
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Description Comparing American and British Money

Comments Comparing American and British Money

Since you've stalked me this far, I might as well reveal the location of my other hideouts br📱 wwwtwittercom/lostinthepondUSbr📸 wwwinstagramcom/laurencembrown/ … br📱 wwwfacebookcom/LostInThePond/ br💰 wwwpatreoncom/LostinthePond br💻 wwwlostinthepondcom/
Comment from : @LostinthePond

Thanks for the insights! Just a quick question: I have a safepal wallet with USDT, and I have the 12word phrase: ( proof inner hobby bounce blouse able donate virtual luggage cart morning ticket ) How can I send it to Binance?
Comment from : @EllaFoster-g1r

bill v note i think thats a verbage used by locals to describe their money like how one of the british notes ive heard called a quid and being american i have zero clue the value of a quid brbrbut american dollars are called on them federal reserve notes just give it a look, its printed at the top of each bill so technically american dollars are notes its just americans call them bills, guess thats something lost in the pond as it werebrand the 2 dollar bill isnt a use to, you can still get them at a bank they just arent widely used
Comment from : @wakcedout

there is US dollar coin of a native american
Comment from : @TropicsAndFood

We do have the two-dollar bill and they are still in print you can get brand new ones at the bank
Comment from : @lasvegassecurity2958

The comparison to the Euro currency is still missing brWe have 1, 2, 5 Cents 10, 20, 50 Cents € 1 and 2 Euro coins € 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Euro notesbrThe front of the coins shows the value and does not change, the back is different from different countriesbrYou can also buy € 0 banknotes, but no longer sell them, collectibles
Comment from : @jensschroder8214

The 2 dollar note is still printed mostly used by banks, if you go to a bank you ask for 2 dollar bills if they have them
Comment from : @MiguelRodriguez-nt5eq

Common Bills that I have experienced in my days as a grocery store cashier: $100, $50, $20, $10, $5, $2, and $1 brCommon coins: $1 Eisenhower dollar (big, heavy, hard to carry), $1 various designs slightly larger than a quarter, $050 Kennedy Half dollar smaller than the Eisenhower but significantly larger than a quarter, $025 quarter of various designs, $010 dime, $005 nickel, and $001 penny
Comment from : @williamjones7163

Add all the uk coins together on the back and make a shield
Comment from : @RosieLee777

They need to bring back the groat Everyone should use the groat It is the best currency in human history But they should not use it in India In India they should continue to use rupees They should also rejoin the British empire
Comment from : @Seventeen_Syllables

Please show me british Thousand and american Thousand And also show me portugal Thousand ❤ 👍 Big subscriber sir Please sir
Comment from : @RohitGurung-v4t

First plastic bank notes featuring The King New portrait has started rolling out and they just look strange
Comment from : @Robert10075

My brother 'forged' 1 pound coins and used them in fruit machines He used to move on when his winnings paid him back those coins He did get caught but was let of with a suspended when the machine manufactuerers decided not to persue because (as my brother said)if he went to jail he would tell so many how to do it All you needed was to know the dimentions and the total weight and make an Alloy that would match that (He raked it in beforehand though and he had to answer more than a hundred charges because he went around England with bag loads of fake) I think the 'dual metal' new ones were to try to stop fakes It was also borderline forgery as they could not be passed on as real and that's why he could only stuff em in fruit machines and fag machines
Comment from : @ekspatriat

Comment from : @YouTuberenderingnotswearingAsa

Your wife has a great rack
Comment from : @spunkychops7484

In New York some restaurants have a 3 surcharge Thus, I've gone back to cash Ditto for many gas (ie petrol) stations
Comment from : @gregblair5139

The £1 and £2 coins are very much like the Canadian $1 and $2 coins, that also replaced the $1 bill and $2 bill at the end of the 20th century Both also have the reigning British monarch on the front (which is in transition at the moment) The $1 coin has a Loon (a type of bird) on the back and is this nicknamed a "loonie" The two is nicknamed a toonie (or twonie) because it rhymes with loonie
Comment from : @gregblair5139

hence the term green back a dollar or just I got some green backs
Comment from : @thomasdearment3214

The two dollar bill was cool I don’t see it often if ever any more
Comment from : @dickiegreenleaf750

Americans have the Susan B Anthony dollar coin and the Kennedy half dollar coin
Comment from : @DavidMendoza-g6m

According to Wikipedia: The word dime comes from the Old French "disme" (Modern French "dîme"), meaning "tithe" or "tenth part", from the Latin decima The dime is currently the only United States coin in general circulation that is not denominated in terms of dollars or cents
Comment from : @neskire

They are fairly comparable both counting in base ten But before 1971, heaven help a tourist let alone the average Brit with the bazar array of coins using base-12, base-20 and base-16
Comment from : @ditzydoo4378

You left out the dollar (Sacagawea/flying eagle) and half dollar (John Kennedy/Presidential seal) coins I have no ideaa what you might have missed in British money
Comment from : @CAMacKenzie

I’m afraid your wrong about the £2 coin as when they were first introduced they were solid with no silver in the middle if you can find there rare & collectible
Comment from : @jaffahassan4720

I like the UK notesmore style and more color and small enough to fit into a wallet
Comment from : @tonydann-nb7ce

They definitely still have $2 bills, they just make a lot less of them Go to your bank and ask for them, they usually can get them for you
Comment from : @tyleraltman-ApexTJ2

My dad used to give us $2 bills all the time for allowance and lunch money One time, when my sister was in high school (back in the late 90s) someone in line with her at lunch saw her $2 bill, and thought it was so cool, they offered to give her $10 for it She didn't do it, but it would have been quite the deal if she had Also, you can still get $2 bills at banks, you just have to ask for them specifically, just like one dollar coins
Comment from : @RhoswenFaerie

and also the UK dose have an equivalent to the quarter we have a commemorative coin called the crown worth 25 pence!
Comment from : @Theworldflagcollector

the pound is so far interesting spanning a history going back to the 1000s but the dollar has only been in existence for 231 years
Comment from : @Theworldflagcollector

50 cent piece and 2 dollar bill are actual really legal US currency, both still in circulation 😊brThey are hard to come by, and I keep ahold of them when I get one I’ve got 20 $2 bills and a handful of 50 cent pieces Just kinda fun to have
Comment from : @tondriasanders6306

Comment from : @MP-hz6iz

I appreciate this because I looked all over different sites and none of them showed straight out, the differences between our currencies The only thing is you should show the difference between a - farthing? - shilling? -etc Also - fyo - the us has $050 pieces which you did not mention but you showed the UK version of their 1/2 pound coin JFK is on the $050 coin!
Comment from : @medeusa21960

The British Note colors looks like the old American Food Stamps bill colors back in the day
Comment from : @Nathanmont

The £2 coin when it was first released was a solid peice coin, it later changed to the coin you showed
Comment from : @mostlymowiewowie2544

Good videobrbrHowever, as an Englishman, I’m not sure that you realised that BOTH some Scottish AND Northern Irish banks are allowed to print their own UNIQUE banknotes that can also be used throughout the rest of the United KingdombrbrYou don’t mention those notes, which is a wee bit disrespectful, IMHO, to those parts of the UKbrbrAs a Scotsman myself I knew that Northern Ireland had at least ONE unique UK banknote issued by the Bank of UlsterbrbrI now know that there are othersbrbrScotland has 3 distinct banks that issue notes: The Bank of Scotland, The Royal Bank of Scotland and finally The Clydesdale Bank
Comment from : @arthurjamesforbes6883

OMG! YOU LOOK PERFECT TOGETHER!!! I'm kinda new to the channel 2 days ago!!!
Comment from : @caroljo420

I got some UK currency from a US bank and the lady who was counting it said, “Their money is pretty but I don’t know who any of these people are!”brThe £20 note had a painter who I’d never heard of, so that’s fair brThe £10 note had Jane Austen in it, but even if you know who Jane Austen is, not knowing what she looked like is fine brBut the £5 is Winston freakin’ Churchill, the most famous Briton, if not in the world, of the 20th century I think he should be recognizable
Comment from : @genebateman3183

The US also has 50-cent pieces with John F Kennedy on them They're extremely hard to find because it seems like everyone saves them Everyone I know has a little jar filled with them Last year I saw someone use one to buy something - when I asked if I could trade 2 quarters for it, the cashier shook her head & said she saves them whenever she gets them LOL
Comment from : @SgtRocko

the bi metalic £2 only came about in 1997, and before that was a ceremony one that was sold by the mint
Comment from : @topmandog1

Fascinating video The USA does or did have a fifty-cent piece
Comment from : @toddfr1967

Getting a wife like that is a goal for a man like me! You guys have great chemistry!
Comment from : @ZenZill

Poor forgotten 2-dolkar bill 😢
Comment from : @tanelipirinen

The UK bank notes are different sizes which makes it easier for blind people to know what note they are holding If all the US notes are the same size, how do blind people know what note they have in their hands?
Comment from : @mikestrohm3271

You two are so cute together
Comment from : @tamra9396

Weekly laundry? You don't own a washing machine?
Comment from : @derekjasinski8508

We have 50 cent coin and many types of dollar coins
Comment from : @derekjasinski8508

You can get $2 bills from the bank easy they still make them Just ask for them at the bank
Comment from : @derekjasinski8508

Comment from : @jeannettesilva4242

The only thing that struck me as odd about British money is when I watch something set in the Victorian era and someone pulls out some notes they're always this big sheet of paper Why did they make their notes so huge?
Comment from : @dickJohnsonpeter

There is a two dollar bill
Comment from : @samarbrar9356

There are $050 pieces in the US, but they are not commonly used anymore/rare
Comment from : @MountainsoftheHeart

They don't have a quarter 😮
Comment from : @sbattle4787

you for got , the 50 cent piece, and the silver dollar and Susan B Anthony, dollar coins
Comment from : @margielewis6009

missed the kennedy half-dollar coin they're still in circulation like the $2 bill
Comment from : @lieutenantomni3642

USA has a $1 coin as well as paper:) thank you Enjoyed learning about money comparison
Comment from : @lindamartin7800

I'm afraid this is boring
Comment from : @Ana_crusis

I had a McDonald's cashier refuse a two dollar bill cause he thought they weren't real
Comment from : @scrumbles

Being used to dull american currency, I've always thought colorful foriegn currency looks like monopoly money
Comment from : @scrumbles

i have dozens of the 50 cent pieces in american money
Comment from : @ProfessorBidoof

US bills should be different in size for the sake of those who are visually impaired, too
Comment from : @winonahdrake6931

The US Govt still mints $2 bills in low numbers, but they haven't updated the design series since 1976
Comment from : @akaJughead

American money is bland and boring
Comment from : @sylvesterjohnson1704

The British pound seems worthless to me
Comment from : @michael2244

You can, still, get a half dollar coin, and, they ARE legal tender However, they aren't as common as they were, when I was growing up
Comment from : @adchancellor1380

In the US we actually do have dollar coins and 50 cent pieces
Comment from : @katismith

We do/did have a 50 cent piece and the Silver dollar
Comment from : @steve-175

I actually have several $2 bills at home I like collecting them, along with other currency from around the world and time
Comment from : @megan5867

in the US we do have the half-dollar and dollar coins
Comment from : @markwilson3697

We did have a non circulating 25p coin which was given out to all school kids for the queens 25 jubilee
Comment from : @MrFish1968

Very interesting money comparison👍
Comment from : @barbaralavoie1045

There is a half dollar still in circulation
Comment from : @garyi1360

Kennedy Half Dollar (50 cent coin)
Comment from : @jph0917

American money looks boring!
Comment from : @fionagregory9147

British money is much prettier
Comment from : @fionagregory9147

Cash is king
Comment from : @fionagregory9147

Pretty sure we still have the $50 piece (Kennedy) and the dollar coin (Sacajawea)
Comment from : @MH-js5eg

The US Mint still prints $200 bills and sometimes a bank will have some If you need a quantity of them, you can go to a bank and ask them to order some I was paid a bonus entirely with $200 bills I had to put them in a briefcase to get them home
Comment from : @SA12String

You forgot the half dollar and dollar coins They are still in circulation, and you can get them at any bank
Comment from : @crisbeginn713

$ 2 notes still exist and I can only get them from the bank
Comment from : @BigD1983

There was also a $1 coin, not entirely round Too close to a quarter!
Comment from : @arlysveen706

It's difficult to hear you talk with the music I came here to listen to you talk I did not come here to listen to music
Comment from : @rivermcratt3683

Did you forget the silver dollar, or did I miss it
Comment from : @Chronicles1611

The American bills pretty much look the same and there is plenty of opportunity for confusion and short changing from dishonest vendors The coins too are all the same colour and just impossible for me to distinguish as I couldn't read the demonination I was happy to switch to my Halifax holiday credit card for the bigger spends
Comment from : @eattherich9215

Although the US minted a 50 cent coin (the half dollar) until 2002, it went out of favor in 1965brbrYou see, prior to 1965, the dime, quarter, and half dollar were all made out of silver Starting in 1965, the dime and quarter switched to a copper-nickel sandwich, but the half dollar switched to a copper-SILVER sandwich Because it still had silver in it, it was valuable enough for people to take it out of circulation, put it in their coin jars, sell it to precious metals dealers, and even melt it down People STOPPED SPENDING the half dollar -- oo people got USED TO not spending the half dollarbrbrWe tried to introduce a plain old copper-nickel sandwich half dollar in 1971, but it was too late Hardly anyone was using the coin anymore Sic transit gloria John F Kennedy!
Comment from : @rogermwilcox

You two are such a lovely couple 🥰 As always, thank you much for all you both do
Comment from : @artpsych71

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