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Information If a Car Dealer DOES THIS, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY | 3 CAR LEASE Red Flags

Title :  If a Car Dealer DOES THIS, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY | 3 CAR LEASE Red Flags
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Description If a Car Dealer DOES THIS, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY | 3 CAR LEASE Red Flags

Comments If a Car Dealer DOES THIS, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY | 3 CAR LEASE Red Flags

I thought you aren't supposed to do a trade in for a lease Is that not true? Does it make sense to trade in a vehicle towards a lease?
Comment from : @mattrudybass

Why trade? Sell the car to anyone willing to pay the most Keep the cash in savings for the future You might want to or need to buy another car down the road The purchase price on your car can be part of the lease negotiation once you know the true value I would no longer be willing to do a deal until at least one or two other dealers have made their pitch
Comment from : @your_royal_highness

You need to negotiate for the lease company because they aren't there to negotiate for themselves
Comment from : @lawrenceo7372

Stupid question! So does zero down mean they waive the down payment or does it get rolled over to the monthly payments? Pls anyone give me an answer
Comment from : @boridebrooklyn8300

No money down sounds good until you realize your lease payment is going to be $600 a month, I'll gladly put money down to drop lease payment to $250 a month
Comment from : @LouCuesta

No down payment? 😅😅😅 really Dealer will kindly kick me out
Comment from : @cocotico9997

Love this channel - would love to get you opinion, how can we get in touch ? Thank you
Comment from : @patrickl654

Hello, brI have no job, but decent credit I’m recluse with no family(I was given to the state as a child) or friends as references Will a car dealership use that against me that I don’t have references and deny selling me a car?brThanks 🕊
Comment from : @madalynmoth4263

But aren't you paying interest on anything you don't put down in cash?
Comment from : @ThomasJeffersonWolfcall-kn3bx

I went in to a Toyota dealer and was looking at a 24 Toyota Camry for my son $32k, kid has a credit score of only 630 ATM Dealer came up with $800 a mo @ 17 lease! For a 36mo lease, come on That's $28k and he has to turn the car back in in 3yrs We just walked out!
Comment from : @SavNout01

I did a lease on a new Honda Prologue Elite and I put $3000 down It was Labor Day weekend so I got $1450000 in rebates and or incentives and they took $2k off the MSRP I feel I got a decent deal
Comment from : @brad9548

You say don’t put money down but some of the lease offers require money due at signing in order to lease Isn’t that the same as putting money down?
Comment from : @calientemac1

After you negotiate a out the door price and ask for the intensives for leasing it what do I do next should I expect my lease price to start at the out the door price I negotiated what if the dealer ship she’s well there isn’t any
Comment from : @saysleazzstreaming

Is it safe to assume that leasing a model that has a traditionally ing residual value (Toyota, Honda,) is going to net a better lease deal?
Comment from : @P-Bizzy

I wish I had seen this before I got my car on January 22nd it was for a 2023 honda Civic Hatchback sport touring, but I returned/ traded in my 2018 honda Civic It had a few claims in one accident I had ten to twelve grand remaining on my 2018, and my new car cost me $48,865, but it was ticket priced for 38,500 or something like that I did get the honda plus Coverage, etc But did I pay more, or did they and the remaining amount form the older hand to my ticket price 🤔 this is what I think they did
Comment from : @Jovibe23

I understand no down payment What about when dealer asks for 1st month payment, taxes, etc due at signing? Can’t that all be rolled into the monthly lease payment? If so, and they don’t budge, I’m walking
Comment from : @BrianBaldwin-bbwin85

What about when tax and fees are 5gs ? Do I still pay that or enroll that in?
Comment from : @AutoRamos-i4u

Please do an in depth video on leasing My husband leased two Honda sedans and the term on both is coming to an end next month I want to buy the 2022 and return the other 2021 Honda, and get a newer model I am confused whether I should lease or buy the newer one I never knew you could sell a leased vehicle and the only option open are to return or buy off the lease: is that correct? I really need help
Comment from : @salimahhossain8161

My dealer said that the down payment would go toward the purchase price of the vehicle but now I’m learning that it does not 3,800 for a lower monthly payment is all Gross value of the vehicle is 29,000 but I’ll be paying about 35,000 to buy it
Comment from : @Nazareyes-zu3ul

dumb to trade in a car you are underwater on
Comment from : @salcastaneda443

All of my customers had brand new …… and I still had my 20 year old … There are no mysteries here A car is NOT AN INVESTMENT
Comment from : @karltitz1725

I have a 2020 Lexus NX SUV with less 20k miles on it It's in excellent condition My lease is up and I need to visit the dealer tomorrow to discuss a new lease If my credit score is 655 and I have no down payment, what should I be prepared for as far negotiation? brbrI'd like to get another Lexus NX SUV? Is it better to get 2025 version or 2024? I'm paying $499/month lease currently
Comment from : @GeorgeDiaz-wu4xe

I have leased several cars in my lifetimeI really like the lower monthly payments
Comment from : @wendyeroche343

I'm up to 35 do diligences without stopping every morning now
Comment from : @Ididntaskforahandleyoutube

I'm a disabled navy veteran and I would like to know if I wanted to lease a vehicle could I use my disabled plates or would I have to pay license and fees for my leased vehicle
Comment from : @antowyncauley6814

They can’t sale, so they lease with high prices and lower the mileage on lease
Comment from : @vubui4380

How can you find out the discounts on the vehicles that I'm looking for?
Comment from : @henrypoth369

What about when the advertising says for example lease payment of $229 With $4500 Down You don't want to put that 4500?
Comment from : @shaunbeauchemin8985

Does Honda Financial allow you to use your lease car for gig work like delivery and or ride share?
Comment from : @goji8430

Can you please go a little deeper as to what are the entities/people involved when leasing a vehicle Obviously the dealership, that is one, the manufacturer and the person leasing the vehicle are another but what do you mean when you say the leasing company? Is it the bank? For example Subaru uses Chase on all its leases Is this the part I’m missing from the equation? Thanks
Comment from : @mansalaija

There is one kind of downpayment that can be worth making on a lease and that is a security deposit to reduce the interest rate - that you do get back
Comment from : @Rythsi300

Yes I'm about to lease a vehicle for the first time, Can you please do a video on how to negotiate the price of a lease vehicle, please
Comment from : @BillyBulldog-z1z

Thank you!
Comment from : @ActionJacklyn

Ok, so you don't put any money down on a lease, what about these advertised deals that show payment due at signing? Example; 39 mo lease, $ 485600 due at signing?
Comment from : @FredKirchhoff-d2q

Buying /or/ leasing a Jeep was the problem in the first place Under no circumstances should anyone be owning a Jeep
Comment from : @mikeydude750

Great video, but what I'm not understanding is the benefit of no money down as opposed to putting money down If I put money down, I have a lower monthly payment If don't don't put money down, I have a larger payment According to this video, If I put money down and the car is totaled, that money is lost and I'm not getting it back, however I still maintain a lower payment if the car is totaled correct? I've never leased before so forgive my ignorance!
Comment from : @MrMustangdave08

Great video Thanks!
Comment from : @Thebreezie21

I need help with wanting to get out of mine
Comment from : @KaylaP316

How do you know what is out the door price for HR-v EX-L
Comment from : @elizabethcantu9128

What about the due at signing? Can that be negotiated?
Comment from : @innoc3nt1420

Comment from : @unobono

Best to buy the car upfront and no headaches
Comment from : @adrienchan2097

Tips on lease ending and getting a new one or lease trade in same dealership
Comment from : @thisismekopokszki2635

it amazes me how people can plop down 3 or 5k down on a lease, these are TRULY stupid people!!! guess you cannot fix STUPID!
Comment from : @karmendimas5274

I dont understand why I want the lowest OTD price? I dont care what the lease company receive, on my lease I want the lowest monthly payment without cashdown if its 100$/month but the residual price is 1 million $, I dont give a flying F
Comment from : @ASecureLab

Thank You So Much
Comment from : @trishalantz5122

Hey guys, I'm negotiating a lease now Can you help to determent if is a good deal?
Comment from : @hectorsantos9202

Great stuff!! Not interested in leasing though 🙂
Comment from : @josesardinas7660

Great video U guys just explaing the exact question i had to
Comment from : @mainebiker

When I put $0 down I still have to pay x amount for acquisition fees, first payment and security deposit etc can I pay taxes on TOP of that? If fees and everything are say $1800, can I put $2k down for fees and taxes or should I still stick with 0 additional down payment
Comment from : @Smanthers

Please somebody answer my question! I'm currently lease car shopping I was at the Nissan dealership and saw a Sentra I really like priced at $23,690 I asked about a discount/negotiating I was told that with market conditionshigh demand to buy and limited cars being made that the MSRP on the window sticker was pretty much what the dealer had to pay (little markup) so they could not negotiate brIs this true or the dealer's trick to make more money?
Comment from : @mysterel1575

Last 3 leases I’ve done on Ram trucks I did a sign and drive lease - absolutely zero money out of pocket My most recent lease on a 2023 Jeep Wrangler 4xe I put $800 out of pocket
Comment from : @brianmedved-lu9dy

This was very helpful! Thank you
Comment from : @marcosvivas3631

I was just at a Subaru dealer I asked if they could go 15 off the selling price They said because it’s their most popular car, there’s no way to negotiate that price Long story short, I left the dealership
Comment from : @bobbymartin7118

Can I pay you guys to go with me to buy/lease a car?? This is stressful
Comment from : @gnicks2995

I think you need to address the lease "money factor" and how dealers are able to mark-up the money factor to create more profit A person needs to know how to convert a lease money factor into an APR for the sake of comparison to available interest rates On other half the lease coin, the consumer must know what the depreciation of the vehicle is based on the agreed upon mileage and lease term There are lots of ways to get screwed on a lease if you're not prepared
Comment from : @dalenihiser7766

Jeeps for the most part are junk now a days you could not give me one
Comment from : @drwho2

Overall Leasing is a terrible idea unless you have a lot of money (meaning you're in the top 2-3 of earners), don't drive very much, and insist on a brand new car every 3 years Financially it's a terrible decision
Comment from : @teekay_1

can you guys do a video in negotiating a lease and the maths involved in negotiation, getting a good monthly payment on a lease
Comment from : @STUNN312

I think you forgot to mention Residual value It can greatly determine cost to own On the flip side, it seems like leases can be easier to know what you are getting as if you take your total of all payments and add to the residual value, can compare with the expected OTD price before financing to see what the lease is really going to cost you On a purchase, you have the OTD and payments, but no idea what you will be able to sell it for down the road Still, if the cost to lease is almost the whole value of the vehicle, something seems wrong Some vehicles don't lease well, others do
Comment from : @MPWITA

I had leased 2 times back in the late 90's-early 2000's I did negotiate before I signed, The only think I did not like about the experiences was the mandatory higher rate insurance required to lease I I bought the car, the insurance would have been almost $100 less per month I imagined it is worse today
Comment from : @daveforeman6931

Thank you both for your helpful tips! I just got a new lease on an Acura Integra and the deal was amazing as we worked on discounting the car and negotiating the most for my trade in 😊
Comment from : @XtremeTKD100

Leasing is for idiots
Comment from : @JJ-mh3hb

But almost all places want a down payment on a lease
Comment from : @justSTUMBLEDupon

Comment from : @frankmoore159

Please, do a video about lease extension Is it a good alternative?? When should you do it?brPlus, another thing to mention is that if you do a Lease you are stuck with high interest rate for the 36 months Now, with the current high interest rates, you better off finance it and in a year or two negotiate better rates when rates start to come down again
Comment from : @oliver79

I could sure use your advice on a "proportioning" valve for a 1996 Tacoma Brake fluid is leaking from the valve and NO ONE will repair it because their suppliers no longer sell it, and if they can't get it from the supplier they can't offer a warranty (they won't let me walk in with "your part you bought off ebay") This is Toyota Tacoma! One of the most popular trucks around and no one will fix it! Do you have any advice how to get my brakes fixed? Thank you
Comment from : @hber1980

People are just plain stupid…
Comment from : @michalstelmach4203

Does CarEdge have an app yet? Also, can you help do a deal/ trade? Trade my 2021 in for a Tesla Model 3(used is ok)???
Comment from : @joeyvinzo4531

Would it be better to sell your car rather than trade it for the same reason you don't put cash down? Ie in case the lease car is totaled?
Comment from : @raymondrizzuto7997

Be nice to add in the possible extra cost for the increased interest rate The Ford might have been at a lower interest rate and the Jeep higher
Comment from : @edwsal59

Is a drive off charge unavoidable for a car purchase? I'm talking about the amount you pay to take it off the lot
Comment from : @rainbowunicornninjas

it's all talk You'll be lucky to find a lease purchase at MSRP there is a market up on everything!!!
Comment from : @njfinests

What about one pay lease, (if you’ve discussed this I apologize)??? I’m thinking of doing that within the next few months and I’d like some info on it…
Comment from : @lordschild673

I still can't figure out why anybody would lease a vehicle Maybe if it was like $200 a month??
Comment from : @wantsanewvehicle

Ray, looking at a 2023 Durango Would like to lease it for $500/month The price is $59,000 Do you think I can get that payment with no money down?
Comment from : @edraginjr

We’ve lease our vehicles for years A couple times we paid off the residual and kept the car for a bit We drive only about 4k miles a year and like not having to worry about repairs, plus having updated features Currently we have a paid off Infinity G50, but no deals out there so just keeping it until deals come back
Comment from : @deetorrance3659

Are we back to times when we can negotiate the price?
Comment from : @fitforever22

I get it but if you want a $500 lease payment instead of a $800 payment, you gotta put some money down
Comment from : @nicholasmantia9052

You do save on the rent charge by putting money down on the lease since you’re not financing that portion of the depreciation over the life of the lease
Comment from : @peterwright837

He also got the tax savings on the lease because the trade
Comment from : @zerohedge4087

Lease Porsches, Mercedes, BMW's, and Audi's
Comment from : @jamesdelap4085

Buying or leasing a Jeep is a giant red flag, as is buying or leasing any American car
Comment from : @nobodyimportant7804

First red flag : it's a lease What a waste of money! I would never lease anything Not even a toaster 😂 Thanks for the video
Comment from : @joseCalderon1976

Omg, I'm even more confused about leasing now! I've never understood all the number stuff
Comment from : @Juice421fs

Never lease
Comment from : @robertfrost1683

Quite frankly I have learned that you NEVER EVER BUY FROM A DEALERSHIP EVERbrbrThey are the SCUM OF THE EARTH
Comment from : @SilverSidedSquirrel

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