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My 7 Best Tips for a Self-Taught Guitarist

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Title :  My 7 Best Tips for a Self-Taught Guitarist
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Frames My 7 Best Tips for a Self-Taught Guitarist

Description My 7 Best Tips for a Self-Taught Guitarist

Comments My 7 Best Tips for a Self-Taught Guitarist

- Introduction (00:07) - About YouTube Leaning (01:19))br0) The Letter (02:18)br1) Posture (05:58)br2) How to use a Strap (08:08)br3) Fingering & Picking Exercise (09:32)br4) How To Learn Triads (Understanding the Fretboard) (12:45)br5) Root 3rd 7th / Swing Groove (15:35)br6) Strumming Open Chords (17:45)br7) Shuffle Blues Riff (19:00)brX) More advice (John Mayer Story) (22:05)
Comment from : @TomoFujitaMusic

It's really surprising that I saw so much benefit from the video even though I watched it 3 years after it was published I was shocked even with the first step I realized that I wasn't sitting properly and my posture was bad And I've been playing the guitar for 6 months Since I was holding the entire weight of the guitar neck in my hand, my left hand was getting very tired and I was carrying the guitar with my hands Thank you for uploading this video, it's really helpful If even the first step made such a difference, I can't imagine how useful the whole video will be
Comment from : @haluk9566

It’s gotta be an amazing feeling to teach young aspiring musicians and watch them build a whole career on the skills you taught them
Comment from : @HennyBangs

I'm so glad I found this channel after seeing other channels and getting mixed results, Tomo makes sense to me, @JustinGuitarSongs luv your site to, you have many great videos and lessons, thanks guys!
Comment from : @bedroomrockstudios408

i like writing riffs but i do not what it is what they're based on to expand it into a song or even a coherent progression This has been very enlightening and am considering guitar wisdom as well
Comment from : @wyvernx666

I love you Mr Tomo, but I think I was not nice and encouraging, I am sorry
Comment from : @matthewwieszun1321

Manny just spoke for whole nation, thank you man! :)
Comment from : @creativemushroom9157

What a teacher !! Posture … Love it
Comment from : @WyattLite-n-inn

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge for guitar self-taught practicing 🙏
Comment from : @iyekmusic

Hey what's your advice for someone like me that got scammed and lost everything 💔 and can't afford your course and I was on my way to Being awesome and broke my back and I live on no money left after my country helps everyone except their own I help by cleaning guitars restring when I can to pay my costs
Comment from : @howardcoleman4748

My advice is to play a finger per fret and to not play to hard and get the lightest strings and to listen and learn and not play to fast and to busy and only play for half an hour and have a rest because I know because I had a dislocated arm and hand injury so watch your new teacher carefully because good technique is everything another thing is to play with a metronome or tap your foot in time and if you can sing the notes that can help a lot
Comment from : @howardcoleman4748

very helpful tips!! Thank you so much!
Comment from : @Ghoxfac3

I guess that all GUITARS are “self taught” to some extent because we have to make choices about application of learning Under the general definition, however, being "self taught" is the height of arrogance given there are so many generous experts out there who knows so much and are willing to share
Comment from : @ZRJZZZZZ

Lesson: Do not email Mr Fujita!
Comment from : @kesselrunheroj8497

Excellent advice I am self taught I have played for 20 years on and off I have only recently learned and understood the modal system I will take your suggestion and focus on the triad positionsbrbrThanks for your excellent videos, sir!brbrLove from the UK
Comment from : @MrLiamHenderson

Thank you, very helpful
Comment from : @BowadeOnMusic

I don't see the fingerpicking exercise written in the description
Comment from : @TheGbagwell

Wow! Thank you for sharing your guitar wisdom This lesson is invaluable for those of us who will really practice what it teaches
Comment from : @TaboraMusic

Thank you for your wisdom Professor 💫
Comment from : @JonvaTheREaLMusiqMentor

Save tomo fujita Save the world
Comment from : @Artyohm_

You have turned guitar playing into a martial art❤
Comment from : @michaeladams2644

Also play with other ppl in a full band to learn how to keep in time
Comment from : @worldofwonders21

I know people that work for 40 years at their job and they don’t get better : because they don’t carebrIn order to progress you need to want to learn and practice well
Comment from : @robford3211

thank you I promise I practice on these everyday
Comment from : @tinyrandomthings

TQ Mr Tomo San
Comment from : @fahmihashim

Life wisdom from Mr Fujita - 22:04 - Thank you so much! Love your channel
Comment from : @quailstudios

Though I was a classic pianist for the past 20 years, I always wanted to learn the guitar when I was young Recently, I fell back in love with guitars, going through Mateus Asato and John Mayer videos I have been hovering the Sweetwater website cart section with hesitancy to pull the trigger on my first guitar I think this video gave me the courage to start something new I'll be looking for guidance for my new journey Can't wait to learn your lessons Thank you!
Comment from : @jk25653

Mr Fujita - can’t help but think how great it would be if you were my neighbor 😏🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸✌️
Comment from : @coycarlson4979

22:04 That definition was everything I appreciarted so much, big hug for you
Comment from : @jirehjohnson8377

Hello, very excellent Yotube channel, I have a question concerning Strings for Lead guitar I Use D’addario string same model Nile Rodgers use for rhythm style Disco but I feel the high strings G/D/E they are very sharp for my finger specially while playing chords , so what brand or model you think will give similar sound but are softer for my hand ? I am sorry tk ask but I don’t want to keep trying many I need experience from you so to cu it short as much as I can & sure I will have to try other brand & sometime you don’t find similar form the first time, so your advice can minimize this a big amount , thank you so much for your time 🙏🙏🙏
Comment from : @amrsalahmahmoud3034

Thank you for your knowledge
Comment from : @RockyHamblock

and remember new playerspractice the S0-Do-Mibecause when you pawn your stuff the owners will do something to yourhhehenvrmnd
Comment from : @Rammett

Man, hearing Tomo’s comment about the 6 months really hit home I feel like a wall has been hit for a couple years Any teacher rec’s for the OC? 🙂🙂
Comment from : @nowhereismyhome1458

As always, what fantastic insight This is the reason why you teach some of the greatest guitarist of all time Thank you, this one is being bookmarked and I will re-watch it many times!
Comment from : @Fastlane05

Thank you
Comment from : @daveharrison3655

I haven’t even started watching this video yet, but I wanted to say that in my opinion, there is no such thing as a self taught guitarist these days We learn from a plethora of teachers and hold very few dear to our hearts the whole journey Even though I’m not an official Berkeley student, (and have yet to finish any course in its totality that I have signed up for)…I consider my best teachers to be the ones that us slow students keep … throughout the whole journey… returning to again and again and learning the most from Thank you, 💜Tomo…for all you have taught us!🙏
Comment from : @manyvibes1540

8 months vision impaired beginner THANK YOU! Strangely I have made more progress "self-taught" from YouTube videos than I did with a teacher I was with for 3 months, as I was also using videos alongside the material and advice he gave me I felt he struggled to put it in words for me and was used to "look at me" and i had to keep reminding him I can't see what he's doing properly lol but solid advice this video was I knew about that thumb thing but as time went on, i guess i started slacking so when i picked up my guitar to do what you said and noticed my thumb was a drunk sea sailor trying to dance lol and the thing about the triads blew my mind! I need to learn those phrases you said out loud I'll continue watching the video but just had to stop and comment Thanks so much!
Comment from : @shockafter7

Pickboy picks for the win!!!!
Comment from : @thetanman2233

This lesson will help me move some of what I learned at Berklee many years ago from my mind to my fingers I was an arranging/composition major who played the drums I only made it for 2 years Mastering this lesson will bring a huge improvement to my guitar playing brThank you Mr Fujita You have a very generous heart
Comment from : @craigbachman5765

Thank you, Tomo San Thank you for sharing your wisdom I am a beginning, self-taught piano player of 25 years and just bought my first acoustic guitar 8 weeks ago and my first electric guitar 2 weeks ago Once I learned how to read music, I was and I am like a wide-eyed child in a candy shop I love to learn new songs every week and play music from sheet music that I've acquired over the past two years I, finally, have some calluses on my fingers and can now chord without too much pain and distortion I am learning to understand music theory and it's starting to make some sense You give me the inspiration to continue my musical journey I am in the winter of my years but I am TOTALLY enjoying the final voyage Keep up the good work
Comment from : @Gr8FriknApe

On the posture thing my first teacher taught me to always play standing up To this day I rarely play sitting
Comment from : @bluglass7819

I find you and your content really condescending and rude
Comment from : @oliverlieberman

My two favorite teachers that I never feel bored with Tomo Fujita and Paul David’s
Comment from : @jejuislandtrekker8113

The best 2 guitar players i knew have no clue what a c chord was or how to read music They both could hear a song they never heard before play one or 2 times than they could play it without missing a note Amazing how they could do that
Comment from : @mikga45

I started with three finger picking My next step is to focus on my left hand I'm already incorporating slides with many of my chords brbrAfter two years I am now up to 5 finger rolling and tapping At 48, I just wish I started playing seriously much much earlier in life I always hated the grind
Comment from : @Shawn_Bechard

Learn tunes All the theory in the world means nothing without learning tunes Tunes are like the numbers in math You can know what addition, subtraction, and multiplication is, but it's all pointless if you don't know what a 5 looks like Tunes are the numbers, theory is the function There's literally no point in knowing what the key of G is unless you know at least 2 songs in the key of G, and also know some songs in another key to know the difference Learn as many tunes as you can
Comment from : @dubhmor

I am from india I am self thaught guitarist playing since 9 years I am stuck too i am a pentatonic player And luckily with God's grace i found a person named yogiclef he is like a big brother to me And he is the one who really seriously insisted me to watch tomo fujita sir's videos And trust me buy watching all his videos i feel so releaved and confident , his videos are truly a direction for all the self thaught guitarists like me and many others brI hope you stay blessed and healthy and happy brThank you so much for sharing all the knowledge in the most paitent and loving manner brSomeday i will learn everything from your videos and be a good sensable player ❤brThanking you brNANDITH MISHRA
Comment from : @nandithmishra8751

I know this is random but are you Korean at all? You sound like one of my favorite korean streamers and I instantly became a fan of you
Comment from : @justincbryant

My advice if you're going to go the YouTube route with learning guitar Research who is out there as there are MANY and pick the one you connect with the best Again, in my opinion TomoFujitaMusic is the right one for me Thank you Tomo!
Comment from : @dmatt1116

Comment from : @lawrencetaylor4101

Thank you so muchbrGod bless you!
Comment from : @TheHungryTrio

Thank you for the great advice once again 🎸
Comment from : @jrapheal1

I am failing the first point, my posture has always sucked
Comment from : @steveo_o6707

It’s kind of magical when I have learnt a little bit how to play the guitar and hear myself making music wow
Comment from : @cliftonjarvis8010

i picked up a guitar at nine or ten and thought i was too good for the disc it came with xd & didnt have access to classes so here i am at 19 n playing again so future me, how you doin?
Comment from : @non-suspiciousgrandmother6616

Lee Trevino the famous Mexican golfer was once asked why he had never had a golf coach His reply was that when he could find a coach who could beat him he would hire him Tommy Emmanuel was self taught
Comment from : @tom5216

If you learn classical guitar, you do need a very good qualified teacher to start with For a start you should know what is meant by good That alone needs a lot of researchs and studies Watching YouTube doesn't tell you who play with good technique if you are not well informed and educated The performer might be able to play impressively but with bad technique, and you don't know That's why you need a "qualified" teacher who himself learned from good lineage Modern classical guitar technique is young, the lineage is traceable
Comment from : @johnlay3040

I'm 15 and came back to playing guitar yesterday (i tried a few times before but i never managed to keep consistent) so i'm very much a beginner I'm looking for any good tips and lessons, and i just discovered your channel, and i wanted to let you know that you're the coolest guitar teacher i've ever seen Thanks for this video
Comment from : @poprostupankejks

okay now can someone explain what hes talking about
Comment from : @DavisStanley

9:00 words of wisdom from Fajita-san
Comment from : @adriaticvineyards

I'm so glad I found your channel Tomo I have already benefit greatly from watching and listening to you You are a gifted teacher and I appreciate you
Comment from : @jayroc9933

b back 4 more when head clear slept
Comment from : @cyriltouboul9981

Hahahaha mr bean, love it 😂😂😂
Comment from : @SirYeetusIII

I almost never comment, but this video is so incredible I just had to Thank you so much for your tips, and your work
Comment from : @dylanp5945

Very helpful Thank you 😊
Comment from : @chrislamotte8075

So much there!!! Thank you so much, Tomo! 😊
Comment from : @gerdagregerson

4) How To Learn Triads (Understanding the Fretboard) (12:45)brbrPay a lot of attention to this lesson here
Comment from : @tcurrid8059

Comment from : @say_when5988

I really appreciate your work
Comment from : @allenpascalkramerwhocares

Your awesomeyour amazingiloveyou teach Sefu
Comment from : @aaronodunkesenler2845

Unfortunately, there are proficient musicians who are not professional teachers brbrThose you mentioned who were students of yours, yourself, or guys like JustinGuitar identify as teachers Y’all are always connecting technicality, musicality and what drives the student
Comment from : @jeffreyahanson

Thank You!
Comment from : @donaldemeyer

You know 2 year ago i didnt even know who john mayer was tbh i dont really know why i clicked on this video because im quite happy with my progress never thought i could get so far by looking at something and saying i can do that and never thought that i would be addixted to sitting in my room hours on end with any instrument
Comment from : @MrWubbage

Domo arigato, Tomo sensei!
Comment from : @rod-abreu

MrFujita Please do a lesson on Delta blues
Comment from : @nyaydharp8530

Appreciated Peace
Comment from : @zekethetank

awesome video and lesson, i enjoy your pacing and flow! thank you!
Comment from : @Nickhannamusic

Spoke to an orthopedic surgeon once He said by looking at your injuries he tell you exactly what instrument you play One of his recommendations was not to use the footstool because it twists your spine in an unnatural position for many hours at a time practicing Now I can't explain it in the same detail as he did But I never thought that bad posture or technique can literally put an end to a musician's career?
Comment from : @hhattingh

I honestly find that holding the guitar on the left foot and raised, at an angle is much more comfortable, the "classical guitarist position", or with a strap, higher a bit Thank you for your wisdom
Comment from : @AlexanderOrion

You’re the best
Comment from : @dalonergan

Comment from : @Jesusmaverick89

Loved this video and many others best one so far life changing
Comment from : @Jesusmaverick89

“Guitar makes you a nicer person”brbrSo true
Comment from : @dreasey

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