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How To Start Learning The Piano - Self Taught!

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Title :  How To Start Learning The Piano - Self Taught!
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Comments How To Start Learning The Piano - Self Taught!

Comment from : @DiizzyLizzy

6:20 That's my favorite track
Comment from : @HappyHealthyHEI

I'm new here HibrbrI have a keyboard i got from an aunt I want to learn how to play clair de lune and ballad of the windfishbrbrand also maybe possibly learn how to make new music because i'm annoyed at the lack of music that's specifically what i want for dnd
Comment from : @seaborgium919

No, start with scalas and children songs…
Comment from : @roelandvisser

There’s no music playing 😂
Comment from : @maurrielivingston5679

WOW! So good!
Comment from : @poprostupiano

So hard to learn piano alone 😞
Comment from : @huda0000

😅use the Klavarscribo method
Comment from : @thomas-xj1hs

Has anyone taught themselves using Alfreds All-IN-One Adult method book I started just before Christmas so I’m about 1/3 of the way through Is this a good way to go I also want to learn how to “groove” with the piano…basically to take a chord progression and improvise to it
Comment from : @scottelder7648

I've always played the piano since I was little but never got lessons or got bothered to learn so I just spent so much fucking time learning from these tutorials in YouTube with the falling notes 😭
Comment from : @AceGI380

i was an athlete and i am only 14 years old, i used to love playing badminton but all those years the only thing i felt was pressure, anger and devastation, it was traumatic, waking uo every day and feeling your head explode from thinking too much about improving and the judgement of other people, the state before you go to training, wasted moments from your teenage times, and many more, i should have been okay if i was weak but happy, but i was good but not happy, not any more, and now i quit, i did not deserve all that stress at a ripe age of 14, and recentlypiano has been in my mind some time, i feel like i could express my feelings through playing piano, and that i would find comfort in it, and this time, i choose piano, not my parents and i think i will love it forever
Comment from : @JerishAnza-qk5ii

Simply Piano ads all the timee
Comment from : @12KeysPiano

Excellent content! I am just starting in my sixties and using this experience to keep my brain engaged
Comment from : @ErgoSummer

can i use a keyboard for starters? i'd really rather a piano, but i cant afford one (and even if i could, theres no space in my house, unless i placed it like in the middle of the kitchen lol which is not an option) i have a keyboard in my room, though, so i was wondering if i could use it
Comment from : @miaumeows

Thank you! 🙏🏾 😊
Comment from : @expresshonal

what's the point though, is it worth it to learn piano?
Comment from : @LuminousSuperstar

Parl chiu veloc m arraccumann
Comment from : @enjoyermanno

Comment from : @PancinKulukulu

There are no pedals on my piano What should I do?
Comment from : @IlyasTechnology-m8l

My piano does not have pedals
Comment from : @IlyasTechnology-m8l

"Alright, new years and i want to play the piano Lets see what i need Oh right, a piano I dont have one I give up"brbrUpdate, I drew a piano Like, pencil and paper drew A lot of notes as well Can't play it, cause it's paper, but still useful to learn I think
Comment from : @Thecoolgaming1000

3:42 Five main categories
Comment from : @Silver77cyn

This is fantastic I'm someone who took piano for years as a kid and just never "got" it I always thought I just didn't have the mind for it, but watching my son excel at violin (his teacher used the word "exceptional"), I felt inspired to try again I'm realizing that I was just too young and too inexperienced to realize that I just needed to learn in a different way and it's so exciting! Too bad YouTube wasn't a thing back in the 1900's 😂 Keep up the great work, it's much appreciated!
Comment from : @kplicanic

I just started playing piano and I can finally play a song I wanted to try but I can only do it by flexing my hands as hard as possible 😂
Comment from : @calebpenny-kosser2029

I just bought a keyboard because I’ve been wanting to learn to play piano for such a long time so I just bought a cheap keyboard with 61 keys and it has nothing that he said is recommended to buy so just be honest with me am I fucked?
Comment from : @LuukaJordan

scales, chords, triadswtf bro this is definitely not something someone looking to start learning the piano for the first time needs to know
Comment from : @fjsioewiox

Just wanted to ask as someone who quit when I was a kid but is deciding to go back to playing: is it better to use piano books or apps that aren't simply piano? Or both?
Comment from : @billie-jv5ll

You don't really need reading sheet to understand theory or compose music
Comment from : @Chazal-k6t

Aural skills or oral skills am I right? 😏😏
Comment from : @juoonlancer7962

Thank you!
Comment from : @michaelblack1354

Excited to get started learning the piano! ! Let's chat Matthew :)
Comment from : @Pierretlambert

That piano from scratch recommendation was a huge help! My wife and I opened Christmas presents early cause she's going back home for Christmas (we're stationed overseas, I'm watching the dogs) I've made it a short term goal to at least learn my way around the keyboard and at least learn some basics in the next ten days Thanks for the lesson! I'm sure my journey will lead me back to your videos later!
Comment from : @cuff2860

Thank you This is exactly what I was looking for a real honest approach to beginning to play piano I’ve been playing for seven years and can play many of the classics close to tempo I still have a long way to go, but it’s so refreshing to see that I’m on the right track within reason Your explanation was very helpful and I’m sure we’ll be helpful to many many other people beginning to practice piano or looking to reinforce their current situation again thank you
Comment from : @jeffh5388

Hiii this video has really inspired me but I have a question!!! Lessons aren't really an option for me, because of several reasons (mostly money), but I want to try and learn piano propely with the grades Is it possible for me to teach myself with resources and pass a grade one exam? Or are lessons essential to learning things i need to know to pass? Also, if it is possible, do you know of any good books or channels or ither resources that would be helpful? Thank you so so much 🙏🙏🥳🥳
Comment from : @amy0r

Hello Matthew, I’m wondering when you started to learn how to play the piano and how long have you been playing for? Thank you
Comment from : @Trevlad11

Nice video, I have had a piano but I never really tried to learn the basics and practically just saw a video and played the notes without a care of things like scales and stuff but I do plan to start to learn and a Question that I had is that I have a piano book that someone gave me and I don't know if its a good book for a beginner or if i should use it later on The book is called contemporary class piano 8th edition by Elyse Mach
Comment from : @Oney-fu2el

I really dont want to learn thus super complex melodies and i dont even like it I only want to learn how to make a certain depth with melodies and the most important chords and how to add/release energy in a chord progression or melody so i know which chords and which notes can i use without needing to try out everything I just want to be able to create a depth in my songs with those melodies
Comment from : @theunconciousmind7314

I dont even have a piano
Comment from : @Yul3ne

I like video games so I just looked up ss Anne n started playing Learning sheet music and all that is intimidating and time consuming I’ll get there eventually but me personally if I had to do all that I would’ve never even started
Comment from : @Tay234

Bro my piano have only 61 keys ;-;
Comment from : @Ulam009

thx for advise
Comment from : @НикитаТимошенко-к6п

What is the difference between a digital piano and an acoustic piano
Comment from : @Sayan-t5o

I hope you read my comment but i only have a 1987 yamaha with 48 keys, how should i go about learning? So far i have learned the notes and the keys and landmarks and have a bit of sight reading skill but lack of keys on some songs lead me to only learning the melody with my right hand I do hand independence exercises from pianote videos though
Comment from : @waffleson45

imagine reading sheet music lmfao
Comment from : @yourmom-fx4sw

As a music producer I was already really familiar with music theory and I also have great listening skills I'm watching this because I just want to play some classical songs on my piano for fun because I really appreciate them
Comment from : @NeonBeeCat

Ive never been more confused in my life lmao maybe this aint for me
Comment from : @z0xy4

Hello, do you have any particular recommendations on learning jazz piano theory and improvisation ? I'm a music producer and my main goal is to be able to improvise complex jazz chord progressions in the studio I'd say im a low to medium level classical pianist with 21 years of age If you or anyone reading this comment have any particular YouTube videos, websites, courses or books to recommend to learn in the most efficient and comprehensive way, I'll be very happy to hear from you !
Comment from : @madd2377

Lol at "There's no music playing" 😂
Comment from : @TheFoolsGuild

one of the worst video i ever watch
Comment from : @archeryforfun

I just got simply piano as advertisement just now 💀💀
Comment from : @Lelia-playz-Roblox-sa

Love the channel As you are one of the only people who have mentioned it What route would you recommend for the electronic music producer ?
Comment from : @angelus1417

I would love to learn how to doodle to sound a little bit like KJ
Comment from : @YT2024Hayward

Thanks for the video Is there anything I can do as an absolute beginner that has yet to buy my first piano? I have been saving up to buy one for the last few months and I'm interested in learning - but have nothing to play on yet I'm honestly just learning for pure passion and interest So, this nothing official nor graded I considered learning to read sheet music while I save but is that a good place to start? Or should I really wait until I have a piano in front of me? I was going to buy the Casio CT-S1 61 simply because thats all I can afford - but I do want to eventually transition to an 88 key once I worked my way up there Though I am considering I may have to save a bit longer to afford an 88 key digital piano
Comment from : @applestain

Hello, i have been playing piano for 10 years, I want to learn how to play by ear I have never learned chords and how they work, does anyone know a good book to learn them?
Comment from : @TylerDurden_F1ght_Clu3

Liked the vid but I think sheet music is overrated tbh doesn't seem like anything I'd be interested in tbh just playing for fun so I can play somnus from FF15
Comment from : @Tricykel

The first song my grandma wanted me to learn was fur elisa and after 8 months of learn by myself with no parent I completed the song now I can play
Comment from : @WAFFLE_AKA

I currently play on midi controller with semi-weighted keys What are the reasons for weighted keys? Do they have better dynamic range or is it to better mimic real piano?
Comment from : @nyksiss

I have a casio could i learn on that?
Comment from : @urmilad6768

Great video Is there a similar one as it relates to guitar?
Comment from : @therhyzrd1961

As someone who watched this and listened to his advice I learned how to play Wicked Game by Chris Isaak in 2 weeks lmao
Comment from : @zackplauche

Question do i need to be abke to read sheet music in order to be good music prod, like chords
Comment from : @kronideus_portfolio

Rodriguez Anna Gonzalez Donna Perez Ronald
Comment from : @BettyHernandez-j2o

"Putting your hand upside down" I often have that issue 😂
Comment from : @wokecults

Can we use yamaha e403
Comment from : @archieotn

Comment from : @ShreyasGurikar

What’s the difference between weighted keys and graded hammer action? I’m looking at getting a new keyboard and aren’t sure to get… which would be the closest to a real piano?
Comment from : @lukeyraptor6738

Youtube taught me
Comment from : @diannadahlke7548

I’m watching this in need but I already know how to play beethoven moonlight Sanata 3 mov
Comment from : @cspaw1639

I'm a 36 year old beginner and I have chosen to learn through Alfred's Premier Piano Express: 1 & 2 My first "big" goal is to complete each lesson in both books My "small" goal is to complete a daily lesson Once I complete that, I hope to have a solid foundation to keep going and begin playing songs that I want Wish me luck!
Comment from : @FredHenry1850

The Deathly Hallows is staring into my soul
Comment from : @samwamui

Don't do the mistakes i madeBUT those mistakes made you what you are now
Comment from : @gutinstinct4067

At 8:04 you’re also too close to the piano, your shoulders to your wrist should make a 90 degrees, half square
Comment from : @flvffcinna

I didnt understand what music theory is, is it all of the knowledge around chords, scales, aural skills, etc?
Comment from : @flvffcinna

What Electric Piano would you go for as a beginner? What prize range? brThanks for the great insights and motivation 😊
Comment from : @Dominik-dj2mj

These are great comments and match with my thoughts, i have changed ways of learning my piano
Comment from : @abongkenneth3227

The fact he didn't say "use simply piano" automatically makes this a good video
Comment from : @SupiSuki

Im taking two months to learn binks no sake 😭😭
Comment from : @DarthvaldoDev

came for the tips, stayed for the b-roll
Comment from : @mariannerady1137

Why did you just say unless you have the head to play by ear? You don’t know how to play a piano and you never will so don’t even try
Comment from : @ThreePhaseHigh

The 'How to set goals' part also works for like 99 of the other things in life
Comment from : @firenzetanke2272

Yep, I give upbrbrNo idea how I managed to learn grade 1 piano back in primary school, this all sounds too complicated to me now
Comment from : @WilliamChoochootrain

I just love how piano sounds and i want to write songs abd know all the keys I also want to play with borh hands
Comment from : @stephiem09612

I have a keyboard That is not have any of those things so I am so lost
Comment from : @Kira-v5v6h

I learned in a community college setting for 3 yrs, a private teacher for 3 months which did a whole lot, and currently I’m self teaching myself techniques, which none of the others provided For instance, tilting your head 45 degrees to the left or right to hit a chord or note which will utilize body memory! Piano is such a gift!
Comment from : @justintran3265

You not only laid out how to learn the piano but how to achieve literally any goal you want Way to go man As a self taught musician you really nailed the trouble behind teaching yourself which is you really have no idea what to learn Bravo
Comment from : @ethanmcquaid1

10:14 if the stickers on the piano only show the stave location, surely that’s a good thing to aid learning?
Comment from : @dandrivermota

Holy shitbrbrThat short term long term goal setting plan doesn’t just apply to piano Thank you🙏🏽
Comment from : @psychedelicbdsm7301

Came to learn how to learn the piano Left with a better understanding of setting life related goals 😭
Comment from : @business-advice-that-works

I'm 30 and just started playing, even thought I have played some piano by ear before I'm in no way experienced My mother had a book with notes for children songs that I'm using to help me learn how to read basic sheet music and it's very handy
Comment from : @Dial8Transmition

Comment from : @nelsonthekinger

Very helpful info Thank you
Comment from : @socba2085

I my going to be a self taught piano player Immediately goes to you tube!
Comment from : @thefunkstone5153

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