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What Camera Makers Don’t Want You To Hear

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Title :  What Camera Makers Don’t Want You To Hear
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Comments What Camera Makers Don’t Want You To Hear

Every photographer should watch this Thank you!
Comment from : @Thrice_Greatest

I do like the sentence "use the gear you have to its full extent" I think that is something that seasoned photographers do almost intuitively, no matter what gear happens to fall into their hands Once you have the gear you need, or maybe just the somewhat more limited compromise you can afford, that is the end of the gear topic Period! brbrThere is absolutely no point in spending any more thought on gear Instead, get down to recognizing good motives and making - depending on your taste - beautiful or impressive picturesbrbrWhether the lens you used came from Zeiss and weighed more than your cat or the lens you used was more comparable to the bottom of a beer-bottle is of no avail It's the picture that counts
Comment from : @simonpayne7994

Are you Alex kilbee? Associating a photo with a random name doesn't mean much when you haven't actually told people that's your name Just wanted to mention that
Comment from : @melody3741

I bought a Leica that is from 1958 first single stroke year I love it more than digital I have to work carefully and more paying attention , still , I am happy brNew cameras are wonderful , and their value crashes after 5 years as they are rapidly out dated brInvest in timeless equipment
Comment from : @chrisloomis1489

With knowledge you can do photography; without knowledge you will only take pictures (like anyone)
Comment from : @joalva63

How do I get to that portfolio review as you’ve previously mentioned?…
Comment from : @silvestersze9968

What about more Pixel? I use what I have but I prefer VR lenses an MF cameras I currently Use D700 and D800E and have only prime lenses I will upgrade to D850 and 400mm F28 G VR, 24-70mmF28 E VR, 70-200mmF278 E VR during the coming years and next year a Zeiss Milvus 50mmF20
Comment from : @thomaseriksson6256

Curiosity is the basic tool
Comment from : @borislebeau524

I like your "Lens personality" point I thought about the fact I seem to always gravitate to one lens in my large collection as if it's a friend or photography partner Your video had me picking the lens up and looking closely at it to ponder I seem to even wish to thank the lens for helping me express myself Anyway, great video said by a new subscriber
Comment from : @TacoTeaser

“The best camera is the one that’s with you”brbr- Chase Jarvis
Comment from : @jeremyreid9582

I love the challenge of getting the shots I want out of my phone I feel it pushes my to work things out
Comment from : @RichardOldroyd

Comment from : @coralinemartinsen7590

The best camera ever is the one you currently own
Comment from : @vladimirnesic

As the story goes, when Ansel Adams was asked what the best camera was, he replied, "The one you have with you"
Comment from : @Drivr555

You crazy man and your crazy common sense approach to photography is simply such a breath of fresh air to the crazy world of gimmicky YouTube content
Comment from : @stephenroberts7828

This one video seems like it was shot with new gear, it's more saturated and sharper?
Comment from : @50shadesofNV

After I moved into the 5D IV with L series lens, I really can't see the need to require any new gear, maybe ever At the age of 69 keeping the body working is more important than 'new' gear I'm considering a 24-70 f/28 to replace the 24-104 f/4, otherwise no new stuff except lens filters My external mic and flash perform just fine
Comment from : @FlatWaterFilms

A good eye is really important imho Composition is key and sometimes you’re just in the right place at the right time to get a great pic ! I’ve had GAS as a pro musician and now as a photographer … I’ve come full circle … keep it simple
Comment from : @GJSsongsmith

A couple of things came to mind during this very informative video:brbr1 Gear matters in that newer cameras or lenses with technological advances will make it easier to produce better images, but they won't necessarily do all the basic things you need to consider when making a photograph (ex composition) For that you still need a good foundational knowledge of photographybrbr2 I was recently feeling in a creative rut with my photography so I started researching creative briefs to spark my imagination Music came up as one of those, specifically the idea of translating a song title or lyric into a photograph Regrettably I have not started this project yet, but I love music and want to try this with some of my favorite bandsbrbr3 I love the idea that photographs are not good or bad It sounds like such an easy concept, but I feel like I'm stuck trying to see if I'm improving by asking others about the quality of my photographs The dark room story is a great illustration of this point Although technically the solarized photographs were not "good" or "correct" by traditional thinking they were different
Comment from : @cmucodemonkey

I get the biggest satisfaction when i come with a plan and everything falls into place rather buying new gear and shoot aimlessly
Comment from : @petrub27

Great video Alex,I personally get inspiration from listening to music songs from the 70s especially are very descriptive in describing a picture or a mood
Comment from : @andrewharvey8638

Wow, that one really cracked me up unexpectedly Thank you for "The Dark Arts of Lumberjackery" LMAO
Comment from : @docDeutschmann

In my opinion, it’s best to still have a proper camera than a phone, not only it instantly improves the image quality, it gives you a unconscious mindset of you’re taking photographs, not just open your phone and take a whatever shot, and possibly being distracted by it Furthermore, get a camera you feel good with, a camera that gets you to go out and take photos I always prefer something light, and I’m comfortable using it for long hours
Comment from : @szx01

I'm a filmmaker and a photographer To me, there aren't any big improvements to digital photo quality in past few years The only thing I actually notice improving is video quality And the jumps aren't even that big! I'm still waiting for a camera that will seem like a noticeable improvement from my X-T3
Comment from : @Thepietro5000pp

I still love using my Canon 60d, my first serious digital camera I have more expensive gear but sometimes I just feel like keeping it simple! Great video
Comment from : @dianasanner8141

I was fortunate enough to start my photography journey at the same time as I was studying for mechanical engineering, it wasn’t long before I realised that technically photography is box governed by a very basic formula, so basic that for any practical situations it was completely irrelevant, so basic that even the cheapest couldn’t screw it up, film stock and lenses were more significant, though still a small percentage of the components of an image
Comment from : @nilofido411

Solid advice Alex That I am taking 😊
Comment from : @jonathanm9436

As former Army photographer I would say yes to everything you said, but first learn the technical aspects of photography Digital is great and I have a good quality digital SLR I would say start out with a good basic full manual 35 mm film camera with a basic 50 mm lens using B&W film 125 speed and 400 speed asa film brAlso if you can learn to develop your own film because half of photography is in the darkroom With digital it’s photoshop You may have an okay picture but working it with burn and dodge plus other techniques can mak it a great photo
Comment from : @Jerry10939

I've got no interest in buying a traditional camera, I only use my iPhone (recently updated to 14 PM), and I believe I get decent photos, and in fact print and hang them Watching videos like this, encourages me to get better - for me, and me only Photography is the most personal art, and I find it relaxing and fulfilling Thank you for another nice video, Alex
Comment from : @iphoneography

Still addict to GAS Consumerist mentality has been crammed in our heads
Comment from : @mr_cramberry

its crazy what the older dslrs have depreciated to, like an 80d is now 500 bucks which i find mind boggling
Comment from : @imreallydamntired

In the Philippines we called videos like this as "Puro Talkies" meaning no sense
Comment from : @aaronnerisanchez7322

I’m a printmaker, not a photographer, but I’ve been watching your videos for the last couple of months for inspiration in my own craft This video validates my heretofore furtive investigations, and so I subscribed Thanks!
Comment from : @richardstockham4320

This video should be one that every new photographer should listen to Thanks, and keep the content coming!!
Comment from : @robertmccutchan5450

“You take great pictures! You must have a good camera!”
Comment from : @BackFocus11

My eyes are glued to that cable near the wall…
Comment from : @Cvevas

Not the camera, but the photographer composing the frame
Comment from : @arricammarques1955

Thanks Alex, excellent video
Comment from : @Barzyz01

My first personal camera was a Konica auto reflex T It came with a 52mm lens Konica offered about 40 lenses that I couldn't afford But I had great fun with my Konica I still enjoy the camera and many of those first years of my photography I just take pictures of of whatever catches my eye because I am just a hobby photographer
Comment from : @markgoostree6334

Matching your personality Is good advise I am so worried about getting the wrong gear
Comment from : @ladymary22

Paintings creeping into your videos 🙏
Comment from : @wolfgangtoeglhofer1710

The best tutorial YouTube channel on photography One question: which videosystem/camera/microphone do you use to produce your videos here?
Comment from : @wolfgangtoeglhofer1710

Very well said Alex The sell of mirrorless at the moment is a prime example
Comment from : @rob9263

Thank you All the best 👍📷😎
Comment from : @Rob1340

Thank you for the inspiring video, as always Just a short remark: At 5:23 it should be "Ellen von Unwerth" not "Ellen Von Unworth"
Comment from : @guntherbahr7717

It's interesting that Joel Meyerowitz quote about having a lens that matches your personality because when I moved to mirrorless, I ended up with a native manual prime lens, in a focal length I'd never used before and I find it really has become the focal length I'm most comfortable with Another welcome side effect from this lens is I have found myself trying new things out with it directly because of the focal length
Comment from : @joetrent4753

You are so inspiring! Thank you for all those great videos!
Comment from : @skayodev

thank you
Comment from : @gluteusmaximus5094

Alex, we’re can I see more of your photography work? 🤗
Comment from : @jamesmoros1274

Experimenting is a brave thing to do
Comment from : @moilami1

thank you for your experience
Comment from : @GkPhotographic

I've been shooting for a while, but I'm now making this journey with video I started with a GoPro After a while, I realized I needed better sound, so I got a little shotgun mic Eventually I moved to a lav mic wireless system Later I wanted a better look in my videos, and I needed a backup camera anyway So I got an R6 And I've been teaching myself video editing and story telling along the waybrbrI didn't start out with high-end video gear and a pro editing suite Only when my skill and knowledge allowed me to actually profit from a change did I do so The gear I already have is always good enough, until it isn't
Comment from : @JohnDrummondPhoto

Your anecdote about Man Ray actually involved the fabulous photographer, Lee Miller She and Ray were working in the darkroom when something ran over her foot She instinctively snapped on the light and Ray immediately snapped it off again and threw the not fully developed negatives into a fixer in a desperate attempt to save them The result was the solarized image, which became a hallmark of each of their work in the futurebrYou could do far, far worse choose to study Miller for a subject, as a photographer and a New Woman She was both an outstanding talent and beauty, and a tragic figure
Comment from : @trevor9934

Superb video, as always Thanks Alex
Comment from : @kevinbull6597

Thanks mate
Comment from : @AK-hk2pd

Not having money has been great for not buying gear I got two lenses from Goodwill online but I don't think they're very good My brother got me a longer zoom, 18-110 or something I've got an old junky tripod and carry my camera in a padded lunch bag Lol I'd like a prime lens and a tripod And an ND filter and a polarizer Maybe upgrade to a full frame
Comment from : @LSpencer

appreciate monty python reference 😅
Comment from : @barret8

The best thing a beginner should invest in to this hobby is time
Comment from : @SHFT101

„Buy this new piano and your music will never be the same“ Well, that might not the whole story IMHO there is a minimal technical quality level you should reach to make photos you like I feel like, don't buy too much gear, buy better gear If you can invest x000 Euro, don't buy a cheap camera with 3-4 lenses and a flash Buy one good camera with one good prime lens Don't fight for f12 if you can get a much better lens with f28 Don't fight for 47MP if you can get a better sensor with 24MP Ask for quality not for features A good tool makes a good work A good tool in educated hands make great work, makes art Bad tools kill the sprout …
Comment from : @thomasgoetze

Simply the best,consistent advice! Thank you
Comment from : @xerobxxx

Thanks Alex, Great video ! I'm always willing to learn frustration because through frustration, you ask yourself why and that begins the process of resolving I applied this technic throughout my life in what ever field I've worked in
Comment from : @tedbrown7908

I took wedding photos with an 8MP Canon 1DN I made photo books, canvases and prints It would be easy now to think that level of equipment is not professional The inconvenient truth is that any entry level equipment in 2022 is MORE than enough to do pretty much anything you want
Comment from : @britishrose9417

Nowadays I realise how equipment, gear and the pursuit for the highest image quality serves only to distract me from creating good images It's a lot easier to get a new, better lens or camera and examine images on a pixel level than to use what you have and create magic with it
Comment from : @TheArtist441

A little question: „howse house it“ is what i understand in the beginning What does it mean?
Comment from : @thomasgoetze

learning T stops (cinematography is equally difficult) willingness to learn the 4 part British photography challenge series on Bbc 4 earlier in yr was v engaging Informative video
Comment from : @johnclay7644

Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada here!
Comment from : @acrummey85

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