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How Much Does Social Security Disability Pay

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Title :  How Much Does Social Security Disability Pay
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Comments How Much Does Social Security Disability Pay

How do they expect people who are in ssi disability to survive?!! I understand it is not for comfort or luxury but with inflation since the 1950s it does not compute can we please advocate to raise disability benefits Over 98 percent of applicants are legit the application process is brutal it’s very hard to play the system you need doctor proof that you can’t work any job at all I know people who have no legs no arms or are blind or cancer who still DONT get benefits !! Please advocate for the truly disabled ! And let them live with dignity and have food and enough for housing electricity clothes !!
Comment from : @MMAdiehardfan

I get 947 dollar and I'm disabled
Comment from : @cherielilly2582

800 a month
Comment from : @MiltonDengler-r8k

I feel lucky that I had a good paying job and worked 10 hours a day six days a week for years I collect $2600 a month and my wife gets $1200 a month She worked hard for years to
Comment from : @bigbadjohnpesek9894

Nobody should be able to get any of this unless they paid into it that's what they told me
Comment from : @truthcentral4884

Hi Brian, I have SSI about 5yr ago and have been receiving about $848$ for two months before the so call over payment Now I am receiving $ 244 For 2-3 Months I wish I could work but I am in heart failure and respiratory failure Have any Idea what to do ? Three weeks I had a recertification with a Woman curiously, she pretend to or sound like a lawyer I asked her if she's One , Sadly the Bitch had no good intention, but her day is coming everyone has today for me ! Tomorrow it will be hre'ssssssss Be well E❤
Comment from : @estheracosta6510

Comment from : @Kakarotgoku2

How long should a benefit processed be in your claim to complete it at a processing center? It was sent there back in July and 2 days ago a benefit authorizer has started to finalize
Comment from : @MrUniqueLee

Why doesn't somebody explain that we pay in 4050 years to play this disability lottery game it's not ready to qualify or if you're able or if you even win disability it's a goddamn lottery our entire lives to play this goddamn stupid ass lottery game that you left hand doesn't know what the right hand is nobody knows what the hell's going on cuz it's a goddamn lottery I want a law firm that I can talk to you about suing the disability social security and I want pain and suffering for the goddamn too goddamn years I've lived here and I've been able to f*b***/b do a damn thing because of the pain and I can't get up out of bed who's going to pay me that
Comment from : @JeffScott-l3x

Comment from : @elvis-jj1sc

can you tell me when i get my first check i just was approved 2 weeks ago?
Comment from : @elvis-jj1sc

What do I get SSI and I’m 61 years old?? I’m ready
Comment from : @SandraRusso-h3h

I'm really surprised at the amount of money that you said people on SSDI receive I am on SSDI and it's 2024 and I did get a small raise and I get 900 and something a month it's supposed to be like $1,080 and they take out $174 for my insurance however I just had found out that somehow I got put on a Medicare Advantage plan And I never signed up for one I don't know if that's why I get such a smaller different amount that you have stated here I'm just very confused about the amounts It sounds almost like I'm getting SSI instead of SSDI how do I find out about that? Because I should be getting SSDI and I should not be on a Medicare Advantage plan
Comment from : @jacqwerner7919

SSA rejected my first application for SSDI but fortunately for me, I receive workers comp payments of 1870 biweekly because I was hurt at work My lawyer feels I should get it on appeal but they sent me more paperwork to fill out The 3740 I already get plus a possible 3600 from SSDI would be nice this year I'm getting started on that paperwork AGAIN
Comment from : @Ricksonkimura

I logged into ssi 3 years ago and the estimate of my ssi retirement was a little over $1800 month But in 2023 my full retirement amt was only $1490 Something stinks
Comment from : @alchemenergyacademy6231

I do not receive the average amount you stated
Comment from : @LadyDrewboger1963

What do you mean 5 years times up? 5 years not working? I need to quit working, it's killing me, and/or go to 2 days a week
Comment from : @Moreover3

If I get ssdi, do I have to get Medicare or can I keep Medicade?
Comment from : @dvsas4

My father in law was in the middle of getting his disability approved and was suppose to get 15mos worth of back pay but now he has passed away, do his children or the people in control of his estate still able to get that money?
Comment from : @ze_german2921

5 years from when you became disabled or your last job?
Comment from : @lunabee9606

How in the front door can the government👎 expect America citizens to survive with just that amount of money? The rent for a single bedroom studio, let alone an apartment, is over $100000 😢 how are they expected to live their lives with that Oh, wait, they will have children and live off of welfare? No That is not right
Comment from : @agentD99

I have question , im wearing hearing-aids over a year now and wondering if im qualify for SS disability after many years of hear problems?
Comment from : @garycayaditto7020

This is so untrue don’t know why you have the payments up so high ? I have been approved for only 300 A month so I’m ending up homeless ! Wow and going to be in a wheelchair very soon not to mention oxygen therapy which I cannot even afford this sucks so bad !!
Comment from : @SherR1983

I get letter about back pay payment But they do'sont tell me if they will give me or no and how for 2020_2021_2022brWhat can I do ???
Comment from : @tamtamtamatim4860

I am 54 in ky divorce and I have worked u got my in 2015 they first started giving me 1700 they took away some of my money don't know why but now I am only 934 a month and I have worked I was even a heavy equipment operator for 5 years and there saying that all I am qualified for which I should be getting more I am making just about the same as a none working I keep calling as and they all tell me something different I can't make it they told me I couldn't get a check on my kids there were under age I feel I am getting screwed around any advice you can give me?
Comment from : @angiebailey7854

Great info Thank you
Comment from : @lovewins8238

Got To Be A Big Difference In MississippibrInto Down , 🇺🇲📚🧷💩✍️👆🇺🇲⚖️📍☑️✔️
Comment from : @JoanMcCants-cs9tq

It’s routine and mandatory that you see they’re doctors also before you can be approved they put you through a lot but once they check everything out it’s full speed ahead long as your paperwork clears SSDI is real strict you also have to do a questionnaire it a lot but like I said if everything clears shouldn’t but with this congress we have today ain’t no telling what they’re up too!
Comment from : @shaunblock9392

Im in the reconsideration phase My initial claim took me 12 months to get a decision Will my reconsideration application be the same as my initial I hope it dont take that long
Comment from : @LifestyleWithDanielleLessie

Credits you need are based on your age You dont need 40 credits
Comment from : @maneevent1508

Thank you for the info 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @CharlesLuciano-xl2rn

Thank god I worked enough and made enough to get 2700 a month
Comment from : @cardevsan123

My lawyer told me social security keeps 5 months of my back pay is this true? Doesn't seem legal
Comment from : @johnnorvaisas

my x& i had family biz, he left w the $$$, almost a mil, i got injured on the job, he never paid the taxes i signed or the workers comp checks i made out, well it appeared i didnt work and he refi'd the house took the cash & never told me he refi'd im glad for how quickly my ss atty got things done when i reapplied & fought the denial i am fortunate a relative had a hard to rent home and i moved in after redoing the floors it was previously used as a Rottweiler breeding home
Comment from : @mjkay8660

I don't know you get $430 a month for disability I should be getting a 1000 some I've been getting robbed all these years I think it's wrong and it's so scared to use the same way They cut mine and hair so what can I? Do? You say people's getting a thousand some dollars well that's a lie
Comment from : @ronhinkle8258

0:01 I think you have #4 spelled incorrectly
Comment from : @LeonSheeter

I'm a 100 percenter from Vietnam service and get only $950 from SS
Comment from : @robertgilbert7400

My question that if you attack a people with disability, what is that means like what major Taylor Greene done and trump both of them they attack people with disabilities How is that? Can they get that to or not? That’s my question
Comment from : @brigspearman2171

My SSDI is 2,059 a month Im very fortunate Good health and blessings to all
Comment from : @maneevent1508

How do you guys get above $914
Comment from : @MelroseXXOfficial

I filled in 2000 but I only got back pay from 2004 it's crazy, I thought you got paid from time you filled, I really need some expert help, please 😢text me a phone number
Comment from : @reginainfo2080

I'm on SSDI and now spousel support I've can't get no info on my income I got my disability without an attorney, and now I can't find no legal help, Seems like even ss office won't help 🎉
Comment from : @reginainfo2080

This channel is doing Gods work Blessings to You, TDD chanell crew
Comment from : @waynerain2372

I fought my case for around 4 years and denied 3 times I got ssi but before I got my first check I got approved for my SSDI which I applied for But I got back pay for 3 months of ssi that's all since I didn't apply for that But as soon as I got approved for ssi I got approved for my SSDI and I lost all my back pay for SSDI is that right cause I had a lawyer and everyone that I talked to that had the same lawyer the same thing happened to them We all got 3 months of back pay for ssi and didn't get our back pay for SSDI is this normal or is this wrong
Comment from : @felixcarrillojr6851

If I'm retired on a company pension, but I have a disabilty that prevents me from finding any other employment can I apply for SSDI and if approved collect until my full retirement age of 67?
Comment from : @JohnGrahm

Need help with plan b premium
Comment from : @nolababy8368

If your SSDI amount is say $2k and your early retirement about is $1,600 a month, does your SSDI change once you reach retirement age say down to $1,600?
Comment from : @ImGlossy63

The Montley fool just posted because of no good job market bringing social security down to a low 😂but according to the jobs report on unemployment we are at a all time lowmore Biden government bsnot anything bad about your channel Brian they play so many games with people
Comment from : @eddieburgett9678

Always great videos Brian!
Comment from : @waynecsmith5145

The IRS hammers me with taxes every year What a joke!
Comment from : @AmericanConstellation

ive worked 35 years with average of 40000 to 60000 all 35 years, but will they let you reture at 52 53 ?? im exhausted, i get 1000 for my shoulder a month rom military, and i dont care about decreased ssn payment im exhausted and want enjoy life all my condo car is paid off are you allowed to retire early? or apply disability since im already 40 percent disabled by military
Comment from : @CORLEONESPORTS97

Im 30 yrs old and on SSDi an looking find a one bedroom apartment but I don’t make three times the rent
Comment from : @shaggy2955

Do you claim your SS disability check as income when doing your taxes or should you have taxes taken out of your monthly check?
Comment from : @bevh4399

No I still receive $900& change and in December 2nd I turned 65 years, so no thank you for listening
Comment from : @darlenegdejarnettejr1812

I'm on ssdi I been since 1982 now I'm 61 on social security retirement that I didn't no that put ne on So what do u need to so
Comment from : @sharonfurman7890

Ssi is income based as in if you are married and have other income SSDI is for work credits The max used to be 3400 a month It may have gone up with COLA
Comment from : @keywestmommom2254

thank u for the tip
Comment from : @viridianaivett6297

Can you ever work again if you get better?
Comment from : @aaronsil1452

I am 36 I was getting SSI and under my parents record but in 2023 payment went up they said I can't get SSI no more too much money I can only keep income under my parents record
Comment from : @JaneDoe-gc8dv

Recipients--- remember about how much $ your ssd rep will be receivingafter your approval
Comment from : @charleneferguson7564

91900 tnis year
Comment from : @lucieelizabethannwesson7016

Comment from : @lucieelizabethannwesson7016

I've been on SSD for years and I'm hurting financially only receive 18800 a month that's after rent is pd I don't understand why
Comment from : @cindytabor8083

Hmmm havent worked since 2012 Screwed!
Comment from : @jackfox5738

I am 58, married, got approved for disability, I got an a one time payment of $1,20000 and three payments of $10300the Social Security said I will be getting my regular disability at 62, what is up with this I have no income of my own now My husband has his SSI, SSI disability and pension, I now have to wait I just don't get it?| I even had to get a bank account in my name, which only has around 600 in it now
Comment from : @TheLamba444

Why can't I draw off my dad social security we'll he's alive instead waiting until he dies I drawed off my deceased mother's social security before she died now I just get her check I used to get two check But social security told me I have to wait until my dad dies in that's why I ain't drawing my maxing benefits from social security for being a disability child in I want to know why
Comment from : @lisahamilton9105

I just started the appeal process I've been on SSI for 16 yrs and NEVER had a review Finally had a review last month and they terminated my benefits I've got PTSD and have seen my therapist religiously every 3 months I take the meds he prescribes me too I'm so stressed out and confused My Dr disagrees with the decision to terminate benefits How do I move forward
Comment from : @dougstyles

I'm 56 got disability at 55 I get 841 dollars a month That's it
Comment from : @jimbowie9717

If I have 10 years wok only and 40 credits but my history work just part time how much I will get each month
Comment from : @HR1963

Comment from : @benjaminpauldimedio1683

I am on my reconsedration now for ssdibrIf I got approved do I get back pay since I applied ? Or since my reconsedration since in my inital they denyed me for non severe means they did not conseder I was disable when I applied
Comment from : @neveenhaldaman273

All the time I spent on the Social Security disability I never came across shopping credits
Comment from : @sentar6969

Would it be beneficial to have both Medicare and Medicaid for covered services? Doing a spend down for Medicaid for medical
Comment from : @bradleyvanzile1111

OK to cut to the chase They are saying that I have $300 of unearned income ,coming from???????
Comment from : @debidebb7028

Too high you don't get those numbers!
Comment from : @stalliontrainer

it sais in the bible people should have to work for a living they are not entitled to anything for just existing
Comment from : @johnsmith-rd3zx

what do the attorneys charge to help get your benefits? Also with this link and questionnaire will someone call from a call center and try to solicit ? IF so what are the typical fees and is there a term tied to your benefits? or flat rate? how much is it?
Comment from : @SanTropez680

Do they have the option to work while on ssi in the state of Oregon?
Comment from : @maggiemojica1057

So I just want you to know that you have this completely wrong or maybe it’s different from Faith correct me if I’m wrong please
Comment from : @taraholiman4957

How hard is it to get approved if I had a stroke
Comment from : @ivorybrown80

I hear there's no 4 stimulus checks
Comment from : @kimberlybarnes7082

I know people (a lot of them!) getting SS because they are obese! Also personally knew someone who NEVER worked a jobgot SSI but was well enough to be a volunteer firefighter? I retired with a pension from my job, however, it irks me that people that never worked, or could work collecting SSI
Comment from : @kathy0698

So when I’m going on disability I have to keep learning about all this or can I just hire a lawyer
Comment from : @jimcatanzaro7808

Thank you
Comment from : @veravero5715

So I have alot of questions? I have ssd I have dystonia I’ve been going to physical therapy for the many things At the moment I’m going for balance I stumbled a lot I try to do things in a day , I can not last that long I was helping my daughter washing her walls n I didn’t last long And I’m sore for days later The Nero doctor said I dnt need to see him anymore Just to keep going to PT Ik for a fact that I can not work a reg job I took up a hobby when I can do it Some ppl want to buy some things I make I’m afraid to be in trouble if I sell them I can not afford that
Comment from : @lorrindawyatt2988

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