Title | : | Do tax cuts stimulate the economy? - Jonathan Smith |
Lasting | : | 4.39 |
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With the TCJA's individual tax rates expiring in 2025, shouldn't we be concerned about the substantial uncertainty and potential for major tax policy changes? I mean, honestly, I've been trying to map out my kid's college fund, and this whole 'will they/won't they extend the cuts' thing is driving me nuts It's like trying to hit a moving target while blindfolded! Comment from : @KentWhitemore-c1c |
The actual impact of tax cuts on economic growth is often debated While proponents argue that they can stimulate investment and job creation, critics contend that the benefits are often overstated and that the costs outweigh any potential gains Comment from : @Rogerederer-b2r |
I live in kansas No, it didn't work Comment from : @timjohnson2186 |
3:33 yeah no duh Comment from : @ethansanchez8615 |
Over 40 years later, and still waiting for that trickle Comment from : @goatfromhell666 |
Not only does "Trickle Down Economics" not exist, it's not a legitimate theory, only a political smear No Supply Side Economist (What the dunces of the left refer to as trickle-down economists) has ever argued that anything would trickle down They argue that cuts incentivize growth What incentive do you have to work more hours if you see less money? What incentive do you have to invest your money into stocks or maybe even a business of your own if the government continually keeps taking more and more? Taxes have been cut five times; Coolidge, JFK, Reagan, W Bush, And Trump All five of those resulted in more tax revenues (besides 2020, which still almost made more than 2019 despite COVID) also all five times we see a trend of more returns being filed at lower rates This suggests that when taxes are high, people simply don't pay Go watch Thomas Sowell's 7 min video on it, he can explain it a lot better than me Moral of the story, we have to put this term to bed Comment from : @patrickmartin6963 |
Left inflation (future tax) out Hoarding money by the rich prevents trickle down effects but slows inflation Inflation is the silent killer, destroyer of middle classes and enemy, mostly, of the poor Comment from : @eoris12 |
4:08 a big member appears behind the billionaire Comment from : @brekedekdang39 |
When did it in the 1920s, 1980s, and 90s it worked When Kennedy cut taxes it stimulated the economy Comment from : @michaelcarter266 |
if you cut 100 taxes you will get 100 more money Comment from : @MrBardel4363 |
Taxes can be great IF your government aren't a bunch of corrupt 🤡🤡🤡 Comment from : @duncanmacl3od |
#315 Comment from : @manuelponte10 |
It really depends on what the wealthy people do with their money Some will invest in creating jobs, while others will just spend it on luxury It also depends on the common people too as to what they do with their money Some just spend little, while others spend more Comment from : @BoundyMan |
The counter argument might be "Does government confiscation of earnings stimulate the economy" ? Comment from : @gregpeterson4348 |
Economic investment stimulates the economy, not tax cuts as demonstrated by FDR's New Deal Comment from : @Jamal-Ahmed786 |
Trickle down is a term from left propaganda from the 1920s, so off the bat you knew it was gonna be partisan brbrThe main argument for high tax cuts is that rich people will do different things with their money based off tax rates The higher the rates the more likely they will prefer non taxable options The main benefit of lower rates is increased federal revenue not economic stimulation Under Bush(2), Reagan, and Kennedy cutting taxes on the rich led to this higher revenue brbrThe way Dr Thomas Sowell puts it is do you want to tax more money from the rich or symbolically have a higher tax rate in order to make less money but get votes to win an election Comment from : @JonathanDonahue-ir1jp |
Are republicans and economists calling ‘supply side’ tax cuts ‘trickle down’ or is that some left wing jargon? Comment from : @KVSWF |
Hold up: if Kansas went into debt, how does that imply that wealthy people did not invest back into the economy?? It just means Kansas just didn’t do a good job Comment from : @RKLIFE17 |
People try to predict the economy not realising it is not a capitalistic market, its a command economy, central planning! my concern is, instead of having much dollar in bank that could lose value to inflation, do I save in gold to reserve and grow wealth for now, or just hang on? Comment from : @tatianastarcic |
Tax cuts doesn't make sense if government spending stays the same The money is still taxed through inflation to cover deficit Comment from : @zhangwei4622 |
Just to clarify people “trickle down economics” is a political statement NOT and economic theory no economist outside of an insane asylum has ever claimed it works Comment from : @barrymcginty7199 |
No Economists have no trickle down theory It’s just a phrase used by leftist Democrats who disagree with tax cutsbrYes, in every case it’s been tried tax cuts improved the economy, the rich paid more taxes and a higher share of the taxes, and the government received more revenue Comment from : @scuddyleblanc5119 |
Let people keep more of their money is always a good idea Comment from : @mattbleiler7294 |
About 3 minutes in, I would've said "but they have a lower velocity of money" Comment from : @LandDestroyer |
The upper management, shareholders and corporations are always destroying the economy Comment from : @ralimba1778 |
I like how this video tried to be unbiased and never mentioned that Reagan actually collected MORE taxes when he lowered the tax rate They did focus on KANSAS 🤦♂ Comment from : @banner767 |
Interesting theory You lost all credibility by showing your vast ignorance over taxation economics Cutting taxes to zero causes devastation huh? How is it that Texas, the 8th largest economy in the world has ZERO income tax? Taxes are derived from more than just income tax Comment from : @LainSerrato1 |
God border give cash open 양성화추진 ㅡok Comment from : @병곤김-s1e |
In the video, it is said that the tax cut will only increase the wealth of the top 1, and I think this may deepen the income gap and cause another social problem Also, I think that even if the corporate tax rate is lowered, it may not lead to investment increase depending on the corporate environment Rather, I think that the reduction of corporate tax can only increase the personal interests of shareholders rather than companies by increasing internal reserves Comment from : @임유나-i8w |
Title should be "Does tricke down economy work"?brbrThis video only talked about the tax cuts for rich people and corpsbrIt did not even mention the effects of tax cuts for the working class Comment from : @WhatTheScoots |
The idea that taxes are what keeps people from working more is crazy The only thing that somewhat made sense is taxes hinder how much companies and corps would and be able to reinvest, raise wages, and hire Maybe I’m lumping supply-side economics and trickle-down? Taxes affect how much people spend and can make Very, very few are not working because the government’s cut is too much as a reason alone nor predominantly of it 95 of the time it’s because of their wages are low enough as it is and they ask themselves: “Is $17 really worth an extra hour here?” Sure, income tax does affect that number, but it’s by far the last thing that should be touched brbrYes, the wealthy pay a great share of taxes and there are many loopholes that need to be closed So I think it’s really a sore lack of direct, concise tax policy and tax incentives that directly reward bcorporations/b for reinvest in the company, raise wages, and hire more (not postings that don’t go filled and claim they’re making jobs, so base it on a ratio of compensation to # employees as one factor of several) Comment from : @tomsawyer283 |
“Because people will work more when they get to keep more of their earnings?” brSuch assumptions are the downfall of policies Comment from : @jamestames1505 |
Tax cuts stimulate the economy, but they need to be progressive Comment from : @liquidificadoroficial3975 |
I have no problem with rich people and corporations as long as they spend 99 or more of their money in investments Comment from : @liquidificadoroficial3975 |
Maybe the reason why trickle down economics doesn’t work anymore is because the one percent can’t spend all their money, even if they trybrbrbrLook at Elon musk he’s trying his best to spend all his money, and he still has more than he knows what to do withbrHe’s literally has an aerospace program that is essentially financed out of his own pocketbrAnd he still has more than enough money brbrIt is impossible to spend the 1 of populations Well it’s because they have 99 of the worth brbrThe only way to justifiably get trickle down economics to work is have that one percent of the population pay way more than they should be paying $1 billion for a $2 million house brSo that person who got the $1 billion can spend it on multiple $2 billion houses to sell them for 5 billion eachbrAnd those people who bought those houses are probably going to be working brbrMore houses built means affordable housing means more jobs It means trickle down economics, but for some reason it’s just going to the top and staying therebrbrBecause they’re not trying hard enough to spend It is Jeff Bezos, Elon, musk and Bill Gates shared 5 of their income each they could build a small town Comment from : @Helfirehydra |
Trickle down economics is supposed to work when the person at the top with all the money can spend at least 40 of their incomebrbrBut you know how hard it is to spend Bill Gates money brbrOr any other person in the 1 it is extremely hard to even use one percent of their income brbrThey have so much money it doesn’t trickle down because there’s nothing for them to buy They have enough money to buy multiple football stadiums in multiple yacht and still have money left over Comment from : @Helfirehydra |
Buy my understanding of tax cuts, especially when you give it to the upper 1 they are essentially doubling their money or giving away some money to get 3/4 of it back brbrThey are literally giving away money to get more money in returnbrbrFor the common person that might be OK because that means they can buy that new television or those they have enough money to repair the carbrbrAnd that will actually spend the tax cut in the economy brbrbrBut when you give a tax cut to the upper 1, who don’t necessarily need it, and can afford to pay off their taxes and have lots of leftover that lots leftover will just stay in their pocketbrAnd being reinvested, into guaranteed stocks that they can double the money by the time next tax season comes around and whatever they gave the charity didn’t matter because they get $3 million backbrbrBecause they used the tax deduction from the previous year to invest in a guaranteed stock brOption Comment from : @Helfirehydra |
I don't care Tax is theft Period Comment from : @rmsilva1973 |
Reagan and thatcher ruined their respective countries Comment from : @kaze987 |
The implication of this is that Trickledown economics worked when Reagan did it and lead to an era of prosperity Nothing could be further than the truth In fact, Reagan had to RAISE taxes later in his administration Why doesn't Ted-Ed take the time to fully explain that Reaganomics failed and was not the reason for such long economic growth? Comment from : @HonestAbe-zq6be |
So you’re talking about trickle down economics There have been plenty of studies over multiple countries over multiple periods of time that show that when there are tax cuts for the rich it disproportionately benefits the rich and makes a little to no difference for people of averaging income The London school of economics compiled research on this and it shows consistently that what you’re talking about does not happen A lot of times people that are well off like to presume that they know what’s best for people that are poor, but I would suggest that instead of doing this get out and into the world and talk to the people that are dealing with financial hardship and talk to them about what it is they need Comment from : @nicopaolo |
I'm curious what your opinion is on the Fed's use of political subterfuge to want to convince us that the interest rate needs to be cut despite the increase in job stats? Should I stay in the market? I've gained more than 80 since the earning season Comment from : @cloudyblaze7916 |
It is my understanding that as much as $32 Trillion is stored (parked) by the rich overseas This is money not in production in the US and not being used to pay taxes in the US Imagine that money in the US paying off the $34 Trillion in National Debt since it is not of any use in the United States Comment from : @orangeofmars2835 |
Trickle down economics work, if you assume the ultra rich have good intentions See the problem? Comment from : @marcopohl4875 |
If it did trickle down, the division of wealth would have become more equitable Its gotten 3 times worse since it was only 2 times worse Trump's corporate tax cut for rich shareholders was/still is, directly responsible Trickle down effect only goes from shirt pocket to wallet It ends there Taxing the middle and low classes, the worst is sales tax, is only squeezing that proverbial turnip of blood Doesn't work Comment from : @bipl8989 |
Tax savings for all, not the rich Love how you lie about Reagan's policies Comment from : @BrianLannoye |
I guess WACOMPOST disagrees with you because they are cheering about Taylor Swifts "trickle-down" effect Comment from : @BrianLannoye |
tax cuts did help the poorest people by increasd investment brbad for you is that those people live in asia Comment from : @baronbrummbar8691 |
'Trickle down and tax cuts for the rich' shows this video is skewed and economically illiterate Comment from : @antonionalesnik1991 |
There is no such thing as 'trickle down economics', its a nonexistent theory and a charactiture Also, there wasnt tax cuts for 'the rich', every American received an across-the-board tax reduction Comment from : @antonionalesnik1991 |
Can someone provide an example of any politician besides Reagan who has advocated for trickle down theory? Comment from : @StRaptor |
This has never worked Lets try again!!!! Comment from : @marc21256 |
No political figure or economist has ever advocated or formulated a Trickle Down Theory Comment from : @willmickel71 |
Whatever Reagan did, we should do it again The 80s rocked There’s actually public data available with a simple google search for us government revenue by year If Reagan cut tax rates and the theory is that revenue went up, you can easily confirm this is true If you want to know why we have a deficit, also google “US Government spending by year” Comment from : @CentralScrewtinzer |
I was just reading about "the common good" as end goal of politics Now politics can't go to poor people, help them and expect that this will do much to transform everything But the rich have money and power and that can change somethingbr So "the common interest" becomes "the interest of the rich" in practice It has some logic but it's nevertheless not ethical But why not give presents conditionally to the rich?? Tax returned to their accounts in ratio of new jobs created for example??? Comment from : @jean-pierredevent970 |
If they really want to spur economic growth, for all income earners less than 200k make their first 100k exempt That literally will exempt 90 of the population from taxes and will spur economic activity like no business This focuses the tax exemption on groups with the lowest savings rates and will reduce debt by a significant amount Comment from : @joshuamatkin8306 |
tl:dwbrTrickle down economics is a lie Comment from : @hashtagPoundsign |
I would love it if you provided sources Comment from : @THm0147 |
1 Tax is mandatory across the globebr2 Profit is about creating value, which gets much harder in the Read Ocean strategy contextbr3 Profit from (public) Tax is easy money “justified” by political branding ie we are better than othersbr4 Another source of Profit is to minimize business tax to those who get money from 3br5 Plus introducing unnatural problems to start global spending (terrorism/security, pandemics/pharmacy, confusion/programmed “solutions”, etc) Comment from : @LD-wf2yt |
GOD Loved you enough to send His Son JESUS for you and if you will believe in Him and at baptized in THE NAME OF THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT and turn from your sins you will be ( if you haven’t already) Comment from : @averythompkins3682 |
Well, looks like Reagan shouldn’t have been trusted after all Comment from : @jeffreygao3956 |
What did the weatlthy do with their money, how did it grow? The answer almost always is that they invested it Who benefits from investment? People that have jobs today, that are not government employees may be beneficiaries of the investments in new companies, research, exploration, etc Money not given to government or to extend the power of government Comment from : @ManDMore |
Nobody becomes a billionaire by saving cash They invest into business and other assests and keep doing that is how they are billionaire in the first place Comment from : @meeraj-4774 |
Is there a link to the London study? Comment from : @oldsteamguy |
Tax cuts for low income and middle class and new businesses especially for minorities And increase taxes on the top 1 Economy gets stimulated from the top consumers which is the low income and middle class Comment from : @Lightlinefisherman |
OMG TED ED IS SOOOOOO SOCIALIST Comment from : @KlausMarkus |
That was a major strawman at the end Comment from : @someones5551 |
We need to encourage more high schoolers into 2 year trade schools Comment from : @jimhughes5255 |
Does it actually work for third world country? Comment from : @tiacbendi747 |
Trickle down economics is not a theory any right winger has ever presented ever Comment from : @johnathanvale8634 |
Yes tax cuts do lead to more growth Comment from : @johnathanvale8634 |
What Democrats tend to be referring to when they talk about “trickle-down” economics is the idea that cutting taxes for the rich will eventually lead to greater prosperity for all as the rich pass their increased funds onto the masses through more jobs, an expansion of businesses and GDP, higher pay, and lower prices
brBut as famed conservative economist Thomas Sowell writes, “No such theory has been found in even the most voluminous and learned histories of economic theories, including JA Schumpeter’s monumental 1,260-page History of Economic Analysis Yet this ‘Trickle Down’ Theory and ‘Tax Cuts for the Rich’ non-existent theory* has become the object of denunciations from the pages of the New York Times and the Washington Post to the political arena It has been attacked by Professor Paul Krugman of Princeton and Professor Peter Corning of Stanford, among others, and similar attacks have been repeated as far away as India It is a classic example of arguing against a caricature instead of confronting the argument actually made” Comment from : @paulsur5871 |
More so, cutting corporate taxes while allowing those same companies to hire work outside the country is essentially redirecting that money to another country instead of our own Those companies should be fined so heavily that they never even consider that practice again Comment from : @doggy255 |
Trickle down stimulates growth, but it doesn't improve 99 percent of people's lives Comment from : @doggy255 |
Some mention of companies buying back their own shares would have been nice to explain why tax cuts to corporations are largely ineffective Comment from : @PeterFraser-hp3rs |
Any talk on this issue without dealing with Governement spending is bogusbrThe problem is deciding what is the correct tax rate Comment from : @nphoenixcrimefighter |
3 things using taxes for the right things getting rid of inheritance and gift taxes and teaching people how much their taxes really do (most people it's not a lot) Comment from : @Money_Fox |
“Nor should the argument seem strange that taxation may be so high as to defeat its object, and that, given sufficient time to gather the fruits, a reduction of taxation will run a better chance, than an increase, of balancing the budget"brbr- John Maynard Keynes Comment from : @backinthegame34 |
LOL! No, it never has Comment from : @HTHAMMACK1 |
Why not have a Wealth tax above a certain earning limit???brSimple solution That extra tax will actually "trickle down" to the poor and middle classes Comment from : @minimalist1911 |
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