Title | : | ADHD In Children |
Lasting | : | 6.48 |
Date of publication | : | |
Views | : | 465 rb |
I have dyxlexia Comment from : @MadisonBridgeman |
WowbrGood calm videobr15 sounds awfully low though Comment from : @smetljesm2276 |
I feel like this video is super medical and overlooks a lot of other aspects of adhd It kinda concentrates on the negatives Comment from : @fuckingdrummachinez |
My friend has ADHD She is a scientist with a PhD and runs a Neuroscience Research Laboratory Comment from : @mrhmrh6356 |
I knew my son and daughter had it but my doctors would not listen So they went through school with it undiagnosed They have both been diagnosed and both feel let down by the system Comment from : @justmyopinion526 |
ADHD is simultaneously the most over and under-diagnosed disorder The vast majority of people in these comments don't actually have it, but it is real, and is is a disability, not a mere "neurodivergence" Comment from : @JM-ou5ro |
Has nothing to do with your iq Comment from : @katherineholmes373 |
School is especially difficult when you’re put in special ed classes because you just can’t keep up The classes helped a little, but the separation from the regular neurotypical kids sucked I still don’t believe most teachers understand ADHD Comment from : @quartzboye |
Yes I have a adhd Comment from : @IsaacAkuteckAmidini8 |
It's a misconception that ADHD is more common in boys The reason it appears more common in boys is because most of the research focuses on the presentation of ADHD in boys, and unless girls are able to show symptoms so obviously they don't often meet the criteria that is largely suited to diagnosing boys Girls present ADHD in a very different way, often internalising many of their traits and become very good, very quickly, at masking and copying their neurotypical peers in social situations ADHD traits in girls are often misdiagnosed as depression or anxiety disorders and this is why there is now a generation of women, who have been failed, and are being diagnosed with ADHD in later life ADHD is equally as common in girls as is it is in boys, it is medical misogyny that has made the condition more common in boys Comment from : @AnaliesedaDiva |
My guide on how to hide adhd (I have adhd btw)brbr1don’t always bring up things your obsessed withbrbr2keep your mouth shut and never interrupt brbr3dont make a reference to memesbrbr4maybe try to focusbrbr5sit normallybrbr(This is how I learned how to fit in :( Comment from : @SlAy-LIL |
Thank you This is very helpful Comment from : @TeacherJoshTest |
I have extreme ahdh extremel restleness but still i have managed to be topper in my life always Comment from : @shahmeerhumayun |
who discovered ADHD?? in my view they are normal, but more active Comment from : @noahD1636 |
I had all the signs of ADHD when I was 6-17 and none of my teachers or doctors could recognize it They labeled me as lazy, distracted on purpose (how this is possible???) and gaslighted me to think I hate studyingbrbrI was only diagnosed with 26 years old and idk if I can fix my life and be successful Comment from : @curepipopapo7031 |
my six year old grandson had been told he has adhd total lies he is an excitable child full of energy and willing to learnbrbrInstead he is being treated incorrectly and allegedly has autismbrbrtotal lies the school wants to get money from the council he is a CHILD STOP labelling thembrbrmost so called adhd is bad parenting they have no discipline Comment from : @akirasanakirasan5347 |
I’m 11 years old I have add ( its adhd without the hyperactivity) I’m a girl and I don’t have any other learning disabilities (it’s a generational thing) I get a’s and I have anxiety I’m really good at school and homework isn’t hard it’s kind of hard to focus if I don’t take my pills I think joining theatre is perfect for kids with add or adhd it calms me down and I love singing and dancing Comment from : @zoeymackenzie_123 |
This video is horrible Comment from : @SS7-goat1 |
TRUTHDUMBS Comment from : @gyanprakashraj4062 |
I know why that you having a ADHD like the child who is doing behaviour or having a tantrum but I think so any compensation that you do wrong it's not to add a learner's or teacher when she was saying that and I think so that I don't have any ADHD because sometimes it's really can't feel to all the children and adults what is going to need😰 Comment from : @Nann_Babygirl |
My childhood friend has adhd and it sucks seeing her fail to learn Comment from : @mensahperouza8190 |
So why the government and the school don't change the system or there are not enough schools or teachers with the knowledge and the abilities to guide them A big portion of the population globally has it and we judge and make them suffer for something that they have no control Yes ADHD is a battle for this person that is trying to fit in a society with no understanding And of course boys are more like it to have it as it is not just genetic is also epigenetic, hormonal changes and different other factors, the stressing environment that maybe parents are forced to deal thanks to the great government decisions more and more people will appear diagnosed or undiagnosed So when they are going to accommodate the educational system for these individuals because telling a boy you are excluded from the school and don't give the solution or support to the parents it perpetuates the ignorance and creates more socio economic gaps ADHD is a symptom of a big one society needs to get fixed Comment from : @dianaonaespinel6649 |
Boys have a higher diagnosis in childhood with more obvious and disruptive symptoms than girls Comment from : @carolmills9231 |
I am 8 and I have ADHD 😢I just found out from this video I do all this stuff Comment from : @candicethurman4834 |
🦥🌸 Comment from : @felicitytoad |
Anyone who has ADHD because I do👇🏾 Comment from : @Skibtoilet8204 |
Its sound like normal kid stuff to me Comment from : @jasontheman7927 |
Children with ADHD can go undiagnosed especially if there is no one to observe or know what signs and symptoms to look out for in a child Comment from : @marymatthews1052 |
Hello, i am a 15 year old boy and i was diagnosed with adhd by 4 doctors I have all the symptoms And i want help I want ro live my teenage life and not waste it indoors and om my phone I have social anxiety and depression (Not diagnosed) But i feel like i do Comment from : @SudioNation-bu5wd |
Im utterly confusedbrAs a little kid i was baissecly gifted brI lerned how to read at 5 years old before even going to school and spell and a very high levelbrSuddenly at maybe 11 years old it all started to snap for mebrEverything became boring and it became worse in middle school I started to not understand a things of what my teachers were saying and in highschool i didnt get the best grades in my native launguege subject and found out later at 16 years old of my ADD (adhd) now im 17 with still same struggles but graduated Still confused if this is normal for my symptoms or if ADD can just come to you later on? Comment from : @Grissyboy |
It made me cry Comment from : @EliMccorkle-y6n |
I have to remind myself to stay positive and keep going even when I have trouble in the real world 🌎 Comment from : @Realisaiah4817 |
I feel that i may have moderate ADHD Comment from : @Neo-americanfederation-px2tt |
Therw isnt saying in the video aboit discalculation, my daughter cant recognize clock , what tike is it still cant learn, my father has Adhd 70 years old, never had any friend, very bad study ability, never have been working, lazyness, depression and so on so genetics is very important Comment from : @EkaManagadze-g3d |
This makes people with ADHD seem like people who need fixing or are criminals It doesn't show our other side Comment from : @natalieehelps |
I have it and I’m 9 years old Comment from : @tckkenny1 |
As a therapist, this is accurate for most kids with ADHD With the right help and support, they can learn to manage Comment from : @queline213 |
the music in this video is insulting Comment from : @mjbaron |
İ got social anxiety and depresion thanks to my adhd and my school Comment from : @adhdcreature |
Had cptsd,adhd for 38 years of my life ,,feel liberated after knowing about this after finding my safe space Comment from : @samanthaq3422 |
For the people who are upset with this video, it’s realistic, this is how adhd is, it’s hard but it can get better with parents help Comment from : @daliadado |
Parents using marijuana within six weeks of a baby being conceived will also cause ADHD, as well as any other drug Comment from : @susannoel6396 |
I have never been diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I had it as child but as adult I'm perfectly fine In my opinion, the worst thing to do is medicaid a child I believe my son is the same way But whatever it is, what it is, he'll be fine in life It's over emphasized for some reason Comment from : @shaneflett7123 |
Unfortunately this shows the limited perspective and understanding of ADHD currently in UK psychiatry and paediatric services Especially paediatrics who have little practical understanding and often inappropriately withold or withdraw medications Comment from : @Chimpy_Mc_Gibbon |
It's not the case of all children with ADHD some of them they have ability to learn faster than Normal kids but unfortunately because they are not fluent at speaking and expression them self with clear language they're not accepted 😢😢 Comment from : @Leenaesraa99 |
You’re basically saying that there is something wrong with them Comment from : @jalaluddinahmad4323 |
My mom used to smoke when she was pregnant and i was in her belly and alcohol but not often Comment from : @Skibodo_edits |
Adhd feels like hell at school for me ;( Comment from : @OnTheVergeOfLosingIt |
It is more commonly 'diagnosed' in boys*br Thats the thing about facts, they dont work the same when they are said partially br Displaying little or no sense of danger? eat snarf fluff piece you know damn well we do Comment from : @madisons2117 |
This Bs ignorant and supported by pharma Please listen to Gabor Mate this person is wrong!!! Comment from : @malyndiez7692 |
Children need to be outside for at least 3 hours per day from early childhood to develop their vestibular system Vestibular system deficiency manifests itself as an imbalance in postural control muscles' activation, which causes an inappropriate postural condition This postural imbalance will lead to severe cognitive problems such as problems in paying attention to the task, which is more common in children with ADHD There has been a study done that over the last 30 years, children fidget way more, and have less attention span With the rise of screens, shortening recess, parents who don't have the opportunity to take them out because they are busyChildren need movement to develop Keep children moving I am honestly not sure that all these diagnoses are right I am no doctor, but it is alarming how many diagnoses exist in the US, and they don't exist in other countries Once children are told there is something "wrong" with them, it carries with them all their life Comment from : @thesoundmindgarden1306 |
I really don’t like this video In fact, I kinda hate it Why are children with adhd being objectified like this? “They may be more destructive” please People with adhd (myself included) are also incredibly kind people with huge hearts They tend to be smarter While it can be a challenge, it doesn’t need to be described with this depressing music in the background People with adhd are often extremely smart, kind, funny, and creative Comment from : @rhombamcfierson |
What's with the depressing and scary background music? ADHD is not a horrible disease their brains just work differently, us as adults can learn to work around them this music makes it sound like a horrible thing Comment from : @teijnabrahniuk4115 |
When I was 5-14 everybody thought I had adhd cause I couldn't stop moving, I was forgetful and couldn't concentrate The only reason was because I was still growing in because of puberty I am nothing like I was as a kid I do have social anxiety but that is not caused of adhd, besides I have already had it checked at a clinic and I was told I didn't have it Comment from : @ColossalPontiac |
Thank you mom for home schooling me & keeping me safe from my father😢 🕊 Comment from : @mentalhobo9074 |
aw Comment from : @siixvz |
I have all of these symptoms but my mum doesn’t want to bother getting me tested/diagnosed for it :( Comment from : @Mshroom0 |
i'm a 15 y/o normal teen in my school we have this one particular period when only some of the chosen 9th grade students have to be in pairs and each pair has to lead one group of 7th grade students and share our knowledge, talk with them and perhaps just spend time with them as seniors in my group, there's this one weird junior who's diagnosed with ADHD, and i've only known this recently before i knew, i've always wondered why he acts so strange, why he can be very rude at times, why he misbehaves a lot, why he doesn't listen nor pay attention to me whenever i'm talking and why he swears a lot more than me despite the fact that he's two years younger this behaviour was definitely inexcusable for me at first, but now that i've watched this video, i think it's only right for me to try to empathize with his condition, especially since i am his senior after all Comment from : @FNCrimson |
ADHD is caused by bad parenting It's not about blame, but understanding that all imbalances in children are the direct result of the emotional condition of the parents and their subsequent pathologies It is a rare person who is truly qualified and prepared to rear a child Comment from : @TrueWalker88 |
I am 11 years old kid, And i have ADHD But i can confirm all of these because i cant learn easily i loose of any fatigues and being a forgetful, But i tried my best to not risk other Comment from : @BobNeedsFriend |
This is the most depressing, negative, and bleak outlook on ADHD that I've ever seen Comment from : @Alexander-Aurelius |
It shows also the dark side of ADHD I also have adhd Comment from : @ImChoccyMilk |
Not all children with adhd struggle with work I was over achieving and I still have adhd Comment from : @johannaforster3747 |
So be a Kid basically 😒😒😒😒 Comment from : @lunarnz5175 |
I got diagnosed with ADHD as child didn't know that i have it now i know how I can help myself Comment from : @yureaurice6844 |
Sad because i have ADHD and it was never diagnosed as a child i was pushed through the education system Comment from : @aragorn4370 |
Yes this is my son CAMHS have been useless and denied him therapy He’s 15 now and starting to get close to illegal activities 🫤 Comment from : @steveb1972 |
Can adhd kid be intellectual Comment from : @Hussnain36375 |
what the fuck this fuck face of a video is making ADHD look narcasitic and assholesm Comment from : @lanc3100 |
Children with adhd are also incredibly creative, social butterflies who get along with anyone of any age, and have a supurb passion for life I have ADHD and so does my son Having it myself, I've been able to be extremely understanding and compassionate with his behaviour, while also knowing how to manage it And he is such a BEAUTIFUL kid Everyone who's ever known him feel the same way ADHD is not a disadvantage, just a difference If you can understand them and how their brains work, you can nurture them them in way that brings out all the best parts of that Comment from : @treearoha |
This is more for boys not girls Who behave differently Comment from : @jade_08 |
Because of snobs in the UK all royal families a conservative governments who see ADHD as a myth a that's why we need to get rid of all lbrPosh snobs in this country or otherwise this problem will cary on if we don't get rid of all the snobs in the UK Comment from : @carlhiggins3922 |
You didn’t mention masking! Comment from : @suezy1969 |
Greetings!brMy brother, who is 11yrs old, has all of the symptoms that were spoken about in the video He was born premature and had low birth weight He behaves a lot less like children his age and has difficulty concentrating on anything However, he is able to concentrate (only for a few minutes) on things like video games, cartoons, etc How is it possible that things like cartoons, etc hold his attention, while he's not able to concentrate on studies?brAlso, what can be done to improve his concentration levels?brWill his adhd ever get better?brWill he be able to lead a normal life as he grows up?brPls answer these questions Comment from : @SuvanK-us9ww |
My son is being dianosed with ADHD but hasnt thrown a tantrum in his life Comment from : @alicewright8367 |
What is real sad is I was diagnosed with this as a child got alot for support and medication and I was abruptly moved to another city at the age of 14 and I was lost in the system I reached out to the doctors and was dismissed as a result I was completely lost in the system and left to deal with it alone I'm not 35 and I've literally been In hell Comment from : @mrsomebody1402 |
Dreadful video, full of misunderstandings surrounding ADHD For example, the speaker says that ADHD is more common in boys - this is statement is misleading as many studies show girls and boys are equally likely to have ADHD but it is far less frequently DIAGNOSED in girls because they often present differently and are often less disruptive at school than their male counterparts The disruption at school is often what triggers a referral and subsequent diagnosis, hence girls with ADHD are underdiagnosed I also take issue with the statement that children with ADHD always do badly at school Whilst it is true that ADHD usually causes children to underachieve academically, this is relative to their intelligence It is common for a highly intelligent child with ADHD to do well enough to go to university and graduate, albeit with a lower grade than they would undoubtedly be capable of if they did not have ADHD Comment from : @helenjameson9659 |
Very negative video Awful!!!! Adhd isn't all negative and bad There are many great and positive things about it as well Pity that they didn't think to put it in the video I Hope no children and parents of children who are newly diagnosed with adhd or suspect that their child might have adhd sees this What an awfully negative way to explain and educate people about adhd 😢 Comment from : @lisatorsius6376 |
Please reduce screen time for your kids! Max 30min per day, 1hour in the weekend This will help a lot to prevent ADHD Comment from : @evelinac2423 |
I have ADHD and i have bad grades in school and my parents say that adhd is caused by drugs Comment from : @peteslodo |
Im sad Cause this only shows the one side of ADHD Comment from : @brisa4409 |
How I can help my son 😭 his always been bullied from adult and kids because of his behavior😭 all you've say my son have that experiences sometime his hitting himself as you said tantrum Comment from : @vanzmacs4554 |
Thanks thanks for this video this video really help me a lot thanks again Comment from : @mamalisa8531 |
Dear Mr and Mrs, we'd like to use part of your video in another video project in Brazil concerning ADHD in School We would like to translate some parts to Portuguese The video will be part of a Master's Dissertation in Education Would you allow us to use? All credits will be provided in the credits of the video produced Best Regards Waldmir Araujo Neto - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Comment from : @WaldmirAraujoNeto |
I don't have any friends I'm always lonely and I always think about stress Comment from : @fragosomrgarita68 |
Me 💔 Comment from : @trochustyle954 |
i have ADHD and cant make friends Comment from : @crazylifeboy4563 |
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