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The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel

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Information The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel

Title :  The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel
Lasting :   1.57.26
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Frames The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel

Description The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel

Comments The Savings Expert: “Do Not Buy A House!” Do THIS Instead! - Morgan Housel

About 5 years ago, Morgan's book changed my entire life as it relates to money and finance Hopefully, you will enjoy this conversation as much as I do! 🧡Could you do us a massive favour and HIT that like button on the video! Helps us a lot 🙏 share your favourite part of the convo below 👇🏾
Comment from : @TheDiaryOfACEO

Because so many people overpaid for homes even while loan rates were low, I believe there will be a housing catastrophe because these people are in debt If housing costs continue to drop and, for whatever reason, they can no longer afford the property and it goes into foreclosure, they have no equity since, even if they try to sell, they will not make any money I believe that many individuals will experience this, especially given the impending mass layoffs and rapidly rising living expenses
Comment from : @RobertSHeadrick

Ill buy the book because I just want to always be even more independent All those other things sound like to much work mansion, Lamborghini etc
Comment from : @ronicmwest

I’m your new subscriber from El Paso Texas ❤
Comment from : @delfinasworld

Comment from : @ytriseup

Most Americans are less than a pay check away from dept None of these shows acknowledge this Most people can't save, can't pay medical bills, and can't aspire to this Over 50 of Americans are miserable at work and do not have an avenue to make a change Buying a home is the best thing I have done, moving from apartment to apartment due to rent increase, building being sold, and management change Having a home gave me some control over my live
Comment from : @QueenAnnesLace13

The markets had to open to the mortals to ensure some divi-up for the fighters for wealth It is ALL going to collapse and everything that was in for the long term will vanish Fiat/pyramid economy is a delusion Inflation eats all the value of the $/£ Dare to talk about the masses that have been the investment losers to make a few believe they are rich Dust we arrived dust we depart! God economy!
Comment from : @joanweightman2275

It depends on the area youlive in sometimes it is better to buy than rent expecually when your morgage is less than most rentels for less
Comment from : @DarknessNation

This bullshit only works if your paycheck is above the line Egocentric for the win!
Comment from : @jeremy67A

I wish I would have done this when I was younger but now I'm a single mom of 3 and only make enough to pay the bills and barely enough for food I use the income tax to buy things for the house for the year and clothes/shoes and pay off whatever I'm behind in I have zero to invest or save
Comment from : @CowLover29

How many of you are Rich from his book?🤔 Comments please😢
Comment from : @rotcataergeht

45:00 he probably has too much People feel emotionally and rationalize their emotions with logic He's in a fearful state It's emotion not logic that has him oversaving
Comment from : @kmg0682

Nancy can beat the market 😡
Comment from : @findingdori442

Both of you own houses, most probably more than one
Comment from : @Fomassi

This would be true if life were naturally the way it is but it’s not You have to not only actively avoid being fkd over taken advantage of and manipulated in unimaginable ways, but also put a lot of energy into actively avoiding that And it still happens And fixing it takes energy too
Comment from : @zevkej


Comment from : @anonymous-m9k9z

Interesting podcast - good practical advice and some interesting ideas brHost Steven is a well prepared, intelligent and has mastered his craft of interviewing - except for his casual dropping of the “F” Bomb throughout his conversation Unnecessary and still offensive to many 1:45:12
Comment from : @KFasci

Comment from : @gray4551

Own 3 properties in Hawaii, never had a mortgage🤗
Comment from : @marcielynn4886

This person is so insightful and intelligent and humble Love his podcast and his books! TY DOAC for having him ongreat work, as usual!
Comment from : @7doc

Do i need a stock broker to invest or can i do it myself? Which app is best to use to trade stocks?
Comment from : @genevieuvejayawardene3093

This guy talks about the same things on every podcast
Comment from : @danielirjones1678

I've made 37 appreciation in 4 years on my house, made a few overpayments and I could not afford to buy the same house if I went to buy it on my wages today, it's pushed my LTV ratio over 50 in less than my first 5 year fixed term rate Steven you really need to stop inviting these clowns on your show, with mass immigration and severe regulation slowing down house building this guy is talking absolute bollocks, it's a bad look for you
Comment from : @Jim90117

There is a whole group of people for whom keeping up with others is not their goalpost Neither is respect and admiration from others When I think about the question of who am I living to please? It’s God Giving to others, supporting my church and its work, creating good experiences I also think about the things that we pay for today that are weren’t expenses 100 years ago - internet, cell phone, insurance (auto, home, health) Lastly, who honestly gets married without any expectations of their spouse? I think we choose our spouse partly from our expectations of the relationship we can have with them vs another person Lots of food for thought 🙏🏽
Comment from : @tonyamade901

My house is less expensive than renting so I’m good
Comment from : @Sptnm

I think we are entering into the Golden Age of America! I think all that we see is pre-recorded with the elites in politics making big moves br There are White Hats that are for the collective, and there are the Kabal, which obviously we all know what they represent(deep blood lines & unique family's)
Comment from : @organicalchemist5416

What about when u are trying to safe but life keeps taking your savings
Comment from : @martinaokeeffe2004

Great conversation here Live below your means , life I entirely about you wow I love these podcasts, s they have helped me t navigate a lot of staff when It comes to finances
Comment from : @dennismawanda9121

His name is Housel, and he's talking about houses Of course he is
Comment from : @leanderian

REally enjoyed this podcast So true about having low expectations-but hard to do of course Happiness comes from having good relationships with people you love When you have to work all the time-which I have had to do-it is difficult to spend the time you would like with people you care about-but we still make the effort
Comment from : @michelecuseo7714

I love how Steven admits to his tendency of “correctness” We all do But it is refreshing to humbly admitted in public That’s why I enjoy your channel It feels real to me
Comment from : @leonama6876

You will never regret buying a house!
Comment from : @yosoet77

Bs advice
Comment from : @chappiescollectables

Soaring housing prices, coupled with stagnant wages and rising interest rates, have made homeownership unattainable for many As a result, a growing number of people are facing the harsh reality of being priced out of the housing market, contributing to a potential housing crisis
Comment from : @JBuchanan-g1q

Morgan you are appreciated
Comment from : @JohnnyBarnes-n1u

I liked this interview especially as I have just bought Morgan’s book However there’s something about Steve that I dislike He turns too much on himself
Comment from : @Orange2863

I am watching this episode for the second time And I am sure it is not the last one If you have no time, listen the 49:45 minute ❤
Comment from : @eminalopatyuk6812

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for leading me to this episode Brilliant! Thank you all❤
Comment from : @eminalopatyuk6812

It is a very interesting encounter
Comment from : @thomasolatunji2321

Brilliant interview The Little Red Hen Story… changed my life I was seven
Comment from : @lisafox5444

1:02:52 Parents struggle with raising their children with certain attributes that they feel are healthy and try to ameliorate those that are not so healthy But, unfortunately, 99 of parents do not go to child-rearing university when their children arrive or have a plan at all I am by no means an expert, but communication of logic, and common sense reasons to a child from the time he can cognitively understand the value and perils of money will make a huge difference in his or her life as to how they approach the feelings of ambitions, money and perceptions The more you hide money and its possible evils from your kids the more you are going to struggle to teach it later But it is not just about the introduction and when, but rather the throughout process of introduction that is going to make it either a functional result or a dysfunctional result with your children Imho
Comment from : @gen5011

Very frustrating to not be able to understand certain phrases or statements because of poor diction and pronunciation when public speaking At 47:27 the host made a statement and I could not understand what he said because of poor diction and pronunciation This is why lawyers are trained to speak slowly to a jury and to the stenographer so no words are lost
Comment from : @gen5011

Bought my home in 2017 Best investment I've ever made 😂 this guys dead wrong sorry
Comment from : @suzanneshelton8415

Interview wallo 267 please
Comment from : @thiernosamassaly6109

The house buying question is at 1:36:00
Comment from : @immanuelisrael1658

Ah lads the American dream is the Graveyard anxiety fears ,high blood pressure, self centered activities I me and self😮
Comment from : @jamesbutler5908

wealth is money not spent, also wealth gives me independence so that i can do whatever (with the money) i find these two concepts conflicting can someone explain to me how i can do whatever i want with the money without using it?
Comment from : @8ratitude

Find it interesting everytime somebody breaks down the misconceptions on buying a house the people upset or defending their purchase have nothing to do with the actual message
Comment from : @JohnCutter317

This guy is awesome! Life advice at its best
Comment from : @giadeangelis5079

I will suggest not buying a house and shift into stocks buying Market highs can sometimes be followed by corrections, but predicting the timing and extent of it is challenging I've heard some analysts talk about a 'massive' correction It makes me wonder if it's time to adjust my $2M portfolios or maybe even consider some defensive investments
Comment from : @MaximilianFischer497

Some people knew about 9/11 and the pandemic before it came and invested accordingly
Comment from : @martinkk2943

Stop shaming people because they are not rich brMost of us have burdens, health problems, family problems and not everyone is equal in intelligence ! And energybrThis kind of guilty speech makes me angry
Comment from : @Ophelia100

It’s annoying how many content creators are jumping on the ‘hold information hostage so viewers keep watching’ trend Honestly, it just makes me click away faster
Comment from : @MrDawg-ol5pc

Lost me after he left his Friends…
Comment from : @FlakesFamily

U want to repay me for subscribing? Stop interrupting the interview to talk about repaying me for subscribing & keep up the Great work✨
Comment from : @FlakesFamily

I’m halfway through this and still waiting to see why I shouldn’t buy a house Did I miss something or is it coming?
Comment from : @LisaChanel0212

I love this guest! He's the kind of guy I would love to be
Comment from : @SelfHelpSounds

And what happens when someone puts their spouse first without expectation but a couple decades in realize that they actually don't get the same back? It's a mind fuck because if you point it out your told that you are selfish even though you hadn't been for decades
Comment from : @beepbopboop3221

Andrew Carnegie got insanely rich in the gilded age and his philosophy was that rich people have a duty to give away their wealth before they die He gave away millions to charities and public works that still stand today
Comment from : @Stephanie_ZKI

If your friends and family members know about your saving, they will rob it or be jealous of you
Comment from : @choti2268

Your saving will get devalued
Comment from : @choti2268

The heart disease story isn't true, I think he needs a new example However, he has convinced me to start investing
Comment from : @annabirtles5611

In 1950 everyone made Real Wages and could work to live not live to work, and with a solid family foundation at home with Mom there in her element nurturing the adults that built society today And now we are all man woman and child a hamster on a wheel designed just for us
Comment from : @roguetune03

I definitely would NOT say that Elon ran Twitter to into the ground, that’s foolish
Comment from : @SB-bo5sh

Diary of a mi5 agent
Comment from : @kickasskev79

Sorry for putting post on a different platform but I am scared and feel for all the innocent people out there that maybe sick or at home brWhat is this, killing a lit of people do you understand what I saying 😔
Comment from : @pennybishop6166

Hi Hun, just want to let you without any proof, in August 2024 I was diagnosed with blood clots in my lungs, they did tests to see if it was a blood line family etc, but they has inconclusive results to that even though I am adopted, I have had no similar effects at all, but truly I feel that this happens through the a covid shot that starts with letter p, just saying I would love to know if this happening to people world wide is there a cover of dome sort 😎
Comment from : @pennybishop6166

From 45 mins talk on endurance this important for me, and what makes your happiness not what society expect of you at an age or position
Comment from : @tbovell1146

This really helped my way of thinking now, really
Comment from : @KAJDiaryy

A house, in those terms, is at least an inflation adjusted savings account
Comment from : @DiO-fy5ex

Worst advice possible is to never own real estate which can appreciate in value
Comment from : @lilninja7336

Why didn't he also say cost of living is also up, adjusted for inflation @16:00
Comment from : @piratekingterry

Really impactful episode Thank you for featuring this guest
Comment from : @TheRuffler

I am grateful for this interview This interview has got me thinking about my life It’s going to be okay 👍🏿 Thank you🙏
Comment from : @mitchsgoodiepark9812

Don't buy a house, live in a cardboard box under a bridge! Duh! LOL
Comment from : @johnevans8533

There were many financial observers who predicted the GFC of 2008 Peter Schiff for one He predicted it in detail
Comment from : @vaktomhu

1:18:30 I’m going through the same thing now Much of my days are being spent creating sustainability in my company and playing pickleball I’m getting to know myself at this stage in the game before I jump back in But my motivations will be different
Comment from : @ADenton

Indurance is all you need its just liveing on the line or by a thread for 50 years without dieing since life holds on by a thread Its all a crap shoot
Comment from : @kaffirfromgod5162

Very few people have the ability to continuously fail and keep stepping up again This philosophy doesn’t not apply to the average person I have not learned anything that is practical,
Comment from : @dianaashton2512

Rockefeller was a very evil man Yes he had ice in his veins He and his family destroyed the natural health care industry
Comment from : @dianaashton2512

He needs to interview Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the author of the black swan
Comment from : @Samantha-d9m1b

Social Security won’t be enough for you all to retire on—you better find a way to make more money if you’re depending on that I see it with lots of people in the 70’s—they don’t have enough to pay rent and the rent keeps getting higher
Comment from : @lseh4720

I bought my house four years ago when interest rates were hovering around 3 for a rather modest 1,500 SF at 260K in an older, lower income but still safe neighborhood 4 bedrooms (they are very small though) and an enclosed two car garage It's a good investment in my eyes since my mortgage is around $1,600 a month after 20 down payment No HOA either to harass me with fees Renting would be stupid since that $1,600 might get me a 2 bedroom unit, less living space no garage, and I'll never be able to own it This house will be my forever home But the greatest thing about it? I'm still living in my parent's neighborhood I can very easily walk to their house, my parents support me in times of need and I do the same for them And when I finally have the wife and kids, my mom would be delighted to watch her grandkids while the wife and I are away at work, so the cost of daycare is eliminated
Comment from : @cyclicmusings2661

It’s often funny when I pull up to meet a tenant, in my 1988 Prelude They always ask me if I’m the manager, instead of the owner :-)
Comment from : @lseh4720

Morgan's vocal fry is insane! It's so annoying, I can't not think about it
Comment from : @zenamatthews9380

So fascinating! Thank you for sharing your stories with us
Comment from : @billiedolan3399

You doing to much commercials, annoying
Comment from : @mariat1373

Comment from : @wisdomofsharpness7809

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