Title | : | Why Everything is a Monopoly... Again |
Lasting | : | 13.06 |
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Views | : | 1 jt |
I really like how men in government are always the bad one Comment from : @samuelrieder5480 |
“Monopolies are the natural state of businesses”brFeels good to have that acknowledged and spoken explicitly on a large platform for once ! Comment from : @feta_cheesecake |
president trump will realize you don't get rich attacking poor ppl that's spending tax money to make $0 you spend money to go after people who have money Comment from : @Sam-rp6tm |
It's social media that's making it harder for companies to get away with this And heroes of Youtube and such, upholding justice themselves are to thank Comment from : @Aozora333 |
3:00 NVDAbr11:00 Revolving door Comment from : @alphabeta8403 |
>Their NVIDIA shares are going to make them richbrHahhahahaahahaha $600M down bAYBEEEEE Comment from : @katiemorison7969 |
See a lot of comments on the tipping out of control because they are monopolizing the restaurant business closed all the small business and now nothing but corporate crap we had the best chef's in the world from all over the world that worked from morning to late evening to put out the best product possible now nothing but corporate garbage cooked by angry minimum wage employee that don't care about anything Comment from : @raross6119 |
Just like the medical monopoly we had private local Dr's when i was younger and there was no need for mandatory government insurance and no big pharma we paid our Dr's in cash now after propaganda the crap out of the country with cigarettes and alcohol now you have high blood pressure you need big pharma and now we are a monopoly we can charge anything we want been broke my whole life for medical monopoly Comment from : @raross6119 |
I like your perspective Comment from : @danielevan8712 |
This is the real reason why shit is so expensive Does anyone actually believe that a business man isn’t make it easier for these greedy bitches to thrive Comment from : @Jesus-cu3be |
When governments picks winners and losers this will always happen and ultimately,if things don’t change, will lead to the collapse of our economy Too much regulation The silly idea the government knows how big which companies should be is folly!! The antitrust law is very vague Comment from : @10raystube |
Watch video about how coding jobs aren't what they used to be, see ad for coding boot camp in next video 💀🙈 Comment from : @IaintTheHerb |
More of this please YouTube Comment from : @Hembygden_i_Skane |
Is the guy @9:07 wearing leather pants? Comment from : @WeekendDive |
LKQ is a good example Comment from : @brotherbromp6558 |
Natural monopolies DO NOT EXIST, they are all a result of government regulation and lobbying Comment from : @Tir33nts343 |
Generated Slop!!!! 😂😂😂 You're witty! Comment from : @sagehumble5616 |
META needs to go Comment from : @azhiking4488 |
The King of anticompetitive behaviour would have to be Adobe Any startup in that space that gains any kind of traction ends up being bought out by Adobe, in order that they don't out-compete their own offerings Comment from : @randomuser_no5 |
Thanks to capitalism!! Comment from : @DiogoGaming2 |
Ai is just a horrid modern example of monopolies Comment from : @ClabeTickel |
The other options to google are a joke Comment from : @themultiverse5447 |
hot take, procedural generation is unethical due to the fact that it directly impacts everyone's electricity prices by creating lots of garbage content in an insanely power intensive way Comment from : @jole5468 |
Banning lobbying would solve all of this and more, how's it even legal? Comment from : @Mensiti |
Google left China and now it's leaving America 😂 Comment from : @sanderpereboom7935 |
How come we could split up Ma Bell, but are unable today? Comment from : @LDrosophila |
"who is changing the default search engine on their phone?" Oh hey that's me Comment from : @NH_Lock_Chronicals |
if you make it so that you cant buy out other companies a lot of problems will go away Comment from : @ReznaQay |
They going to start shivering in there boots if we get a bull moose in office😂 Comment from : @Autism-Creature |
It's all rigged Comment from : @jimyoung9262 |
Im someone that loves science but doesnt understand money stuff very well brbrThank you for making these videos approachable for people unfamiliar with these topics Comment from : @hydrxyMoron |
none of those search engine alternatives is better to Google DDG resells Bing and Bing has always sucked, even bing in its best day is worse to handicapped Google in order to keep you in their site further to sell more ads Brave is an interesting search engine but it ain't better to Google Comment from : @laughingvampire7555 |
Make CUDA open source? Comment from : @Anifix123 |
Roosevelt and Taft would be disappointed (I’m saying that because they hated monopolies) Comment from : @Nikolaimcgee |
This video needs a boost in the algorithm Comment from : @fixchoose2861 |
Musk, Murdock, Bezos, Gates, Zuckerberg, Koch Bros, and I forget who owns more than half of the Supreme Court And those are just the ones we hear about in the news The internet has made them all far more influencial, and far more narcissistic Comment from : @ziziroberts8041 |
Why? GREED And they don't call em the Seven DEADLY Sins fer nuthin Enjoy the day Comment from : @ziziroberts8041 |
Yeah, nah It isn't very public, but nVidia has a long history of "helping" companies implement things, as long as they use CUDA over more standard solutions supported by multiple vendors Comment from : @jaskij |
"useless regulators" you mean "bought / lobbied / invested / corrupt and useless regulators" Comment from : @Binzdogger |
The first video that I have seen that has actually correctly identified the problem It isn't even hard to make a search engine or even a browser these days, that is why there are a bunch if them The issue is, it IS really hard to convince a company to default your platform And it IS also hard to garner the attention of the advertisers Comment from : @KamiKomplex504 |
A variant here was the regulated monopoly If some field kept forming monopolies, but they didn't want to run it like a state enterprise, they could try to heavily regulate it Down to price controls etc Comment from : @SusCalvin |
Because of regulations Comment from : @alejoos_ |
2:01 well, I changed my default search engine Comment from : @SaUl95954 |
I mean rich people have always had a monopoly on political power and land, starting with the founding fathers who created our constitution It’s just capitalism Comment from : @quadstar4382 |
Gogole is the only impactful monopoly and the government is solving it's problem There's no need to do anything with other companies What is Apple monopolist in? Selling Iphones? What is Netflix monopolist in? Selling Netflix subscriptions? Microsoft can sell you Windows, but it isn't monopolost in anything as well Most big corporatipns are not monopolies Or rather they have monopoly in such narrow branch (just their brand, or product they call to be "different" but isn't different) that you can take replaceable goods super easilybrbrI have monopoly on cooking food in my house I'm a monopolist!!! Oh noo brWhat I mean is some "monopolies" don't matter You can frame anything into being monopoly Like who cares that only Nvidia can sell Nvidia cards - if there are many different brands selling simmilar products! Comment from : @Buffalo_Soldier |
The book Why Nations Fail basically advocates breaking up monopolies so they dont have too strong of an influence in the government But finding out that monopolies are the state of equilibrium is scary Still have to keep up the anti monopolies enforcement though Comment from : @BPMa14n |
You should do a better job vetting sponsors, feels like obvious shilling to affiliate with some of these brands Comment from : @zac9933 |
I mean our current economic system’s whole schtick is this It’s consolidation of capital More capital means more capital means more capital Every 50ish years we have to hit them with a big stick, we just haven’t done it in way too long Comment from : @nosauceyesrough3576 |
It's funny people think capitalism is to blame, when its socialism, collectivism, and therefore, the State, all the interventions it does on the Market are to "prevent" monopolies, but ever since time things have gone the exact same way, the State needs to fuck off and let people make their own businesses, you guys also need to do this, rival and compete big companies, don't sellout to them brCapitalism is about exchanging goods, and competition between those who want it ( and those who don't) and those who provide Right now its just the first part, when normally its the second But this is the responsability of you guys to vote Anti-State politicians just like in Argentina China has its own monopolies and just got above Europe because they let part of the market operate by itself enough for it to grow In the US and Europe there is a trillion regulations and taxes that limit how many people can make something to spread competition The State ALLOWS monopolies, I don't agree with interventions of this level of selling Chrome out They are gonna take it back one way or another Comment from : @anti-spiral159 |
Aren't that many companies anymore? It couldn't be bc of higher inflation, the pandemic, or literally the economy in one of the worst spots ever, no its bc of those big corporations Comment from : @aldagosto1413 |
It’s so funny that Americans don’t want monopolies, but you have a symbiotic relationship with apple phones, try an Android lol Comment from : @Mikeygp17 |
This is exactly why Steam shouldn't be attacked with antitrust They don't disallow other game markets They even push for price equality for consumer So if a game comes to Steam, it must be at same price if released at other marketsbrEpic hates Steam because Steam is too big because users like it And Steam didn't use market place to enforce its location Their product is just better Comment from : @sakurai1996 |
Capitalism explained Comment from : @Inolikestatusquo |
Netflix is the only good monopoly i knowThe Streaming wars bit us in the *ss Comment from : @internetartist2436 |
Businesses nor the government should be allowed a monopoly that does not return the money into the economy Comment from : @SaintShieldWolf |
I'm always imagining the "Franchise Wars" that "Demolition Man" talked about when it was revealed that every restaurant in North America was Taco Bell I have this feeling that one day we'll get a fully conservative Supreme Court that strikes down all the monopoly laws, causing every trillion dollar company to first get rid of all their competition before attacking each other, until one company literally rules over every industry on the planet I named the company Overlord Corp, but realistically I think it would be Amazon Comment from : @vampman87 |
So that's what she meant, when she said that her friends who are into Mergers & Acqusitions find it boring Comment from : @eliehmedov |
all of the search engines you showed are based off googlebrthe only ones that arent are safari and firefox Comment from : @Lukepuke311 |
A good monopoly is a busted monopoly Comment from : @user-kg2lp8jz2r |
You can't just buy a movie anymore You have to subscribe to any one of these huge movie studios to watch some of the movies you want to watch You don't even neccesarily want to watch a movie everyday for a month Bonkers shit Comment from : @Maring0418 |
The only good monopolys are state run ones, the German railway was a monopoly not so long ago and since everything belonged together all departments had the same goals and worked together(but not always) Now its a mess of a state run company comepeting with private companies and leading to cut backs in quality since they had to cut cost to get the contract Comment from : @twindexxx |
2:01 not just phones, but all apple devices, with safari, from the iPod touch to the vision pro Comment from : @_reZ |
I don't think its talked about enough that the average person's shear stupidity helped caused this as well Look at the phone market, apple products are extremely subpar and there are way better quality, cheaper options But consumers don't use their craniums and buy apple products forcing other real competitors to fade out now apple jacks their price even higher while giving less like making the chargers exclusive to purchases The irony is that to this day people still camp outside apple stores for technology released 5 years ago Comment from : @lee-cl8td |
I can't say that there are many search engines as good as Google, which is the only search engine that allows a verbatim search - which sometimes needs to be done to find the right search target I could be wrong, and indeed, welcome anyone know knows such a non-Google search engine Comment from : @swampwiz |
I know the news letter is just a lead funnel but I assume from your videos that you will actually deliver on some promising material instead of just promos so im gonna sub to it Comment from : @JP-oq7zr |
Western apps vs Eastern apps can be used as alternative choices besides Google, Bing, Metager, Mojeek to Yandex, Dekoo, Baidu, Naver extremely competitive search engins Comment from : @karrystewart |
People elected Trump again, and he’s pro-monopoly Biden worked for the average American Comment from : @wetbadger2 |
We need a monopoly and trust buster in office! Comment from : @calebhatalla9532 |
Monopolies shouldn't exist, competitors always will be doomed, political power of the entire world will be on the hands of a little group of people, the State should guarantee good competition, but it's very unlikely that work, the system it self its a failure and we must wake up to change it faster Comment from : @allefgabriel384 |
Why did you use that logo for the M? Comment from : @Eeevonn |
i use ghostry haff the time and google haff Comment from : @sveinhongset4725 |
"monopolies are the natural state of the businesses"brbrThis is why real capitalism is impossible, it's just an utopia: every market tends to monopoly, no matter what brbrA monopoly can only be accepted if it's managed democratically by society Comment from : @rafariff |
After that 4:18 I’m definitely subscribing to this channel 😂 Comment from : @valentino1005 |
The goal of nearly all business is market domination Monopoly is a normal part of capitalism Comment from : @avernvrey7422 |
I GOT A VANGUARD AD DURING THE VIDEO!!! Comment from : @riakriak7270 |
I wonder if the Italian Mafia is proud of the legacy they built Corpos just copied all their tactics Comment from : @lockness1980 |
everyone on windows change from edge to chrome Comment from : @AvyYT_shadowbans_comments |
If a monopoly form, that business should be nationalised Comment from : @BioHazardCL4 |
Lina Khan is awesome Comment from : @jez1522 |
this was a huge deal a month agonow in october its less than a fruitfly, see how that works? Comment from : @adamreynolds3863 |
Lina Khan is bae just for doing her job Love to see it Comment from : @hardlife507 |
Me when I'm playing monopoly, but my opponent is microsoft 😔 Comment from : @huetwastaken |
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