Title | : | Monopoly Top 10 STRATEGIES To WIN - Ultimate Monopoly Board Game Strategy Guide 2022 |
Lasting | : | 12.49 |
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Only Legendary Tactics can make an interesting, enjoyable, and comprehensive strategy guide for Monopoly! Great job guys Comment from : @Craftidore |
What i like to do its get two streets (red and orange) and put on all 4 houses untill there are no houses left so they cant build hotels or progress in the first place Comment from : @JATM-260 |
What is your thoughts on the two brown properties? Comment from : @danielpatterson4335 |
Best way to win is to keep x10 100's up your sleeve lmao Comment from : @Cloud9likeaboss |
A tactic I've experimented with is to try and get the two browns and blues through landing on them or through trading for a low price (acting like you don't really need them) brbrSo that later on when making a trade, add those to the offer as a bonus incentive, since players are much more likely to accept property than moneybrbrThis allows you trade to get better properties for much less of the cost Comment from : @theriveroffaith852 |
1 tip that's really good is try own at least one property of each color except brown, with this your opponents will not be able to get a color set or if your opponent had a property you really wanted than you could just trade Comment from : @NoteAPianist |
I don't think people understand how op mortgaging properties to buy more properties can be Comment from : @meektheshy |
when you decide not to buy a property, can you still bid on it during the auction? Comment from : @JoeHeaton-p7r |
Much like my real life investing B/C properties have best cash flow but not as much rent Comment from : @mikeanderson9266 |
There is something wrong with the board state in this video example You can't have a single hotel in a property set haha Comment from : @CrashAriMP5N2O |
My top best strats in my opinion is there are four sets orange yellow greens and dark blues is what I mostly buy and I always auction utilities to go for the railroads but buy pinks reds to use as mortgaging sets for later or sell to your opponent for more money Comment from : @lisawarwick6478 |
If you get something good for trading away full monopolies when there are no houses, do it Comment from : @NeverEverWatchThis |
The utility s are great 10x what you rolled Comment from : @maddysmith2108 |
The only thing I care about and nobody talks about it How much you should pay for mortgage properties Comment from : @danielkemendi9373 |
Im a professional monopoly player and these tricks are insane approved Comment from : @captain-go |
Great video Comment from : @donvito2682 |
I have an idea for people who love to gamblebrReplace monopoly money for real currency Comment from : @donvito2682 |
Try to own one of every color set to sand bag the board, and drag down their earning Comment from : @liontone |
Thanks for the guide I wish the people management section was longer I was confused by it You said you could agree with one player to not charge them rent but what do you get in return? Comment from : @YoutubeCommenter7402 |
btw how do you get to the online game that is sometimes shown on screen? Comment from : @supermenon23 |
Canadian accent came out when you said “when in doot” Comment from : @FuegoNews |
4:51 That dosen't really count for brown and light blue but it counts for the other properties Comment from : @mohammadayubkhan999 |
Thanks so much I do really like the game but I wasn't able to get a strong strategy, after this video I feel much confident Comment from : @AlejandroAzcuyVidal-tu3pw |
2 of my friends and I played first to 15 wins I won with 15, my other friends had 13 and 12 Yes we played that many games throughout a month and it was one of the best times Comment from : @levislevine3868 |
I employ every single strategy from this video I hardly ever lose a fame now I have to work on money management and strateaving a diversified negotiating strategy Comment from : @laroybell3313 |
Some versions of the rules dont allow collecting rent while in jail This is the frustrating part of monopoly because they seem to change the rules all the time Comment from : @feetfats1 |
My strategy is immediately after collecting a color set I mortgage everything and build as many houses as I can Also if I have multiple color sets i mortgage the most expensive color sets and build on the least expensive color sets Comment from : @ujifreeman8198 |
my strat is to go to jail in mid or end game so you dont pay reny Comment from : @omaralvaro9170 |
Digga warum Titel deutsch ????? Comment from : @Beeper-vu9ir |
How did you get the bear character? Comment from : @Pryoness |
One of the ways I play is trying to buy 1 of every colored property while also targeting the dark blue, orange, red and utility propertys Comment from : @LittleTiredBean |
I am at the point I only want to play if there is a crazy variation of the game, we play the Space Jam new legacy which has you making $500 passing GO on the condition you make 3 basketball shots from the plastic toy backboard they included which is not easy Comment from : @305unleashedgraphix3 |
I buy everything at the start and when i get like 3 of the orange i mortgage everything and i have houses on orange right away and they go bankrupt so u win fast and easy Comment from : @SouthCarolina1 |
I’m guessing the whole dice probability thing doesn’t apply when playing on mobile (dice probability isn’t a thing I don’t believe) Comment from : @johnny5alv |
Boardwalk is the best property on the cool side of the board, as it has the highest raw ROI of basically any property on the board(125 without a monopoly, 133 with a monopoly, and 727 with a hotel when factoring in even building, compared to the 485 New York Avenue gets from a hotel when even building is factored in, and even barely edging out Baltic Avenue, with a 726 ROI from a hotel when factoring even building) and being the one on that side with the highest odds of landing on it due to the Chance or Community Chest card (I don’t remember which deck it’s in) Comment from : @grahamturner2640 |
The scarcity of housing tactic annoyed mu wife so much that she bought a new pack of houses and added them to our set 😅 Comment from : @damienhine1861 |
The number 1 strategy is the scarcity strategy I’ve never lost while using this strategy You aim for the cheapest properties and make every effort to gain monopolies on these cheapest properties Build as many houses as you can on as many properties as you are able to build on Never go to hotels and you will win nearly every time you play Comment from : @christr1ut87 |
🏦💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰😘 Comment from : @elizabethhurtado2829 |
what monopoly video game was playing in the video? Comment from : @adonisssss2197 |
Something that confuses me about this game is why would I put 3 houses on a street if I can put a hotwl and earn more? And how often does one need to pay a mortgage? Every round? Comment from : @scottlawson9027 |
I bought that Monopoly game on Steam the other day and it's terriblebrYou can't skip Ai rolls and you can't get a top down view to see what's going onbrIt's just really bad Comment from : @kroanosm617 |
I had the perfect set up to win the game but the odds of rolling a 7 made everyone miss my orange properties which had 4 houses on every property pretty early… I bankrupted 1 person who had the reds but I didn’t have the money to pay them off and build houses which would’ve most likely given me an easy win if I had the money for it since everyone landed on the reds but not orange Comment from : @mingi1489 |
Bro strat 1 did not work out for my friend I always and I mean always landed on either my properties or the chance and community chests spots She always landed on my properties (She had all but 2 properties) Comment from : @galaxysgreatestchannel |
Let's go Comment from : @peterolbrisch8970 |
Bruh my brother sent me this after I loss to him 💀 Comment from : @chill391 |
Medditerian and Baltic And never buy hotels Comment from : @richb1576 |
Great video Thanks Comment from : @dustinproffitt734 |
i never thought of forcing a auction to get a reduced price but makes sense if they dont have the money Comment from : @he6k588 |
I never knew that the number of houses included in the game is the maximum that can be in play at onceI've never even heard that said beforehas that always been a written rule? Comment from : @jonathanfeldheim6554 |
I usually buy the light blues and browns since houses and hotels are so cheap People think I'm bad a trading when I give them high value properties for the cheap ones The thing is houses and hotels are only $50 and I can make up to $600 dollars off of someone who just passed go I think I need to be better at hiding my money and being humble while playing though LOL Comment from : @maxneimeyer1229 |
Monopoly can be fun but it all depends on what kinds of people your playing againstbrAlot of people dont want to play by the rules, they prefer to make up their own rulesbrThis takes all the fun out of the gamebrI play by the rules or I dont play at all Comment from : @donvito2682 |
Best tip when playing with family brLoose some games! I used to dominate every game that we would play Now my family either don’t want to play or when they di play they don’t want to trade with me or they just work together to get me out fist Comment from : @spencerskinner3828 |
Man I don’t get the utilities hate I always buy them They help me buy a house everytime somebody lands on them It’s after the light blues which I love and right before jail so if you don’t go to jail you’ll land there or yellow Utilities are great to buy you house and if you have both and somebody lands a big roll you’re making what 3 trains are worth They’re also cards that force you to go to utilizes So RESPECT UTILITIES Comment from : @kevinortizvanegas9921 |
this was very helpful for me thanks Comment from : @Excitemike7430 |
here is something I recommend you should buy every property possible, this includes railroads and utilities if other people have them trade it for some higher amounts of money at this rate, you won't have to pay anyone anything, and if you have enough money you can purchase houses and hotels to make them pay you more eventually leading them into bankruptcy Comment from : @SalaciaYT |
People management is the best strategy Comment from : @ru8163 |
The last time i played this, i bought all the rail roads, and practically milked my parents dry before they even got the chance to add properties to their plots Comment from : @procta2343 |
Statistics aside, my personal favorite strategy is collecting the bottom of the board (light blues/browns) & RRs because other players can't stockpile money from passing GO since they will either pay you rent or pay the bank income tax A nearest railroad card is brutal at $400 late and a head straight to GO card puts them directly in the line of fire You can also cause a housing shortage very early since houses only cost $50 each on those five spaces & that's 20 houses out of the pool if you max out houses The biggest issue is you need a lot of liquidity if general/street repairs hasn't been drawn early, otherwise you're looking at a $500/$800 bill Comment from : @Mexidorf |
Does anny one plays Monopoly on playstation? Comment from : @Pridesin5 |
Buy the Browns, trust me 😎👍 Comment from : @patrickbateman783 |
The dice produce slightly more results than at light (4,5,6) than heavy Comment from : @SSNewberry |
My #1 tactic is not to buy properties immediately in the early stages but instead immediately bring them to auction You are still allowed to bid If your opponent is one that overpays you can deplete their cash early and snag properties dirt cheap later If they are stingy you can gain the property for under cost I will generally let the property go to the opponent for just below face value That could change if I am targeting the property This strategy works best when there is only 2 players It is far more nuanced when there are more Comment from : @arpeggiomeister |
I have a question, when there are no more houses and I have no houses on certain properties, assuming that I can afford them, is it a good idea to build straight to hotels? Comment from : @addisonfung5009 |
Seems like opening strategy is the most important phase, and you basically hedged Should you buy everything as long as you don't have to mortgage, mortgage immediately to continue buying everything, or buy only the top 50th percentile of properties? Comment from : @letsmakeit110 |
Strategy: Get all RR's (or as many as you can), Park Place, Boardwalk, and one of each other color set You can't lose if you accomplish this Rent from RR's will fund your housing Comment from : @MrShortWhiteGuy |
I really like using no 5, you can agree with other player with a monopoly buy all the houses and be the strongest players for the rest of the game Comment from : @Niriik |
I feel like every time I play Monopoly my strategy always devolves into cheating! haha these are some good points to help that! Comment from : @atomictokengames9304 |
Also, you should build a Hotel if you can rebuild the houses immediately Comment from : @MrSnepsnep |
There it is :) Comment from : @MrSnepsnep |
to be honest, Monopoly is a game to talk and drink beer with friends who have no clue or not interested in strategy at all, not worth it to get an edge Comment from : @nedaronnax6193 |
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