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Best Battery System for RV - AGM vs LifePo4

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Title :  Best Battery System for RV - AGM vs LifePo4
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Comments Best Battery System for RV - AGM vs LifePo4

Great video I really was planning to go lithium on my Geo-Pro for more boon docking Before I saw this video I decided to go with (2) 235ah 6v AGM batteries in series which can take 15-65 amps of charge current With the money I saved I am going to add 2 more solar panels to the existing solar system that came on the coach With approximately of 117ah and almost 30amps of solar charging I figure I can boondock for awhile if the sun is right This video just reinforced that I made the right decision
Comment from : @petercriscuolo8383

Thank you for your video its a school for some people i really appreciate your effort brbrAs always no better battery without acid ❤
Comment from : @QATAROVERLAND

Best video and so honestly man ❤
Comment from : @QATAROVERLAND

Excellent information
Comment from : @WrenchWarrior99

Best explained! brbrDoes this advice change if it a van?
Comment from : @PaulHollywoodLife

I was interested in comparing the AGMs to Lithium for a whole different applicationbrThanks to your video, my unasked questions get answered
Comment from : @014D

That’s an rv?
Comment from : @TheShannon60

Can you safely use a sealed AGM inside the living quarters of an RV like under bench seats? Can they be mounted out of position in any direction?
Comment from : @dlwightman

You have cleared up more of the confusion that I have had about the battery choices in this particular episode than I have tried to figure out in the last month Thank you so much
Comment from : @MackMoore-q2n

So how big does my battery have to be to run my Houghton 9500 a/c & heater unit on tje roof of my Hiker Trailer?
Comment from : @adamlivingston6659

This is exactly the video I needed Thank you
Comment from : @daniellelindgren2099

Hello, I have a question regarding 12V 27M Duracell Ultra AGM 30 battery Do these batteries have a special maintenance charging requirements that if not followed could ruin the cell in the battery and void the warranty? My son let the battery go completely dead and sit for a couple weeks outside now it won't hold a charge and it's 3 months old paid $224 with extra $25 warranty extending until 2026
Comment from : @micheleeller1145

Comment from : @henrikbothe

Comment from : @ericmartinez1520

Buddy thanks to you I think I understand enough to figure this out Moved into a camper got my own land to get away from crazy people Have been up to my ears in things to do Thanks so much for helping me I would be lost without TWO of ur vids
Comment from : @Maggiewuvsrufus

I'm personally looking into a Deep cycle GC2 6volt golf cart batteries wired in series I have a 2024 Salem FSK178bhs It has a 30amp solar charge controller with a solar panel Plus it has a factory convertor This is all on a single group 24 deep cycle battery currently Just looking to increase capacity
Comment from : @pineychristian

Thanks for your advice!
Comment from : @dlouhancz

I have a 22 foot sailboat and I’m needing to put power on there It doesn’t have an engine in it but I’m needing enough power to run my NAV lights and you know plug cell phones in and probably a electric cooler in my GPS Garmin GPS Matt plotter what size battery and how many watt solar panel should I put on there, I don’t never have to worry about running out of power I’m just not sure of the wattage and the size battery
Comment from : @rogerrolandbelanger4762

The only right advice to avoid to buy lithium batteries and change hte whole system Thanks !!
Comment from : @hannesdeburchgraeve6886

Comment from : @dbj1954

Nice video liked and subscribed
Comment from : @everydaywyatt

Thanks this was very informative!
Comment from : @augustday6

I will say this, I got a lipov4 at 200 bucks with a high quality BMs integrated, it is for solar and has very little resistance
Comment from : @bravojr

You are love for knowledge!
Comment from : @bravojr

Very well put!
Comment from : @hickboy3067

Hello, what size inverter should I get for my 100AGM battery? I was thinking of getting 1500 Watt and I just need it for small devices, tv, laptop etc
Comment from : @confranaprenderan9864

Great information and you did a great job explaining everything!! Great Video!!
Comment from : @BradTheBalancer

This has helped e so much ,specially with wife,amazing learning that I needed
Comment from : @olivermalo3835

awesome info brother, you are a wise man, thanks for sharing
Comment from : @fidiusjwhoopie

I would absolutely love to sit down and pick your brain and help you choose my very first teardrop and the appropriate options
Comment from : @tactical_potato81

This video didn't age very well
Comment from : @allanstaple9785

I have a 6 yr old 12v 65ah flooded marine battery on my travel trailer It is dead Can I go to a higher ah battery of say agm without changing y converter?
Comment from : @timlist4173

Best video I have ever watched!! Following
Comment from : @jhonnato100

My trailer burnt to the ground while charging lithium batteries
Comment from : @ericswild

I purchased two golf cart batteries from Costco and was very happyMy first time watching your video great information
Comment from : @Kevin-bz7hj

Would you still recommend AGM today? I’m part of an enclosed cargo trailer group on FB and everyone is all about lithium I want to create a tiny house using an 85 x 20 cargo trailer and live in it full time Any advice would be appreciated Great videos btw 😊
Comment from : @calw8217

You're a sharp cookie! I was focused so much on Lifepo4 for my RV Being an old Navy ET, something in the back of my mind was saying why? You helped me return to sanity😊
Comment from : @SoCoguy

I agree completely with commenter below, Craigbeattie5209 (there must be a lot of Craig Beattie’s out there in YT land)! This guy, “DIYOutdoorLife” is absolutely fantastic from the “what do I need to know and learn” perspective I watched one of his videos on solar for RV’s yesterday and I felt totally comfortable making value and quality buying decisions immmediatley after watching! No hype, no bull, and not an ounce of self promotion No wasted words - every one important My new hero for all things RV! Thanks Brother - you’re one of the foods guys and a great teacher - we all appreciate you so much?
Comment from : @kirkswater

Not at all my experience I’ve had a bit of experience with lithium batteries AGM batteries die at state of charges that just don’t matter LIPO
Comment from : @bob2ride

Battle Born Batteries fired every employee who refused the covid vaccine Garbage company
Comment from : @StrengthNDiscipline

Thank You more than you know!!!!!
Comment from : @zytar4907

Another amazing video! You single-handedly convinced me not to convert my system over to lithium That is assuming that lithium technology hasn't changed much from the making of this video to today's day in 2024 Thank you for your quality objective review
Comment from : @DavidArroyo78

you make a lot of sense i bought one of those batteries but it was for my trolly motor i dont own a camper anymore
Comment from : @jtepsr

Your past self should talk to present self I have a feeling you two will be having words 😅brbrLike the channel man, appreciate you breaking down and talking about different electrical components and gear in clear concise and in practical everyday type use
Comment from : @MouwDown

Dude! You get a big thumbs up from me with 'the batteries in your TV remote' analogy! Start @ 16:53 👍
Comment from : @slomotrainwreck

Once in awhile someone cuts through the bs Thank you brOn another matter my lead acid batts have frozen over the winter Any ideas on a thermo safe box for a 100 ah AGM?
Comment from : @lanceriffle4841

Okay but how do I install a 65-75 pound battery? I have a T@g and the fridge is the main thing that needs juice
Comment from : @teripittman

Very helpful Retired and Boondocking more often now I have a TopBull 3000w and Diehard H8 (95ah) brAnd a 100w ecoflow solar panel Doesn’t seem like the best balanced setup but good enough for small personal device charging and a Keurig and maybe a microwave and tv if neededbrbrYour videos are great thanks Brother!
Comment from : @KennyC72

Thanks for the great advice 😊
Comment from : @kathyrobmaglio4501

A 200ah AGM is currently going for about $300, gets 500 cycles before 50 capacity, and weighs 128 lbs A 100ah lithium iron from power queen is $230, lasts 16,000 cycles to 60 and weighs 21 lbs I know which I'm getting 😅
Comment from : @devonconnor3563

this is informative and clearly presented very good info thank you for posting
Comment from : @johnbecay6887

How can I get the most amp hours of batteries for the $ for my camper?brThanks for the great video
Comment from : @tstractorworkstrickland5828

we need a new battery for our trailer and i've been flooded with lifepo4 ads on social media of course ana gm battery sounds like a much more realistic solution thanks for the great info!brdo you have a preferred brand? we are in canada so our choices may be different
Comment from : @stevem268

What about batteries in parallel? Will that last twice as long?
Comment from : @tompeterson4628

Keep doing what you’re doing You’re about to blow up
Comment from : @RiskOnRealEstate

Truthful advice is priceless thumbs up Ole Battery tech here
Comment from : @waydwnbama-way3089

Even a couple years later, this info has aged pretty well, nice work! I do think many of the budget LiFePo4 batteries have gotten much better/cheaper, but the "1, 2, punch" of Deep Cycle plus the so-called "solar generator" seems like the best route for most RVers
Comment from : @johnfriesen856

This is perhaps the best explanation of how to consider the upgrade to Li batteries for your RV Well done! You explained the details with clarity Your recommendations are well taken This is what I needed to know
Comment from : @chrisk5433

Thank you so much Great job
Comment from : @simonguilbert3209

Longevity vs charge cycles and robustness you are behind the times if you use ANY type of lead based battery
Comment from : @DC-ho8oe

Awesome video and great advice Thanks for your assistance and honesty
Comment from : @heinsteyn1025

Very impressive and thorough run down on the RV battery showdown that is all too polarizing
Comment from : @utah_jake3501

I'm confused Just watched a different video, and they said the complete opposite what is being demonstrated here 🙄
Comment from : @video80634

Great video thanks for sharing Only thing I believe you have wrong is lead acid is 50 discharge max Agm is good down to 80 discharge That's the literature on my Lifeline AGM 27T 100 amp hour not 50
Comment from : @Eec2023

So if you don't mind let me add a few things not covered most new charge controllers should have the option of battery type, my new 2024 has 2 solar panels and a charge controllers that accepts a lithium battery I use lithium in rc cars and have also used nimh, the discharge power for a nimh lead acid battery drops is power as it discharges a lithium has the same output until it hits it's min voltage So say you have a lithium set up you will have full power to your inverter through the entire voltage drop The biggest draw from lithium is failure and a fire hazard I advise the end user to do his or her research
Comment from : @STGGamingOG

the only advantage of lithium is weight
Comment from : @thelonewolf666

Wow Thank you Ma Brotha You are a great teacher Thank you for saving me money
Comment from : @ishmailnassardeen9493

Thank you for a very informative video I have quality lithium batteries and certainly won’t get rid of them because of your video I’m very happy with them and they have worked well for me and much smaller and lighter than AGM They’re also more environmentally friendly which is important Still love your video and you clearly know what you’re talking about and why your delivery is so clear Well done
Comment from : @conmolBry3

I saw you were at 999 comments so i was excited to be 1000! This is hands down one of the most valuable videos for small RV owners Great content!!
Comment from : @jeramieschmidt4911

Wow That was educational! You convinced me! Now I need to rethink my plans Thank you for this step by step break-down of reality!!!
Comment from : @randomspirit

I currently have 2 lead acid batteries, in our 2 year old trailer I’m wondering other than the battery monitor system in the trailer , are there other ways to monitor the batteries?
Comment from : @RobertAldrich-t8e

Very informative video and in plain English Look forward to more videos
Comment from : @RobertAldrich-t8e

This video just convinced me to go with portable battery powered generator
Comment from : @javierbernal2408

I’m looking at the Marxon Gel battery (100ah) What are the differences in AGM vs Gel?
Comment from : @mrred7353

Hey karma/fisker mechanic I work on these cars and they have lithium ion phosphate batteries if you want to do it you want to have an indoors system battery system they need to be temper controlled they cant get too cold or they won’t hold a charge, also the life cycle 10 years max if you do all ur maintenance which is fully charging them and balancing all ur different cells in the battery so you now need controls to balance the cells, he also talks about bcm shorts very real I deal with these all the time I’ve rebuilt countless battery’s and modules to fix these batteries don’t go to lithium very expensive to put in and fix love my vehicles there great but this battery technology sucks, I’m also an car audio guy car battery’s/home battery’s lead acid or agm are far better if you want more capacity look into bigger banks of agm battery’s, see he’s not kidding when he talks about battery being complex topic cause I have an extra battery in my own car for my sound system, lead acid up front for high discharge and recharge off the alternator, 2 gauge about and inch around with running to the rear big agm to keep everything resting at a higher voltage around 132 at full gain around 2800 watts on my sound system, before I had issues of voltage drop, but I also have separate contactors isolating them so they don’t discharge into each other, meaning don’t mix battery types, they all have to be the same same camping my friends
Comment from : @connerstevens6865

Man, you saved me so much money, aggravation, frustrattion
Comment from : @democracy189

Comment from : @allendhansen

Hounest, strait to the point , im glad i watched this , im looking at agm and now im convinced its what will work for me , thank you , im not rich just want to spend some time outdoors and know if the weather turns i got a comfortable place to take shelter 👍👍
Comment from : @4486xxdawson

Ok I just bought an older camper rv trailer I have an excellent marine lead acid big battery I bought a 100 watt solar panel and a charge regulator My camper has the electrical converter wires that hook up to the battery Will that run all the electrical in my camper or do I need an inverter as well? Also can I be charging the battery at the same time I'm using the battery with the solar panel? And do I need more solar panels to keep my battery charged to keep my frig running and possibly my TV or microwave occasionally? How do I get my solar panels started charging my battery? With the alligator clamps? Sorry I am new to everything and it is all so confusing I want to completely stay off gridbrAlso, I already purchased 4 of the lithium batteries to string together to have the power of my one lead battery I will ask questions about that later
Comment from : @MsKaren1219

Comment from : @thomasrife8638

Lol well, sold me not to buy lithium
Comment from : @charmedbycharlie

Comment from : @ericweesner1289

Best Video I have seen on YT! Thank you
Comment from : @rkengle1960

Brian, I need to replace my RV battery I believe I fried it, stinks like sewer! So I’m interested in an AGM Battery size 24 group Hoping you can suggest a few high quality AGM batteries?
Comment from : @user-je5jq1xp5q

PLEASE READ…I know this video is old but has some major fear mongering like “being scared to hook up the Lithium to your truck via the 7 pin” There is just no risk like you make it sounds ALL vehicles have a Fuse box with typically a 20amp to 30amp fuse That will blow WAYYY before any damage or over amp draw could ever even occur and is a $2 swap if somthing went wrong and that ruisk is the same with AGM’s The other part is AGM have only 50 or usable capacity and it’s actually less than that do to Voltage drop In reality you only get 41 The new Lithiums are just so much better now and all have a BMS built right into the battery that handles all the complex task and protects it AGM have none of that can be destroyed so much easier This video just will hold people back from getting all the benefits of these Lifepo4 batteries and how safe they are Just not a fair video IMHO Lastly, tongue weight is actually one of the most important for ride quality and the 50lbs savings can get when swap to Lifepo4 is big, especially on a smaller vehicle 13:40 You don’t need any special charge controller either, it just may not top it off and will get it to 85, which will actually make them last dang near forever with light use compare dot 3-5 year with an AGM You can top it off every couple months with a $50 charger off Amazon of add a couple solar panel s a charge controller and set So many wrong points here that people just eat it up without knowledge Just get a Lifepo4, with low temp cutoff built in Get it from a good company and will thank me when 10 years in a same battery with no Maintenance or mess like AGM with way more actually usable capacity too, not stated capcity like AGM have
Comment from : @ktms1188

Sold Best closing argument in the history of Man Agm batteries typically have a higher resting voltage and a different charging algorithm Also I understand that AGM doesn't handle partial charging like running a generator for 35 min a day for week camping You are pro AGM so these things are not that bad or true? Just subscribed, pure brilliance
Comment from : @TheNutzandBoltz

I just purchased a 100ah LiFePo4 for a great deal on sale My 2022 model TT is equipped with a solar charger setup to charge LiFePo4 as well as a power converter with an auto detect feature that is designed to auto detect a LiFePo4 and charge accordingly brbrI’m hoping this is as simple as that?! If not at least I know I still have options
Comment from : @SMarti018

I am on the second of your videos dealing with battery and solar I am learning so much and feel that you can be trusted because you hold no punches You are helping me decide on the system I will need for the trailer I am about to get Thank you so much! brStay safe and God bless
Comment from : @freezinweasle1

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