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Social Security Earnings Limit [UPDATED]

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Information Social Security Earnings Limit [UPDATED]

Title :  Social Security Earnings Limit [UPDATED]
Lasting :   9.02
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Frames Social Security Earnings Limit [UPDATED]

Description Social Security Earnings Limit [UPDATED]

Comments Social Security Earnings Limit [UPDATED]

Thank you for this great info I didn't realize money in excess came back to you When you say that pension doesn't count towards the earnings maximum, is that just a defined benefit pension or does that also include a 401(k)/403(b)/annuity?
Comment from : @tubecontributor3206

Earnings $19,560? Can you define earnings? Does this include only wages or does it include pension or 401k withdrawals or interest earned from banking or investments?
Comment from : @silvaagnes9002

Don’t have a friend get retired on the eighth get benefits going to work for a Amer-Corps Do he keep his benefits? Those benefits, his wife death😢
Comment from : @drlakeith

Very informative and helpful information I have been on the fence about taking my SS at 62 The information about the earning limit was helpful I Google the income limit for 2024, the amount is $22,320 Thank you for help I will continue to watch your informative videos
Comment from : @traceywhittaker9690

I ain’t mad about speaking about political double standards At least u can add
Comment from : @cherylbroadenax1006

I do not qualify for social security,so how would premium get paid?
Comment from : @WonkyWomanLife

My husband has to work 2 jobs to make 52,000 It is 2300 a month,after tax etcbrYou cannot even pay rent on it
Comment from : @WonkyWomanLife

After taxes,20,000 is nothing to live onbrI wish they did not have social security,in a way,and just let ppl invest it themselves
Comment from : @WonkyWomanLife

You cannot live on it hardly
Comment from : @WonkyWomanLife

I just seen your video Not sure if you are currently on here still but I loved your video I have been retired since I was 58 and work part time Been trying to watch my wage earned income for a few years I know this goes by your gross income but if I have deductions in a 401k plan will that that help to lower earned wages for social security? Or just lower my income for taxes? I have been offered raises and keep turning them down What a crazy thing I am now 62 by the way Anyway hope you can give me some guidance here and sorry for such a long message thanks :)
Comment from : @BeckyLewis-h1w

Can you draw and still work a full time job? My idea was to just put ssi in an investment plan and not touch it, however is ssi prorated as you get older? I’m 62 and very confused, there is no way I could survive on social security as my only income
Comment from : @stevolene

Love your videos Love your clear voice and clarity I subscribed and now am binging watching all your videos learning what to do when I retire in 7 years Thank you
Comment from : @havinganelvisday2296

I'd love to see you do a video for people who have to rely solely on SS for income & how to survive
Comment from : @stargazer8215

What about ssdi
Comment from : @janinemakey5186

Syliva, If retire at 61 and live off my pension and 401K until 67(FRA) will that 6 years of no earnings reduce my SS benefit?
Comment from : @hotdog5966

The problem in retiring at age 62 is you don’t qualify for Medicare Insurance You have to pay for it Here in CA, $30,000 year income is not going to cut it
Comment from : @Elizabeth-qc9gi

Are yearly pensions part of the calculations for earnings limit? Or is just working salary dollars?
Comment from : @DM-wj3cd

You mentioned Medicare costs based on tax / earnings of two years prior?? That has completely confused me I’m not drawing anything yet I’m 61
Comment from : @BlueLineGroovy

I was born in 1959 and don't plan on drawing on Social Security until I'm at least 70 If I'm working and making around 45000 dollars a year will I be able to draw full benefits from SS?
Comment from : @jamesbrice6619

The only thing I'm not hearing is what about insurance for those who get it thru work
Comment from : @KeepPushnOn

Reagan was the 2nd worst president in history, besides Trump
Comment from : @Mars-77

If I claim at 62, and earn over the 21,540$ limit and take the 50 penalty on my SS payout, is that penalty a reduction or a withholding that I will get the benefit from later? And if the later, what are the specifics?
Comment from : @GRpd-nh7hl

Went from 55 to 67
Comment from : @irritatingindiana886

Very informative Still plan to work until Age 67
Comment from : @markdecesare5762

Comment from : @robertchapa

Is there an earnings limit on receiving survivors benefit when your under 60 and your caring for a child?
Comment from : @kenyaj6707

Awesome Thanku great info
Comment from : @ericpistole8763

What is the earned income limit when you are in the year of FRA but before you reach the month?
Comment from : @Susan-cl6my

I just turned 60 years old and became a new Medicare Agent Will my Medicare residuals be counted as taxable income???
Comment from : @carrolllightell3902

Very informativebrCan some one help me on this please brMy FRA would be this year( 2023) in JULY but I will begin receiving my SS in March of this year (four months early of FRA) I also want to continue working until Sept of this year By the end of Sept I will have made 50,000 Will I have to pay any penalties?
Comment from : @rossneidish9520

I appreciate you so much
Comment from : @nathaliepalladino4128

Congress is taxing morebrbrBecause 54 of Americans are DIRT BAGS and pay 0 Taxes
Comment from : @bclaverenz1

All your videos are 💯 helpful watch you all the time 💪
Comment from : @wandkj

You are pretty loud
Comment from : @Stephaniehall5154

well, i worked 10 years met 40 credit of ss requirement and am nowbr 63 years old with health issues What would be my monthly benefit from Social security now? Thanks and I hope you can help clear and pin the monthly payment Also I did work overseas for 5 years but was king less than 70k a year and I was told no filing required as this company do not pay taxes to us gov its foreign company Can you please explain what I can do to include this 5 years ? Thanks
Comment from : @khadijahussain1938

She looks like the witch on msnbc telling me I have to accept trans,cis ,bi, or whatever alphabet soup they are using today
Comment from : @jacksonlee3771

Thanks for explaining all of the things that don't count towards wages for social security purposes So it is 2 years behind on figuring your Medicare premium by your income amount
Comment from : @donreinholz8121

I don't understand why the government seems to penalize older people who might want to save more money right before they retire Seems stupid to me Rich people can make a lot of money but hide it inside a tax shelter Go figure! Murica!
Comment from : @donreinholz8121

Wow, what a great short video You answered my question, the answer to which eluded me for a long time: pension deduction is excluded from the income limit, 19500 Thank you!
Comment from : @solatle9887

If I am receiving my deceased husbands government pension, does that count as earnings for the year?
Comment from : @cindywagner23

Educate yourself about how the additional IRS staff will be usedbrNo It is NOT to come after low and mid income people
Comment from : @kinss1

Can I put my biz in my wifes name so I dont go over the 19K earnings limit since I am drawing Social Security?
Comment from : @paulknoblock8797

Thank you so much for the info 🙏
Comment from : @carnut7436

Love your video! I have a question: does rental income count as earned income?
Comment from : @jerrypissonme

Back in 2018 I went over my earnings limit by $8000 I did start my social security at 62 I worked out a repayment plan with social security that I've been paying back for almost 4 years I am now past my full retirement age of 67 Social security is still taking monthly payments out of my check each month Will this stop or will I still continue to repay the overpayment until paid in full Thanks, Ken
Comment from : @kenpsteele

I retired from teaching in Texas My last day of my contract was May 27, 2022 However, I will receive checks in June and July for money I earned prior to June1 Will I be penalized? Thank you so much for your help!!
Comment from : @paulmccarter312

My FRA is 66-4 born in 1956 can i claim ss at FRA and keep on working ,what about taxes 85
Comment from : @beaconsharman7159

I worked mostly for cash, how do I get a monthly Federal welfare check?
Comment from : @juangarcia8828

Just recently heard this & would like the truth please I will be 62 in August, born in 60 I was married for 42 years & recently divorced May I take my social security & change to his at 70? It may have been vice a versa One continues to grow as I take my max from 62-70? Hope I am asking this correctly
Comment from : @tbrownell102

Is the $19,500 limit for early retirees per person or household?? Can’t find this answer and was just on hold for 35 min and had to hang up
Comment from : @rita131000

Sylvia, something that I can not find a real answer for one youtube(gasp!) nor really the SS website is my situation I even called your Medicare Family and wasn't able to sus out an answerbrMy situation through the pandemic was being on unemployment and my industry (oil & gas) being underwhelmed So for over 2 years very little work and taking unemployment I figured that being 62 in July it would be good to take is as I had no guarantee of any full time employment I did so and got my 1st payment in August (foreshadowing) I was re-hired full time I make over 100k a year (combined) and have been happily receiving my payout until a friend told me that if I continue on I'd be getting a demand letter soon saying I had to pay back thousands brI've looked online and all I can find is examples of $1 for every $2 and also examples of working and only making $10k over the limit, I've no found "what happens if you work full time making $100k This seems like a video that needs be made My only answer was from your service who was very nice and said I should "call and talk to the ss administration for an answer" brThanks for the service and information you provide!
Comment from : @carlnelson3893

Your SS does not "stop growing" if you earn more than 19,560 if you take it early The recalculation at FRA is going to incremently give you back your money held as a penalty
Comment from : @franklee2683

Great info, my wife falls into this year collecting and working cashier should work out good for us, thanks
Comment from : @edcollinge1422

Comment from : @allwaysamarine6528

Retire at 62! Great video! Take it early and enjoy the Outdoors! Our channel can help you with that!
Comment from : @HowToHaveFunOutdoors

Thanks for the pod cast Helping others help themselves understand this program I hit the 👍 like button brLot if good information you have given out Joel
Comment from : @joelalm3645

That was not clear at all how you explained the Medicare and the 59 increase Maybe you could explain that again
Comment from : @thenutrientwhisperer3700

Who are they to tell me how much I can make
Comment from : @boogrbear788

What is bad about SSI and SSDI is you are put in a limitation on what you can do for work, how many hours you can work, and how much you earn So people on the program get scared and don't work because of it The program is kind of like blackmail in a sense
Comment from : @jenna2026

I have been asked to increase my hours to workbrand I already make over 19,560brCan I lose my job for not doing more hours?
Comment from : @findthejohn

Is all u libs do is tax a different group of people
Comment from : @johnwadsworth4916

My husband company kicks us off their insurance at 65 I will be turning 65 next month The company give each of us $3, 500 a year to pay towards our insurance when we turn 65 I am also a online reseller, was wondering if the money my husbands company will give me a year will count as income?
Comment from : @mariacarter3797

Great video I will be at full retirement age in 66 - 4 months in Jan2023 I plan to keep my work until June 2024 Do I need to get medicare and medicare when I already have healthy benefits on my current job? thank you for your reply Much appreciated
Comment from : @Sistahknit

How is disability calculated? How to calculate average current earnings, how to calculate aim High1 high5 Ssdi
Comment from : @Gokywildcats11

does ss take the earnings overage all at once or through 12 payments for the year
Comment from : @michaelhoapili4688

My net benefits for 2021 was $2213400 Am I over the limit or may I earn up to $1956000 or more?
Comment from : @almabayomi8065

I would love to start a couple of businesses So happy you could tell everyone the Earnings limit My question is this? If you’re making an income from your business that’s less than $100,000 should you considered dropping the SSI payments? Second question! If I am paying in Fed, State, and SS taxes would this be recalculated with Social Security if I need to stop working and need to depend on Social Security payments again It’s more than likely that I would make a larger income
Comment from : @almabayomi8065

I’d never work!
Comment from : @paulgrimm

Question, I didn’t retire until now, I’m 67 brAm I entitled to SS from when I was 65?
Comment from : @74the_magpie

This is the year i turn to my FRA" Can i file for my benefit now becoz i dont make more than 51,960 my FRA' 66 and four months is on OCTOBER can you please tell me if im all good to go to start my benefit now? i dont have to wait for 8 months/ without penalty? thank you so much :) please help me IM still working Full time by the way
Comment from : @luisalmanzor1702

Is there an earnings limit if you were born in 1959 and retirement age is 62?
Comment from : @yvetteaffissio980

I have a question my disabled son gets SSI - I want to know when my husband starts social security will my son be able to go on his father’s SS instead of SSI? Also will my son still be limited to a low SSI amount for his savings? Or will he be off the SSI limits? Thanks
Comment from : @donnaferguson6527

Hi Sylvia, my co-worker and I are both 62 I want to take SS when my job ends April 30th My coworker called SS yesterday and was told the earning limit of $19,560 is totaled up annually Other planners have told me the average limit cannot be exceeded For example, If I earn $1500 one month, but earn $3,000 the next, will I be penalized on the month which I exceeded the average $1,630 or will I only be penalized when I exceed the $19,560? I am trying to learn which Social Security publication spells out exactly what the law states
Comment from : @davidleigh443

Hi,:At which amount is Social Security taxable for single person,for example I take in one year,6,000 from 401k,which is taxable and I make 32,000 in SS payments for a total of 38,000Do I pay taxes on 38,000?or just 6,000 ?
Comment from : @john1999

Thank you so much for this channel I will be calling soon I'm 64 would like to start getting my check but still want to work full time married file jointly was wondering do they look at my gross income or net earning to determine what they reduced my SSI check to? Thanks againtalk to you soon😁
Comment from : @coolnights4665

So my husband draws soc sec but also is on my health insurance thru my job and has started taking heart medication which isn’t cheap😳So now I Am approaching 62 in about a year and a half And I’m taking my retirement Would it be better for him to find a private insurance for his meds or let Medicare D take care of it ?
Comment from : @susanprimm5363

Very informative!
Comment from : @hanwin651

What about disabled people ? I have been on this for many years
Comment from : @patriciapappas4087

The rules for all of this nonsense are confusing and probably on purpose I do not understand the earning limit is relation to full retirement age I read in one sentence that at full retirement age you can collect your full amount regardless of how much you earn if you continue to work Please help me understand what they are saying or not saying 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Comment from : @sah5799

Is Rail Road Retirement the same as Social Security?
Comment from : @theKaufmanTapes

I'm 74 and need extra money Can I go get a part time job with out hurting my SS
Comment from : @tcbridges

Good God From 19,000 to 19,500What a Joke
Comment from : @steverose234

Expressive and informativeoh btwrepeal WEP Thanks!!
Comment from : @gmanwrangler

I believe your incorrect on full retirement age for everyone I’ve been dealing with this in my life It is age 66 and 2 months!!! Verified by Social Security Administration in September of 2021
Comment from : @23maggiemay23

I retired in 2019 and started taking ss and MedicarebrNow I am a notary public and earn less than $13000 per yearbrDo I need to file income tax since I am self employed and receive 1099 from several signing service companies plus most of my income is tax exempt?
Comment from : @roxannasheffield8439

Had a TBI in the Military so I’m paid$1500 Social Security and Va Compensation at $3600 it was a war with the VA just to obtain these benefits
Comment from : @LLJR

I need talk to you soon!!!
Comment from : @nanciarruda1114

None of this is helping low income people What a rip off
Comment from : @rachelzuniga5300

I was told I can't draw on my ex social security until he dies in the state of Michigan
Comment from : @197319493

once I get to the full retirement age, does the earning limit still apply?brbr59 increase is just more burdensome for our kids and grandkids let’s go brandon!
Comment from : @richarde735

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