Title | : | Pounds, Shillings and Pence : Pre-decimal Coins Explained |
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Erratum! The Sixpence remained legal tender until 1980, despite no mintage from 1968 Comment from : @MichaelJones-ni5pb |
After decimalisation, we should have retained decimal Pounds, Shillings & Pence Why didn't anyone think about having the new 5 pence simply inscribed with "New Shilling" instead of "New Pence"? If there was any thought on this, it should now be considered again, as we do now have a decimal Sixpence since 2016 Comment from : @MichaelJones-ni5pb |
Why don't you mentioned 1 guinea? I was also part of history Anyway nice overview Comment from : @dunalar9454 |
Half,Third and Quarter Farthings existed Comment from : @MasontheRedman |
I don't, like many others, need any explanation I took the last GCE exams using "Pounds, Shillings and Pence" Don't forget the channel islands coins Comment from : @terrytt5067 |
Pre decimal also had the advantage of being actual precious metals and very Precise weighting system that worked well the world over Comment from : @seanronayne3654 |
I was born when old money was our currency was much better got more for your pound would go back tomorrow Comment from : @stephenardern2245 |
Hi thank you it's very helpful Were any notes in circulation in 1912? I am researching Edwardian England up to 1912 & heard of a 10 bob note being in circulation at that time Comment from : @handsomepigg |
The term 'Guinea' outdated the coin even further in Egypt and Sudan; They still call their pounds 'Guinée'! Comment from : @auadisian |
It's all the nicknames that confuse the hell out of me! I can get used to pence, shillings, pounds and even guineas but when we go barreling off the road into the swamp of bobs, bits, thin-uns, tanners and crowns, you lose me Comment from : @hughjass1044 |
if you think that todays uk coinage is different try watching this wwwyoutubecom/@BritanniaCoinCompany Comment from : @silverghost131 |
The old way of money has so much nostalgia built into it We don't have those names anymore, shilling, bob, crown etc I can understand why decimal was brought in, but a lot of history was thrown out in 1971 Comment from : @johnking5174 |
Well the British system before predecimal was based more closely to the Spanish monetary system for centuries Spanish currency was based on division of 8 and its factors (consider the reason during the the rise of the British Empire its main competitor until the mid 17th century was the Spanish Empire and later France, Spanish currency was preferred on the international market for its high quality and widespread us - much as US currency has been since WW2) If you want to hear of even greater confusion --- before the US established its decimal currency for a hundred years colonists used a mix of French, Spanish and British currency due to the lack of American coinage and the poor quality and scarce coinage Britain provided Comment from : @chrissahar2014 |
Anyone brought up with LSD had no problem understanding it Comment from : @Starmerispureevil |
I'm sure there were a lot of older folks who were annoyed by decimalisation Just like if the USA went metric Comment from : @jbw53191 |
my mum spent half my childhood converting money into "old money" lol Comment from : @ruthietube |
Do you moisturise your hands? Comment from : @paulfaulkner6299 |
Interesting, I was born just too late to experience these Seems such a complicated system, but the coins looked nice and all the nicknames were fun Comment from : @livrowland171 |
It was not a crazy system Comment from : @michaelspencer6108 |
The Half Pence is the Pluto of the coin world Comment from : @DarkForcesStudio |
Can anyone tell me how this was taught? Was there a particular book or set of exercises everyone did as children? Thanks for any leads! Comment from : @jasonjampoler3905 |
note to americans we do not use this system anymore not since 1971, our currency is now decimal 100 pence in £1 Comment from : @PS-ru2ov |
Elizabeth I was not queen in 1856 Queen Victoria was Elizabeth I was queen from 1558 to 1603 Comment from : @heronimousbrapson863 |
240 is far better divided by more numbers than 100 split a £ by three people 😊 Comment from : @chessdude1977 |
All coins-bar a 1970 commemorative set-were dated 1967 in 1968-70 so as to avoid hording🎩 Comment from : @neilmcdonald9164 |
The Crown was little used in daily life after the 19th Century:mainly issued for commemorative purposes (there was,technically,a yearly run in the 30s,but these were mainly issued in the run-down to ChristmasAlso,though they had the same tails design and weren't commemorative in practice not used much more in daily life than any other post-19th Century crown🎩 Comment from : @neilmcdonald9164 |
You missed out the ten bob note, which was replaced by the 50p piece I used to be a paperboy in 1972 and was paid 33 bob a week I do miss tanners and bobs Comment from : @banginghats2 |
I remember the day it went decimalized my dad gave me a six pence (25p) to buy a dandy comic The dandy comic cost me ,2p I was very disappointed I only get a half pence change😂😂 Comment from : @ianbriers5019 |
Since you mentioned variant coins that were used for short periods or in the colonies, you forgot about the half farthing (1/8 of a penny)- the smallest denomination produced in the history of the currency The half farthing was issued for use in Ceylon during the late Georgian/early Victorian era I have one in my collection, and whenever someone asks about it and I explain it to them they always say "Oh, that's so ridiculous!" Comment from : @verdecillo9940 |
Frankly I prefer old money The coins have names which are a bit harder to remember, but the basics are so wonderfully simple and intuitive Comment from : @neodigremo |
At 2:26, "Minted from around 1272 under the reign of King Edward 1st unti 1856 under the reign of Elizabeth 1st" Err Elizabeth 1st died in 1558 so something wrong there methinks Comment from : @alphabetsoup7918 |
Thanks Christopher for the information on the old ways of using the predecimal money count because it would have confused me of what you would have and not have and when it all went decimal it was a lot easier to work with I've noticed that there was old paper money but it was a lot larger than the decimal paper ones😊 Comment from : @davidbonner-k9b |
Great Job! I'm a Yank and would never figure out that system I was reading a book that took place in 1920 or so, and the character went to a small tavern (pub) and the bartender said, "that will be a tanner" Bet it costs more than a tanner today! Comment from : @opathe2nd973 |
Honestly, I would really like us to return to this old system I don't really know why: it's not like I'm nostalgic, since I was born in the 2000'sbrThere's just gives me a fuzzy feeling of a older, simpler, prouder time, long-gonebrSo what, if it's slightly more complicated A little extra maths in our day-to-day life would probably do our society good Once people got used to it, they'd probably have easier times fractioning things Counting coins is probably most people's first experience of real-world maths Comment from : @lamlatynol2252 |
In India, i read a lot of books by british authors as a childbrbrAlways used to wonder what these denominations were That was before the internet, of coursebrbrbrThanks for the nice video Comment from : @alokbalsekar |
Excellent presentation!brBut perhaps you could have provided the spelling of the names of these various coins as well as the nick names eg is it a "Bop" or a "Bob"?brHow do you spell "Ginny; "Grote"; "farthing" etc without me having to look it up? Comment from : @danielcoetzee5793 |
Thank you for the direct and much less convoluted explanation than others Comment from : @acharyajamesoermannspeaker6563 |
Wonderful presentation Sir Comment from : @gautamchakraborty9189 |
Tf wrong with England lol Comment from : @ahmadfarzad5939 |
Pre decimal coins (penny/half penny/farthing and shilling) are my prime collecting subjects They radiate the essence of pretty coinage Comment from : @gerritleemburg6777 |
I should point out that if you had grown up with the system, it would likely seem as reasonable as the current onebrbrAs another point, I believe a lot of the same problems that arose from going decimal would have still shown up if it had been done in reverse (going from 100p/£ to 240d/£) Comment from : @Nomenius1 |
I was born a few years before decimalisation, I vaguely remember the coins being used Yes until the shilling and two shilling coins became no longer legal tender alongside their new counterparts because of the introduction of the smaller 5ps and 10ps in the early 90’s Comment from : @trevorcoles1162 |
Another great video Super duper thank you very much Comment from : @seye8eyes |
"oh, it'll never catch on!" and "Its too complicated!" were a couple of phrases used by those who wanted to keep with the old system I've been told that there was a cobbler's shop in town who refused to accept the new money Unbelievable lol Concerning adding in LSD, it was easy as everyone was used to the way it worked, clunky though it was Comment from : @Skraeling1000 |
I have assumed you may be knowledgeable about coins, but if not, no problem at all Thanks anyway! Comment from : @DONTBEAPUPPET7 |
Hi there, can you point me in the right direction for a few purchasing options (online order is best I suppose) for a 1969 and 1970 five pence coin for a school project? I thank you in advance for any help and links you can give when you have the time to do so! Comment from : @DONTBEAPUPPET7 |
I remember it very well, Christopher! And have loads in my collection Great vids Comment from : @williammacdonald3327 |
I remember loosing a tooth when finding a sixpence in my Christmas pudding and my mums face when at the bank unlocking a bank locked piggy bank that was half full of thrupenny bits years after decimalisation Not sure if the bank honoured it or my mum had to put some money into my account Thanks for taking me on a trip down memory lane Comment from : @gillritchie2984 |
Oh this was so good remebering all the old money but would rather have the new pence much eaiser lol Comment from : @mariekane4239 |
We did not have crowns in daily use Love to see them all again I still have a collection of them as they went out of circulation Oh my, I, so old 😂 Comment from : @janetstanland2015 |
I am older enough to remember the Pre Decimal coin’s I loved the Sixpence & Shilling’s the best👌👍 Comment from : @mrmrssnappy9920 |
📽️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Comment from : @janiskar7892 |
Pre decimal base 12 had its advantages too, like being able to divide by thirds Comment from : @matubula |
Very good video! Made perfect sense to me from the 60's onwards 6d bought me a Mars Bar and packet of nuts 10/- paid for an hour riding lesson Comment from : @scarlettsmith832 |
You forgot to mention the farthing, everyone's favourite pre-decimal coin A coin of such low value (960 to the pound) that even in the 1950s it was scrapped as being essentially worthless But it was pretty, and known as a jenny because of the wren on its reverse (or maybe it had the wren design because it was already known as a jenny) Comment from : @rogeroneill1539 |
Became inconvenient after inflation With their original values, you would be dealing with only basic units for daily purchases Comment from : @AshThunor |
Interesting look at real money 😃😃 I hadn't heard some of those nicknames Our 3d was a Tickey (Rhodesia) Comment from : @grahamturner5963 |
We referred to the first 50p coins as ten bob bits brCoin hunting was more fun pre decimal One hundred years of coins in circulation, five monarchs, mint marks, Scottish and English shillings and variants on top! At least to start with one and two shilling coins could be had, until the great shrinking happened Comment from : @cennethadameveson3715 |
Haha I’m still confused… I was hoping you would do a video on the pre decimal system Being born in 1969 I only know the decimal system brbrThat must have been a challenge for you, to do a video explaining it all, but you did a really good job, nice to have all the coins (and values) explained I think I will pass on trying to add up all the old coins!!! brbrBrilliant video Christopher, thanksbrbrI did learn a lot today Comment from : @ImagesOfBurscough |
bThis was one of the most comprehensive videos of the channel Thank you Christopher for this cool information about the pre-decimal UK system/b Comment from : @NandiCollector |
I was born in 1970 so never used them But some nice designs Which is a shame we don’t modernise the designs for todays coins Thanks BCC As easy as that Best line 🙄🥴😂 Comment from : @darrencheshire8546 |
I was born a year after the Farthing stopped being minted (although it was still legal tender till 1960) I loved the big half crowns Having one of those in your pocket made you feel rich as a youngster! 😂 Comment from : @mackemmoolah |
That was a very interesting video Christopher! ❤️ Comment from : @tahirsutube |
I don't think Elizabeth 1 was regining in 1856 Comment from : @Greg_Watchorn |
The predecimal coins have such iconic designs on 😄, they should of modified the predecimal designs for some of decimal coins but that probably would have also been confusing if a new 2p looked similar to a predecimal halfpence Comment from : @alfiejones7429 |
Great video but decimalisation caused inflation which is rife todaybrI was not born till after decimalisation but I remember brThe ryhyme and slang brTo Bob bit brUse your imagination brLol 👍brTake care 👍 Comment from : @martryan2060 |
Excellent video! I'm fascinated by pre-decimal currency and enjoyed the information presented, including details like Nigeria being the last to leave the LSD system (another bit of fun terminology) It's worth noting that much of pre-modern arithmetic was done mentally, so numbers that divide into many whole numbers were favored (like 12, with 12 pence per shilling and 12 inches per foot) Since most daily transactions would only involve silver pennies, conversion of shillings and pounds weren't often an issue That of course changed over the centuries as values and economies changed Anyway I could go on forever, so thank you for this video! I'm looking forward to another on the subject Comment from : @jabbertwardy |
This was a wander down memory lane My parents had a shop and it was common parlance to refer to copper & silver when getting change from the bank Back in the day a lot of people liked the 3d, after all who doesn't like thrupenny bits 😉 Comment from : @zetectic7968 |
Excellent look at the pre-decimal system Thanks Christopher Comment from : @officeguy3 |
I arrived after decimalisation so I didn’t have the struggle of trying to work it all out, although there were shillings and florins around I knew them as 5p and 10p and the new small 1/2p was cool as you could get half Penny sweets 🍬 brGreat stuff Christopher & BCC 👍🏻 Comment from : @smiffy7890 |
I used both sets of coins but my 2 favourite coins pre decimal are the farthing and thrupenny bit Comment from : @stevedrake1965 |
Those pennies were heavy in my pocket Comment from : @paulhoskin3286 |
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