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Rev. Jesse Jackson, Other Black Leaders Push Term ‘African American’

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Information Rev. Jesse Jackson, Other Black Leaders Push Term ‘African American’

Title :  Rev. Jesse Jackson, Other Black Leaders Push Term ‘African American’
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Frames Rev. Jesse Jackson, Other Black Leaders Push Term ‘African American’

Description Rev. Jesse Jackson, Other Black Leaders Push Term ‘African American’

Comments Rev. Jesse Jackson, Other Black Leaders Push Term ‘African American’

African Americans AIN’T African!
Comment from : @AlexandriaWashington

Blacks are of mixed race heritage, we aren’t solely/directly African
Comment from : @thecoyote9866

We are Foundational Black American
Comment from : @channingfranklin8234

I always hate the term African American
Comment from : @channingfranklin8234

I am SHINNECOCK Indian he we wrong
Comment from : @wandalynch3303

Australian Aborigines are called "Black" why? They aren't from AfricabrThe Asians of the island Negros, are called Negros why? They aren't from AfricabrThe Samoa and Tonga are called "Black" why? They aren't from AfricabrbrMost of the descendants of America's African slaves both understand and reject being called the n-word, but we should accept being called the same word in a different language?brbrIf we aren't ni@@ers, how are we "black"? Why are non-European populations all painted with the same pejorative?brbrWould you accept someone calling your wife, mother, and daughter a whore? What if they were calling them it in a different language? "Puta" Would you accept that? Would you abide reading it on your child's birth certificate?brbrMy ancestors come from Africa; I've no shame in my ancestrybrI was born in America; this land is my birthrightbrI am African American
Comment from : @LifeAsANoun

Black leaders or so-called black elites, pushed for the name African American?
Comment from : @Shesthrilled1860

FBA today
Comment from : @HOPCOUNT

They need to change it really because black isn’t color I don’t hear Asian people call themselves yellow Americans are Hispanics calling themselves brown Americans so why would we call our black Americans? 🤣😂
Comment from : @Rudebwoy64

so what is Elon Musk? This is the stupidest thing in the world anyone in the Americas who is Black has to be called African-American Elon Musk is more African than me Life began in Africa so everybody is African-American This is stupid How many time are they going to reclassify us?
Comment from : @Arab2020

You dont have to call yourself European because you UNLIKE African Americans know ykur heritage and please also remember blacks have bern historically oppressed and treated as outsiders and pariahsbrbrPosted from Britain
Comment from : @maureenjackson2041

Im a millennial & I never went wit african american cause im not African my ppl aint african we been on Florida lands for decades & Jesse Jaccson dont speak for err blacc person in America we know wtf we is
Comment from : @theofficialbugzdk352

I don’t use the term African American, just as I don’t use the term European American My ancestors came from Europe and I have that ancestry, but I’m not actually European in a national sense I’m American, so my race is white Also, not every black person actually comes from Africa, so the term is too narrow Also, capitalizing black makes no sense, just as capitalizing white makes no sense
Comment from : @coynichols3517

Why do anybody like this guy? Yo he is the worst man the biggest puppet The biggest sell out in our community , ever jesse jackson , no love for that guy , yo no love for him and his tribe of d e v i l s
Comment from : @CheNava1

My best friends mother here in Miami was his first cousin They say Jessie not once in all his travels to Miami ever called or visited them They weren't in need of anything due to them all having good county jobs but a visit would have been nice
Comment from : @vincentmiller3496

Comment from : @ericadunn4024

The term African Americans was used in the 1700s
Comment from : @thecivilizingelement

If you're born in America you are an American stop race baiting people we all got along as people until Obama he has done nothing for this country except create division and Biden continues that mission God loves us all we are all one race in his eyes the human race spread good Christian love 💕
Comment from : @jeffraymersr1486

The big fart hahahahahahs
Comment from : @Selfpreservationformystarseeds

Man we are the American Indians and Jackson was wrong for changing our race This man lost his mind Look up Smith’s first book of Geography 🩸brWe are not black or negro We are the American Indians by 🩸
Comment from : @dermetri

Lol! India owns your channel
Comment from : @LoveMafae

While personally I don't care what black American or anybody calls themselves I still think it was a smart move, those who want are connecting with the Africans on the continent
Comment from : @APOLO-oq3ce

Negro, Colored, Afro, Black, and African American For an undisclosed number of years we've been called everything under the sun, only to be named again after not one but two continents
Comment from : @fortelewisandrew2426

Y’all some lost people cause the Coloreds are Indians they reclassified to Coloreds Black Americans are the Copper Colored Race of America the Indians who the white man enslaved we are not African we are the descendants of the Paleoamericans
Comment from : @dermetriwyatt1964

Comment from : @dylanromney6144

We was here way before 1619 that's false and names we already had our names most of us wasn't slaves only a few
Comment from : @ChieftwinCampbell

Why did he push this false narrative?
Comment from : @ChieftwinCampbell

Jesse Jackson doesn’t have any right to label me He should speak for himself I’m indigenous to America
Comment from : @atum6

I'm for the term African American because not only does it recognise one roots and heritage but the way in which blacks have been treated throughout US historybrThe USA turned its back on African Americans, treated them differently pre civil rights era, African Americans were also not seen as real Americans, held blacks in contempt and wanted nothing to do with blacks so much that racism was even enstrined in law relegating African Americans to second class citizens in a land that was supposed to be a democracy brbrPosted from Britain 🇬🇧
Comment from : @maureenjackson2041

No this is bad because blks In America is the native in America by him doing what him and other did strip us from our native land of America Jackson don't not speak for me other blk ppl from America need to look at real journals of Explorers that came here that describe the real ppl from here and they are not the fake native American and they know that blk ppl are the true native That's why they won't let us see the record they are hiding in that mountain vault The oldest bones that was found in America are from the blk ppl that was all up and down the America's and it's evidence of this so I am native Plus it explains why blks have an identity crisis this was the home they took and hide from us the white ppl and fnative Indian The more they dig over here they find us not them
Comment from : @solk4533

This was a straight bamboozled job Jackson who is Boule was working with the NAACP which is 100 owned and financed by the Small Hats was instructed to push this name change approximately 98 of so-called Blacks have zero connections to Africa which is a continent Italian, German, Irish are connected to those countries not a continent We fell for this BS The Elite agenda was to coerce Blacks the indigenous people to this land to relinquish it so they can takebrover without any compensation or pushback I to this day refuse to be identified as AA We must stop following these so-called self appointed leaders and thing for YOURSELF!
Comment from : @macmac7396

Nothing but baffoonery! How can one accept to be identified and named after two continents? This is a by word just like black and is an insult This has nothing to do with one's identity and bloodline A proud Boule member calls a press conference to sow further confusion and brainwash the masses into believing what they should be called and it becomes accepted Deutoronomy 28:68
Comment from : @Levi-cx2to

Ayo Fuck Jesse Jackson and the NAACP!!!! Bitch how tf is everybody black African We ain’t agree to this shit Fucking sellouts
Comment from : @iamnvmbr2015

I remember Jesse saying it in "Jesse speak" Afrin Ameran!
Comment from : @glennpupino4890

#FunFact Elon Musk is the richest "African American" in the United States Let that sit in your soul when you call yourself "African American" #B1 #ReparationsNOW #FoundationalBlackAmericans
Comment from : @devPunks

If you believe that U believe man been on the moon
Comment from : @ewardprince4342

Yeah no, I’m sticking with just being called African
Comment from : @xArkux

I urge everyone to use Dr Alaho Olu herbal supplements on YouTube because he cured my HSV 2 and HPV He cures multiple Fibroids too
Comment from : @elizabethgary3080

I'm not from Africa, as Malcolm X said, Plymouth Rock landed on us We didn't land on Plymouth Rock Martin Luther King, said,br we are living in Exiled in our own land Wake up people!
Comment from : @modeerfp8955

Are whites born in South Africa brand naturalized Americans considered African-Americans also?? People like Teresa Heinz, the actress Charlese Theron, and others come to mind
Comment from : @evagrant7907

In 2022, People better get use to hearing these words B1, black grassroots, Afro indigenous , Aborigines American , and ADOS not African American from some black/brown skin people
Comment from : @misshelloareyouthere

Shame on these sold and bought puppets! Jesse, Al, and Marc Lamont are the worst! Our land and cultural base IS RIGHT HERE!
Comment from : @msmamalena

The irony is that most blacks/African Americans were here before slavery and before Columbus 🤔…we have had our “names” changed so much that we don’t know who we are and it is sad 😞
Comment from : @lawrence8846

I wish more educational institutions would teach the differences between race and ethnicity and biology and social constructs It is clear from some of the comments, it was not part of the curriculum
Comment from : @drpatrickgaham6123

Not every black American was a decent of slaves There was a black elite during the founding of America Black man, Anthony Johnson was the first slave owner on America History does not want you to know that
Comment from : @omeeawakened

Not all black Americans are from Africa Africans do not see black Americans as African
Comment from : @omeeawakened

Comment from : @chrislionheart4623

Comment from : @JohnDoe-hc6sf

Too bad Jesse sold out his people
Comment from : @richardreese8038

Rev Jesse Jackson was right Thank you, Rev Jackson
Comment from : @missmattie1462

Black is beautiful
Comment from : @balcon983

I reject the name African American Our people built this country I'm American not African American Go to Africa and you will see they don't consider you an African
Comment from : @ytbenavraham9553

I'll stick with black American
Comment from : @marquellmartin1287

Already here
Comment from : @merritmuse1884

Comment from : @michaelcampbell5849

Roland Martin and his twin Don Lemon both handpick Whites to call racist while both live in White Suburban neighborhoods with White police they love! Both are paid millions to keep Blacks voting 90 Democrat! Both called Ice Cube a fool for meeting Republicans for Black Only Economic Wealth 500 Billion to revitalize Black Communities 500,000 Black Businesses 3 Million Black Jobs! Both said Biden will do more for Blacks instead Biden gave Blacks a holiday linking them to slavery and Roland Martin began tap dancing as if Blacks financially are better now! Blacks Better Wake Up Real Quick!!!
Comment from : @danielinthelionsden654

Have you ever heard the terms African German? Or African England?
Comment from : @ninij9692

Yes, the WS love that term so they can say you don't belong here brYou were here with the natives LONG before any white man ever found this landyou have ALWAYS belonged here!
Comment from : @ninij9692

Ask yourself why does this group of people get reclassified every generation since the Civil War? You've gone from negro, colored, black, Afro American, and now People Of Color Why aren't you just American? If your great great grandparents, great grandparents, and grand parents are buried in America what are you? Why do people from Europe come here thru Ellis Island and have no problem claiming to be American? Your Prisoners Of War, your the American
Comment from : @horusallegory

How ironic this channel wants to put this out now when Harvard had to retract their article on ADOS 2 days ago
Comment from : @lessismore3761

It's kind of ironic black people struggled and fought to destroy segregation and now they're doing it with this news channel Do you not see your own hypocrisy Right over your head I guess lmao
Comment from : @TreyWK

Good thing your channel is getting canceled, shit is trash information , nothing but lies Thank joe Biden for that lay off right before Christmas playa 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @yourlame9795

Comment from : @KirksCORNER1983

I know someone going to take this comment out of content brBut doing the '80s when Jesse Jackson came up with African-American to represent all black people brThe name was a beautiful cultural to represent our ancestry legacy And I'm sure we will never forget our history and what our forced ancestors did to our African ancestors But Black people who was a born and raised in America Is an American Although our ancestors will always be African We are not African Americans brAnd here's why Our ancestors were African when they was brung here to America But forcefully Their forced descendants bloodline were cut from Nation to nationbrTherefore I identify with black AmericanbrI will always be aware, n that my ancestors were Africans But I'm also aware, my bloodline was cut and I am no longer a pure AfricanbrJust my personal opinion
Comment from : @meetupspeakup4161

Most of us black American millennial/gen-z HATE the term African American! We prefer BLACK AMERICAN (descendants of USA chattel slavery) Because we are not immigrants from Africa!! (Definition of immigrants means ‘CHOOSING to travel ‘ we did NOT choose to be here ), there’s a video clip of the Nation of Islam speaking out against this name change back in the 90s!
Comment from : @OhDatsJaVion

I remember when this happened as clear as day i was so proud to hear it because there was so much confusion over Black identity at the time
Comment from : @kbnice2393

If you were born in Africa and you move to the USA, you’re African American If not, you aren’t, you’re simply American Doesn’t seem very difficult to understand but Democrats have to always pull on those heart strings in order to manipulate people
Comment from : @voiceofreason2168

Who cares about this? Have we addressed voter suppression? Education and the other issues affecting the community? Stay focused…
Comment from : @jlaw332

The first slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson
Comment from : @warrior7350

This is the Black racist channel
Comment from : @warrior7350

The Original Black Panthers Coined The Phrase {Black American} It Was To Escape From The Term Negro American Which Were How We As A People Defined Ourselves Jesse Jackson Coined The Phrase {African American} In The Early 1970s Both Terms Stuck And I Agree With Both Terms But One Termanology I'm NOT? Is "A Person Of Color" I Am A Descendant Of Africa Here In America Due To The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade During The Founding Of This Nation Point Blank Period Jus Sayin Yep
Comment from : @commonman80

What we need to do is organize every community for education economic development setting up governing bodies that would take the lead in community development we should transform every black social organization into wealth building organization that would build wealth and share that wealth with their members becoming the biggest owners of business and properties in the community as well as the biggest employer of black folks in the community I have a plan on how this can be done please contact me
Comment from : @kbnice2393

Actually it was Malcolm X who first started saying it "You're not an American, you are an African in America"
Comment from : @W44F

Comment from : @AnthonyJohnson-hl1ru

Comment from : @LiiveWiire

Hey bnc news 🥰
Comment from : @chefquan3610

ADOS are not Africans And how did leftist like Jesse Jackson get to define ADOS?
Comment from : @victorthomas7667

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