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Who does the US Owe its $35 Trillion debt? (National Debt Explained)

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Title :  Who does the US Owe its $35 Trillion debt? (National Debt Explained)
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Description Who does the US Owe its $35 Trillion debt? (National Debt Explained)

Comments Who does the US Owe its $35 Trillion debt? (National Debt Explained)

The world needs to ditch the US dollar
Comment from : @rpltrs3732

Banks own 33 percent didnt we the American people bail them out a few years ago? Did they pay that back?
Comment from : @tonykiser9864

Why cant the US just say the debt is gone and pay back the foreign nations an start fresh?
Comment from : @doom8944

This entire system is controlled by the private centeal banks who control majority of what government do
Comment from : @fovis2859

You made no mention of taxesyou mention bonds as a source of government revenuebut nothing about taxeswhich is the other way the US generates revenue Y'might wanna be a little more astute in gathering your facts Now I'm about 75 sure you do not know what you're talking about
Comment from : @brettcrowson1454

Tax and collect from the rich US used to tax the rich up to 90 Tax the churches Mormon church is accrueing hundreds of billions to finance Jesus when he returns God is all powerful, remember? Kenneth Copelands and Joel Osteens are just grifters Cut the Defense/Intelligence budget in half We don't need 750 overseas bases for self defense The mightest juggernaut did not did not even see 9/11 coming
Comment from : @petesong7146

Owning the debt of the baddest boy on the block is dumb😂😂
Comment from : @Troia-fm9sh

Q: But the debt is bought from us as like a asset We didn't go out and barrow it all? But still get trillions of debt?
Comment from : @otukucocker365

Det är en billig kostnad istället för krig😢
Comment from : @mikiutpost

Once people discovered the printing of money, the game was over! Capitalism lost it's moral standards Currency was developed to allow for trade I have a 100 pigs, you have 200 chickens, we make a deal, 100 chickens for 5 pigs or 50$ in currency The printing press produces feathers not chickens
Comment from : @GarthDownton

Red or blue pill? Lol
Comment from : @Sean-s6s8z

Its nothing federal on the federal bank
Comment from : @mitchwilden4538

US economy is a PONZI SCHEME!!!!!
Comment from : @piusmadini

Abolish the Federal Reserve Without money printing and subsequent loaning to the Federal Government The government could not overspend Remember, The Federal Reserve is a consortium of Oligarchs that loan the government money In other words they make money by keeping the government in debt
Comment from : @mariomadrigal441

Abolish the FED! THIS RIDS THE US of a third of its debt! Gov't borrows money from The Fed, that prints it out of thin air, at interest! And The Fed is privately owned! And the IRS is its private corporate subsidiary?brShouldn't the US government print its own money? Why do we owe interest on our own money? Because the 16th Amendment is an elaborate SCAM that privatized America's financial system! The Fed is nothing more than a privately owned bank that usurped the US constitutionally created financial system, and makes citizens pay their hard earned worked for money in income tax; except pay for work is not legally income It is a fair non profit exchange of labor for money There is no gain Income is defined as gain, as from investment that earns money without labor, like the increase in value of a stock or real estate When sold, that is taxable gain Pay for work is not taxable gain!brWe have been scammed by the bankers that own The Federal Reserve Bank!
Comment from : @jcbluze

Thank you
Comment from : @ErikaHernandez-m4n

Comment from : @BKMiller1970

so you are broke and your paper money is a lie - you rule the world with the dollar and world biggest military industriel complex and sell weapon and death to the World -
Comment from : @frankrikke

Thank you The answer is no, we will never pay it all off because it's good for capitalism 😅
Comment from : @kenrickbenjamin1608

This is not entirely correct The definition of debt (even a private one, like mortgage) - debt enables you to buy today a commodity for a money you will have in the future If you buy today a house for M bucks on mortgage for 20 years, it means you are buying for a million you are going to earn in the next 20 years Government is literally borrowing from the future (using bonds etc) In my country we have a massive pressure to reduce government debt because we dont want our children to pay for our comfort How will they pay? Inflation and taxes You ever noticed that every country that goes over an acceptable debt threshold immediately goes into hyperinflation? That hyperinflation are the interests So good luck boys ta ta
Comment from : @petrmiros9908

It's essential for our grandkids that we do try and pay down the national debt 😊
Comment from : @LarryLaird-k1k

It's Monopoly MoneybrIt's Fake
Comment from : @ecamarena7504

Money isn’t real, but debt certainly is
Comment from : @armageddonready4071

Comment from : @Jabberneck

Impossible 😔 will never be able to!!
Comment from : @ryanpendley1826

Comment from : @valdesanchez6411

I would say thanks to the Democrats we have this debt that they should pay back themselves
Comment from : @melvinmccormick2645

What is the collateral for this debt
Comment from : @richardmiller9134

Comment from : @MufidKhan-i9r

Poor editing with those boring clips Narration is OK
Comment from : @pramodm3540

Poor as country
Comment from : @SD-vy7gj

It's the American people What you use to buy for a dime 10 years ago now cost you a dollar
Comment from : @scottbullard6097

It's the American people What you use to buy for a dime 10 years ago now cost you a dollar
Comment from : @scottbullard6097

If we fairly taxed the rich instead of just letting them hoard their money for decades we might actually make a dent in the debt but we don’t
Comment from : @chrisellis2758

Not only US every country on planet is on debt and every one continue to print the money Crypto is the only way to solve this issue
Comment from : @cantonmasti

Nope, the national debt will never be paid off
Comment from : @lothean2099

stay away from the usa they are poison trump trying to get the whole world to help payoff their corruption debt
Comment from : @TC-ok4ng

Sooooinflation is a way for a country to pay it's own debts back??
Comment from : @perkeyser2032

Sounds like a Ponzi scheme to me
Comment from : @Zulfiqar1963

Judging by the MAGAt brains in the comments section, Americans are too dumb to understand economics And I'll bet they all carry maxed out credit cards while bitching about the government losers
Comment from : @IBACb

USA print money and it devalued my salary every month it's terrorism
Comment from : @madyady2906

So there is no debt? Well okay… lol
Comment from : @tedcleveland8488

The federal reserve bank and China are the biggest lenders Since we can't go to war with the fed, our gov instead rachets up its fear mongering to soften the public for a military conflict with China That would solve our debt issue and eliminate our biggest economic rival Meanwhile, the fed res keeps getting richer Oh and btw, they're as federal as is Fed Ex!
Comment from : @HandyMan-p3t

this is funny because america cant destroy itself or sanction itself
Comment from : @adolfmudau9956

LOL any Treasury or US Bonds are Junk Bonds at this point
Comment from : @CaptGizmo01

Comment from : @rwjazz1299

The debt is unsustainable It has already passed the point of no return I don't think people realize how large $36 trillion really is If you put each dollar end to end the total length would be 3488 BILLION MILES! That is longer than the distance between Earth and the dwarf planet of Pluto brbrYou can't tax your way out of this mess If you CONFISCATED every single dollar from every millionaire and billionaire in the US It wouldn't be enough to pay off the debt Our government is funded by pretend money And no country, person or organization has enough money to bail us out
Comment from : @markrosado8

Thank you
Comment from : @BeckyFlasch

Comment from : @carlosmickeyli5897

Yes with trump vance elon musk !! Yahoo thank the lord !! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @virginiahaupt6466

US owes the dews too
Comment from : @SunitaSingh-u2m

Reaganomics, the party formerly known as republicans created the debt, they own the debt brbrThe debt is 100 the product of tax giveaways to the wealthy and bushes wars
Comment from : @slartybartfas5579

When will humans stop 🛑 using money period ! There are other ways
Comment from : @joshJ

Those jeans with the red lined pockets crazy😂
Comment from : @mpayne3081

Sssooooo, you are just going to ignore any part of the federal reserve
Comment from : @nicholasmendoza6159

Central banks like the federal reserve is the enemy within
Comment from : @aqibshah2210

Comment from : @dimaltabuni4002

Us will never pay it’s Debts
Comment from : @samganos709

All they do is just print money
Comment from : @samganos709

25 trillion, They can pay it back but thay wont pay it back
Comment from : @GurjinderSingh12390

Canada should call in the US's loan
Comment from : @RodFowler-zr8dg

Thank you so much for this video It was very interesting
Comment from : @HannahLynn-c6d

The US owes itself money what a joke Currency is the problem Trading on paper and bonds which are just a formality Itsbound to implode on itself Trading on commodities and hard goods like they did centuries ago is how it a actually works
Comment from : @ikshaanmohamed9579

Just tell all those countries we gave money to Too help us out and pay back the money
Comment from : @fredmalahy4096

US will never pay their debt
Comment from : @omarkamal5853

No, that's never gonna be possible to pay off all debts because that's the way the system was created to work
Comment from : @carlosmunoz4612

They will cancel the debt,but not Your debt
Comment from : @davidjones8308

Shouldnever have gone off the gold standardSurprize,its back
Comment from : @davidjones8308

Eventually we will own are own debt and be paying ourselves back When we want and how much we want Get rid of the Federal Reserve
Comment from : @marktonello3535

US owes Ireland $325 billion 😮
Comment from : @dazza9859

Those conservative Repulicans will pay it down, right?brIt's not happening since there aren't any true conservative Republicans left, and it hasn't been for yearsbrThe last president who was trying to pay down the debt was Bill Clinton GW Bush screwed that up by cutting taxes and two war fronts and didn't raise taxes to cover those expensesbrCorporations didn't want to pay those taxes under Clinton, so they and the Republican politicians used the moral card bs to make Clinton a lame duck president brWhat a joke, politicians, and moralsbrNow, we are stuck with Trump for 4 years Watch this debt go higher
Comment from : @randyfrakes2284

no unless they start mining that golden asteroid
Comment from : @stevenpickles2694

Does the US buy bonds issued by other countries?
Comment from : @brainstem2023

The US owing itself debt and owning some of its own debt is interesting work
Comment from : @Ike-un6mc

the FED
Comment from : @HansSchreiber-k9n

This guy must be friend of Joe Biden's lost son !
Comment from : @varghessmith2985

Once you accept government prints currency, you have to accept it can not have a debt It's not a household
Comment from : @akj3388

51 trillion taken from the 1 and given to the 1 billionaires The middle class struck from 63 of the economy to 42 since 1980 Print more money and see the cost of living, affordable housing and health care put you in the poor house
Comment from : @davewitter6565

Never pay it off forget it Be like Trump just don’t pay it back , what are going to do about it 🤣
Comment from : @ldp123100

Canada and Greenland
Comment from : @owencallaghan8735

This is very unlikely: if ordinary retirees and other citizens receive payments-in-kind, they are not getting 33 of 27 trillion dollars or 9 trillion Much more likely: 200 people or thereabouts outright OWN the USA I'm not an economist, but
Comment from : @paulwolinsky1538

Who goes for green card of US will adopt that debits also and enjoy their life as well😅
Comment from : @vangasaikumar8180

There will be a tremendous saving in interest payment if you can pay entire debt
Comment from : @rashidayyub3188

The American people will be paying that debt for another 250 years
Comment from : @stev1127

Their dollar printing press !
Comment from : @AJP19623

Might be worth looking into the significance of the US arms industries and the US military bases around the world and its cost to the US economy It will certainly help the world to be at peace if there wasn't the American interference around the world
Comment from : @magansingodia8511

Usa is finnished, everything they can offer to world are sanctions ,wars and printed toilet paperSoon you buy nothing for dollar outside Usa
Comment from : @jaromasar8404

The humble Republic of Mali in Africa has no external debt A lesson for arrogant USA 😮?
Comment from : @Teatree-B

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