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Is National Debt Relief A Scam? Is National Debt Relief Worth the Risk? | NDR Review

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Information Is National Debt Relief A Scam? Is National Debt Relief Worth the Risk? | NDR Review

Title :  Is National Debt Relief A Scam? Is National Debt Relief Worth the Risk? | NDR Review
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Frames Is National Debt Relief A Scam? Is National Debt Relief Worth the Risk? | NDR Review

Description Is National Debt Relief A Scam? Is National Debt Relief Worth the Risk? | NDR Review

Comments Is National Debt Relief A Scam? Is National Debt Relief Worth the Risk? | NDR Review

Seniors are judgement proof 😊
Comment from : @questionMark4443

Thank you for being relatable and understanding Unfortunate things do happen to average, good, smart people My medical expenses from rare disease (uninsurable) is not helping me
Comment from : @Yvuyctxtxtx

This was very helpful information Thank you
Comment from : @fahblizza

Thank you for the information great video
Comment from : @AngelFlores-yv1mp

Nope they are scams i almost applied to them until i read the reviews they will not help you but take advantage of your situations so i paid everything off by myself and they will destroy your credit big time so dont apply to ndr
Comment from : @dedrabrown63

Let's be real for a momentWhat's never explained is that some of these companies offer to accept a certain amount of funds that will be individually divided to all of your creditors But beware when you're including bank loans and credit card payments because those items have set times to make payments For example, if your payment to the bank/credit card is on the 15th of each month and the agency sends payments to each creditor on the 30th You can be charged a late fee, And worst, my experience was when the bank called and told me that the agency was sending $35 payments but the payments were always late By the time they received the payments, $34 was charged for late fees and only $1 was paid monthly But I didn't quite fall for that and send the bank more money I contacted the agency and explained the matter After which, I never heard anything more about it However, I never saw my FICO score change after 2 years and decided to go on my own
Comment from : @thechosen481

It worked very well, if you she did not mention that if you always pay in time you also can improve your credit score
Comment from : @eurisito15

Fron my personal experience Just file for bankruptcy the money you can just put into savings instead of paying for anyone doing this can be $1000s that will go a long way to help you start rebuilding your credit My bankruptcy went through in 6 months I got a secured credit card afterwards and started rebuilding my credit and in two years my credit was in the 700 again snd i have 15k in ny saving instead of paying a debt relief program That went a long way with the bank
Comment from : @Jthall1990

I love you Thank you so much Ill have to find other options cause I worked hard to get my credit score up
Comment from : @aarongabbard

LMAO OH OK 👌🏾 😂 that’s why I never looked into them bec interest is more smh
Comment from : @LifeAboutToya

I will throw extra money to ndr to settle quicker
Comment from : @michaelmereday6791

I signed up due to loss of vision and income
Comment from : @michaelmereday6791

Damn national debt relief almost got me
Comment from : @linnycupcakes7912

Office Space
Comment from : @dollargeneralgems

Run from anything with National in it L😂L
Comment from : @RalphSmith-cj5he

seniors on social security has their income protected they cant garnish wages
Comment from : @kenster817

I just want to know how to get out of debt, when the debts are more than your paycheck?
Comment from : @memetyme27

It's a legal scam! NDR has hurt far more people than it's helped STAY AWAY from this company!
Comment from : @rp7326

also funny the ad right after this video was for NAtional Debt Relief lolol
Comment from : @pamgreshock

THank you!
Comment from : @pamgreshock

Great Video! After your explanation, I do not want debt relief as I don't want a bad credit score nor go into collections I'll just keep making small payments until my debt is paid off
Comment from : @LilMalice

So can you consolidate we need help
Comment from : @melissaethridge-f5s

Hey, New follower herebrQuestion? I’m already working with National Debt Solutions on a few of my cards, however, they have only negotiated 2 out of 6 cards so far Creditors are calling me asking, begging me to settle with them for less I’m tempted to just settle straight with a couple of my cardsbrThe question isbrWill National Debt Solutions be upset at me for taking over? Will there be any retaliation for helping them do their job quicker? What do you know brbrThank you
Comment from : @miguel123605

So basically this is a last resort I can’t imagine this looks good on your report (as stated)
Comment from : @eberg2555

Thank youbrI appreciate this video 🙏🏿
Comment from : @davionhamilton8314

thank you very much
Comment from : @greensqirrel5642

a beer!
Comment from : @greensqirrel5642

Another life saving video
Comment from : @BrightFamousTV

life saver video is better just to try to make more money and spend less and pay the bills with a car that gives you cash back

This video really helped me to not go through with a debt settlement company Needed someone to explain this like you did!
Comment from : @stephenhamlin52

If i will have to deal with this messing up my credit for 7 years, i may as well file bankruptcy
Comment from : @yolanda5756

In my opinion all debt relief companies are no good
Comment from : @positivevibes11-

Thank you! that was really helpful
Comment from : @ameryasin121

Thank you 🙏
Comment from : @maireadodriscoll8858

Movie: Office Space
Comment from : @CandaceMask

So basically it’s a risk to do this
Comment from : @georgiosrenieris4211

I’m confused on the being sued part
Comment from : @kennethstone4590

I walked through with the agent up to getting the contract and he got pissed when I said i don't want to sign right this minute and wanted to look it over first Red flags going way up im glad you're here to provide information
Comment from : @swagondisdick

I am using this company and it was going fine, me adding almost 400 a month till I called in and found out they took their 25 already, and im upset that when i signed up they approved my unsecured loan and come to find out the manager told me they didn’t cover unsecured loans so i had a judgment against me through that company 😟they screwed me and now its on my credit account for 7 years and i for many years was never ever late with any of my 11 accounts just a lot of debt😭I constantly asked about the 7 year thing and they told me that wouldn’t happen I should’ve never called them the guy was on the phone with me for hrs trying to convince me to sign up😣 something didn’t seem right so i called the co and had to make arrangements to pay my loan and just said i had some things cone up, they were gonna repo my vehicle within the next few days 😡i feed sick to my stomach
Comment from : @Queenofhearts63

Thank you for the info I just signed up today but I'm cancel tomorrow I got myself in debt I'll get myself out
Comment from : @Derrty2537

Can I buy you a cup of coffee
Comment from : @eddie-nc8gu

Fukkkkk these people all that happened was my debt was ruined National debt relief is a scam they sent me to girmeid law and they all suckkk They didn't do squat They sure talk sweet Canceled agreement got my money back
Comment from : @eddie-nc8gu

Office space
Comment from : @shazadster

After I have to file 1099-C
Comment from : @freddycantillo1993

Thank you for this!!! I have been with NDR for 2 weeks now and I am going to shut down my contract with them Great Information!!!
Comment from : @yettekovjrwilson4216

This was so helpful I don’t need them at all I got myself in this debt I’ll get myself out ill just keep making on time payments and god will do the rest I have more faith in good anyways 🙏
Comment from : @Rey-d7d

Thank you for your review That risk I can’t afford My payment history is 100 I’ll continue the old school way
Comment from : @stocksinvestments2788

Thank you
Comment from : @Joecuzzi

Comment from : @gatsuJon

Debt settlement programs are scummy, namely the one that comes up as the # 1 rated debt settlement company I know someone who worked there before, a lot of the departments don't communicate with each other a lot of the times, leaving reps not knowing what's going with the customers account when they call And the sales agent who enroll you into the program will often times gloss over many things about the program, including the fees, and don't give a realistic timeframe on when you will pay off a creditor Usually the fee is between 18-28 based off of the original debt amount, and as soon as you settle and the first payment is made to the creditor, the debt settlement company will collect on the fee as soon that happens For example, they settle an account that was $4000 for 50 which is $2000, well you're gonna be paying the debt settlement company that fee too right away, for example a 28 fee, which is 1120 So in total you're paying $3120 and are only saving 880 dollars But almost all of the time, you're not gonna pay off the creditor right away They might break down the offer over multiple months or years, so your payments could be 150 dollars over the course of 26 months to that creditor So, basically, you make your first payment of 150 to the creditor but the debt settlement company will take the full 28 fee for themselves at the same time you make the first payment, so they get paid first The debt relief companies make it sound like all your debt will be settled in 4-6 months and for 50, but oh, don't expect that to be the case A lot of times it can take 8 months or a year to get the first accounts settled And if you have multiple accounts, it can take 3-4 years for them all to be settled, and in the mean time, since you're not paying your creditors, at any moment any of these creditors can take legal action against you for not paying them And most of the times when these debt reliefs company settle you won't get a 50 settlement, it's usually around 60 or higher, plus if you add the debt companies fees on top of that, you're not saving much at all or sometimes you're paying more than what you originally owed You're better of settling with the company on your own or doing bankruptcy
Comment from : @gatsuJon

so might as well just pay off your debt yourself little by little since thats what they are doing plus add fees for them doing it for you
Comment from : @skillsrobles

Comment from : @FACTZ973

Basically the consequences is the same as bankruptcy
Comment from : @gazadan6623

??? What taxes, what Tax bill?? Last oart confused me!
Comment from : @bminnie2233

What about USA student debt relief?? Is thst company trustworthy?
Comment from : @alexisgt90

Kind of sounded too good to be true
Comment from : @JustinMiales

Get a chapter 13 worse case scenario if you gona have messed up credit for 7 years
Comment from : @jamesnevitt3400

Im paying debt relief with NDR now with 13k in cc debt and they brought it down to 5k and they covered me legally when my discover card was trying to sue me (but i had to call them as soon as my creditor filed anything) and luckily for me my creditors (2 different ones) closed my accounts before I had started the program so I won't carry it with me afterwards on my credit report My credit score did drop but it raised back up 56 points since so personally im pretty happy with them and a lot less stressed
Comment from : @crisis_of_one

NDF legit? just enrolled 4 months ago i can cancel it and whats your advice
Comment from : @AndrewNajarro-d3m

I did went throughout the National debt relief experience, and when I went throughout the contract they provided you are 100 cover, they have legal protection, since I had my car repo and some bills behind this was literally a life saver for me, so if you guys are behind already and looking to get rid of the debt I do recommend National debt relief or any other relief company, just make sure to understand the agreement before signing
Comment from : @emilioestevez4597

National Debt Relief??? I end up being transferred to them without knowledge I thought i was talking with the loan company to get a loan for less interest and pay my daughters cards and mone Of $11, 000 at 28 from the credit cards I figured it out at the end and accepted it But it budders me My credit is 636 and my daughters is 695 what to do caue i know now our credit will get damaged We just struggling and she is depressed is like my fault she have these credit cards debts too She doesn't understood the assignment of building credit for a house and getting a 0 for a year to transfer the high balance I need to fix this I think we will opt out if this debt relief that i even didn't call really
Comment from : @yajamalu4u

Thank you for helping me understand that direction is not for me
Comment from : @jenniferlanders5741

Tell me whats the better Loaners out there for Low Incomers & paying off Credit Debts
Comment from : @badassuchiha4875

man thank you so much for this! I appreciate this so much
Comment from : @huntergreenwald91

Office Space was a great movie For the record, Im having a serious case of the Mondays, and it's Thursday 😢 Thanks for the info
Comment from : @gorviv529

I don’t think it’s worth it for me I owe 9000 in cc that sounds too risky
Comment from : @gerardosarria2840

Office Space
Comment from : @onejuice1059

Thank you 😢so glad i didn't do it
Comment from : @poohcorner24

Thank you so much!! I was looking at this Company and they have been trying to call me all week You saved me
Comment from : @colinblake24

Office Space
Comment from : @colinblake24

What would you recommend to get yourself out of debt?
Comment from : @FREAK12111

Im glad i came across this… thank you for this video
Comment from : @lorinzodixon9325

This information did help me Thank You
Comment from : @kevinmoore9524

Great video
Comment from : @paulmorris9958

Omg I just did my application with them🤦🏼‍♀️
Comment from : @tusnochestv2587

Happy I saw this before working with them!!!!
Comment from : @TheDoctor-yd5mi

First off thank you for the information Question I’m currently stuck in the National Debt Relief matrix if they’ve already reached a settlement on a particular debt account is it possible that I can go to the creditor to have them update the account from late/delinquent to good standing on my credit report since I’m paying the settlement amount ?
Comment from : @ducespade14

yeah, I grinded my shoes on Eddie's couch lol
Comment from : @BradySzabo

Thank you for the informational video!!!
Comment from : @riseagainstthedivide2326

great information!
Comment from : @rodneydavis9017

I already signed up and I owe 28,000 ! I don’t make enough to pay off my minimums What do I do ? Because they are saving me money but you telling me they aren’t saving me anything What do I do ?
Comment from : @jeelu87

Don’t do it! Stay away!
Comment from : @brandoblack3732

Omg! I called them today because I got $11k credit cards, all paid on time but just want to reduce my monthly payments I never knew they will settle it for less, heck no! I had very good payments history Thanks for advice ❤
Comment from : @besthomesdfw5391

Keep up the great work
Comment from : @Officialdeanchase

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