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ERV/HRV vs Dehum - What’s the difference?

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Title :  ERV/HRV vs Dehum - What’s the difference?
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Frames ERV/HRV vs Dehum - What’s the difference?

Description ERV/HRV vs Dehum - What’s the difference?

Comments ERV/HRV vs Dehum - What’s the difference?

I would be interested to hear how much humidity the ERV actually removes, hard to see that it would be that much different to a HRV Shame Matt didn’t give performance figuresbrIf you are going to fit an independent dehumidifier in any case, I suspect you may as well just have a HRVbrAnd I don’t believe he is correct that a HRV could increase the humidity, that is compared with the same air change without any recovery brAs I understand the ERV has permeable plates in the unit, surely these need more cleaning and replacing more often
Comment from : @markthomasson5077

Which one do you recommend for a tiny home 500sqft in ohio
Comment from : @jameshershman2112

You don’t know how an HVAC system works lol Condenser/compressor does not make the refrigerant cold, it makes it hot The expansion in the evaporator is what makes it cold
Comment from : @Huffmommy

Crazy question, when can we see a window unit version?
Comment from : @ahowl7mx

When Exhausting/Supplying from/to more than One Area/Room/Locations, How do you maintain Suction/Supply Air? I notice a Significant drop in Air Suction from Exhaust and Decrease in Supply Air when I "Tee" in to more than One Area The 6in Ducts drastically drops the air movement after I "Tee" Off into Any Location How do You Overcome this?
Comment from : @nedunonnyp704

Very good video,what kind of fan ?
Comment from : @Sunxfan

Great video Matt I have a new home 2600 square foot, in Louisiana, and its just my wife and I What do you suggest for setting the Ultraaire for venting and fan
Comment from : @paulthibodeaux1284

Can you connect the ERv to the Dehunidifier?
Comment from : @CristobalAshton

You are a BIG fan of FANS :)
Comment from : @PentaxBlogger

Huh?? This video should be taken down or retitled “HRV VS Dehumidifier”
Comment from : @scottlurken9667

so many builders trying to charge $9000 for a $1500 ERV Greenwashed scam
Comment from : @lawrencebarnes6893

I may need all 3 But need hrv on my "vent to daylight" and erv because large planter in passive solar cottage And may need to pull more moisture out of the air And with the timber frame and masonry north wall and floor I want the wood to dry properly over time Plus will have masonry stove/white oven and heater Which will need to make pit for hrv near intakes for masonry appliances Slope floor slightly to allow cold air move that way too On border of IECC zone 6/7 great lakes
Comment from : @eliinthewolverinestate6729

In northern NY we can hit 80-90 humidity in the summer and 18-20 in the winter Is there a unit that can dehumidify in the summer and humidify in the winter?
Comment from : @TheDailyPracticeBlog

Why wouldnt you want your home positively pressurized? That seems like the ideal scenario, especially for allergy sufferers or people that live is areas of poor air quality
Comment from : @beachboardfan9544

I've been waiting for this info for years thanx
Comment from : @richcoyne2141

Glad to see this video Recently put an ultraire dehumidifier in my house because my builder didn’t despite having unvented attic and entire house is spray foamed brI will say in last day or so we noticed we are much comfortable at 73-74 as opposed to having to keep temps at 70 prior to installing the dehumidifier brbrI’ve learned a lot from your videos and helped me make sure my builder wasn’t taking short cuts
Comment from : @anando005

I remember one of my friends had a little outlet hole in every room to purify air and bring in fresh air I wonder if this is what they had
Comment from : @meowzic

How loud is it?
Comment from : @juliesack2752

Great explanation, MattbrThanks for the video!brYou couldn't have been any closer to the truth when you said that every home down here in the south needs a dehumidifier When I purchased mine, it was literally my best investment ever
Comment from : @ParabellumX

Thank you for sharing Can you specify both maker and model? Also, how about space pressure diferential?
Comment from : @JulioCSolar

Thank you Matt, for sharing how we can reuse conditioned air On the path to a more regenerative future
Comment from : @jasontoolan3816

Is Ultra-Aire out of business?
Comment from : @ScottyDMcom

I got a manual j performed and they said to use a 25 ton heat pump for my house However I already have a 35 ton heat pump that has spray foam on the attic and blown insulation on the walls Is it ok to leave the 35 ton and get a whole house dehumidifier? Thanks
Comment from : @diaperdood1

What do you mean by "close off the ventilation side" of the dehumidifier at 11 minutes? How will it work if the inlet or outlet is closed off? Am I missing something?
Comment from : @evanputterill8286

What if I already have a de-humidifier, would that not be significantly cheaper and do the same as your unit with an ERV, especially with an AC unit to help my dehumidifier
Comment from : @ericbommer2280

These unit are adequate for low CFM exhausts as in a bathroom BUT a gas range needs a exhaust hood using 400-900 CFM (or more) by code brYou will need to have a independent air replacement ducting in place with a active air flap to replace that much air IF THIS air comes into the home very close to the range the Hood will actually work (no high volume air replacement results in Minimal air movement in hood exhaust and code violation)
Comment from : @hj8607

I have an HRV It brings in a terrible amount of humidity during the summer months I wanted to attach a whole house Dehumidifier on the fresh intake Is this possible?
Comment from : @dissectingdiy

Do you need the dehumidifier if you have a variable speed HVAC?
Comment from : @billl3936

Why are my seeing other people showing Aircon in HVAC videos? This one doesn't but it's so confusing
Comment from : @aberba

Comment from : @lastcall8286

Great Video! thanks!
Comment from : @996vtwin2

He mentioning 60 humidity is high I'm looking at our levels, always around 80-90, outside and inside Especially in winter time in the morning inside is always 100 Ireland, Dublin
Comment from : @alekseiharlasov5294

Hi Matt can you tell me who sells this ERV/HRV? Can you provide a link?
Comment from : @996vtwin2

Dry means people can’t breathe,
Comment from : @jeremythompson0306

Should I run the ERV 24/7 in northern Canada during winter time??
Comment from : @piapple

I have an hrv and in the winter it actually makes my too dry in the at only 20 humidity I need a separate humidifier most likely?
Comment from : @paulomontero12

I’m in the north n in winter window moisture is an issue Anything from dew to frost on window panes Definitely have more with higher humidity n less as it goes down but none the less it’s there How about some feedback on this
Comment from : @scottwebber652

Matt, how many minutes per hour (or equivalently, what percentage of the time, or cumulative hours per day) does your Ultra-Aire 120H dehumidifier run during the spring and fall seasons in your new 2800 sqft house there in Austin? br brBtw, love your channel and vids, learning a lot from them in planning the build of my future zero-energy solar home I’m trying to understand what the energy consumption of these ERVs and dehumidifiers is In another video, you said that your new Zehnder ComfoAir Q600 ERV consumes around 100-125 Watts continuously, 24x7 So that’s around 24 to 3 kWh per day Here in this video, you said that the Ultra-Aire dehumidifiers consume between 5 and 8 Amps when they’re running (so that’s 600 to 960 Watts), but you didn’t say what percentage of the time they typically run (eg, in your case, specifically, during the spring and fall seasons there in Austin, when they would be most needed and heavily used) Hence my question above If your Ultra-Aire 120H dehumidifier runs 50 of the time (30 minutes per hour, or 12 hours cumulatively per day), that’s 72 to 115 kWh per day If it runs a third of the time (20 minutes per hour, or 8 hours cumulatively per day), that’s 48 to 77 kWh per day Even running only a third of the time, that’s still a heck of a lot of energy consumption for a solar-powered home trying to achieve zero net energy Thoughts or comment? Thanks!
Comment from : @charleswhalen7332

does the dehumidifier require the furnace fan to be running with it?
Comment from : @pat750

Hey I have a question? I have a 200 square foot tiny house with closed foam insulation and because I also use it as a greenhouse in the winter time and of course because of transpiration of the plants and evaporation of the soil after a watering… on top of two adult people breathing, I am getting a lot of humidity in the winter time I also live in the SW Virginia area so we have pretty humid summers here too Which system would work best for this application and HRV or ERV? I know both clean the air Im just more concerned with excessive humidity I see a lot of people in tiny houses using HRV but what do you think I should do Also I am looking for a very small unit… any ideas there, because its again only 200 sq ft?
Comment from : @beckysmith7517

Overall a pretty good video Some really good information if homeowners are looking You just are incorrect when you start talking about the refrigerant cycle Outdoor units do not make refrigerant cold Also you should use the term refrigerant and not Freon Being you’re talking about D humidification obviously the unit would be running in the air condition mode The line that you feel that is cooler is actually coming back from the indoor unit Technically you cannot make cold you can only remove heat The sub cooled liquid refrigerant hits the metering device at the indoor unit causing it to flash off and change state to a vapor After leaving the metering device it’s now 80 vapor 20 liquid The air moving across the indoor coil causes the rest of the refrigerant to flash off and now becomes a superheated vapor by absorbing heat from the air The cool line that you are feeling by hand coming back to the outdoor unit technically is what is holding the heat from inside your house
Comment from : @keltonlowry8844

listened to the video listen carefully to it Matt is all over the place talk about a guy who can’t make the sale cus he has his customer running around in circles
Comment from : @bubbahubba5009

@6:00: No, Matt, the heat does not help lower humidity It increases it Stick to the marketing script
Comment from : @ncooty

Hi, could you help me solve this question? If my home rh is 70 at 18, outsidw is 40 at same temprature What will the in door humidity be after several day use? Thx
Comment from : @joey2658

How would I remove hot humid air on my second floor and replace it with cool dehumidified air
Comment from : @JuystaFan

in the old days, we opened the windows and turned on the fans!
Comment from : @jeff1414z

Very interesting and very informative great job explaining what I consider difficult thermodynamic concepts 👍
Comment from : @alexgray1905

CA requires constant circulation 24/7 for new construction
Comment from : @michael-xe7rz

Man, I live in Northern Colorado If humidity even gets to 30 it's about to storm out
Comment from : @danmarshall5895

So it sounds like I need a ERV and a dehumidifier I live in middle Ohio so hot humid summers, cold dry winters I have a ICF house so blower door score should surpass Passivhaus numbers! I’m going to need fresh air pumped in like a ERV but I’ll need to dehumidify in the summer it sounds like Not sure about getting humid air into the house during the winter
Comment from : @neckofthewoods24

What about a state of Michigan? We have literally the worst humid summers and spring but our winters can get cold
Comment from : @zacharyfrench3311

Hi Matt, I saw in a previous video buildshownetworkcom/blogs/687 that you use a Panasonic FV-10VE1 ERV unit, did you change it for this one?
Comment from : @erickalcala7649

Matt: this product functions off of humidity gradientsbrMe: bchecks indoor and outdoor humidity in Colorado/b well this is dumb 300 days a year
Comment from : @marcob1729

How do you use an ERV with a mini split unit?
Comment from : @explaincauseidontgetit3294

How do you install both systems? Are they on a separate duct system together? Would like you to do a video on how these are both installed
Comment from : @bchilva

Can you hook up the fresh air intake to the intake of the dehumidifier?
Comment from : @elifire4147

Matt which of those systems would you recommend for Southern California?
Comment from : @JoeyBozify

I must be losing it use an ERV instead of an HRV because you can bring humidity in the house and also get a whole house dehumidifier to lower humidity in the house What? Why would you get an ERV instead of just an HRV seems like it'd be better to keep the humidity out
Comment from : @timm439

Watching your videos has convinced me that I'll likely have to build my house to get what I want One of the big items is the HVAC, I think my personal preference leans towards radiant ceilings and some kind of ducted system to circulate purified outdoor air to keep the IAQ controlled I have terrible allergies, hate high humidity, and love feeling cold
Comment from : @compactc9

Would an ERV and dehumidifier be necessary for a new build, 1850sf
Comment from : @johnguerra5015

Matt, I see Ultra-Aire offers ventilating dehumidifiers (I'm looking at the XT155H) Would there be any reason to use an ERV if you configured the XT155H to provide ventilation?
Comment from : @waltergartner4538

Matt, if running both, an ERV and Dehumidifier, how would you duct them? Would you keep them complete separate or join them together, does the ERV feed the Dehumidifier or vice versa?
Comment from : @PaulyDownUnder

Very informative, specially if your in a humid climate The drier states were not addressed though There are many states that don't have the humidity issues you were talking about IE Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, Eastern Washington and Oregon And 3/4 of California, basically states west of the Rockies The ERV seems like the unit of choice, would like a more detailed evaluation on that
Comment from : @mikemcmanaman7634

Matt, do you happen to know what production home builders install to satisfy whole house mechanical ventilation requirements required by IRC?
Comment from : @gony1211

Can you explain better HOW these work together? Do you disable the motor in one of them so the motors aren’t fighting each other? brIn what sequence do you connect the ultra aire and erv? brIndoor air, to dehumidifier, to ervbrIndoor air, to erv, to dehumidifierbrbrOr some other sequence?
Comment from : @rromero2924

love the videos I have posted before but I would love full length "how to" videos in conjunction with the great explanation videos you do Is there a cheaper way to control the ultra aire dehumidifier than their $250 Ultra-Aire DEH 3000 Seems expensive when adding to the cost of the unit Thanks
Comment from : @jochute

At 4:15 you say that the ERV will add moisture to the house but in fact it’s designed to exchange and lower moisture level entering the home, compared to an HRV which would increase moisture since it’s not being exchanged
Comment from : @kmattar

Matt, you and none of the comments below mention all of the dehumidification water being pumped outside the hose, next to the foundation In Atlanta our small system of 1,400 sf pumps out 3-5 gallons a day I drain it into a 55 gallon barrel and regularly lug 5 gallon pails of water to my dry garden areas I'd like to here what you and others do with this flow Maybe most just run the water line to a drain
Comment from : @davesavage3579

I have the 2nd model VanEE HRV that was ever made in our house we bought this fall It seems to be working just fine but when should we think about replacing it? Would it be worth it for us to get a new one and a dehumidifier to go along with it?
Comment from : @melissachadwick5717

So confusing He keeps saying 'outside' I'm not sure how an ERV works Ugh
Comment from : @willdorten6867

We'd love to see you cover the CERV2 for intelligent IAQ
Comment from : @TimMontague

Do you need Dehumidifier and ERV in Connecticut or only ERV? Thank you!
Comment from : @carlcecil4654

Decent explanation, a bit dumbed down
Comment from : @jeffshore682

Dear Matt,brbrbrThank you for your video Is it possible to use ERV in tropical climate such as South East Asia area if we use ERV for our home, do we need to have a separated exhaust fan for our bathroom/toilet? Hope you can help
Comment from : @nguyentuan3231

Except in the winter , in colder climates, you want to add humidity
Comment from : @R0yL33

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