Title | : | HRVs vs. ERVs: Why I Ditched My DIY HRV and Bought an ERV Instead |
Lasting | : | 8.21 |
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Views | : | 23 rb |
Hi all! I’d like to mention that even if you live in the desert, you may still need a dehumidifier to supplement your ERV! Even arid regions can get humid during certain times of year Comment from : @HealthyHomeGuide |
What in the name of the demons of thermodynamic hell are those units! Comment from : @Hurc7495 |
This seems like a sponsor ad at the end… Comment from : @ross123540 |
Thanks for the video!
brI was wondering if you considered the Mitsubishi VL100?
brI need to have something in my truck camper (17mm2), co2 ppm levels are really high (1500-2200)
brI'm thinking about the Mitsubishi VL100
br1 It's an ERV
br2 No min wall thickness (my walls are 60mm), Not a hard limit, I can always build a box for it
brWould love to hear your thoughts on this or if you know of any other products that might fit me that I can research on Comment from : @slimanus8m |
I live in central Minnesota and have an installed HRV The house inside is very humidity in the summer and very dry in the winter Is there a way I can convert the HRV to an ERV? Comment from : @scottscootman7225 |
All interesting but can you explain if hrv, erv works in the same what the difference Is it the filters or the baffles material, does it have a moisture Is catch Comment from : @tomrodgers8833 |
Thanks brSo it works in winter when you need to recover heat brIn summer, either open the windows, or mechanically ventilate with a pollen filter br(Better HRV systems have a bypass system)brIn summer running your HRV will condense some of the moisture within the unit, so actually introduces less moisture into the space than direct ventilation …but of course that can lead to mould within the unit on the incoming air (In winter the opposite happens, so on the out going air, so not as much an issue) if used in summer you need to clean and sterilise the unit more often Comment from : @markthomasson5077 |
Can the bath exhaust fan be run to the ERV to pull that air out or you don’t want that humidity added to it? Comment from : @Anonsbdofjrnwodb |
02:45 it has to ba said in SCHOOL! Comment from : @mihailborovik |
Hey man, thanks again for all your effort I stumbled upon your videos like 2 weeks ago because Ive been struggling with severe allergies brfor specific reasons I cant move out to another place so I tried everything i could so far, in order to deal with the symptoms I even ended up coughing blood for a few days and went to the hospital etc (apparently its nothing serious, so I am okay) brThe point is, I found these nasal filters that I think we should share with everyone and I am probably not a big enough source for those nasal filters to reach a big enough audience, hence this larger statement brThey are not easy to get used to, but they are totally worth it I bought ones called "woodyknows" (see that you get the test pack with multiple sizes and make sure you buy the ones that are either circular or oval shaped -depending on your own nostrils-) Now, Some of you probably have heard of those but I think in case you have not, YOU HAVE TO try them out!, see how they work wonders and hopefully make a video about them, so more people become aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!br(I just wish someone would create a more comfortable/ergonomic version with rounded corners and more flexible filter holders) anyway I just thought this had to be shared because I know what its like to be totally worn out by this condition brotherwise, peace out fellow renegades! Comment from : @supernovaaudiovisual4471 |
Do you know of any ERVs that are sized for a single room? I'm planning on using a mini split heat pump as cooling source, but I suspect that with a well insulated room it won't operate enough to dehumidify the room Comment from : @richdobbs6595 |
Your girlfriend and you have such great energy!!!!She can Rhymea littlelol Comment from : @Biokemist-o3k |
Why no UV lamp to kill mold in your HRV? Comment from : @rustyyb8450 |
Imperial units, caramba! Comment from : @RaglansElectricBaboon |
My new favorite channel !!! Comment from : @D8099 |
I want to avoid dry mucus membranes/sinus etc during winter - huge problem for me Is what you are saying this?:brINSTEAD of having a bit colder temp 18C AND use humidifier to get up to 45 RH ---> JUST increase temperature to 21C (And humidity will come along anyway) Comment from : @CognosSquare |
You can make an ERV by using plates that are air barriers but vapour permeable, rather than plastic Materials like Ametalin vapour permeable wall wrap might work for DIY Comment from : @crazycomet8635 |
I work in the building HVAC arena (PE), specializing in energy reduction and comfort improvement for K-12 Yes, everyone should know more about psychrometrics - but it will never happen Comment from : @michaellavelle7354 |
thanks for the video, really very helpful ;-) Comment from : @jordig3412 |
I'd say a mixture of the old rotating ERV should be possible with your same design or similar But yea the new ERV are using membranes that actually let about 50 of the moisture pass through the material so that type of material isn't feasible for regular people to get At least no long term lasting stuffbrYou could build one out of cotton I guess, but it'd have to have much lower air flow and be much bigger unit lol Comment from : @gg-gn3re |
Thanks for the video here we have 82 humidity all year round so head exchange probably wouldn't be the best Comment from : @mattruddick8919 |
Ouch! Yeah, living in the uk we know all about damp air :( Lots of older houses that have been 'half fixed' ie made 'warmer' by using double glazing and sealing drafts appear to be suffering with damp issues We certainly are So HRV is definitely not a solution! Comment from : @davefb |
I was finally able to install and run my Broan ERV on Friday, waiting for a break in the rain to install the inlet and outlet through the side of the attic Since my heat pump's air handler uses 500 watts to run I gave the ERV a simple dedicated duct system, pulling stale air from the two upstairs bathrooms and sending fresh into the hallway between the three bedrooms and near the upstairs HVAC air return so when the heat pump is on it will help circulate fresh air through the house To keep from having to constantly change tiny filters I installed a larger insulated in-line filter to the fresh air supply coming to the ERV 100cfm only takes 44 watts per hourbrbrIt was so nice watching bedroom CO2 drop from 1600 to the 700s I installed a Tamarack Perfect Balance air return in the bottom of one bedroom door so far and will be doing the rest soon to help keep air moving through the house even when doors are closed brbrThanks for sharing your setup and helping me feel like setting up an ERV would be worthwhile even without having ductwork go to every bedroom Comment from : @NurseAcrobat |
100 agree with you I don’t understand why the industry advises the opposite in all their specifications I just finished a new house and installed 2 ERV’s with resistance from the HVAC supplier Fortunately I have taken classes in physchrometry over 20 years ago and that knowledge is still paying off Comment from : @pauldavisrestorationofcent8394 |
Good follow up video My house is good for humidity, but my chicken coop is too humid and I'm working on solutions to that now Dehumidifiers are a tricky bet there because of all the chicken dustiness Comment from : @PraxisPrepper |
You are an honestand and admirable to admit you learned and needed to course correct Kudos to you! I am curious if your horizontal orientation prevented any partial condensation and drain off as all the commercial ERV/HRVs seem to orient the core vertically such that gravity can drain any condensation in channels as the dew point is hit Comment from : @JohnGiasi |
Would this introduce the same amount of humidity as putting a fan in front of an open window? Or more ? Comment from : @gonzalez7805 |
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