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Why Does Everyone Suddenly Have ADHD?

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Title :  Why Does Everyone Suddenly Have ADHD?
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Comments Why Does Everyone Suddenly Have ADHD?

Thanks for watching! This is edited from a stream I did recently - they give me a a chance to go into a bit more detail compared to the video, and usually cover a couple more angles Plus I love hearing your opinions too brbrI stream on Fridays @ 715pm EST :)
Comment from : @Fads

Why get tested? I’m never taking any drugs sooooo🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m going to keep living and loving life!!!❤🎉
Comment from : @morganstubie

I have been diagnosed with yapping!
Comment from : @mistyhelena

Love your channel Fads Love that you're a fellow northerner :) we don't have enough english northern lads experience success on Youtube up here I wish you the very best mate You know thay you are gonna keep experiencing more and more success brbrI'm actually curious about whether or not you are ND, because you are so good with patterns and fine detail Some ND people hop through topics of interest, rather than stick to one primary interests I'm not just seeing your videos, I'm seeing the hyperfocus behind them Food for thought lad brbrI'm also ADHD/Autistic and I work with this demographic in my occupation There's no way, however, that recreational habits will manifest ADHD symptoms in NT people For example, an NT person is going to exhibit dysphoria by way of rejection, being ignored, et al To anyone working in this field, there is no cross-over The differences are massive, and obviousbrbrLastly, if anyone who's bothered to read this is ADHD, avoid medications until you've spoken with an ND-aware counsellor, because we all have the means to cope We have difficult inert traits that we have to work through and we get no choice The important thing to consider, is that we can work through this We are fully human and can always feel better with the right support Pharmaceuticals are about business and profit Don't be too keen to offer yourself to that industry They're qunts
Comment from : @plunderclat221

Excellent! Was diagnosed as 62 after grandchildren were diagnosed and their mom was asked about family history I'm on non-stimulant meds due to my age and potential medication interactions with the stimulants in my case/age group
Comment from : @TheManseHen

I’m just at 2:20 but to be diagnosed as adhd as mentioned on the DSM this symptoms must be more frequent than the average, based on people the same age as the subject
Comment from : @michelferreira9870

It really drives me nuts that people think they have ADHD when they really don’t I have had severe ADHD all my life It’s has affected my life in everything I have ever done Life is hard when you ACTUALLY have ADHD
Comment from : @hoot1141

Psychologists don’t diagnose people Only Psychiatrists do One is medical and the other (Psychology) can be clinical but is NOT medical The DSM V is used in America In Europe Psychiatrists used ICD 11
Comment from : @stuarttracey2009

The way you have pronounced ‘adulthood’ as ‘addledhood’ is too good to be true! 👍
Comment from : @1timbarrett

Excellent Presentation
Comment from : @treich1234

I'm too ADHD to follow this whole video :,( lol
Comment from : @JoeySchaefer64

ADHD is trauma Simple One day humanity will see this
Comment from : @intheknow3989

Honestly the medications aren't that great They have side effects and they're expensive You may of course get people seeking them to use recreationally, but they can also just buy illegal stimulants which are usually high quality and actually cheaper than prescription medicationsbrbrI'd get angry with someone who told me my problem was childhood trauma and/or depression, because the trauma and depression are undoubtedly consequences of having been a child with unrecognised or improperly treated ADHD It's not that long ago that criticism and beatings were the default parental responsesbrbrIt is tedious hearing people claim that these disorders didn't exist and children were more resilient decades ago Of course we suffered in silence, because no one would have listened to us During my education we had plenty of good teachers as well as a good dose of those that were simply incompetent and a few who were straight up sadists, but no parent would have taken our concerns seriously
Comment from : @loganmedia1142

Well presented! Except, I note that your slides and animations have an annoying flickering superimposed on them, and I wonder if that is to appeal to the diminished attention span of modern viewers by keeping something continuously happening Ironic
Comment from : @couplesolutions8838

As a diagnosed medicated ADHD female, want to know the hardest part of my day? REMEMBERING TO TAKE MY MEDS! I can’t even describe the impending sense of ‘I need to do this’ and like so many ‘I need to do this task’ tasks, it’s just so hard and impossible! And before I know it I could’ve been awake for hours and the whole morning has slipped by and by now it’s way past my cut off time and I forgot to take my meds coz I quite literally couldn’t motivate myself enough to focus on the task of getting up and getting my meds and finding water to take my meds like that that is adhd!
Comment from : @catherinemorgan2347

I feel like so many stoners claim to have ADHD but don’t seem to connect the dots that weed is the likely source of their forgetfulness, shot attention span,
Comment from : @Eli-jw8mx

Could it be money
Comment from : @davidhiggins3986

And you ignore the effect of mercury and aluminum on the brain Absolutely ridiculous Ignoring that means you also ignore how to solve the problembrStop being brainwashed by Big Pharma and the media
Comment from : @rikkshow

Hmm let me guess? Fondleslabs?
Comment from : @GeorgesDupont-do8pe

everyone suddenly has adhd because some company made an adhd medication , and lobbied doctors so they start perscribing itbrbrthe medical profession is a joke nowadays, they want return customers, and be able to see 4-5 customers an hour, and those juicy bonuses and holidays from pharma corps
Comment from : @Nathan_Yahoo

I was falsely diagnosed with ADHD when I was 16 put on extended release adderall and klonopin "for anxiety"brboth of which made me a much worse version of myself some of these drs just dont care about the patient as much as the paychecks
Comment from : @GabeMap

If I had to guess, I would say there's a new ADHD treatment on the market and the pharmaceutical company is giving doctors kickbacks Literally just a guess
Comment from : @KyIeMcCIeIIan

It's a side effect of cloud seeding
Comment from : @asmithgames5926

I feel like life full of stress can make you think like you might have adhd Stress makes you incapable of living life
Comment from : @LongDarkAK

Comment from : @D1N02

Would suggest a possible contributing factor generations of people drinking water containing the toxic industrial waste called fluoride
Comment from : @williamalexander414

I would add other aspect, like in the UK the NHS didnt recognise ADHD until 2000, meaning many slipped through the cracks, a lot more adults that are only now pushing to figure out why they feel like a failure or why they struggle with the seemingly most basic tasks but can do complex stuff with ease
Comment from : @pauladarange

Great video! Diagnosed in August aged 35 Definitely as a result that far more now is known about it - the NHS website is stuck in the 1990s so I would say it is partly down to a rise of people talking about it online, whether TikTok or Reddit, that people like me get information and realise that is what we have The health service needs to modernise its take - based on modern science - and stop solely focussing on hyperactive boys!
Comment from : @claireefrench

I got diagnosed in 2005, and 2024, and i now get medicatedbrbrI couldnt live my life after trying EVERYTHING that is normally recommended ADHD is not just an easy answer
Comment from : @TheFlyingFishy

Didn’t even answer WHY?… FUCK HIM
Comment from : @dinmukhamedalibaev2688

I’m 62 years old and have suspected I have ADHD for many years I have put many strategies in place to make my ‘condition’ my superpower, not a disability I am at the point of considering discussing my symptoms with my GP to see if there is any value in getting a formal diagnosis I did reasonably well at school, despite always getting into trouble for talking (now I know why I did that!) but I wonder how much better I might have done had I been able to focus better brThank you for an informative and concise presentation If the video was much longer, I wouldn’t have watched it I think you can understand why!
Comment from : @sherylosullivan9619

Because they can make money off it
Comment from : @justindelpero

Spirituality (or Religion for some) is the "cure", sure it does not remove it but why would you want to remove that neurodiversity? Problem is people identifying with "ADHD" and thus building an identity that inflicts self-impairment It's like wanting to "cure" your gender, or trying to become a gender stereotype people like that are so lost
Comment from : @ShouldhaveStarted

I think social media and our diets are the main cause of these illnesses
Comment from : @JG-ni2yi

Ok, I did believe in adhd because my parents beat me and that seemed to work But now I am over 40 and call it an executive function disorder, because adhd is for kids and nobody believes or cares how disabling it is Some many weak minded people, including doctors, ruined the whole system Now, especially because I am not white, the people who look and act like medical professionals look me sideways as if to say Im just a closet drug addict Stopped going because I don’t want to get in trouble for knocking out doctors for their disrespect and gaslighting
Comment from : @guymaninu

ADHD is a 90s kid thing if you were born after 2000 you most likely don’t have it sorry
Comment from : @iNFiNiTY125

I do find it interesting that during the past 20 year its increse we have also all increased more using phones and this form of technologyWhich could be aiding in this increase Too much exposure is not the best for the brain Along with the increased consumption of processed food Yes I now realize after typing this people won't like this point of view
Comment from : @Buddy22326

Ugh, everyone thinks they have adhd, or are neurodivergent
Comment from : @AdornamentDesigns

Social Media? There is no greater source of Stupidity than Social Media
Comment from : @christopher-h6n

Autism is the same IMO; it seems everyone has it I feel like both ADHD and autism and— AuDHD have been on the rise As some have mentioned, part of it is we have better assessments and logistics surrounding the condition and we’re not simply looking at the extreme cases brbrBoth ADHD and Autism affect less than 3 of our species however
Comment from : @Miikhiel

I don't dare to take the medication
Comment from : @5canwalk

The rates of misdiagnosing an already very likely made up psychological disorder in order to profit off either victims of control issues parents trying to push drugs on their offspring or bozos who just want legal meth has gone up by 30 percent Got it
Comment from : @fishintheocean-i4g

You don’t need these meds like ritalin - it’sa derivative from meth and is designed to keep you addicted Try other ways to treat this disability
Comment from : @robotinthebrain

It was just like depression 15 years ago suddenly everyone has it and everybody needs medication It's cool to have ADHD now
Comment from : @Camelotsmoon

I love your shirt
Comment from : @stevecarroll8256

Big Pharma being Big Pharma
Comment from : @Tom-tk3du

How is a BOY ADHD if he's hyper active 😂 its a boy his hormones are different from that of a girl I don't think boys should be in classrooms until 7yrs old Put them in combatand Emotional intelligence programs
Comment from : @leonartistthegreat

ADHD is defined by the society we're in and the idea you should always be productive, even if you're not stimulated by the material you're supposed to be focusing on
Comment from : @Frog154

Wise and well informed presentation
Comment from : @Byzmax

Since symptoms of addiction overlap with adhd symptoms quite significantly, I wonder if people are simply misdiagnosed Because I never had any symptoms as a child At least I don’t recall them, but now as an adult I do due to my addictions
Comment from : @jenot7164

Is it a problem?
Comment from : @SusanaXpeace2u

Why does everyone suddenly have ADHD? Simple answer is money
Comment from : @rc198028

2013 saw a boom in social media
Comment from : @hereticprimal5131

Ironic talking about ADHD while I had to flip over my phone to avoid getting a headache from the first parts
Comment from : @Derogue23

The rise of ADHD diagnoses rose with the decline of corporal punishment
Comment from : @ate71622

One source, there is no ADHD what you have is catching up with piled up work and switching jobs as new priorities become obvious you start to clean, find late bill to pay, get out checkbook notice it needs to be balanced before you pay billonly to realize you have no stamps to mai itget in the car to buy stampsnow need gas😅😅😅😅
Comment from : @ClairePetersen-p6d

Diagnosed in my early 1950s When i was at school , anyone who wasnt running around causing problems for other people would be ignored, so zero chance of inattentive people being treatedbrbrLimit for me was being sent to have my hearing tested when i first started school as they thought i might be deaf Turned put my hearing was perfect, i was just bored and rapidly would pay zero attentionbrbrWhen dealing with other things i was given ASD tests, and i score high on these Adhd was suggested (and my general response to any suggestion like this was that the H certainly didnt apply to me) A couple of years later i went through the process for a diagnosis and it came out as both ADHD as ASD
Comment from : @katywalker8322

Side effect of scrolling
Comment from : @WingedWheelArt

I was diagnosed online after advice from my therapist as I don't have access to health care and now I'm second guessing myself :(
Comment from : @alannashaw

I got diagnosed at 35 with severe ADHD, the combined type This is no super power Having a secured access to the basics like shelter, food and water is something I struggle since I left my parents house I'm always living on the edge of the world because I can only motivate myself if I am hungry or cold enough or under severe stress like that
Comment from : @cescu2

Just like every other thing in existence, everybody jumps on the bandwagon
Comment from : @jmw9904

I blame the large hadron collider
Comment from : @jl535

ADHD is now passe the new trendy thing to do, at least if you're a 20- or 30-something female, is to suddenly claim you're autistic Just like ADHD, it provides a great excuse for all your failures The narcissistic need to project personal failings on to other people, and to feel blameless and special, is alive and strong!
Comment from : @cherylmockotr

I discovered I have ADHD because of one video I'm not self diagnosed But it made me feel like I should go to doctor and checkbrbrIt was a video about space organising for people with ADHD My house was always a mess and nothing helped, so I tried this thinking another useless crap, but first time in my life it actually helped I looked into other advices and find out not only that most of them are about stuff I'm struggle with, but quite a big chunk of them actually work with different rate of successbrbrSo I went to doctor with "I hope it's not ADHD, because it's can't be fully treated, but if it is, it's better know" mentality First half of the year I was treated from anxiety, but nothing changed and when I had appointment with other specialist she is like "do you know what ADHD is?" All those addicting substances used for ADHD treatment are illegal in my country, but thank god antidepressants working with serotonin and noradrenaline are enough in my casebrbrI'm learning to regulate so in future I will be able to do it without medication Reorganize my space, time, make a habit to write things down, probably will change my job I'm only 24, yeah it's not like being diagnosed at childhood, but it still not super late, I have ability to change my life with not that many of sacrifices
Comment from : @eg568

Funny the way some people say they’ve “just got adhd” and their symptoms were only just apparent to them I knew I felt different aged 4 in the 70’s before this was a thing I’m pretty sure you’re born with it, it doesn’t just come on like the flu 😂
Comment from : @jbug884

…I had ADHD as a kid Are these adults weaving through other adults legs like a snake at Walmart?
Comment from : @OmegaUberDeathbot

Excellent video!! Thanks 😊 I'm subscribing, I really enjoyed this content
Comment from : @wguadap2

I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2006 when I was in my 30s I was using medication in the beginning but didn't like the side effects I now use caffeine to control my ADHD and it works great
Comment from : @Tennesseemomtho

We are a nation of immigrants We ADHD adults higher risk-takers It’s because we have a dopamine deficiency To explain further, check out the book by John Gartner called: The Hypomanic Edge I’m pretty smart, but I have (inattentive) ADHD and slight Asperger’s Syndrome Or maybe it’s not slight, but as a woman, I’m better at hiding it
Comment from : @mowtangsally

Everyone now has a gluten intolerance and ADHD
Comment from : @nathanofftopic

I despise all these videos and shorts especially that spam pop up captions in the middle of the screen and/or have a completely irrelevant video playing in parallel to the content that us being delivered because I assume either the person posting or people consuming actually can't just listen to what's being said or keep attention Feel like that shit gonna give me a seizure and just immediately click off whenever I encounter that now, but I assume it's being done because it's effective which means more people may have ADHD Only reason I can think of
Comment from : @banzaipiegaming

ADHD became more prevalent because of youtube!
Comment from : @stephanvillavicencio5679

Fools are just stoned
Comment from : @Slope114

Comment from : @UncleChud

Less screen time will help …screens are a main culprit
Comment from : @PureU0Artificial

Medication is a harmful bandaid, nutrition and detox can improve or even reverse the issues
Comment from : @PureU0Artificial

I think ADD is much more common than ADHD but seems dx of ADHD has taken over ADD to the point is is mostly forgotten Most people are not hyper
Comment from : @PureU0Artificial

A significant part of the problem lies in our lifestyle, particularly the lack of focus in daily routines The overuse of electronics plays a major role—though not all technology is harmful, much of it is Coupled with poor dietary habits and insufficient physical activity, these factors create a concerning trend As a teacher, I see the effects of all three on a daily basis
Comment from : @heimerblaster976

The "disorder" it's not something objective It's a deviation from the "order", and what is "ordered" is culturally determined and highly subjective
Comment from : @MrBoulayo

Can you research on the association of processed foods and seed oils with the increase of ADHD
Comment from : @martinison8642

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