Title | : | 5 Books that will Improve your German (A1 to C2 level) |
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why zou move the books so fast one can not read the titels Comment from : @vahagkachaturian5682 |
Awesome video! Many thanks to the author of the channel for the recommendations! The problem with many people is that they want to take a "magic pill" or get "secret knowledge" and immediately have skills and abilities However, the truth of life is that knowledge, skills, and abilities do not come by themselves You can't learn a foreign language without doing anything, without wasting your time and effort, just like you can't learn to ride a bike lying on a comfy couch, listening to lectures and watching videos about "modern methods of learning" on a bike To really learn something, you have to really practice every day You're going to fall down while you're learning, and you're going to get bumps - that's normal! The ups and downs of learning are an integral part of our lives Motivation from success and depression from failure will always be your study companions However, every student has problems in his or her studies that he or she lacks the knowledge to solve It can be: poor memorization of words; no progress in language learning; the student can speak, but does not understand speech by ear; misunderstanding of grammar; incorrect pronunciation, etc Agree that a problem you don't know how to solve is very demotivating In order to find the answer to our question we have to spend a lot of time to read videos, articles and books by polyglots In today's world, we have to solve problems as quickly as possible I don't have time to study and analyze a huge amount of information My goal is to master the basic knowledge of a foreign language as quickly as possible and already start earning money effectively in the international arena I settled on the practical guide by Yuriy Ivantsiv " Polyglot's Notes: practical tips for learning foreign language" This book is always in my bag If I have a problem while learning a language, I quickly find the answer in this book There are many different techniques and tips for learning a foreign language in Polyglot Notes I have made my own individual schedule and plan for language learning Now I know what I am going to study, how I am going to study, when I am going to study and what results I am going to achieve No problem could stop me! With an effective language learning plan my professional skills are more and more in demand internationally every day Friends, don't stop there! Everyone has talents that millions of people around the world need! Learn the language and make your ideas and dreams come true! Thanks to the author of the channel for the informative and useful video! Your videos motivate me Comment from : @matildawolfram4687 |
Hello, please so did you find anything similar to Maus after your return to London? Thanks a lot Comment from : @hacenem2579 |
I love the books by Angelika Bohn, she does a range from A1 to C1 The stories are easy enough to understand but they are interesting enough to keep me engaged They're not too long either and they have a bit of slang so you can see the way people talk Comment from : @nats9524 |
Which book should I study in Beginning Comment from : @abhijeetmalik7039 |
Emil und die Detective for me I really enjoyed the English translation so I bought the original German book I'll do Das Kapital later as there are both German and English versions For military and geopolitical terms, Hitler's directive no 1 of 1939 of which there are also German and English versions Comment from : @Dannykhc |
I don't advise Harry Potter for everyone who's B1 Level This is guy clearly doesn't go through the words and keep jumping from page to page since he knows the story line also most of Harry potter words are useless and can't use it in daily conversation I'm saying this from my own experience and after i finished 8 chapters Comment from : @dudedude5843 |
Sir please suggest one b1 level german language book for reading Comment from : @mzone7750 |
Hi tom, I have recently finished b1 by self study but I have heard that for b2 i should get a teacher because it’s very harder than b1 a2 a1 I’m really confused, could you please give me some advices? Comment from : @yasamanpj6276 |
Very interesting thanks Comment from : @chamarawedamulla5264 |
"Macht der Gedanken," von 'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier brNr 11: "Freude und Leid liegen sehr eng beieinander, so wie Tag und Nacht oder Regenwetter und Sonnenschein So folgen im Leben des Menschen Freuden auf Leid, stets abwechslungsweise, je nach den Formen des Denkens, das seine Kraft und Macht walten lasst in den Arten des Negativen oder Positiven Die Bereiche der machtvollen Gedanken sind also sowohl negativ als auch positiv, doch durfen sie weder in der einen noch in der andern Art ausschliesslich gebraucht werden, denn in dieser Form bringen sie Schaden - so eben in negativer oder positiver Ausartung Darin begrundet sich, dass eine gesunde Denkform in einem Denken neutral-positiver Ausgeglichenheit besteht Tatsachlich ist der Mensch keine kunstliche Schopfung, sondern die Kreation schopferischer Intelligenz und damit eine Schopfung, die durch das Gesetz der universellen Schopfung, des Universalbewusstseins, gewachsen ist Dies trifft sowohl zu auf die Frau als auch auf den Mann und die Kinder Das Gesetz der universellen Schopfung aber ist ein Gesetz von Ursache und Wirkung, wie das auf alle schopferischen Gesetzbereiche zutrifft Und genau dieses Gesetz besagt, dass auch jeder mit Macht und Kraft belebte Gedanke als Ursache auch eineganz bestimmte Wirkung bringen muss Durch dieses Ursache-Wirkungs-Prinzip wird all das Verborgengehaltene des Menschen offenbar, denn absolut und unbeirrbar legt es die geheimnisvollen Bereiche des Denkens frei, wenn die Wirkungen der Gedanken sichtbar, horbar oder fuhlbar werden, und zwar sowohl fur den betreffenden Menschen selbst als auch fur Aussenstehende Die Wirkungen der ursachlichen Gedanken werden also so sichtbar wie die materiellen Dinge der Welt" Comment from : @belindaelisa5618 |
Fitness Fibel 20 (Bodybuilding, Muskelaufbau, Traumkörper)brJetzt kostenlos kaufenbr👇🏾👇🏾 br wwwdigistore24com/redir/236661/Ghassan7/ Comment from : @wissamalhamed2358 |
I followed your suggestion and picked Supergute Tage I am currently on early B1 level and I feel like I miss 50 of what is written brI feel like it doesnt matter if I dont understand Or should I continue?brThanks! Comment from : @kvantaliani1992 |
French: Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain Fournier, the only book he ever wrote during his lifetime It gives one that dreamy wafty feeling that are so typical of French novels Comment from : @nojonnunuboy4445 |
Should i read a book if i don't understand anything? Comment from : @magdadrague |
Harri Töpfer! Comment from : @AlteLiebeHSV1896 |
In french: "LE PETIT PRINCE" if not read it yet, its a short and very objective book 👌 Comment from : @ivanzq21 |
good video Tom, but Dont know why you speak too fast! I understood everything but I guess you should take a pause you know… Im just saying… 😳 Comment from : @ivanzq21 |
You sir are a learn german goldmine thanks! Comment from : @duocoreciko |
Mein erstes Buch war eigentlich "Er ist wieder da" von Timur Vermes und das war, muss ich sagen, wirklich herausfordernd, denn mein Niveau war wohl B1 Jetzt lese ich mein zweites Buch "Der Partner" von Grisham Comment from : @jurtrypik |
What about Mein Kampf? Comment from : @paper3993 |
How about magazine Deutsch perfekt ? Comment from : @johncontoso7232 |
Hi Tom,brI am Somali student who live and study in Addis ababa ethiopia, i have probably started learning german language before more than one yeari really want to study German language would you please give me any hints to follow inorder to study it well?brthank you Comment from : @abdikaniadam5987 |
it helps a LOT THANKS, ANY HINTS ABOUT learning new languages Comment from : @nadahesham6198 |
Hello Tom I'm beginner of German Can you suggest me to How and understand and how to fluently read Speak in German can you please tell me for the beginning books Comment from : @tamilarasanmanokaran |
Any thoughts on reading the Goosebumps books in German? I think they're written for kids (maybe teenagers?), so I imagine they shouldn't be too complicated to read Comment from : @gamenailed9604 |
I recommend and author called "zoran drvenkar", I read a book of his (tell me what you see/sag mir, was du siehst") when I was 14 and fell in love with it (its my favourite book) The language isn't too difficult and the books are available in German and English (although I can't find a kindle version of sag mir, was du siehst unfortunately) Comment from : @ellespears3808 |
Read the little Prince in french Comment from : @olgaurueta542 |
Thank you!! Comment from : @olgaurueta542 |
Momentan lese ich Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch! Mein Ziel ist auch, diese Serie in diesem Monat zu beenden, sodass ich andere Deutsche Bücher lesen kann Ich freue mich eifrig darauf, Momo und Die Unendliche Geschichte (beide von Michael Ende) zu lesenbrbrLaut mir ist Der Spiegel nicht so schwierig zu verstehen B1 Niveau genügt Comment from : @buchdrache1409 |
Der Spiegel is getting more and more lurid They used to be better at really serious, investigative journalism brNeon sadly was discontinued The last issue came out a few weeks ago It's not a "hot topic" magazine :D it's more like a magazine for university students and young professionals There is also a spin off magazine called Nido in the same style but for young parents Comment from : @ErklaerMirDieWelt |
a tip for whoever wanted to practice their language reading a book in their foreign language of choice: use a kindle or, at least, the kindle app because you can search the meaning of a word just by tapping it, which I find absolutely game changing Comment from : @andreatavaglione6459 |
I am reading Charlie und die schokoladenfabrik, and I came across this sentence Im Sommer ging das noch, Aber im Winter war es schrecklich I understand the second half, but the Im Sommer ging das noch Should translate to In the summer was not that bad, but I can't see how Can someone please help Comment from : @justincagle6075 |
You kept jumping from B1 to C2, A1, etc etc How do you quantify your german level? Do you set goals and once you reach those goals your in that specific level? Or do you claim any level depending how comfortable you are in the language Thanks Comment from : @nojvaz2392 |
Yo mate 😆 Comment from : @szatanowska |
Awwww, thanks! I've discovered Momo ^_^ Love your vids Comment from : @lilitghazaryan3662 |
Thanks to help How much time to finish level A1 to C2 level in German language Comment from : @imii9323 |
how long for you to master German language? Comment from : @dhanishago |
Right now at B2 and starting "Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser" (A little History of the World) by Ernst H Gombrich It's a beautiful book on world history written for children (author wrote it to her own daughter decades ago, now it's a sort of international classic) Also have the audio book, with the voice of no other than Christoph Waltz So I will not only read it slowly, but will listen to it over and over to catch proper pronuntiation and intonations Tackling that before going ahead with Harry Potter 1 which I find slightly more difficult Comment from : @raulsaavedra709 |
All you really need is Bild Zeitung Comment from : @TimmieTennis |
hey have you tried the "???" they are mostly dialogs Comment from : @davidg8104 |
Vielen Dank 🙏🏻 Comment from : @kelseywagner7828 |
Français: Le petit Prince and the series written by Comptesse de SégurbrbrGerman: Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink (hope I got this right!) Comment from : @quellarpammler6469 |
I just admire your BRITISH ACCENT Like it so so much <3 Comment from : @samahbendada6 |
Hi Tom, I think you can attempt to read some of Walter Moers "Zamonien" novels They are written in a style that is modern and conversational and should not be too hard for the most part On the downside, most of them (except for "Ensel und Krete") are quite long Also, while Moers writes in a very accessible style, he is a master of wordplay and in general loves to playwith language So, some of the humor might get lost on speakers who don't know too much German and he also loves to invent words, though he usually explains what they mean If you like Terry Pratchett's diskworld-series, you might like Moers as wellbrbrIf you want to go into the YA-Spectrum, I would recommend Klaus Kordon, esspecially his "Trilogie der Wendepunkte" ("Die roten Matrosen", "Mit dem Rücken zur Wand", "Der erste Frühling") Again, these books are quite lengthy, but I think they are also accessible, except that they use a little bit of Berlin dialect in some dialogue sections The books deal with the adventures of a German working-class family during a) the revolution of 1918, b) the rise of the Third Reich and c) the end of World War 2 Contentwise, these books are quite rough and it is very clear that Kordon has a very leftist view, but especially the first too books are quite thrilling If you enjoyed these books, Kordon has recently finished a second trilogy about a different family and their adventures around the failed revolution of 1848 So, you can improve your German and learn a bit about German history brbrBernhard Schlink's "Der Vorleser" has the advantage of being quite short and also each chapter is only a few pages long Languagewise, it is a bit more advanced than the aforemetionedbrbrI think one shouldn't discard poetry when trying to learn German I think the best author that you could use in that regard is Heinz Erhardt He was a German comedian in the post-war era and was very successful with his poems which were usually full of wordplay and humorous observations Most of his poems are quite short and they mostly use everyday German language, no over the top poetic style While he loved playing with words and metaphors, most of the humor should be understandable even if you don't know German too well Look him up on Youtube there are quite a few scenes on here with audio or video samples of him reciting his poetry (just try to avoid his movies) brbrI hope at least some of these suggestions sounded interesting to you Comment from : @lookingforanickname |
I'm reading "Tschick" It's a coming of age story narrated by the voice of a 14 year old boy, short sentences and colloquial vocabulary There is a little bit of slang, but there's even online a Slang Woerterliste to download :D A B2 reader would feel at easebrThanks for the book suggestions, I got the motivation I needed Comment from : @pincmin |
Yeah, man -- thank you so much for putting this out there! I'll be moving (back) to Berlin at the end of this summer, so I've been itching to find some good reads that can also help get me back on track with my German learning This was exactly what I needed to hear <3 Cheers! Comment from : @justinthesissmith920 |
You should do a video on German music and recommend music that will help people improve their German skills! I listen to several different songs and they have helped me improve Luftballons would be a good start! Mein kleines Herz is good, as well as Auf Uns Comment from : @ebstenner2244 |
Thanks for the Lovekram tip, mate I signed up to Instagram just to check it out Comment from : @jackolantern7342 |
jezz you read harry potter in German omg , how did you deal with the vocabulary ? Comment from : @carthaginianexmuslim6623 |
Nice video Thanks for sharing your book suggestions I'm about to start B13 lessons on Monday, although I get so bored reading children's' books that are way below Harry Potter that I wonder how I would get on with these I have Olaf der Elch and at least one Asterix and Obelix in German that I seem to have been reading for years! Comment from : @MajorGrooves |
You're really engaging! Thanks mate! Keep it up :) Comment from : @Brubblez |
Danke 😀 Comment from : @TheLibtv |
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