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The Difference Between .999 and .9999 Fine Silver

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Title :  The Difference Between .999 and .9999 Fine Silver
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Frames The Difference Between .999 and .9999 Fine Silver

Description The Difference Between .999 and .9999 Fine Silver

Comments The Difference Between .999 and .9999 Fine Silver

Did u do 1 on gold????
Comment from : @happymood888

One looks like a mirror one a more smooth look less crisp, 4 nine scratches easier than 3
Comment from : @Happycamper10

What happens when refineries are down or backed up refining junk silver for demand 9999 Is what's used medically I would always choose 9999 since it's more valuable as is and is usually less expensive always than eagles
Comment from : @jackkennedy3811

999 SUN
Comment from : @HugeAndHugeCoinChannal

I have a 9999 silver troy ounce buffalo coin, weighed it & it said 110
Comment from : @orionglace8490

How much is a 500dollar silver coin peace
Comment from : @rayzachariah3981

How much is a 500dollar silver coin pease
Comment from : @rayzachariah3981

Same amount of silver in both coins, but the ASE is more impure than the maple
Comment from : @frankauerbach

I think the British 10 ounce 9999 coins are my favorite now Great price for fantastic coins (Bull, Yale, Royal Arms)
Comment from : @michaelmohrle1773

Does it tarnish?
Comment from : @gabrielphilips6980

Industry standard is 999, the customer pays more premium for the over refining to 9999
Comment from : @GOLDnSILVERStacker

So 9999 is a better quality they just put a tiny bit less of it to equal the weight?
Comment from : @thesilversphincter

One troy ounce of 9999 silver is slightly higher quality silver than one troy ounce of 999 silver Math and purity do not lie Both coins (Eagle and Maple) have 1 troy ounce of silver, yet the Maple's one troy ounce has 09 higher purity Silver verifier devices can tell the difference so there IS a difference Whether or not that translates to being worth more is a completely different subject The extra purity is worth something to me, and many others Especially when the 9999 Maple (and other coins) costs less than the 999 Eagle
Comment from : @DarrellYoung

more than the 9999
Comment from : @denim1man

To prove this point, would the 999 weigh slightly more milligrams than the 999
Comment from : @denim1man

the coin would have to weigh more than 1 troy oz to have the same amount of silver as another exactly 1 troy oz coin with a higher purity it is so small but it technically does have more
Comment from : @bullmeatt

0:59 this was the answer i was looking for, I knew purity was irrelevant to price given the insane premiums on eagles
Comment from : @DanielRuizVideos

I believe people just like to support the coin from their Country💯💯💯
Comment from : @tiedtight6895

Thank you for answering my question with this video I was always curious to know why Eagles carried more of a premium when buying or selling I still think the premium of the Eagle is ridiculous and believe that Maples, Kangaroos, Philharmonics should be priced the same
Comment from : @dproulx222

The difference in silver might not be that much as its so cheap But if it was gold The difference would be a 1/10 gold coin for every 2 kilos of gold To say there is no difference is just lying If you have hundreds of kilo of silver, you are talking ounces
Comment from : @rockorsomething2397

I always learn from your videos AND they are fun to watch!!!
Comment from : @janiel747

He doesn't like the queen very much he made sure she was upside down every time
Comment from : @phildimick3219

The maple has 10x less impurities
Comment from : @sonddaddy

It's actually NOT irrelevant as industry, especially the medical industry required 4-9 (9999) The Silver Maple also has more security features (2015 forward) and in Canada almost nobody buys Silver Eagles I understand Canada is 1/10th the size of the US however, there is more demand for Maples in the US than there is demand for Eagles in Canada, per capita wise and in generalbrbrIt takes an additional pass through the refining process to get 9999 which is 9999 pure and 999 is 999 pure The biggest reason why 9999 is better besides the obvious it is simply more pure, is the fact that 9999 purity is required in medical applications brbrEither way, although 999 and 9999 are very close, why pay more for a less pure product being the Eagles if you live outside the US? brbrAnd for people living in the US, why are you creating more of a demand for a less pure product? Being patriotic is one thing, but I want the purest of any product I buy on the other hand, for US buyers buying Maples, must be nice getting a deal on a more pure productbrbrEither way, silver is silver and we are all on the same team if we are watching this video
Comment from : @R123-q9d

I bet in Canada you get more for the Maple
Comment from : @donniepatterson531

If you don't understand these coins have the exact same troy ounce of silver, (i) you are mathematically challenged, and (ii) you have no business purchasing PMs Also, I prefer the lesser purity gold and silver coins -- they are far more robust, can be easily handled, and you won't get dinged for scratches when you go to sell
Comment from : @jamesjoyce2528

I am your new subscriber Nice vlog!
Comment from : @ganapatihegde1024

Comment from : @speckledjim_

hello, colleague I also invest in silver coins, only in Russia we have this George the victorious, an ounce of silver Today, the price for it is, let's say, in banks for$ 37 is not very cheap, but we buy it whenever possible I recently told about it on the channel Silver coins of the USA and Canada also do not need to be taken
Comment from : @KentChannelTV

Now do a video on the difference between the 9996 survival rate of cv19 vs the 46 efficacy rate of "vaccines" 😎
Comment from : @MiyagiNariyoshi

In order to obtain purity of 09999 fineness in precious metals such as silver or gold, the process is called electrolytic refining
Comment from : @jadenephrite

Isn't it possible that 99
Comment from : @billstac9162

999 is good enough But I like the 9999 my LCS is not going to give me any more for 9999 You Nailed this one👍👍👍👍👍
Comment from : @richardmetcalf2346

Each coin is 1oz in weight, but the Maple Leaf has more silver? No?
Comment from : @michaelrobertson7397

One ounce is one ounce, and four nines is better than three nines, simple
Comment from : @obekai1648

Comment from : @surfersurfer8824

Your comments would make more sense if you pointed out that silver eagles weigh more than 1 ounce Troy
Comment from : @Icriedtoday

Two Important Notes for the commentors:brbr1) I did mis-speak slightly in this video when getting out the COA The point I was trying to make is that it's not going to matter when you sell Technically when you get to 1,111 ounces of Maples you WILL end up with an extra ounce of Silver because of the difference in purity but if you go to sell no one is going to pay for the theoretical extra ounce of Silver so it may as well not existbrbr2) Usually 999 Fine Silver is slightly more pure than 9990 9993 will still be marked as 999 fine for example making point number 1 above even less of a difference
Comment from : @SilverSeeker

I might have misunderstood but when the certificate says 1000 troy ounce, isn't that total weight? So the actual silver weight would be 999 troy ounces for an ASE? If it's 1000 troy ounce of silver and 999 purity, wouldn't that put the ASE at slightly over 1 ounce in total weight?
Comment from : @Ffollies

One stains with milk dots One doesn't very much
Comment from : @thelastchapterxx7175

001 ?
Comment from : @davemi00

Why are the American Eagles still denominated? Been a long time since that was the value Alot of people who know nothing about metals, if you gave them a silver eagle would think you gave them a $1 coin brI gave a 2021 silver eagle to my neice on her wedding day this year as a commemorative and she knows nothing about silver I'm pretty sure she thought I gave her a $1 coin I explained that it's an oz of silver because she didnt knowbrI kinda prefer the coins that dont have a denomination on them Its 1 oz of silver They shouldn't be denominated
Comment from : @CheapVanTravel

I've been stacking everything I have silver bars, rounds, eagles, maples, Krugerrand But, it might be better to buy the cheapest silver you can find, because if silver goes to $100 an ounce, you'll have more silver if you collect silver bars However, I do enjoy collecting coins more than bars
Comment from : @spacewalker4087

Thanks for the clarity Maybe you can call some dealers in Canada to test the theory Thanks again
Comment from : @akadan06

Not the best comparison ASEs are a sort of special case because the US is the world superpower and reserve currency That superior status has such a positive effect on demand that it overrides any differences in the coins themselves, including silver content Did you compare 9999 Maples to, say, 999 Britannias or 999 Philharmonics? Since those governments are on more equal footing in world status, the demand and price would be more affected by properties of the coin itself, such as design, security features, and silver content
Comment from : @fazdoll

I was actually wondering this a few days ago The answer is basically what I thought it would be
Comment from : @John_Schmitt

The difference is that one has an old lady's face on the reverse
Comment from : @paulrichards383

Yeah plus tax in Canada
Comment from : @yoneil4226

Ooooh I know I know!!!! It's one 9!! What do I win??? LMAObrMost 999 is actually 9993 or higher, from what I've gatheredSo the actual difference between both is so smallnot really worth writing home about Cheers
Comment from : @sarge27271

Comment from : @bullionaddict9164

Such beautiful coins
Comment from : @hlhl2691

What purity of silver is better for shooting werewolves?
Comment from : @donaldinnewmexico

Hi Seeker Have a great upcoming week bTYU/b
Comment from : @donaldinnewmexico

Four nines (9999) is really just an advertising gimmick for silver in coin and bar form
Comment from : @patrickmurphy8222

Comment from : @yasinankit2590

Good channel, glad I came across it
Comment from : @JoeFidler

The silver eagle is 999 pure the maple is 9999 pure but your video is 100 accurate! Also I want to thank you for being short and to the point with a 3-minute video other YouTubers would have somehow dragged this out into 20 minutes and wasted my time just for the YouTube algorithm
Comment from : @philv2529

Off topic, but has anyone been using a non-bank public vault for their precious metal storage? Anyone storing outside of the US? Looking into this and want feedback
Comment from : @ES-mc3cc

My concern would be if the Maple will get "milky" at some time in the future
Comment from : @barrymorton4268

I still don't get it They can't weigh the same and have the same amount of silver if one has 10 times more impurities than the other
Comment from : @jamiesmith4293

Comment from : @cweave02

Well done
Comment from : @alienal8278

Yes indeed fascinating
Comment from : @RubberCityRebel

Thank you for explaining :)
Comment from : @thesilverco

Thank you, Seeker
Comment from : @corvairvert

I'll take the purity for less
Comment from : @BigRudy53

The American Silver Eagles have 10X more impurity than the Canadian Silver Maple Leafs
Comment from : @printingtimeandspace

Maple is has higher face value, eh!
Comment from : @bhringer

Can you tell me what it cost to have silver coins graded and is it worth doing?
Comment from : @ramonrosado8264

As someone who recovers and refines silver I can tell you from first hand experience there is a LOT more time, effort and expense that goes into getting that extra 9 I've had my silver tested to five 9's and it is NOT a quick or simple process When I sell it there is always a steep premium for it (sometimes double what I charge for three 9's)
Comment from : @Enjoymentboy

Entertaining video Thanks for sharing
Comment from : @ericcasagrande

Comment from : @zayneunderwood1488

Comment from : @NickelNationCoinsMore

held, straightforward explanation of a not complicated but confusing topic It's nice to see you put into words that explain this fully Thanks,
Comment from : @yourshootingbuddy

Comment from : @slylyunleashed8419

Thanks Seeker for this short vid Good info !
Comment from : @pensfan2

Only 999999999999 silver is acceptable
Comment from : @Omasinator

For me, an ounce is an ounce If I can buy the maple 1 oz cheaper than an ASE 1 oz, I'm buying the maple because WHEN I decide it's time to sell, the situation will most likely be SHTF and an ounce will be an ounce no matter what I'm not a big fan of generics but I do have a few but I just prefer nation issued coins to generics thats just me However, what I really like most to stack is 90 constitutionalits what I remember from back when and I just like dimes, quarters and half dollars!
Comment from : @jimthompson9992

BINGO well put 👏 Lots of people are Disillusioned about about the small frictional difference i hear people say they think it is not pure to brake it down to 10 thousands instead of 1 thousands purity
Comment from : @JC_WIL

If I'm correct - a Maple could be used to make colloidal silver antibiotics and the Eagle cannot Truth or urban legend? Regardless - if I can get a Maple for 27 bucks and an Eagle for 32 and the buyback for an Eagle is 1-2 dollars more - it's a no brainer
Comment from : @jduff59

Keep em coming silver seeker! Your videos are super entertaining and extremely informative! I would honestly pick the maple leaf round due to cost I think the silver eagles are just hyped up in price , and if you melt both they become equal, BUT! The demand is what sells so it would be foolish not to buy a few silver eagles a diversify your stack with bars, rounds, junk , and a variety of government backed coins like the silver eagles
Comment from : @jrpcoins

The purity is relevant when using silver for medical grade uses For instance, Sovereign Silver (colloidal silver) is processed with 99999 silver (plus medical grade purified water) and is why that particular product is more expensive, and hands down the better product than those processed with 999 or 9999 silver If you use colloidal silver, or other types of silver for medical reasons, you probably don't want the other metals used in those grades of silver for that processing, going into your body Hope that made sense lol
Comment from : @loupi4bama

Thanks for the info
Comment from : @jessdyer669

Great post, always looking to learn more!
Comment from : @Mr_Bullay_SlideRule

Go Maple
Comment from : @DimebagDarrenLowe

Thank you for the explanation I was also wondering about that 🌹
Comment from : @cristinam3881

Great video
Comment from : @CoinCrew

Comment from : @kjrefining

Thank you Sir for the information
Comment from : @jackgallman3100

Hey Silver Seeker, thanks for all the informative video's Have you ever seen a silver round that is 5 9's silver? (99999) I have one, I think it is from The Royal SIlver Company I had never seen one before this
Comment from : @gdub8251

Very helpful video!
Comment from : @jeannealleva

Hi all
Comment from : @annaimcrazy2904

Thanks for the information
Comment from : @wallystrainsandcoincollect5750

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