Title | : | How Years Of Language Learning Affects Your Brain |
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Boost your brain NOW with one of these easy languages! 👉🏼 youtube/jXfj5BKdZCA Comment from : @storylearning |
6:40 im not sure but i can hear in a language a and think in another While speaking in either one Im it sure if i can do all three at once But i can for sure do 2 at once Comment from : @homebrewGT2 |
The information about emotional distance in the second language is actually very useful to know I had such a thought but I was not sure it's true So when you want to disctance yourself from az amotionally traumatic event, it's good to think and speak about it in a second language HOWEVER, if the goal is to connect emotionally, or for example clear out emotions (like with EFT technique) it seems to be a better choice to speak your sentences, affirmations in your mother language I thought so Great to know :) Comment from : @Miyankochan |
I think story learning is why for many decades people moving to USA learned English through the Bible For those of any age It used to be the top way, and they got biblically literate too Comment from : @HiThereHeyThere |
The comment on emotionally distancing yourself in second/ third/ fourth language in comparison to mother tongue struck a cord Just notice how much easier it is to swear in a learnt language in comparison to the first one- no emotional baggage, being told off by parents or shame feelings 😂 Comment from : @agaking8343 |
Well the part about suppressing one language in favour of the other might explain why anglicisms make me so angry when people use them in German Comment from : @hummel6364 |
As a musician, the timed language examples were super effective for me to absorb Excellent idea Comment from : @Джонатан-р8д |
Amazing video, i would like to know about how could a child born bilingual? (Sorry for bad english) Comment from : @Thisisabigbloon |
True Comment from : @Thisisabigbloon |
11 min Comment from : @math1mom |
The thing is that I speak 3 languages in a native level but I don’t know how i actually learned it because I have never tried to now I am trying to learn French but this this the first time I am trying to learn a language consciously 3 languages native level 4 I can understand 5 I can read write understand to a certain expend now French hope it make me a genius Comment from : @bhodhigaming2562 |
My first classroom experience with Spanish was at the age of 14 I had the same wonderful teacher for 4 yrs I added ASL as an adult I’m now an abuela, and I’m getting ready for a year of exploring more languages I have so many I want to learn! Each week I get to use my Spanish with new parents at a family resource center, and it’s true, the serotonin effect is real Comment from : @winnie2379 |
I can speak english AND HUngarian! Megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért Comment from : @CowboyArti |
hi, the Finno-Ugric languages (Hungarian and Finnish for me) and the Altaic languages (Turkish) are difficult when you speak an Indo-European language (French) you have to think before starting your sentence, otherwise it's ruined! so not only do you have to think backwards, but you also have to not speak too quickly!!!brbut learning languages is a fabulous journey good luck to everyone!brBon courage à tous :-) Comment from : @ThibaultS-vq4sm |
That emotional information is interesting Perhaps it explains why I was able to thrive in a language I started after a top 5 life stressor event Comment from : @joannadaniels8356 |
When you say first and second language, it's not primary and secondary right? Cause I learned Spanish first but English is my primary I wonder if that's why I'm so emotionless Comment from : @KelThaFunkeeGaming |
Reminds of a story in a memoir by a German who became an American citizen, so he spoke fluent English He was on an airplane sitting beside a German-American businessman who was also bilingual They spoke English to each other without negotiation But during the flight there was an emergency during which everyone feared the plane was about to crash The businessman instantly switched to German during the crisis Afterward, however, when they were safe, he switched back to English, and neither passenger remarked on it Comment from : @mnfowler1 |
What if i learn 9 languages? Am i crazy? Comment from : @TheMoonlighty |
I live in Korea and my best friend is Mexican- American who speaks English and Korean and I swear sometimes I can't find the English word or I will go to say something to her in Korean and a Spanish word will pop up But I can't force myself to speak Spanish anymore, if I tried Just Korean comes out now because I haven't used it in years lol Comment from : @ajrt_2118 |
I have no shame in expressing my emotions in English It feels so dramatic and emotional in my home language, Filipino Comment from : @Kaz-o7u |
Too many ads and memes Not that useful, sorry but unsubed Comment from : @SamiraBach-u7v |
I am 53 i am bilingual since 5 years old However I would want to say it depends whom I am arguing with I am currently leaning a third language ( Italian) I am still in beginner stage I have downloaded your KIT I hope to reach B1 maybe in 12 months 🧐🤔 Comment from : @Over50andMe |
Great video Comment from : @Silent_SongZ |
Translate everything in your head?brwhy would I do that just speak the language bro Comment from : @shrippie-4214 |
What happens when you are Learning your 4th language in your 50s Comment from : @Giulia-11-67 |
6:23 this is what I’ve tried to explain for so long At times I can’t understand what someone is saying because my brain thinks they are talking in another language for a moment Comment from : @Zb1-43 |
im kind of a bilingual baby I mean my main language is English but my mom and grandparents spoke mandarin around me too so I could communicate with them but not as well Im not fluent in mandarin but I can easily tell the difference between sounds in mandarin I also learnt French but now im tryna learn Swedish and Polish but like polish is killing me so idk if it makes learning languages easier Comment from : @boredaflol |
Any chance you’ll add Greek to the story learning courses? Μαθαίνω ελληνικά Comment from : @monicasmadeinmaine1114 |
Well, i can speak 3 languages (technically 3,5) and my focus is still pretty bad Learning new languages didnt make me overcome my traumas or improve my overall happiness Comment from : @krowaswieta7944 |
I would really appreciate your answer for this: Isn't "I care about you" another way to say "I love you" in english? I really think it is, but with so many people out there saying the only word in this regatd is "love" I just started to go along with it That until my 11 yo brought up the idea ( I'm teaching her english) wnd that really switched my brain Also, on a second (or 3rd) thought, isn't "cherish" another variant for "love" in english, also "be fond of" can be also considered here? Thanks! Comment from : @Sandro987456321 |
10:20 Comment from : @talytasbarcelos |
Do these benefits only accrue with the first new language you learn, or do you get additional benefits with each new language? Comment from : @PattipegSHarjo |
What a amazing video, I loved it!! Comment from : @aindavouinventar |
I’m from India I know 4 languages (learning more) and currently living in Spain It’s been a year in Spain and I’m so happy with my progress that I can express my emotions and feelings in Spanish and I recently cried over something and I expressed how I felt in Spanish 😂😂 Comment from : @prerna8530 |
I agree that only first foreign language is hard to learn , after English, I've learned German and French much easier even though they are much harder than English Comment from : @somayeh8695 |
Heals trauma?? Please! It's sad that you feel the need to oudo the competition by posting this nonsense I am a polyglot and years of mental and physical torture don't heal because I speak x many languages Comment from : @irened |
11:27 ecstatic? Comment from : @LoresGate |
So how to say "I am confuse" in French? Comment from : @elenak2304 |
fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt you speak Comment from : @khanitime |
Anyone has this experience when you sing something in a group or hearing someone singing in another language and your brain thinks its your mother language but its not? Can you explain this ? How is it called ? Comment from : @arunaistheheartsound6234 |
I started Russian from English Not because I wanted to use the language but as a builder of memory cells brI also fill my time with Ukrainian and French I don't consider it language learning because I do not speak to others The long term benefits for me have been good Probably because I don't pressure myself brConsistency is the key Never, ever miss a day brGreat video from Olly🎉 Comment from : @uk_steve |
Today I've learnt that a group of pandas is called "an embarrassment of pandas", I smiled a whole day, no one had a clue what's going on with me Comment from : @datpham2482 |
11:09 Euphoria Comment from : @brunnomenxa |
Thank you for the video! Comment from : @chourouk-gr9qg |
I came back to rewatch this as a lot of Ollie's videos need to be watched more than once There's so much to learn from brbrI grew up totally bilingual in Afrikaans and English I did my schooling in Afrikaans and my tertiary studies in English We went to an English church and had many English friends We had tv programs in Afrikaans and English I think this is the case for most Afrikaans people in South Africa and it's similar for Zulu people who also have to speak a lot of English brbrI didn't even think twice about it growing up Now that I've been learning other languages, it's even more fascinating It's true what Ollie said, I store my English and Afrikaans in one part of my brain and my other languages in another part I have to keep practicing the other languages if I want to keep them up but I can still communicate so easily in the first two languages, even if I don't use one of them for a long time I don't speak much Afrikaans except to my family when I see them but it comes back way easier than the others I learned later in life It's just there, I don't have to exercise it So amazing Also, when we talk as a family we often switch between Afrikaans and English, even substituting different words in the same sentence and no-one gets lost It's quite handy being able to use the best words of both languages 😅 Comment from : @elainepotgieter9403 |
Few years ago i started my knowledge in English , today I until not are a fluent speaker yet , but I can understood everything, so now I’m thinking about to learn French , I from Brazil 🇧🇷, my maternal tongue are the Portuuese, but I’m trying everyday to learn more and more Comment from : @CarlosAlves-pr2eu |
20:11 in Indonesia we have a word for "When the joke is so terrible that made it so funny" is called Jayus Comment from : @iusearchbtw69 |
I felt this joy when I was able to converse in Italian on a trip Plus, people are more open when you speak their language❤ Comment from : @Uilsiene |
4 languages and counting, i also always was into philosophy, history, geography, culture, law, arts and general humanities and i spend most of every day learning just that out of boredombri do not find it hard to figure out new concepts, discover relations of statements, or mix words whose meanings i had previously known including nuances from their foreign counterparts or just tiny fractions of their meanings and combine as i wish but i realized that when i get into philosophy and try discussing it doesnt go very far because despite speaking the same language as the other party we are unable to understand each other and the trouble i find the most is either that the tunnel i used to get there needs so many conditions and so much of very particular stream of thought to get there and because i pick nuances from any word i know and i am unable to separate that nuance when trying to communicate in a set language since we cannot express it before expressing what i want to use in an expressionbryou feel powerless knowing stuff but you cannot get anyone to see at it the same way, so further intellectual discussion is impossible on the ground of lack of an introduced concept being the same in the views of both parties and i take into account minor differences since no two views are the same but they are not minor, they are crucial, i sit at home and do not much besides that Comment from : @debilista |
I speak Indonesian at home exclusively, and when I entered elementary school, all my friends spoke Batak, the local language I didn't know any Batak at all, and I was very confused However, somehow, I vividly remember that by the end of the first grade, I was already speaking Batak fluently I learned incredibly fast, not out of a deliberate effort, but it seemed to happen automatically I just picked it up naturally and mastered itbrbrOn the other hand, I have been learning English since I was young, but only through vocabulary like the names of animals, fruits, vegetables, etc, without ever having real conversations I didn't study English in elementary or middle school, and I only started learning it again in high school It feels much more difficult now than when I was a child I have to repeat lessons often and practice regularly Now, I can understand what people are saying and watch English content without subtitles, but my speaking skills are still limited I still experience the process of translating from my native language to English Additionally, I am currently trying to learn Mandarin, so there are four languages in my head And yes, it is so fun because I think in different languages, hahaha Comment from : @fullerene21 |
Speak for yourself, dear man (who are obviously mentally gifted )🏆brbrPersonally, i had learned a secondand a third language brbut do not testify to any increased confidence OR brilliance br(just additional vocabulary!)🤷🏻♀️ Comment from : @rmp7400 |
I'm fluent in 3 languages, but 3 others i learned only on the A level and more or less forgot Now i started to learn another seventh language which is completely new instead of bringing the other 3 to fluency first I wonder why and if i actually should improve the languages i already started before beginning a completely different one Comment from : @leysan7729 |
Thank you 👍 Comment from : @AnowarHossain-cy8tx |
yeah! I am fluent in 4 languages and more or less can understand / read 3 more brI must be a dopamine addicted Comment from : @tiggergutt70 |
I learned Spanish recently at the age of 24 and nowdays I I use it as my second language although I learned English way before entering adulthood 😊 Now at 37 I,m learning German as my 5th language brbrBefore the age of 12 I was monolingual (Dutch) So there is no excuse to not learn something new😁 Comment from : @Pedri1988 |
When will you have Polish on Story Learning? Comment from : @aprilcoburn5214 |
For flight in French: vol ( NOT: vole Il vole : he /it flies) Comment from : @thomasarmer7771 |
great insights! thanks for sharing!! Comment from : @yahouallavoix4512 |
Dopamine, Serotonin, seem good stufffs hm alot of benefits Which language store these drugs the most, Can l offer my credit card to buy these stuffs in stead of Learning please😁😁😁 Comment from : @rolandalcid7127 |
oijøtmû is a word in my own conlang It describes the following:brYou want to take a risk, you have reservations, but you pull it off with confidence and are proud of you later on Of course there were obstacles, but you overcame them and arrived at this point Comment from : @Kekswaffel208 |
As a bilingual I think all these benefits are not true, just pure bullshit Comment from : @ijansk |
It’s really pleasure to watching this video as a foreigner English speaker Comment from : @Quickwitted32 |
I hope you right by saying you never to old to learn a new language I am a 72 year old South African and born bilingual i cannot say which is my mother tongue as I think and speak in both languages equally well I speak English and Afrikaans Afrikaans is derived from Dutch so this allows me to understand languages spoken in the Netherlands, Belgium and to a degree in GermanybrI have now been studying Mandarin for three years on Duolingo without skipping a day between lessons but its going slowly What keeps me going is that feeling you mentioned when you understand or recognize whats been said when watching a Chinese moviebrThe talking part is particular difficult due to the different tones in Chinese Mandarin Comment from : @evertspies3345 |
If you really have to learn a language for a specific reason such as migration,find job or marry a foreigner language learning process might turn into hell for you Comment from : @mastermindlinguistics |
11052024 Comment from : @Xxxxskfhspfndd |
My native language is Serbian, I learned English in school And since I won't have any other languages in school as a subjectbrI decided to study Italian,so If I create a certain amount of knowledge, I'll start learning French Comment from : @aglassofwater7931 |
Thanks for explaining why i cannot do one thing at a time and how easy continue being multitasks 🙏🏻😮❤❤❤❤❤❤ Comment from : @TheEnglishProject6 |
Technically a bilingual person is a split personality Mea culpa Comment from : @joejacquesschulz8514 |
Abiocco- Itis lol😂 Comment from : @sircharlesii662 |
2 more languages, going for 3rd Still dumb as fuck Comment from : @tipsofsmyth |
Id love to know how this works for different neurotypes and also with age brbrWhen I learnt conversational french 15 years ago I found it expressed a new or different part of my personality which was fun And I could see how French language patterns and French style of discourse fit together, and in contrast to what happens in my native British English fascinating brbrBut now I am struggling with the basics in German literally taking years to (fail to) learn simple vocabulary Comment from : @wkt2506 |
For e foreign speaker, the word "fuck" or even the n-word is not that offensive Comment from : @humanrightsadvocate |
I don't have a second language brI learned them at once😭 Comment from : @AbcCba-qb2cv |
As a person who speaks Serbian as my native language, I want to learn French and Italian toobrIt will be a huge boost for me to know 4 languages Comment from : @aglassofwater7931 |
I came across this video because I'm studying Egyptian Arabic American-English is my first language, Punjabi second, Spanish third and now Arabic! It's the hardest and TONS of fun while very HARD also I can feel the positive effects on my brain it's AWESOME Great video! Comment from : @iamnavkaur |
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