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Can you learn TWO languages at the SAME TIME?

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Title :  Can you learn TWO languages at the SAME TIME?
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Frames Can you learn TWO languages at the SAME TIME?

Description Can you learn TWO languages at the SAME TIME?

Comments Can you learn TWO languages at the SAME TIME?

I've got to be honest, if he said you can't learn two languages at the same time I was prepared to close this video and pretend it never existed Seeking only opinions that enable my language addiction, thanks 🙃
Comment from : @clothesfromthedryer

5:25 its weird im not learning actively french per se, im in Quebec and im mid at french because thats the curriculum ive had since a kid but im actively learning mandarin, however sometimes ill catch myself trying to form a very basic sentence in madarin bc im in the very abcs of learning it, and substitute a word in my head idl in french And its pretty obvious to me but still funny when it happens
Comment from : @sabrinat6838

Have you come across "Comparative Grammar of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French" by Mikhail Petrunin? He recommends learning all 4 languages simultaneously by comparing the similarities and differences between them I'm really tempted by the audacity of the idea but I feel like all you'd end up speaking is Romance soup
Comment from : @ro8636

"You know what I'd do if I had a million dollars?"br"What's that?"br"two languages at the same time"
Comment from : @howdyitsdavid

I'm learning Korean because I work for a Korean company and Spanish for fun because I am originally from Corpus Christi and alot of people spoke Spanish
Comment from : @john1775s

So what I'm hearing is using an Anki deck that has French on one side and German on the other is maybe not the best idea?
Comment from : @nystrial8020

I am studying Chinese, Latin and German, and speak fluent English, French and Spanish (native)
Comment from : @MarkShazat

I chose to learn both German and French in High School In this setting, they were just two separate subjects I was taking, and it wasn't any more work than studying one language plus some other subject I thought the question was just weird when my fellow students asked if I didn't mix them up Why would I, I thought, they were two different languages! It probably helped that I had the concept from an early age that different languages worked differently, and had already learned a little Spanish in elementary school and a bit of Norwegian at summer camp I still (50 years later) like to be working at two languages at a time, and am currently reviewing French and learning to read Chinese I am also more or less bilingual in Norwegian (primary daily language) and English (mother tongue)
Comment from : @elizabethallen3230

I have a problem because I feel the need to learn German, Persian and French
Comment from : @rodrigomachado5291

Who never thanked an Italian with igracias/i throw the first stone
Comment from : @smort123

Spanish is my second language and I have been to several countries to immerse myself in that language I find that in certain apps, its very challenging to learn my third & new language from both English and Spanish I had to learn my second language to a significant level before using it to help I'm currently using Duolingo to learn German from English, German from Spanish, and Spanish from German It really forces me to think about how the languages are connected as Indo European languages Like the words LEER (Spanish) & LESEN (German) both derive from the same Latin word meaning to read It appears Deutsch is influenced by Latin
Comment from : @christophiluslovingchristb5441

A 🐇 in ASL 😂😂😂❤
Comment from : @Wee_Catalyst

Aha! This completely explains my tendency to "switch" to "Sparabic" or "Gerabic" while learning MSA It occurred while I was mentally fatigued I love the tip about learning different languages in separate places Many thanks!
Comment from : @tomwende5529

My best friend's mother tongue is Aramaic, his wife's is Slovak, their common lingo is German Their son grew up trilingual The lad is now 11 years old and very eloquent- in 3 languages
Comment from : @gasvictim1

What if I’m brushing up on my Spanish I was once conversational but now nervous to speak, so I am relearning Also, I want to learn Hebrew from scratch so I can speak with my father in law Would that be ok?
Comment from : @arianahunt1073

at High School I was learning French, German and Latin, and one of my friends was also learning Polish on Saturdays
Comment from : @glen1555

You can learn 2 at the same time, but it killed my brain, I was living in Korea, started seriously dating (now married to) a French person while there, I was trying to learn Korean and French at the same time, and I was stressed out all the time I could've cut the French since we weren't living there, but I knew the relationship was serious and that we'd end up moving to France, so Korean was the one eventually cut, we were only there 5 years anyways Edit: I should preface I'm an adult, like I was 36 when this all started, and I did my undergrad in linguistics with a Russian emphasis, I was horrible at learning languages already which is an embarrassing thing in my family since there are like 10 languages spoken by different family members (some immigrants, some had lived abroad), I never really learned to speak Russian so I had no hope for learning either Korean or French But once we moved to France and I lived with some in-laws by myself for a few weeks and they didn't speak any English, something in my brain switched I'm still not the best language student, lol, but I can finally now communicate in a different language than my own without trying too hard 😅
Comment from : @aeolia80

This is all I needed to hear I keep telling people it is possible to study two languages at once I cannot wait to start learning Cantonese and MSA! Totally jk Russian and French is what my heart wants lol
Comment from : @tmann986

Off topic, but, question: Does learning a later language help an iearlier/i language? Can it do the same if the languages are distant?
Comment from : @1980rlquinn

My cousins are bilingual English and Norwegian When living in Norway they spoke English at home and when living in England they spoke Norwegian at home Neither had educational difficulties resulting from that - both excelled academically
Comment from : @unclemick-synths

Resources list brBabadum brDuolingo brBusuubrDrops brLingo PiebrLingo PlaybrClosemaster
Comment from : @OzkAltBldgCo-bv8tt

Im learning Spanish and ASL at the same time I decided to give a headstart to Spanish but still in a beginner level But i think some of the issues dont really apply so much because of how different sign languages and spoken/written languages arebrAlso, i would love to have some "jonesing out" on ASL I know its not really in your expertise but if you have a colleague or something to recommend, that'd be awesome!
Comment from : @iamsammybe

0:15 Spanish and Mandarin are the two languages I am currently trying to learn! lol Since I speak portuguese, spanish is very straightforward, to the point I can listen to audiobooks now Mandarin will be an herculean task thoguh
Comment from : @astropgn

Maybe some other viewer of yours deserves to be happy, I - don't!
Comment from : @ldmtag

aaa sign of a real linguist, UNIX in a Nutshell book
Comment from : @IlhanNegis

Comment for the algorithm
Comment from : @kallocarina8879

I am trying to learn 2 languages (Italian and German) Apps like Duolingo and Babbel will ask for a reason like "to improve skill" or "for fun" or "for business" My reason is a bit more direct I now have Italian and Austrian citizenships and want to move to the EU (from the US) in a few years So, my goal is to become as fluent as possible so that I can integrate into Italy and Austria more easily I hope to be able to meet new Italian and Austrian friends soon after I get past A2 I plan and hope to go past B2 in both languages as soon as possible but also to eventually achieve C2 in both, but I know that will take years because sometimes life interrupts my studies as a parent
Comment from : @PaulFromCHGO

Ah yes, I remember being younger and stupid, starting law school wanting to become a diplomat and learn all official languages of the UN, before realising it is at best a useless waste of resources and at worst a tool of globalism and socialism used as an excuse by statist elits to dictate the course of our lives, waste the money they steal from us in taxes and opose any country that wants to preserve their sovereign identity And that I didn't want to waste my life working for parasite politicians
Comment from : @Argenswiss

I study Spanish, I want to apply for visa and relocate to Madrid sooner And French, I need it, for my kids's school is French
Comment from : @tqtechmentor

You have "UNIX in a nutshell" on your shelf! Yay! I respect you quite a bit!!!
Comment from : @markmeyer5361

This was exactly what I needed to hear!
Comment from : @ilexcookii2627

Probably not good practice, but in my encounters with high school students who are learning either Italian or Spanish, has been to try and pick up the other as well Thinking on it a bit deeper I can see some disadvantages to that now
Comment from : @Pablo668

For most people, the hardest threshold is the beginner levelbrCertainly, don't bother with 2 languages as a beginner in both
Comment from : @Alec72HD

As an adult, probably a massive waste of time You become bad at both languages instead of poor with just one
Comment from : @godemperormeow8591

Sacrificing my precious time for the algorithmic gods
Comment from : @neurologic4312

I am currently learning three languages, while also maintaining proficiency in my two native languages and English Of these three languages, one is at an advanced level, and the other two are at intermediate levels There's always so much to learn and improve, whether it's pronunciation, intonation, or focusing on advanced, specific topicsbrbrWhat I’ve never done, though, is start two languages from scratch simultaneously Nowadays, I see many people taking on two or more languages at once, perhaps because being a polyglot has become trendy While they may succeed, to me, this approach seems inefficient I believe it's more effective to bring one language to a solid intermediate level, which allows you to use different learning methods than you would with a beginner language Only after reaching that point would I consider starting another language
Comment from : @Yihwa-G__

I am currently learning Mandarin and would like to add a second (unrelated) language at some point I will still have to continue learning Mandarin, but I will already be familiar with the basics Is there a specific point you recommend reaching before starting a new language? Is it best to start only after you are at B1, B2,? Or just ideally as far as you can get?
Comment from : @joflo5950

I am currently trying to improve not in two, but in four languages simultaneously while trying not to forget those that I have already learnt I am about to get crazy, I make a lot of mistakes in all of them (evaluating this with respect their corresponding certified level) but I cannot quit any of them right now for personal reasons In a nutshell, I am using all of them at this moment on a daily basisbrI passed my C2 Cambridge two years ago, but I feel clumsy when communicating, so I started taking lessons again Recently I got C1 of Italian, but I screw many words and collocations At the same time I am preparing for C1 of Catalan while trying to get a B1 of German but I am seriously worried about the success of this plan :(brbrMy brain hurts
Comment from : @jojojojorg

Dude, change the set lighting You look sickly
Comment from : @jaiboregio

Aaaah I'm still undecided if I should take care of my Romanian or my Hebrew this winter, got it, both it is
Comment from : @samuelshalom7907

I initially read the question as "Can you START learning two languages at the same time?" It's impossible not to learn multiple languages at the same time I'm at C2 in English and still consider myself a learner You never stop learning your target language
Comment from : @petraw9792

I'm learning Hebrew and Spanish simultaneously What I try to do is learn one in the morning and the other in the evening If I only have little time in between, I consume some content (typically an episode or two of a TV show I like) in either my native language (Hungarian), English or German (these two I speak at C2 level) to "cleanse my palate" I think of this as that piece of ginger you eat between two types of sushi 😅
Comment from : @Paprikamaedchen

I am sure it's totally possible to learn even more than 2 languages at the same time and I think it all goes back to necessity, commitment and goal (the level one wants to reach) brbrI myself speak English, Italian, Spanish, Arabic alongside my native language which is Portuguese I have an interest in Latin, Ancient Greek and Classical Hebrew also I know some Modern Hebrew too, however I do not have the goal of mastering to the point of becoming capable of speaking on it on every single real life situation, I just want it for some very general contexts As for Arabic, though, I do wish to reach a high level, so I have a much higher demand on studying it, exposing myself and practice for it brbrFor the languages I became fluent already and feel comfortable on my current level, I am constantly activating them because there is literature and media I consume on them as well as native speakers I talk to regularly, however, this does not provide me the grammatical refinement I need for a more complete mastery, therefore, as currently I unfortunately cannot find more time to study more than a single language in a scheduled manner, what I do is sticking to a single one of them for a fixed period of time, let's say 2 weeks or a month, and by the end of this period I switch to another one to focus on I do include my native language in this process too! brbrI keep doing this approach until I go through each of the language I am interest on in relatively short cycles I believe that by doing this, I learn more effectively on the long run, keep all my languages "ready for duty" and I never feel bored of studying, which can happen if one should stay too long doing the same routine non stop
Comment from : @Hondeiro_Destemido

My Personal Language Learning Rules:brI can learn two languages simultaneously, but only if one or more of them is B2 or abovebrI commit to at least 30 minutes of daily immersion for each language I'm studying, as long as I am below C1 in that languagebrI won’t actively learn two languages from the same language group at the same timebrbrI’m genuinely impressed by people who can tackle two Romance languages below a B2 level at once!! Not how my mind works
Comment from : @stephaniebrill2951

Do you have any thoughts on learning a new language in tandem with improving one you already know (my first language is not the one that ended up becoming my native language, and I'd like to refresh it while learning a third)
Comment from : @DavidTabakian

My Son is 45 years old He is fluent in Hindi, Punjabi and EnglishHe will start learning French in a couple of years Its normal in India
Comment from : @GemystoneEcommerce

I'm studying Spanish to become fluent but I'm learning German just for traveling next month It hasn't been too hard for me, but the German I'm learning is basic and words I already know very well in Spanish
Comment from : @Tamara-ju3lh

I am learning Armenian and Persian at the same time Armenian has lots of loanwords from Persian, and it helps me to learn words, by recording the words I learn in Armenian with their equivalents I already know in Persian, so recording mets' (large, great, big) as بزرگ in Persian
Comment from : @novideoshereable

Please Language Jones I need your advice I love the video and am gonna try to use this for the two languages I've been learning for a while now I want to get to C1 with them Is it gonna hurt my progress in said two languages if I am now obligated to pick up the local language since I moved for work?
Comment from : @wherethehellismiguel

You can smoke two cigerettes at the same time why not?
Comment from : @mingthan7028

I learn 3 now, feeling awesome And also we slowly learn 10 in the language club and brain gets so much happier while we do that (by special method, that we update along the go)brbrloving your videos ❤
Comment from : @nellykam4577

Im Moving to Brussels, so I'm learning both French and Dutch I'm focusing mainly on French, though, as my partner's parents speak only French, and significantly more Dutch/Flemish speakers speak English than French speakers, so French will get me further in Brussels Curently taking French 3 at B1, doing alright but I still have a while to go
Comment from : @BenutzerWalter

Why can’t you just show us the way at the beginning 😓😓
Comment from : @RuoxiWang-ki1kj

Your insights into phonology and the importance of separating languages in both practice and environment are super helpful I love your approach to language learning as a joyful journey rather than a chore Looking forward to implementing your tips! Keep up the great work!
Comment from : @Speechbound

4:18 2 times now
Comment from : @darthjarjarbinks2480

Thank you for the video Mr Jones!, you helped me out, I’ve been postponing studying, now I’ll retake French and maybe I’ll start from scratch with German😅
Comment from : @franciscoesquivel1443

I wouldn’t I’m currently learning French as a native English speaker and I have thought about also learning Italian, but I’ve only been studying French for 3 months and even though French and Italian are both Romance languages and thus similar, French pronunciation is hard to master and so is correct verb tense so I’d rather focus on just French since I’m so early into my language learningbrbrFor instance, libraire means bookseller in French and NOT library As an English speaker it’s odd to me bibliothèque means library in French since in my English mind library should simply be libraire However, living in SoCal I know a tiny amount of Spanish and I know biblioteca is library in Spanish and Italian so I can reason in my mind that bibliothèque means library in French
Comment from : @thehapagirl92

In my youth, I studied 3 languages English, French and Italian
Comment from : @Mssmn

I started studying finnish and german at the same time last year and I was getting pretty good at both, until I started confusing one language with the other, cause they have some words that are written the same way but have different meanings and some are written almost the same way, so when I was doing finnish I was reading it with german meanings and when I was doing german I was reading with finnish meanings, it became a total mess, so I dropped the german and decided to go on with finnish only since it's my favorite language I forgot 90 of what I learned of german, but if I read a sentence in that language I still understand sometimes, but if I am to say or write the same sentence by memory I wouldn't know how to do it nor the words I should use Maybe I'll give it a second chance once I become at least intermediate in finnish, which is gonna take a long time since I'm studying by myself and I'm still at a very beginner level I'm brazilian by the way :)
Comment from : @KywokiYakasaki

I speak Tamil moderately well and English natively, but learned Hindi 10 years ago But I only got to an intermediate level and never really spoke much, though I can understand most content The last year and a bit I have been learning Spanish, and I definitely am seeing some corrupted files with Hindi during the process If I am struggling with a word, I revert to the Hindi word - somehow my brain goes to the next highest energy retrieval, instead of going for the lowest energy one I cannot imagine learning both languages at the same time!
Comment from : @ramav87

Suppression is something I struggle with I want to study each language every day Conundrum Same pics is the problem I had with drops
Comment from : @katem5077

You are the first linguist I’ve heard discuss that concept of suppressing other languages when you are actively using a target language to speak and communicate in that moment I never realized I did that when speaking one of my languages over the others I also have a long buffer time searching for the right wordsbrbrI love your analogy of switching languages to switching the types of utensils you use to eat
Comment from : @entropie138

HI! I like your videos Currently, I speeak German as a second language, and I am learning French in University Even though English is my nativie language, I, for some reason, automaticlly tranlate new french verbs and nouns into German Is that normal?
Comment from : @mättieuschwarzstern

There was a semester of college when I was taking German, Spanish, and French classes, but I was majoring in German and minoring in French, and already had taken 4 years of Spanish in high school br brAs with some many things, it depends on what you're doing and why you're doing it I am learning Arabic just for fun and because I genuinely love the all those consonants So there is no pressure there, it's all a treat for me But I waited 2 years to do so after I had started working on Latin again because of the time commitment Once my Latin was in a better place, I could start Arabic from scratch and focus on it more br brI don't have to actively study German anymore because it's my job and part of my daily life With Latin, I am getting back into a language I loved as a child With Arabic, it's totally new to me and therefore interesting and exciting, I like just putting on YT documentaries in Arabic and seeing what I can pick up and learn from them But I enjoy the process, and that's why I'm doing it, and to learn more about language learning
Comment from : @AmyBalot

I'm here with a Visayan speaking child who is coming up to speed on English and Tagalog Thx
Comment from : @jannarkiewicz633

I learned three languages at the same time as a kid So my guess is yes
Comment from : @luctuose

I dabble in various languages, but my main focuses right now are Finnish and German
Comment from : @corinna007

Doing this right now in college as an Italian/Spanish major
Comment from : @eurof0x

I'm learning all the Slavic languages right now It is a really silly idea, but also fun
Comment from : @christianmolick8647

Doesn't nearly everyone in Europe speak multiple languages? They may not learn them all at once, though
Comment from : @sanchellewellyn3478

I'm doing zulu and german, but I did german in high school and i spent 8 months at first just building up my zulu vocab on duolingo It feels so weird to switch between them, the only thing that holds me back is that my vocab and confidence in sentence construction
Comment from : @nickoftricks

I learned Spanish and French together in high school and Arabic and Hebrew in college, so I hope you can learn 2 languages at the same time! Also, last year was a VERY awkward time to be in both of those classes
Comment from : @user-id9bn1ic9v

that feel when I glitch out and forget a word but I'm a monolingual beta
Comment from : @baronzad2056

Now I want to see you review some languages as though they were wines
Comment from : @gcewing

Thanks for sharing! I'm a new subscriber!😎👌🏽
Comment from : @HARUKOKATO

Over 50 years ago I had 2 years of high school French Spanish wasn't an option for us I hated it but it was a necessary evil In my 70s I've been trying to learn Spanish and French vocab sneaks in Yes, there are similarities in words but there are some big differences
Comment from : @catobie1948

Oof Romansh speakers totally burned by the Switzerland joke
Comment from : @auntiecarol

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