Title | : | How to Learn More Languages at The Same Time: My 5 All-Time Best Tips (That Get Results) |
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Day 31: This is immediately one of my favourite videos! Fantastic I'm going to have to watch this multiple times :)brbrI'm one of those people learning multiple languages at the same time You made some excellent points I have my anxious moments, and today was one of them brbrThe anxiety stems from the feeling of a lack of progress But your words truly help You said that haste is your worst enemy I've never thought about this It actually makes sense I totally believe this Because it creates negative emotions and feelings for me I also feel more frustrated and stressed I feel far better when I take my time I also feel like I'm acquiring more Most importantly, I have no reason to rush haha The good thing is I am learning everyday, and most of the time I feel very good I just have some moments when I feel a little low brbrIt's also taken me a long while to have a schedule to learn my three target languages Through trial and error, and the difficulty of letting go of a language, I have finally come up with a schedule that suits me brbrI'm not worried about mixing up languages because I never started the languages from level 0 at the same time It's only when I looked at the grammar and writing parts of Spanish and Portuguese, that I experienced a back and forth between the two languages, so I stopped I will continue to accumulate both languages, and study grammar at a later time For now, it's purely input My main language is French, so I spend more time with this language everyday Comment from : @lorenzovonmatta8278 |
Tips for learning russian Comment from : @davidortiz-sg5up |
Great comments Comment from : @davidortiz-sg5up |
Love the videos!! thanks So what do you think of me learning German and Brazilian Portugese at the same time?? Comment from : @pputnam100 |
I am trying to learn Spanish & Portuguese at the same time, in no small part because everyone says they are very similar which only 2 weeks into learning Portuguese and 2 weeks into re-learning Spanish -I took some in high school, I can see the similarities and subtle differences I want to learn them both because Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula are places I want to visit and live Comment from : @jeremyleonbarlow |
I'm watching this in 2022 and I already saw much of your videos It has always impressed me how fluent you are in all the languages you speak, but I find even more impressing how you keep getting better in all of these languagesbrIn this video you are really fluent, but I think that you speak English even better in your recent videos These clearly proves your point that learning a language is a constant process, even in the most advanced levelsbrAs a language learner fan, like you, I cannot help but being impressed every time I watch any of your videos Comment from : @manuelb3525 |
My brother studied languages at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in California The pace of study was intense Students had to master the language course in 36-64 weeks Psychologically it was very difficult, but fortunately he was helped by Yuriy Ivantsiv's book "Polyglot Notes Practical tips for learning foreign languages” The book " Polyglot Notes" became a desk book for my brother, because it has answers to all the problems that any student of a foreign language has to face Thanks to the author of the channel for this interesting video! Good luck to everyone who studies a foreign language and wants to realize their full potential! Comment from : @matildawolfram4687 |
6:56 Students A and B Comment from : @chriscipiti3235 |
What about Spanish and French? Would they interfere with each other? Comment from : @Bavubuka |
If you want to be part of a whatsApp group you only write your cell phone number to be a member and practice english and spanish Comment from : @octaviorizo4482 |
Wow your voice is so different 9 years ago! Comment from : @syasyaishavingfun |
What about if your languages aee already intermediari? My italian and german are B1/B2, and I'm learning Greek (A1) For french/Italian I can easilg mass immerse and I have the time Can I continue learning Greek? Comment from : @signorriccio9848 |
Wunderschön video, wie immer! Comment from : @МаксимилианФилипожкиь |
Thank you so much for the tips I scaled back from 4 to 2 at a time, and immediately see a better grasp on the two that I practice daily Luka you are an inspiration Thank you for all you do and share with the rest of the world Comment from : @funtaxtic873 |
I don't understand If you already know any foreign languages, how can you learn just one as you have to progress and maintain the one/ones you've already acquired I mean, even if you know a foreign language well, say at B1-C2 level, you still have to buy some time to progress or at least not to let it regress And by all means, maintaining and progressing is a lot easier when you know a language at a high level, but you still have to polish it up and devote your time to it Comment from : @АндрейБобренёв-э5у |
But what if I really only want to learn the Romance languages? Spanish, Italian (which I’m okay with) & European Portuguese? Comment from : @Buttercup697 |
I'm definitely a student A I would say I have a core in Spanish and am still perferfecting it but now I've started learning Arabic as well which I have barely any knowledge of Comment from : @russelsmithard7566 |
Learning another language feels like having another life to enjoy, thanks Luca Comment from : @75Cabezon |
I am currently studying Chinese and Spanish by myself, wish me luck 🙏brBtw, Luca has bright eyes Comment from : @eng_tech7890 |
nais Comment from : @ronalcruz8243 |
I see you as a professor Comment from : @sssalsera |
This helps alot! I like to study languages, and I can easily get absorbed in studying 8 languages I can see that I need to focus on just 2 but that will be difficult I read , write, and speak Russian, so I want to be fluent in Russian I am learning French, and I am teaching the grandchildren Spanish I also study ancient Greek, but not nearly enough So the list goes on So I really do appreciate Lisa's words of wisdom Comment from : @irenemcnamara9699 |
We tend to underestimate the work required I would have thought you would want to study two languages similar simultaneously Glad you addressed that Comment from : @carpediem6568 |
I really enjoy your videos They are very encouraging But, I have a question I have studied Spanish (including extensive grammar and pronunciation) but I still have significant difficulty understanding what others are saying, especially a conversation between two other people How can I overcome that (especially if I also want to learn another language)? I don't want to have the same problem in two "foreign" languages Comment from : @chewee2k |
I have been learning English and started to learn Korean Comment from : @hanayrplz |
Haste makes waste Comment from : @harryflash5202 |
Вы молодец! Вы просто удивительный человек! Comment from : @erturtemirbaev5207 |
Cuando uno alcanza los 6/7 idiomas, qué procede para continuar aprendiendo más idiomas y al mismo tiempo mantener al máximo los que se han ido aprendiendo? Comment from : @dviajes3882 |
my native language is Farsi(Persion) and i know English, i want to learn Swedish brshould use the method Swedish to English or Swedish to Persion ? Comment from : @seyyedmahdihosseini7910 |
My original language is Dutch I have learned good German for years, and meanwhile I have started to learn Arabic (reading and writing), but I would like to combine Arabic and German, how do I do that? How much time do I best spend on each language daily or weekly? How many hours do I best spend in each language? Comment from : @enokuh |
Great advice Thank you, I will send you an email tomorrow with detailsthanks again Comment from : @rosebarbaro1969 |
Divide and conquer! Comment from : @leonardoalegria6046 |
Looking for advice: I'm a Canadian (English native speaker) and I've learned French and German to quite an advanced level (able to deal with course material at university in these languages) When I was younger I was learning Italian and Swedish as well and now I would like to be able to use these languages for example to make friends in Italy and Sweden BUT my French and German are very very important because I think I may want to be a translator/interpreter and/or later get an arts degree at a university in a French/German speaking country Should I focus all my time on French or German or is it ok to dabble in the other two Comment from : @noahruel1724 |
I truly like your videos, aside from the sensible content, also the fact that you dive right in, no irritating intro Much appreciated ! Comment from : @maaifoediedelarey4335 |
On The Note About Learning Languages That Aren't Related, I Agree With That, But I Might Go A Bit Further, Learning Languages That Are Distantly Related, Atleast Via Vocabulary, Is Good, As It Might Make Remembering Some Words Easier, Yet They Should Be Different Enough So As Not To Cause Confusion For Example, I'm Learning Italian And Welsh, If You Look You Can Find Some Cognates, Such As Ceffyl & Cavallo, Both Meaning Horse, Or Llifr And Libro, Both Meaning Book Comment from : @rateeightx |
In Finland, we learn 2 - 4 foreign languages at school However, we never start two new languages at the same time Now, as an adult, I am learning three languages at the same time: Polish, Croatian, and Turkish Polish and Croatian are similar With both of them, I am already at intermediate level I often tend to blend them, but not as badly as earlier I need both of them, so I have no choice I find it helpful to use a totally different method for Polish (audio books), compared to Croatian (Anki and newspaper articles) In addition, I am learning Turkish with DuoLingo just for fun There is no risk of blending it with the Slavic languages Comment from : @כמובבית-ל1ג |
I speak French and German to like a weak C1/strong B2, and I've been been learning Spanish for about a year I'd say I'm a B1 I'm gonna start Italian when the new year starts :) I hope 1 year and B1 is enough Spanish to not mess it up with Italian Comment from : @petra1995 |
I'm studying english for a year,french for three weeks(dude,french is soooo hard),and italian for one week Comment from : @abrazilianhater8717 |
I think it is possible to learn more languages at the same time, if they are different enough (different language family) and if you have different levels in them I also don't agree that you have to lekarne every language every day, But some people need to do so because otherwise they aren't building a habit But everybody has its own way Comment from : @ssmp00 |
Also - so to speak, not so to say Comment from : @es4666 |
The saying is - Haste makes waste Comment from : @es4666 |
I am gonna start learning Chinese and Portuguese soon, and they'll be the first language that I'll be studying at the same time Quite the coincidence Comment from : @SouthPark333Gaming |
If I tried learning Uzbek at the same time as Turkish im pretty sure I would be so lost 😂 Comment from : @Ishay7227 |
LSD helped me learn a lot of my Turkish Comment from : @Ishay7227 |
At 3:29 I hear "Going steady wins the race", I've always heard "Slow and steady wins the race" Was that a carry over from an Italian phrase? Comment from : @whahala555 |
Haste makes waste Comment from : @vincentnikonchuk4776 |
i have to learn 5 languages at the same time because of school Well atleast I can speak to the ancient Greek gods now Comment from : @god5167 |
How can people say you Can’t learn two at once? If some is bilingual most likely they learn both languages at the same timebrNot always but most times, like come on people, stop limiting yourself, the mind is a powerful thing Comment from : @wendiyork8882 |
I'm starting two languages at the same time italian anf french but french I have like 5 months and italian i'm starting now Comment from : @elietrinidad6633 |
How many likes do I can give to you? Thank for the tips! Comment from : @ValdeirBento |
How about learning Romanian and Serbian at the same time Comment from : @superultimateeasterneurope4111 |
great advice Luca thanks for the videos brother! you are an inspiration now, please add Welsh to your language list haha! we would love you to be one of the 1 million speakers by 2050 project! Comment from : @pauldavies9360 |
Thanks Luca, great video as usual :-) I'm currently dusting off my Spanish with Lingoda while progressing with French and German Have to say not easy to manage the time, but well, let's see what comes out of this madness I kinda abandoned my Italian for a while, only watch TG everyday I will be extremely sad if one day my Italian devolves back to Stone Age :-((( Comment from : @lilihajek1990 |
Im studying korean and spanish but im focusing more on koreanspanish is seems similar to my native language Comment from : @Umaykalamay |
Marathons are long races Comment from : @jonascarrillo8699 |
wow your english is amazing :) Comment from : @martina-dd6vb |
Hi!, I have a question I want to postulate to a scholarship in January 2020 but a I need 3 or 4 level in english and 4 or 5 level in french according to ALTE So, How can I get it? I feel so anxiety because I think don't have time hahahaha So, what do you recommend me? Thanks for read for your answer and for your channel (is pretty cool!) ;) Comment from : @MileRocG |
i’m learning french and italian right now; have been for 5 or 6 months or so i started learning languages 4 years ago with spanish (gosh, i gotta get out of the romance family) and i learned/am learning portuguese on and off with my sister but it’s not the biggest priority portuguese is easy for me, especially since i already know spanish same goes for italian like luca said, the only issue is changing stress and tone to adjust to a more natural pronunciation of the language french is okay too, but i’ve had a problem with with stress and certain sounds grammatically though, the languages, all being from the romance branch, have been fairly easy to understand and i love them all brbri was wondering if anyone could recommend newer languages to work on (preferably outside of the tree i’m currently working on) i want to begin a new language sometime in the next couple years and broaden my rangebrbrps sorry for no caps lol, i totally forgot to turn those back on Comment from : @supermansbabygirl6483 |
Good teaher ! thank you for your advice ! Comment from : @lhoussinemahfoud2853 |
Thanks, your advises are very useful Comment from : @adolforendon946 |
U are very smart! Comment from : @ГреттаЛи |
Do you think it’s possible to begin learning a third language that is similar to your second language (while you’re still at a B1 level) without mixing them up too much? Or do you think it’s not likely unless you’re already at a B2 level or higher in the second language? For reference, I’m a native English speaker who has learned Spanish and recently began learning Italian Thanks for reading! Comment from : @viejitaaa |
Advice has a lot to do with the person's individual goal Comment from : @StormyOne1 |
Thinking about learning Russian and Chinese Comment from : @letthelanguagecome6999 |
i'll do that! i was searching for a video like this, because i was in doubt about study 2 languages at a time in this case if i learning English and Spanish i need to dedicate 80 in English and 20 to Spanish, right? i'm native Portuguese speaker Comment from : @edertelvino3570 |
How much language you can speak ? Comment from : @lelds57 |
This guy have more ideas and wisdom to give for us than that fuck "expert in idioms" that want only likes and fame,but their put limits in the manner how you should study Comment from : @joellima3976 |
Your eyes and hair chest are perfect, Luca😁👍 Comment from : @dviajes3882 |
What about french and portugues at the same time? Comment from : @niumagmaldonadopena7502 |
I'm studying Swedish, Portuguese, Chinese and Spanish at the same time whilst maintaining my levels of fluency in English, Afrikaans, Dutch, French and German Comment from : @jancovanderwesthuizen8070 |
Don’t learn two languages that are of the same group I say Comment from : @ManiMonet |
1:43 so being interested on someone that talks the other language encourage you/us enough to boost the learning? Comment from : @hikaroto2791 |
Thank you so much for your advices Do you think it will be a good idea to learn French and Russian at the same time if I am a Vietnamese ? Comment from : @nhungdo3694 |
hot guy Comment from : @perth45 |
Well, I'd like to learn Spanish and i'm still learning it but I'm so enthusiastic to learn Italian as well I would like to know your opinion about it and by the way, I'm brazilian Comment from : @lucasmarcolino2840 |
Polish and Spanish fit all those factors, I am already higher intermidiate in Polish after 2 months of immersion(I speak russian)so I could start to give spanish more time in which i am a complete beginner, although I do keep going back to Polish more because I have a better grasp of it, but I think I can learn the art of learning 2 :) Comment from : @DeepInYourLady |
Gosh, how boring Comment from : @andycott1969 |
I am a native English speaker and I have learned Spanish to a B2-C1 level, and I am still working on improving my fluency there I used to know French when I was a child but I couldn't have been more than A2-B1 level I haven't used French in probably around 10 years so I have forgotten it all, but I am trying to reactivate that passive knowledge Additionally, I have begun building a base in Dutch and am already to an A1-A2 level and I keep practicing everyday I don't really confuse things between the languages, but I am able to tie certain things together to help me remember them better :) Comment from : @rhysjaspermusic |
hey man how about korean and german? Comment from : @francisL2001 |
I realized how correct his perspective about language learning is as he said "Language learning is not a race, it's a marathon that you do with yourself" Comment from : @ernestlancenixonliwag3167 |
Tips at 10:40 Comment from : @Yunaofficial0111 |
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