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How The Federal Reserve Is Turning Money Into Debt - Truthloader

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Title :  How The Federal Reserve Is Turning Money Into Debt - Truthloader
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Comments How The Federal Reserve Is Turning Money Into Debt - Truthloader

The gov Not pay nathing ? If are usa gov Own the FR but FRis private Institutionthat wy debt?
Comment from : @luistoral1192

JFK challenged it aswell that got him killed
Comment from : @allen91wa

nice rack
Comment from : @rs334

Never heard hip hop music with an organ in the background
Comment from : @Lion_lamb

All of this is true and what most people don't know is that just having federal reserve notes in your possession put us in debt because the notes are borrowed form of credit with interest attached to it Government borrows from the private federal reserve corporation Disturbing 😲😲😲🤑🤑
Comment from : @lucky-hd1yv

You got it backwards The debt cannot be paid off because money is created by debt so paying off the debt removes currency I don't think you truly under stand what money isbrThe problem is definitely fractional reserve lending brThe problem is money wasn't a created system it just kinda happened and we still have made it possible for the people they run the system to take advantage There why there are some many financial collapsesbrWhile inflation definitely had made the dollar worth a lot less You can buy a smart for 20 bucks A burger for a dollar or so Think about what they are made of rare metals peices made around the world the burger like meat from raised animal all the processed food cheese and break mustard ketchup all made of many thingsbrMy point it's not that simple :-
Comment from : @christopheb9221

You guys and gals think the Fed money thing is a scam, what about the "electronic" money? I mean, the UCC pretty much regulates a Note in Article 3 But if you have ever looked at E-SIGN, you should recognize that the UCC does not have anything to do with E-SIGN Thus, all electronic transactions like car loans, student loans, credit cards, you name it, do not have a law to support is Clinton and Congress are to thank, or be hung, for that It caused the debt to rise more in 10 years, than it did in 100 years It is not legal, lawful, nor logical The only law regarding these things would be contract law that is it Electronic promissory Notes are not legal This is the "intangible" that is about to bust and take away the money when the ATM machines out of order
Comment from : @ForeclosureGhost

So lets say the government actually wanted to do something what would it do Issue its own money? Clear the debt by force?
Comment from : @Jon-Doe

All the most important points covered! Well done! Support Ron Paul Support Lyndon Larouche End the Fed
Comment from : @GT95_302

fairly certain Andrew Jackson was not president in 1935
Comment from : @votivespark

Yes This it SUPER SCAM Control, control, CONTROL
Comment from : @LESMOIR

Yup, well put, this video is quite digestible and everyone should share it
Comment from : @904PinballZine

I like your channel and all, but the descriptions of the banking process here is straight up wrong There are problems with what the federal reserve is doing right now, but this isn't one of them It's a complex issue and not one you can explain in 2 minutes of exposition and 3 minutes of commentary If you're going to try to tackle it you should do it right, or you're just helping to spread misinformation
Comment from : @0pamat

The reason why that the US dollar hasn't collapse yet is all thanks to Saudi Arabia for agreeing to sell their oil in US dollars which is why its still the world reserve currency The whole world is dependent on the US Dollar because they need US Dollars to buy oil Plus everything that Truthloader has said about the Federal Reserve is also true about the Bank of England controlled by the same people Rothschilds, Warburgs, and Rockefellers
Comment from : @Lordivanthecool

Wrong, there is no fractional reserve banking anyone with half a brain knows it's just a cover  But you would know that if you'd done the research; banks create money when they extend loans, just Google Steve Keen for a good explanation That said I was suss when you teamed up with the Zeitgeist Movement, this production makes it clear your real interest is in misleading the naive Unsubscribing
Comment from : @christopherdobbie

Comment from : @troman5000

Mafia banker and their puppets in government everybody with brain knows that
Comment from : @lukaszmozer1

Same goes for the bank of England, they all operate from the same script
Comment from : @ColdWarWarriors

Ok, we now know that it is an imaginary system that has no substancewhat is the solution though? How can we exit "wake up" out of this? Is it even possible?
Comment from : @TFMarciniak

Great job Grace This is one of the better videos recently
Comment from : @thecoolstuff99

I don't understand this
Comment from : @pavelow67

lmaogood thing i dont work @ one of these printing placesbrFed:we are short 3 trillionbrMe:I didnt see nothin
Comment from : @whereami1599

Comment from : @MegaGreendayfan101

Comment from : @CalvinBauer844

Y has there not been anything done from this wtf
Comment from : @joeslates3043

Can somebody explain something because I'm a little confusedbrbrIf I, as Chancellor of country X receive £10 a year through taxation, which is money already in circulation, but I only spend £5, surely I can eventually pay back my country's debt of £1000brbrThe problem seems to be the fact that our governments spend more than they get which is why George Osbourne's big deal of "reducing the DEFICIT" is irrelevant because we're still borrowingbrbrSurely the scam is that governments continue to borrow, mostly for military, public spending that they can't get out of without losing elections and buying votes
Comment from : @YodaOnDMT

Hey Can you guys make a video about guerillas I know there are still a few in the world today and I would like to know how they have influnced and changed for good or for bad nations
Comment from : @santiRobledoskier

Wow I had no idea that this many people have no idea how money works I hate to call anyone retarded, but this video just made thousands of people dumber How could anyone have this much of a misunderstanding?
Comment from : @londonfrank2234

This is one of the best channels I've ever seen Interestingly I came here from some knife throwing videos :)
Comment from : @stevens37y

If we know this why are we still being runned by these banksters
Comment from : @skywalker7155

they say there will never be enough money to pay off the debt yet they can print money out of thin air, you defeated yourself there
Comment from : @SoSimonSays

" I am less than a piece of paper and yet I control your entire lives! I am nothing and you'll forever be focused on nothing until the day you die Even after death I will haunt your descendants" - The dollar
Comment from : @gennyleineonixx4386

I really like this channel So informative Not BS and biased like RT 
Comment from : @Nine-TailedFox4

I said it before but I'll say it again  Thank you guys for taking up these causes  Keep pushing ahead and eventually people will begin to realize that their perceptions were created and continually altered by the powers that be  
Comment from : @johnschubert6726

I dont get your vids in my subbox anymore really fucking annoying
Comment from : @xwiblexwoblex

Andrew Jackson wasn't president in 1935
Comment from : @jam9297

This is utter propaganda - designed to manipulate people brbrThe Fed(Central Bank) is an institution mandated by government to influence the economy  Nothing more  It is a toolbrbrThe actual problem is the control of government by 'personal' interest  America, the West, East, South, North, Side-ways etc is part of the oligarchy - which ultimately controls everything  We need to take back our institutions and our democracy and FORCE them to represent us  That is all,brbrIt's not a fucking mystery
Comment from : @IamMANnumber1

Im sorry but this is not correct , talking about a central bank without even mentioning cost of living, or creating new values is just unprofessional sure the central bank is controlled by a small group of people, and yes they are corrupt but you didnt explain what the main purpose of the banking system is  
Comment from : @NOyaPara

Economy is made of people by people
Comment from : @nathanparkinson3955

fraud is fraud even if every one agrees with it
Comment from : @MrDemented669

The narrator is a hot piece of ass
Comment from : @rudysingh6096

This is just the tip of the iceberg Well done Truthloader 
Comment from : @Maxtaxifromhell

its the rice corn on the checkerboard
Comment from : @alamegachris007

Due to deflationary pressures in recent years, the FR has had no choice but to print more money  Otherwise we would no doubt be in the midst of another Great Depression  In turn, other major economies have had no choice but to increase their own money supplies in order to keep their exports competitive 
Comment from : @TheSpazModic

USA is a cancer of a nation 
Comment from : @gerry7man555

Gee!  It's Almost As If They Don't Believe They Will Ever Have To Pay Back The Debt Huh?  Ya' Think They Know Something We Don't?
Comment from : @grumerguy

1935 or 1835 now ? 
Comment from : @Stereotypofficial

so why dont the general public do a large scale protest about such a huge scam everyone is bitching about superficial crap but THIS goes unnoticed 
Comment from : @zerodai6653

bCheck out Corbett Report documentary on the history of the Federal Reserve/b
Comment from : @Maafa-iy4rw

I think we should all just switch to Bitcoin already
Comment from : @ShopSongs

Are you sure that was Andrew Jackson? I think his term ended way before that
Comment from : @matthewmetz3610

It makes the economy so much more dynamic and controllable at the same time
Comment from : @qw0048002

well…brSomeone has seen the zeitgeist movies i seebrOr maybe it's just that i heard about this topic from Peter Joseph for the first timebrbrAnyways… what happened to this get together with Peter anyways?brbrGood video BTW! 
Comment from : @CurtainsOffRealinfo

You literally just repeated what was stated in zeitgeist
Comment from : @aliasgarhussain476

This is not news In most states we learn about the fed reserve in high school At my high school it was never hidden from us that it's all a bunch of BS In fact the first question anyone in the class asked was "so why is my money worth anything?" The reply was that our money is worth something, because if it wasn't than not only our economy, but the economies of our allies and any other nation that trades in dollars, would fall apart So our money is allowed to be worth something as long as it is still necessary for other countries to stay afloat as well
Comment from : @questionabledeeds7

Can u guys please make a video about the stuff that is happening in Gaza, and all the protests that are taking place in London? brI thought that I came to this channel to update myself with the stuff that is taking place around the world, but i didn't think that it would be the other way around
Comment from : @yosefalem1174

Yeah 1935 and no debt shouldn't be in the same sentence together I believe :pbrAt least you corrected yourself and made it *1835 :)
Comment from : @yamasaa

Tell me this why have most people become slaves to debt and why are middle income and  lower income workers fighting and hurting the poorest of people The top 1-percent is using class warfare to keep you under there power If you wish to change this here's how simple don't vote go on strike Oh forget about it's like talking to a brick wall Maybe another hitler will show you what you want to see tell you what you want to hear When you have them by the balls there hearts and minds will fallow
Comment from : @betterbodies4u

Seems less of an objective look and more of a sensationalistic rehash of the info in films like 'Money Masters' and 'Zeitgeist'  Is it me or are they actually just describing the process of QE?
Comment from : @jamescurtis47

isn't this method some how similar to bitcoin? trade in real money for the illusion of money, some how both seem to be beneficial to a certain group not everyone 
Comment from : @shalashaskarevolver6353

So on that note, who has a good theory on how to stop a runaway debt system that is built to recycle it's own debt? Communities producing goods would be a good start, if they probably didn't have to get most of their materials from a major retail store, and if we really wanna be hardcore, they could make those materials like the days of old, but I don't know anyone who retains such skills or would even actively look, besides maybe a doomsday prepper Complacency has alot to do with our issues at hand as well, even now as a sit in front of this screen, contributing very little other than a simple question with a proposed theory
Comment from : @justinhueser707

Look over there , don't look here , typical ITN smoke and mirrors ! What about the Bank of England ? brProve that you aren't just a mainstream safety valve and do a piece on the Bradbury pound
Comment from : @Miller6616

when are you going to say something about Gaza?????
Comment from : @MrAndroberto

so happy i've never taken a loan and never will <3
Comment from : @thesickandwounded

When are we going to hear about the situation in palastina ?
Comment from : @tayfa4313

1835, not 1935, Andrew Jackson was President
Comment from : @ReverendGalileo

Can TL please actually report real news?
Comment from : @omeneverlasting

After giving this much thought and the ww1 in the news I questioned how Germany could go form the most debt ridden nation and in five shore years the most powerful economy in Europe so I started looking for answers! If you go the "the greatest story ever told" you will nave a whole new understanding Shocking but from what I can research true I know we must rid yourself of this parasite at all cost 
Comment from : @jophoenix3919

I normally like these videos but this one felt a bit one sided and to biased imo
Comment from : @TheMidgetcheese

I normally like these videos but this one felt a bit one sided and to biased imo
Comment from : @TheMidgetcheese

can't believe people are surprised by this we do live in a capitalist society greed is what runs economy greed is the root of all evil not money; and capitalism benefits greedy people only what do you expect 
Comment from : @millerrepin4452

Comment from : @AradiceSatur

Okay truthloader, i dont have Any idea what has happend to your channel I Thought one of your Main objectives was to remain as unlinked to anything, not expressing your ideas or thoughts but remaining independent to anything In this video you only covered a problem and whats wrong with it Not discussing the alternatives Sure the Fiat is an unbearable system in the future but is the gold standard Any better? Get back to the real truthloader with the unattached philosophy in the centerbrbrPS what happend to the lindat show?
Comment from : @jannemaffia514

federal bank reserve is the worst criminals organization of our history since its creation(1913),they are the cause of many problems in this world
Comment from : @unit0079

Great videobrThanks Truthloader!
Comment from : @SwPiotrek

Oh, it gets betterbrbrbr theeconomiccollapseblogcom/archives/10-things-that-every-american-should-know-about-the-federal-reserve
Comment from : @RedceLL1978

I think BRICS will change all that
Comment from : @MrMadAChannel

The people that do own the Federal Reserve owns the world
Comment from : @calical26

Steve Keen on private money creation and the myth of fractional reserve lendingbr rtcom/shows/capital-account/keen-fractional-reserve-companies/
Comment from : @33Crazydude

This videos need to keep comingm good job
Comment from : @JLchevz

this is why there are problems on this planet
Comment from : @AustinPinheiro_uniquetexthere

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