Title | : | How The Federal Reserve Works (And Who Really Owns It) |
Lasting | : | 9.44 |
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The FED is about to come to an end once Donald Trump wins the 2024 election😂 Comment from : @rafaelbustamante4768 |
Its not a conspiracy that the FED was created by billionaire bankers on Jekyll Island The Deep State want you to think its a conspiracy Comment from : @bipolarpunt5721 |
We know who really owns it we just aren’t allowed to say it Comment from : @barkydarky-op4jx |
The Mob! The government and states are the real Pimp’s Americans work and are told how much of their salary they are forced to give Federal and State’s If workers don’t give some or all of their hard earned salary to Federal and State they will suffer penalties possible prison time, or both Most rich and big corporations have ways to escape paying fair amount of taxes to the pimp’s, therefore the middle class and those who have no allowed tax credits pay more Fact’s!!! Comment from : @KingAngel4Life |
The average human does all the labor/chores and they benefit with these worthless exchanges Comment from : @pinellasguitar7157 |
These institutions control everyone's life and we know the least about it They have the power to loan us worthless paper and we're stuck paying it back with interest that doesn't exist in the money supply Time to rethink money Comment from : @pinellasguitar7157 |
The greatest trick the federal reserve ever pulled was getting people to surrender their real currency (gold confiscation under FDR) for their printed dollars They pulled it off so well, they don't even print the paper dollars anymore, they get the banks to pretend like they are given 10 times more than the number of pretend dollars they are even given (fractional reserve banking,) and convinced the government to view you as a potential criminal if you dare to access more of those pretend dollars they want you to have at any given time (the Bank Secrecy Act and Civil Asset Forfeiture) Kudos, Federal Reserve! Kudos! Congratulations on continuing to mesmerize the world since 1914! Comment from : @jasonmatthews7829 |
This is a whitewash Read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" Comment from : @majorpayne8373 |
It's not federal and it has no reserves Comment from : @majorpayne8373 |
Great editing! Comment from : @NotAnnaJones |
Satan is running this place but he's still doing the Lord's will He came at Christ with pride, greed, and fleshly cravings These "personality disordered" people have to utilize the same tactics Comment from : @nunyabidness4946 |
The central banking 'system' does not work at all Sometime ago I was given s copy of 'A history 0f central banking and the enslavement of mankind by Stephen Mitford Goodson It is a banned book who banned it and on what grounds? Many historians have read the book and confirmed it accuracybr It begs the question of why the family that Goodson holds responsible simply not take the case to court? You be the judge! Comment from : @Steve-re9md |
"People started withdrawing whatever they had, bankrupting otherwise healthy and solvent banks, simply out of fear" Um no If the banks had sound business practices, they would be able to uphold their promises to pay back to depositors The banks' act of lending money that they also owed to depositors led to their destruction, not public fear Comment from : @castlecallahan1769 |
All Stores 100,000 Please Lower the price of all Brands of Military Equipment and Local for All Brands of Federal Reserve Products & Production Cost Now100,000 That's Too Much $$ Now The Whole World 100,000 Now 🙏 🙏 🙏 Comment from : @deannaspencer8988 |
The real conspiracy is why was Felix Argyle in old time New York? 6:07 Comment from : @mcspike2249 |
What I know is that actual America's danger is Fed Who is the real owner? Even president do not know the owner of Fed What happen if owner of Fed is China? Comment from : @구십구-j8o |
The same people that Jesus spoke of in Revelation 2:9 are the same ones who own the Federal Reserve Comment from : @TheOwlCreek |
how cute you only explain some of the truth so you won't get in trouble Comment from : @jamiec4478 |
So how is it possible to bancrupt healthy working bank? Comment from : @alkaponas |
Does the Bank actually loan out its own money? And when a customer like writes out a Check/ or goes to the bank for a Mortgage is that called a Security and is the banks in business of purchasing securities? O yes, the American people are waking up and SOMEONE OWES THEM BILLIONS for Scamming them and making them think they were the DEBTORS NOT THE CREDITORS WHO ARE THE REAL DEBTORS????? Comment from : @beckiwildeman600 |
Since 2008 ,the FED prove his goal is to protect the bank not the économie, that allowed them to take any kind of risk , the subprimes was a scam we have to pay now! Comment from : @lainefrancis8833 |
How really owns the Federal Reserve?brbrAnswer:br👃 Comment from : @door-to-doorhentaisalesman2978 |
Thanks for sharing Comment from : @diegonayalazo |
Nice history Can anyone recommend a site or video showing how the 'Fed" interacts with the US Treasury and primary dealers for the purchase and resale of Treasury debt? Thank you Comment from : @nancyhenker7144 |
1 Pioneering tech tycoonbrA legend of Silicon AgebrElon Musk's the one brbr2 Tesla, SpaceX and morebrInnovations fill the world nowbrUnlock the future's door brbr3 Blazing the path fasterbrThan anyone has dared gobrIntrepid Elon Musk brbr4 Powering foreign landsbrBringing light to ever darkbrA light from Elon's handsbrbr5 Courage to be daringbrIlluminated thinkerbrHonor Elon Musk brbr6 Always looking forwardbrTo soaring greater heights today brToday, thank Elon Musk brbr7 Riding on the wingsbrOf daring industry leaderbrElon Musk the herobrbr8 Chasing goals in sightbrAchieving much beyond beliefbrElon Musk the master brbr9 Thinking from the startbrA mission to lead and chargebrElon Musk's ambition brbr10 Breaking walls apartbrWith vision and skill, Elon MuskbrRevolutionarybrbr11 Lightning Tesla speedbrTransport with earth-saving cars brElon Musk's bright dreambrbr12 Water to the skybrHigh-flying rockets today brApplaud Elon Musk brbr13 Countless packed successesbrAchievements come at a cost brHats off to Elon Musk brbr14 Big dreams come alive brTesla now drives through the clouds brThanks to Elon Musk brbr15 Endless possibilitiesbrSparking the minds of the worldbrBlessings from Elon Muskbrbr16 Flicking the stars switch brLighting the spark of mankindbrThat's Elon Musk's wish brbr17 Inspiring ambition brInnovation to infinitybrBacked by Elon Muskbrbr18 Reaching out to MarsbrMaking what once seemed impossiblebrThe dream of Elon Muskbrbr19 Engines of perfectionbrCrafting vehicles of the futurebrWhat a mighty Musk brbr20 A path of discoverybrTwisted with possibilitiesbrLeading to Elon Musk brbr21 Tremendous business clout brCharging the world with energybrMr Elon Musk Comment from : @SeekingEternalLight |
So the destiny of a nation depends on this micro minority who decides if the assets of citizens are to be devalued via money printing and inflation and there is nothing civilians can do for stoping that Comment from : @diegofernando9069 |
Jesus only owned that, they never ever give you that if you're bad people's Comment from : @divinaratty601 |
The Jewish Daily Forward tells the story a bit more accurately Comment from : @arspsychologia4401 |
7:40 fed is very profitable - how though Comment from : @Britain_and_Rome |
Whole lot this video missed like why central banks were frowned upon how the federal reserve law wasn’t properly ratified to actually exist Comment from : @29kalel |
They cash out whenever they want founded by 13 men over hundred years ago And they take your money too Comment from : @KingArmani0170 |
Stumbled upon your channel after watching videos from Magnates Media & Video Advice Similar content and delivery Subscribed and look forward to checking out more of your videosbrDon't stop sticking it to the Man! 💪 Comment from : @christylove5807 |
It's funny that this doesn't cover the "red backs" br🤷♂️🤔🤷♂️ Comment from : @peacefulscrimp5183 |
Kanye west and Andrew Tate were right This is ridiculous and scary watching a private company manipulating American lives with interest rates hikes and the whole world consequently Comment from : @dcfarouk |
So people are complaining that there is private ownership involved in our federal banking system, but it seems like changing that would not be much of a benefit to the nation It functions, for all intents and purposes, as a central bank Who says a central bank must be run by the government and not the public? People are just upset that some are making off with our tax money The reality is that we're all placing money into the pot to keep the country from going bankrupt - including the stakeholders A small price to pay for our America Comment from : @Big-Papa-Smurf |
If only this was true Comment from : @karlwolff3292 |
Yeah this guy mispronounced Rothschilds hoping we wouldn't have closed caption on Rothschilds exists in the shadows but they're the wealthiest family on Earth Secretive Swiss banking, German central banking, UK central banking, US central banking, EU central banking etc all owned at least in part by them They're huge players in the gold and diamond mining that they're stealing from Africa right now It's not a conspiracy theory if it''s trueit's dispelling their propaganda Comment from : @paulstewart3298 |
😍😍😍from Myanmar Comment from : @khunthuraaung |
A lot of information is missing regarding the operation of the Federal Reserve Bank This is not an informative video Comment from : @AdrienLegendre |
It's about having a system that the lower income house holds have to rely on government assistance 🙃 Comment from : @JasonMB11 |
Hello, this is an incredible piece of work and is very educational I am a television producer for San Francisco Public Access Our work is done only for educational purposes We are producing a 22-minute video Can we use some of our clips to enhance our video We will certainly give you whatever credit you need Thank you so much for your assistance Myrna Lim Comment from : @myrnalim8 |
here because Top G told me to stop being a brokie and to learn how money works Comment from : @markosimcic6536 |
This video is an awful explanation of the Fed's creation I urge everyone here to read "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G Edward Griffin People in these comments trying to claim that its creation was constitutional IT WASN'T! brbrArticle I, Section 8 of the US Constitution lists most of what is commonly referred to as the Enumerated Powers of Congress Among them are the power to borrow money on behalf of the United States and the power to coin money, establish currency and determine its value The Constitution makes no reference to a centralized bank to carry out these actions
br The 10th Amendment also states the federal government is only to have those powers expressly granted to it
br Therefore, the creation of the Federal Reserve itself was a violation of the Constitution Comment from : @ewokgrundle9471 |
it was a miracle of deception not comprimise Comment from : @waldomccluskey4568 |
People who give up in life are people who lose in life, my first experience happens to be a failure but I never gave up cause I knew it was going to work out for me trying continuously, fortunately I'm smiling today by getting involved in investment Comment from : @kellychen4932 |
Why is this channel making it seem like centrals banks are a good thing when our founders hated them fuckin marxists Comment from : @tim47396 |
Bad vid - basically 85 is history of central banks and the Fed, only 15 about how the Fed actually works Comment from : @KingLamarQuinton |
They still had gold & silver coins back in early 1900's not everything was paper money Comment from : @michaelbrinks8089 |
The Creature From Jekyll Island Comment from : @phaedrussmith1949 |
The Rothschilds Began the Central Banks, by the four sons, in 4 different countriesbrDO YOUR HOMEWORK, AND VERIFY WHAT IS BS and what is Actually true Comment from : @anothercomment3451 |
Thanks Comment from : @allancharity3570 |
Is this a commercial by the Fed to engage in their Ponzi scheme?brHard pass! Comment from : @ask_why000 |
The world economy several people who control the elite greed Comment from : @emmanuelcadelina1848 |
The 13 th Lost Fake Tribe of Israel Comment from : @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 |
We now know what our natural resources are worth! Comment from : @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 |
The Kazarian’s Comment from : @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 |
A Private Reserve Selling the Citizen’s like Chattel! Comment from : @michaelwoodsmccausland5633 |
Jewish bank Comment from : @زايدالصوفي2 |
This is an excellent video, timeline, description, and account of the Federal Reserve thank you Comment from : @NobleNuage07 |
It’s not federal and has no reserves It is fully corrupt though and a criminal organization Comment from : @justaguitarplayer2059 |
I'm Polish and I'm stunned by the fact US central bank has private shareholders Polish NBP Bank is definitely public Comment from : @johnflamenco1973 |
Yes Let’s give the wealthiest men all the control of money etc and absolutely NOTHING evil and malevolent will happen Just trust us Comment from : @_WATTS_Gamer |
Video starts at 5:40 pretty much Comment from : @billDgundam817DFW |
It’s own by Blackrock Comment from : @Alemayehu56 |
Scamster fed owned by big banks Comment from : @parthakaarjun |
There’s so many details left out of this that this actually feels biased in favor of the federal reserve Comment from : @laxbeastmode |
There’s a book about this called the Creature from Jackal island Comment from : @skinz0728 |
The Federal Reserve Channel has its Comments TURNED OFF They do not want constructive feedback The ONLY method to control inflation is to return immediately to the gold and silver standard of 1934 and provide international and domestic currency convertibility Comment from : @philipmiller5036 |
Interest on excess reserves can raise or lower that 6 dividend or is that only on reserves over 6 , Comment from : @mjsmcd |
And who owns the banks? Black rock and who owns that?brbrOh… don’t worry about that Comment from : @adventures12345-l |
Take the power of printing money back from evil Fed! Comment from : @nhanthanh1347 |
The Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express!!!brMaybe central banks would actually work if the paper is backed by gold? But we can thank Woodrow Wilson and Nixon for ending that brNow they just print and print and print and people wonder why their money is worth less year by year? brMaybe they should just take a roll of toilet paper and write numbers on it so at least you can have paper to wipe your behind with it? LOL Comment from : @jesusislordforever5518 |
Federal Reserve is not Federal and Holds no reserves Comment from : @retlcdrusn |
Fear and fractional banking Comment from : @retlcdrusn |
None of this is why you are poor Comment from : @Noumenon4Idolatry |
One letter "J" 😕 Comment from : @MedievalMan |
Get them out of our system were going in! Comment from : @kellieeverts8462 |
We do from now on Comment from : @kellieeverts8462 |
WE are slaves to this economic system The majority of the population gives up their time to make money, while the government arbitrarily prints money from the sky This effectively makes our money increasingly worthless and is making our working hours less financially productive Comment from : @zachsicurelli |
Your too Nice And that's not a compliment Comment from : @ruel3842 |
There is a lot of misinformation in this video! Comment from : @johnc3103 |
jello ur all just jello Comment from : @faselessnobuddy |
I'm 47 since I remember right or wrong since starting school all I've done is ask questions just felt everything at school always felt wrong!!! but still looking and asking told to just shut up stop asking just to accept the way it is so I just don't ask anymore been put into a mental health unit all because I've asked questions never hurt anyone but myself so I stopped askingfamuly or friends just to keep people I love in my life Comment from : @garrieleepeck8753 |
We get rid of them One audit would do it We would be much better off Comment from : @Bill-vo1wn |
Yea they raise interest rates, and draw off every financial institution in americabrOutlaw the federal reserve, which is not federal Comment from : @archiehendricks6093 |
They are criminals plain and simple!!! Comment from : @chazzw5388 |
owned by 13 satanic families Comment from : @joleend8086 |
FED is already done cabal is no more soon Comment from : @joleend8086 |
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