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What are Margin Requirements?

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Title :  What are Margin Requirements?
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Comments What are Margin Requirements?

Thank you for the help now I gotta run up 25 racks
Comment from : @trey8479

You channel is a great library, thanks for sharing all these info
Comment from : @davidpaor6824

does trading futures also requires 25000 dollars maintainence?
Comment from : @pratik123pratik123

Just another for white people to steal money
Comment from : @tdm6621

Amazing 😻
Comment from : @SPYSpreads

So, is maintenance requirement the amount I need in my account to keep open positions? I have less than 25,000, and it's a cash account, I guess
Comment from : @joshuaruelas3368

I don't get it I bought some tsla stock and I get all this margin crap coming up I didn't buy it on margin and not interested in borrowing any money so why is it showing me this?
Comment from : @gort3969

I’m pretty new to all of this and the more I’m learning I see This field is the perfect example of “ scared money don’t make money”!!
Comment from : @calmdown4959

Hello, is that 25k balance refers to both, flow cash and stock value that we have in our account? Thanks
Comment from : @fjhk7

I am always impressed by your ability to explain complicated things in such an easy way Ross, please do complete, deep dive video about trading on margin, including all important and necessary info every trader should know Or there is any among your videos? Thank you
Comment from : @eduardu5309

Please I have a question ^^ is 1 MES futures equal to 50 shares of spy ?
Comment from : @otmanalami6621

TY for the info and knowledge If I buy a stock at 100 initial requrement for say $60 Total cost is $120 with the inital Sell the stock due to margin calls later for $60Do I lose $60 in intial margin or is it added back and break even? Gone forever?
Comment from : @jaylenbrownfan2112

Thank you Jeb from the Minecraft team I will never forget this information
Comment from : @powertotheboondoctrine9209

So I'm not using any margin but my account went to 24k brbrI got an Equity margin callbrHow long do I have to get the account back to 25k? brbrI don't see this being too bad as I have only used cash and not any margin brI honestly would rather go to cash account, but only option I'm given is to reset my pdt status
Comment from : @ebaz817

My account was approved and I only have $1000 is there something wrong?
Comment from : @KingJHaynes

e trade keeps taking money out of my account it says Open Calls:The minimum cash deposit needed at this time bri dont say trade iver NEVER sold a single stock any suggestions?
Comment from : @daytonpyro

As the account grows, will the equity margin also grow, or it is the trader's responsibility to call the broker and have the equity margin updated to the latest growth?
Comment from : @davidcastillo1028

Can you call me idk wtf im doing and im nervous asf 5104553464
Comment from : @cheguevara543

I was wondering whether the minimum margin of 25k applies to no us citizens Since I'm just starting out doing stocks After developing a strategy I'd like to hop in the game
Comment from : @MD-bl8bl

Why did you say that we shouldn't want a cash account? Why not?
Comment from : @evaandfriends4627

I know what Margin means, but I'm confused when its says maintenance requirement 100is maintenance & margin the same thing?? Help I'm new to thisI'm trying to buy market, not interested buying using margin, but this message still pops up,maintenance requirements 100, so I cancelled order Until I learn more
Comment from : @forever39

Can you sell option (put) with ac below 25K?
Comment from : @DLP11111

Do you have any information on what it means when institutions own over 100 held by Institutions?
Comment from : @thecommonsenseconservative5576

So say I have the minimum 2k in my account And I use just my cash 2k to buy in to a stock if it drops below 2k will it be liquidated to keep my account at 2k? Or will I have to put money in? Also say I trade on a monday so the settlement time is 2 days but in a margin it automatically in your account So I use the money from the trade on Tuesday Is that on margin or is it considered my money since it will be in the account on Wednesday
Comment from : @tyhoneycutt526

How does one find out which equities have been used as collateral for margin? Within my trading platform I see a BP Effect entry next to three of my positions so I am assuming that these three holdings are the collateral
Comment from : @afterdark6822

I have an account well over 25k but still was hit with a PDT violation They said I was trading a non-marginable security I still do not understand PDT rules well
Comment from : @julian-gen

Can you explain this on paper, still not clear
Comment from : @moiseschavez9669

Awesome info Thanks Ross!
Comment from : @davidrohraff9320

Thank You Ross How does one find out what the interest rates are? Are they written next to the stocks? Or a broker sends a separate notice?
Comment from : @mytravls

So there is no interest or fees when using a margin account, i have td ameritrade, so if u make a 2 minutes trade using margin you dont have any interest on the money you borrowed
Comment from : @ckkendrick7861

Anyone know how much the interest rate on Lightspeed cost for $25,000 margin loan
Comment from : @yahussain39

If you are using a cash account, can you buy stocks that have special margin requirements?
Comment from : @howgamer365

Do you get paid dividends on margin? (I'm using webull and robinhood)
Comment from : @brandonnieves2268

Ross, I want to use a margin account simply to overcome the PDT Rule At this point, I don't want to use leverage because I haven't researched enough on how everything works re: margin calls, leverage ratios, interest rates charges, etc brbrTo ensure I fully understand I can use a margin account and NOT incur any fees, interest, or other account-related charges if I simply use my "added cash" (balance) and not utilize leverage, correct?brbrAgain, my aim is to simply get the benefits of having a margin account to be able to trade multiple times/day with instant settlement, rather than wait 2 days Currently , in my cash account I overcome PDT by only using settled funds, but I really believe I can make more money (and quicker) by using the FULL instant settled balance multiple times/day, rather than a fraction of "settled funds" every other day in a cash account There's a huge benefit to be able to get in and out of a trade at will vs counting your trades and risk staying in a position longer due to account-type limitations
Comment from : @otm777

Hey there, how do you stop from trading on margin
Comment from : @michaelaguilar4868

Can you get your broker to limit Margin borrowing to 1000 dollars so you can accidentally buy to many shares? brDon’t like the idea of playing with money I don’t have brThanks
Comment from : @jimmyboris1

If I have a margin account of say $1000, I make a trade using my 4x leverage, buying $4000 worth and I lose, leaving my position at $2500, what happens?
Comment from : @BNGMaster1

Great info!
Comment from : @otm777

So I have over 25k in my account So is there an option to disable me borrowing money from the td brokerage I ask because I don't want to accidentally buy more than I have As well I just want to use my money only
Comment from : @krishpatel9873

Excellent videos and certainly subscribed to you! I’m sure you have answered this many times and I read the comments trying to get clarity but need just a little more If I have 28k in my account, above the 25k min so I’m not flagged as day trader Does this mean I can only spend 3k keeping an untouched 25k balance to meet requirements ? Or can I spend my 28k but as long as the total account balance from on going trades don’t drop the balance below 25k I’m good thank you!! 👍👍
Comment from : @qwer01230

activtrades states that for CFD the margins are increased when the account equity increases over certain values, to be precise they double the margins if you have positions of 100-250 lots, and x4 for positions over 250 lots This is equivalent to halving or dividing by four the leverage This is not clear to me: if I start with 50000 and use let's say 15000 to open a position and as I make a profit I increase my position so that the total of the lots becomes greater than 100, will the broker reduce my leverage from 400 to 200 and therefore decrease the profit that I have made up to that point? In other words can my leverage be modified by the broker during an open trade?
Comment from : @phigrecon

I just got a margin call and it says that i have to put 11k, but I have 12k cash and no open trades Am I going to lose my 12k?
Comment from : @elkuartostudio

Which brokers do you recommend?
Comment from : @danielslara2010

Hey Ross, I was wondering, I will start live trading soon and am using SureTrader which option of SureTrader Pro did you use? brThey have a few options available Did you pick the regional quotes and Nasdaq book depth option? brPlease let me know Thank you
Comment from : @parknoyvimol1764

Whats the downside to a cash account? You can only buy stocks with what you put in?
Comment from : @azceo

What do you meaning? Are you saying that broker let you loan money that day
Comment from : @jpbonilla

So if I have 24,999 cash in a margin account (50k total buying power) am I under pdt? I am under the impression margin balance puts me above pdt rule Also I’m td ameritrade
Comment from : @Noxtreme

Thanks Ross Alsomake video for minimum Monthly charges required topay for such day trading account
Comment from : @caanukul69

You should do a video on margin violations when shorting stocks Those are really daunting for people to read and understand when they're not familiar with the terminology, but those also could potentially screw people over without them even realizing it In any case, great video!
Comment from : @rousseau327

Thanks Ross I appreciate the information you produced
Comment from : @JesseJo907

Ross you forgot to mention there is probably no margin on IRA accounts even if you have over $25,000
Comment from : @donald-keys

Huge help ty
Comment from : @thomasoc9408

What's wrong with a cash account?
Comment from : @RubixMan99

Concerning account minimums: if I open a new account with the brokerage's minimum amount, will I be dropping below that immediately as they charge me fees meaning I'll need to deposit more right away? For example, opening an account with CMEG ($500 minimum), do I need to put more in to cover data fees, software fees, inactivity fees (any others I'm missing?) as I'd like to spend a few months paper trading to learn the platform and to show consistent profits? I recall you opened your small account challenge at Suretrader with $700 but after fees, it came to $583 I'm trying to figure out how much to deposit into my new CMEG account initially so I don't have to repeatedly pay wire transfer fees in order to keep my account balance above $500 Thanks for any info you can provide and for entertaining such a wordy question!
Comment from : @kevinullman2282

Excellent information I always enjoy listening and learning from you
Comment from : @williewebbs2504

Comment from : @emmabucks9914

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