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What Is Nonverbal Learning Disability?

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Comments What Is Nonverbal Learning Disability?

NCLD has developed the LD Checklist: Recognize & Respond tool to help spot the potential signs of LD Take the first step here: ncldco/LDRR #Check4LD
Comment from : @LdOrg

Just curious How did you get diagnosed with NVLD? I'm an adult now and I struggled a lot in workplace I couldn't pass my probation period and I had a hard time to get along with my colleagues I thought I was only not smart enough to handle interpersonal relationships I realise recently that actually I couldn't understand non verbal cues I always tumbled over when i was young (still tumble sometimes but better) Poor performance in maths especially in geometry There were so many signs but I never got a chance to be diagnosed because I was very very verbal and performed well in academics I felt like I could have had more choices only if I have received treatments or training properly Just no one could help me at that time I'm not English native speaker so there may be some grammatical mistakes Hopes it won't be too hard to read😂
Comment from : @ppplll1190

Youngest grandson was diagnosed autistic, after doing some research, watching videos, including yours, I believe I am too, certainly make some things make sense now DR ABODA HAS REALLY HELPED MY GRSON WITH HIS HERBS MEDS HE NOW PLAY TALK ASKING DO HIS HOMEWORK READING LITT THIS BLESSING 4 ME
Comment from : @nancyfacey5173

Sodium fluoride is linked from everything from cancer to alzheimer's to Parkinson's disease to macular degeneration to skeletal fluorosis everything for the same reason that they assassinated Robert F Kennedy and Princess Diana of Wales now look at what other countries don't use it there's calcium fluoride and their sodium fluoride sodium fluoride contains lead and arsenic we know that led causes brain damage from the 1980s calcium fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in nature the Nazis did this to dumb down the Jews in World War II now I just want to say instead of spending billions of dollars on cancer and ADHD and autism research let's just stop putting chemicals and everything and pesticides and everything and use some common sense for once and wake up we know the US government is crooked and they do secret Black Ops to win their Wars look up operation Northwoods look up 1001 scientists all agree there's no climate emergency now Google Princess Diana Adolf Hitler and click images and tell me there's no secret society there is a deep State and they've gone too far this time the whole world all our lives are in danger and at risk and were a threat to all life on this planet and all they're doing is lying through their teeth for more money there's no climate emergency all we're doing is leaving a carbon footprint and it's because they're scared because they need more money and more people for a war that they started just like I said operation Northwoods now think about 9/11 now think about covid and it's the Art of War and if the enemies learn our secrets they'll use them against us and this needs to stop they're spending our lives they're spending our money and we're just supposed to take it and this is all done by some elaborate design you better believe it's real this is not made up this is all to distract us and they control us with scare tactics dumbest down with all this stuff again look at countries that don't put sodium fluoride in the water and just realize this is genocide this is slavery this is madness and this is just gross and pathetic you don't hate us you hate our governments and all the governments are crooked all the people in every country are getting sick of this Russia China USA Canada Australia were all sick of our governments and the people are slowly turning say what you want about conspiracy theories people know about them all now so therefore people are more work than ever whether they believed them or not raise awareness get to the root of these problems that's it we all know these governments are crap thank you take care I love you all
Comment from : @ROARROARROAR-w7x

Reading comprehension is good??? What?? looooool This is why I suck at reading, I can read it I can’t remember it
Comment from : @TechReviewTom

Jones Anna Martinez Michelle Clark Kimberly
Comment from : @GaryLewis-z9g

Martin Jennifer Lewis Jessica Brown Ronald
Comment from : @GaryLewis-z9g

To everyone who is in the field of how everyone who knows how to make encouragement words forward to make sure that anyone is allowed to understand each disability rights to make everything well-knownbrKatherine Kailing
Comment from : @katherinekailing3842

The spacial stuff's a real problem, and I have ocd which also affects it, it's a wonder I can drive at all
Comment from : @zilvoxidgod

I just wish NVLD was diagnosed back in the 1960s, it would have helped my brother lead a happier and more successful life than he currently has 😢
Comment from : @rosemarywong3199

I had a fear of "drawing" and art class and drawing projects during my whole school life, id get stressed out if i got a drawing project, or get mad when they assigned it, like "why are they making me draw, its not something you need for life"brI never understood that my friends liked drawing and liked those projects :( but they didnt understand that i couldnt draw or even understand drawings either
Comment from : @레이스-c3b

10 years later This video is still helping me for my exams GREAT work sir
Comment from : @abhikhatri8966

Show me a dyslexic brain Show me the cells, molecules and Adam’s in my body that mean I MUST be segregated from society!
Comment from : @thehappy15a

I would really appreciate a comparison between NVLD and SPCD
Comment from : @deathweaselx86

This really helped me understand my condition
Comment from : @ShyGuyShow

I have Adhd and was Diagnosed NVL last year my whole life I couldn't pick up math and I never can understand it
Comment from : @heathersimpson3051

So Sheldon actually grew up
Comment from : @neority6810

Thanks for this video❣ I wrote a children's book about Nonverbal Learning Disability that I would love to send to you
Comment from : @authorkacychambers1146

I think Nonverbal Learning Disability is a diagnosis that doctors give you when they know your autistic but just don't want to diagnose you with autism I knew a girl that had the Nonverbal Learning Disability diagnosis that she got when she was little but you could clearly tell that she was actually autistic She stimmed and stuff
Comment from : @lkjhb1

jesus, i think i have this
Comment from : @freedemonhugs

sounds a lot like autism
Comment from : @sheezum4

Everybody has the questions , No one has the answer
Comment from : @JennyB957

So slapping somebody with this disorder is just as bad as making fun of somebody with Alopecia Got it br"Keep my wife's name out your #### mouth! She has a disability!"br"I will, and yet I also have a disability" brbrWhat an ironic world we live in Everybody it seems has some disorder
Comment from : @anzwertree

My grandson was recently diagnosed with speech aphasia, and I am searching for information
Comment from : @teresabaxter798

I thankfully was into metaphors and poetry so I am good at reading the great jobs of the world!!
Comment from : @violeta6846

OK I have nonverbal learning disorder this does not apply to everybody I can be very streetsmart I’ve learned to read between the lines sometimes yes it’s hard but it’s not impossible and I’m good at solving word probleams But I’m 24 and I learned that stuff but I was always Emotionaly smart but I believe a lot of people with this disability have bigger emotions than most people and math is Definetly hard
Comment from : @conadaysweet7479

my 12 year old daughter has been diagnosed with NVLD I need help in making sure that she grows up strong, confident and happy any suggestions on how I can help her
Comment from : @jennifergolay2307

i need help sone one help me pls
Comment from : @abdul123411

This sounds a lot like mild autism Is there some overlap?
Comment from : @birdlover6842

I love how the comment section is full of people that also have NVLD which means they are very articulate It is truly comforting to see a bunch of people that can ACTUALLY form a sentence in the Youtube comment section from time to time
Comment from : @0WN4H

It’s not really a disorder The only disorder comes from so called ‘non verbal learners’, and their self interested abuse of metalegal and logically unjustifiable techniques of bullying and control which are maliciously disguised as ‘nonverbal communication’
Comment from : @JohnSmith-bm6zg

Dr Said I had this
Comment from : @charliekelly4579

OMG I literally have this I sucked at math (word problems) but was good at algebra and up which just involved equations But theoretical physics sucked for me cause I could never picture what was happening I suck at all things coordination - choreographed dance, riding a bike, was horrible at gym I find that writing and verbal expression helps me process my thoughts I recently realized that I'm terrible when it comes to spatial awareness/judgement which affects cooking, driving, and sometimes routine things Wow THANK YOU!
Comment from : @sandrameesala6804

I definitely have a terrible time with directions
Comment from : @mmmpoetry

I was looking for resources after recently being diagnosed and I found this informative and helpful for someone that does not know about this other than the personal experience Thanks so much, lovely job
Comment from : @emmaburgessroy6514

So my physiatrist said that this is what I am but I think most of it is not me I only have few of these traits What?
Comment from : @Coco-bl8zg

Can this be overlap with dispraxia? And is NVLD can be diagnosed in Sensory Processing Disorder? I need to find out what ny daughter is facing now Because she is on diagnosis of dispraxia and SPD but she talks all the time I am still unsure with the dispraxia diagnosis on her
Comment from : @simplethnicious

I recently just got diagnosed and honestly I’ve never heard of it until now, I’m glad I found this video so I can better inform myself about what I got diagnosed with
Comment from : @shannonbeasley5804

Thanks for the break down💞💞
Comment from : @Ivan-Torres-1979

I was diagnosed at 5 years old
Comment from : @DavidDOquendo

Did this used to be classified under Cognitive Learning Disability? All of what you are saying so far in the beginning of this video is so very true I was diagnosed back in the 1980's under Cognitive Learning Disability
Comment from : @M_Dragonsblood

Why would someone say "great job" if they meant the opposite; that makes no sense brThat said, these videos are most interesting; I had no idea I've anon verbal learning disorder It took until his 11th year in school for anyone to catch on that my very intelligent son struggled much in school because of a learning (processing) disorder Just like me, he too struggled with pretty much all described hereinwho knew
Comment from : @gdhhayes2129

They also make for wonderful friends!
Comment from : @based_yeoman9138

Outstanding vedio series I liked it allot but plz the writing on white board is not seen clearly plz improve that thanks
Comment from : @islamicsolution5618

Um, I hit almost 100 of these things My Handwriting is nice but it took me a lot of overtime practice I am Ocd about learning, mostly because I wanted to keep up in certain areas I would spend hours longer on learning certain things The teachers always had to give me extra time taking tests because comprehending word problems was a rough task I played tennis, I worked on my coordination and distance extra as well
Comment from : @JennySnowy

I have never heard of this till Chris Rock said he suffers from it It's quite confusing how he's so well expressed
Comment from : @mutegikanana2085

Great video!!!!👍👍👍☺️☺️☺️💜💚💙💝💛💗
Comment from : @MOALGSAT

NVLD is often a sort of autism IMO People with pure NVLD are not socially inept so much and are not "creepy" I think that many individuals with pervasive developmental disorder are misdiagnosed as having just nonverbal learning disability
Comment from : @kittenmeowie7993

I was tested for ADHD when I was a senior in high school, but this is the diagnosis I ended up getting, due to my hydrocephalus
Comment from : @dustbunee2007

I think my child may have this disability, but the only difference is that he is excellent at math Its his strongest area even with word problems?
Comment from : @Shiboys

I recently went to see the "GGZ" (which is the dutch institution for mental medical care) out of frustration with how I was responding to my education or rather not responding to it brI thought I'd go there to get to the bottom of what was going on with me and what I could do about my situation of problematic learning in college and inability to produce results on my exams out of lack of understanding the assignments brWell I was in for a shitstorm to say the least br brFirst of all I think its important for anyone reading this to know that I've known I have NVLD since I was about 15, currently I am 22 years old brSo after having an hour long conversation with a trained psychologist there about my childhood, relationships and all the other substandard stuff you'll get asked in an intake I was pretty much told (I'm paraphrasing) that even though she genuinely wished she could help me, NVLD was not a listed disorder that would be covered by insurance and that I'll probably had to figure it out on my own even though she was gonna try her hardest to get me the help I wanted/needed since I should be given help when I reach out for it br brThe psychologist was a really nice lady I have to add but I'm just extremely frustrated that even though I know something is off about my behavior, relations and comprehension I still wont be able to get any help which just makes me feel even more alone and adds a feeling of hopelessness br brI just wanted to share my story in case anyone would be able to relate and feel like they're at least not as alone as they think they are, like I'm feeling right now
Comment from : @UrsoValen

I came here because Asperger's In Girls didn't seem quite right, despite my diagnosis
Comment from : @aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa790

You know what a non-verbal disability is? I'm suffering from a rare LD and no one wants to hear about it: non-verbal I'm done!
Comment from : @VanDowall

My auditory memory is terrible In fact, it's getting worse as I've gotten older Also I'm great at handwriting - Writing and English were my strong suit in school as a kid So I guess I don't have NLD? A Psychiatrist diagnosed me with it when I was 11 Confusing
Comment from : @deckofcards87

Thank you for this video, sir
Comment from : @bradwelljackson6385

I’ve never met another person with NVLD and it’s the hardest thing to deal with
Comment from : @amandarivera25

I have this condition What causes Non Verbal Learning Disability? Also what kind of jobs can people get with this type of disability?
Comment from : @roxannemua9350

Any good resources for adults with this diagnosis?
Comment from : @pending2707

From anyone's experience- what kinds of jobs are a good for for people with NLD?
Comment from : @Julia-gh4tc

Very good information Thank you
Comment from : @pkm1060

Send me a message if you want to talk or make friends Greetings! ;)
Comment from : @mateuszniegowski9015

I have suppressed some of the NVLD in my life and mostly counted myself as weird I am glad that I watched this and I really resonate with the view This very well helps me understand myself now and others that I work with Thank you
Comment from : @LearningcoachKE

I was diagnosed with nld as a kid though I haven't been rediagnosed with it as an adult I've always been a little confused about it because I can't find much information on it
Comment from : @nicorizzo5402

My brother is non-verbal He has been diagnosed with it since he was born He has to communicate with me and my mom with his body language and also has to use a communication device I suggest anyone who has children that are non-verbal and uses a communication device, you should download the app "LAMP" It is a very helpful app and it really helps children to communicate with their peers at school or at home
Comment from : @ninazachaira9600

Does anyone know why this is 'sometimes controversial' ?
Comment from : @mjade1673

I was diagnosed with NVLD when i was very young, elementary school Just now excepted it This is a very painful struggle for me I'm so glad i found others who might understand
Comment from : @funnygirl2044

Visual directions in space???
Comment from : @anncampbell3059

Few will ever understand the degree in which we suffer
Comment from : @ShabbaRankss

Comment from : @nickyhigby

I have NonVerbal Learning
Comment from : @haileynolting_1502

Is this a form of autism?
Comment from : @jesseberry7521

I was diagnosed with this how can I fix it? Just practice?
Comment from : @jesseberry7521

This is me This is exactly what has been going on with me all my life Thank you!
Comment from : @zXJulianXz

My stupid school said i had adhd when i was younger When i was 15(im 16 now) they diagnosed me with nld and that made me feel much better
Comment from : @XplodingTurtle

What he is describing is a learning difficulty not a learning disability Learning disability is having a low IQ which affects every aspect of a person's life Very few people with LD can read, and even so it would have to be in "easy read" and/or accompanied by symbols (pictures) Very few can hold down a job and/or manage a home without outside help A person with a true LD would not be able to carry out a complex task, eg drive a car
Comment from : @browneyedgirl4268

My daughter who is 7 has Language Disorder and now her school thinks she has a learning issue as well Her reading level jumped up to '17' in the grade 2(BC reading guidelines) home reading class program Her math and Spelling/plus other mental based subjects are weak She doesn't know how to ride a bike as well I taught her but she didn't enjoy it when the wheels came off We don't get letter grades till 4th grade at her school I'm concerned about HS and what will happen to her confidence if she fail a course She wouldn't want to go The HS here got rid of Letter grades for Gr8-10 They require students to learn independence and use lockers 😂
Comment from : @Yogirliej4dee

I have this but I can form sentences and paragraphs just fine it's just the format of essays I can't understand I can ride bikes, skip, jump, catch, and hop I don't have trouble making friends, and sometimes I have self-esteem issues but usually I'm pretty happy I have anxiety but I can protect myself just fine, and facial expression I'm pretty good with Middle school, I loved it It's really only the math that I'm terrible at and some perception stuff
Comment from : @candacemichelle8345

"here are all the things wrong with an individual who has nvld" lol
Comment from : @jeffpowell860

Yes this is me I am 28 years old!!!
Comment from : @mchellemchelle7901

I am 15 and was just diagnosed with a nonverbal processing disorder
Comment from : @Smellystoner

I had this, but was never diagnosed as a kid The thing is, there's so little help for LDs like these that few people know about Even if you do get a diagnosis, it means little It doesn't mean that the schools, jobs, or even your own family will do anything to try and understand it and adjust things so that you can actually succeed within your natural capabilities They just blink real hard a few times, and move on On one hand, I'm glad to know this about myself, but I'm also feeling like it doesn't mean much when the only people that try to understand are a handful of professionals that can only work within their own narrow parameters If you try to get a job that will modify their training to help you understand, you find that they meet that kind of idea with hostility They see you as just wanting someone to hold your hand In fact, if I had the chance to make up a colloquial name for NVLD, it would be, "the no one wants to hold your hand disorder" People just don't care to see that it's not about hand holding, it's about filling in the missing pieces of communique that I can't find for myself
Comment from : @bearwarner4994

Man ever since I we to public school they put me into smaller classes and kids with learning disabilities All I know is that I have a learning disability but never asked what it was, so I don't know what mine is I'm assuming I'm the Emotional one?
Comment from : @pearlsingsmusic386

Why do they have fine motor and visual-spatial problems? Can anybody please answer me? Thank you!
Comment from : @amse_

PockASqueeno Here's an explanation of my disorder well, one of them ha
Comment from : @7Risen7Phoenix7

thanx for ur video   it helped me 
Comment from : @shadi489

As a parent of a child with NVLD, I thought this was a good, thoughtful introduction to the disorder Factual and accurate Thanks!
Comment from : @jacquelinesephton75

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