Title | : | Nonverbal Learning Disorder Explained - NVLD u0026 Autism |
Lasting | : | 13.10 |
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My 2025 Autism/Empath motto: F@ck fawning F$ck the rat race Comment from : @Ap50524 |
Just was thinking it would interested you doing a similar between Development languages disorder (DLD) and ASD brAlso how Visual processing disorder (VPD) compares dyslexia in reading difficulties Comment from : @dougeagle2493 |
Thank you so much for enlightening me to this hidden handicap I have struggled with for so long NVLD seems to be a condition not a lot of Doctors understand making it hard to get a diagnosis or any guidance to help with the traits of this disorder Comment from : @DeeSala |
Maybe it’s both if I have nvld u have a spectrum of both and probs adhd it’s very distressing Comment from : @Peace-d6r |
Learning complex information for example My brother with severe learning disabilities can do puzzles I have never been able to do simple puzzles and yet I can talk and you wouldn’t know that I have learning difficulties Comment from : @Peace-d6r |
It’s definitely on the autism spectrum but with stronger verbal IQ in and more challenges with time mangemtns co ordination maths etc Comment from : @Peace-d6r |
I was diagnosed with ASD and ADHD at 24 but they said I most likely have NVLD but they cannot diagnose it formally So I was diagnosed informally with NVLD I had no idea what it was but I have all three I am so clumsy also I literally cannot drive I have tried multiple times but I have horrible spatial awareness Comment from : @oishimomoz |
Orion, I just have to say thanks for this I got diagnosed with NVLD in 2004 And have struggled with if I really had it, cause it's not a "legit" thingbrbrMy sister has always said YES YOU DO But this video at my 43 year old self helped me solidify itbrbrAlso kinda appropriately I wasn't sure you were criticizing NVLD as a thing I mean it's not a in the DSM so yeahbrbrSo thanks for advocating for NVLD as someone who still isn't sure I have it heh Comment from : @ryanturner7994 |
I'm a black female I was recently diagnosed with autism at 21 For years, they said I didn't have it They instead diagnosed me with ADHD and anxiety, which I do have But I felt like something was missing, even when they said I might have NVLD I can relate to some aspects of it, like math challenges That's a huge problem for me and I have an unspecified learning disorder in math But I related way more to autism and autistic people I genuinely wonder why it took me so long to get diagnosed, because looking at my symptoms (a lack of eye contact, trouble with receptive language, not being aware of social conventions and conduct, lacking subtlety in emotional expression, occasionally being VERY inattentive to social stimuli)brThey said I couldn't be autistic because I was empathetic and caring Well, specifically Aspergers It's all just a bummer I wish I got help sooner I just didn't fit the stereotype in more ways than one, and now I'm struggling I find it difficult to be an adult, and still live with my parents It can be tough to even take care of myself Comment from : @insertnamehere3971 |
What's interesting is how uneven the challenges can be even within areas I have an NVLD diagnosis and I bump into furniture, have to give other drivers extra room in traffic and I just can't wrap my brain around calculus On the other hand, I have a science degree (biology), once won a gaming miniature painting competition (cash prize even) and I study the blade (I'm not good at it, but it is fun) Comment from : @TricksterModeEngaged |
NLD is absolutely horrible It's like autism but with no spatial, motor, or math abilities aka no way to have a good career I hate this disorder so much and I wouldn't wish it on anyone It completely ruined my life I'll never date or get married, I'll never have any friends, and I'll never have a career or be good at anything Comment from : @NLDVC |
I was diagnosed with NVLD, but interestingly, never had an issue with learning math, at least not until Calculus Up until Calculus, math had been the easiest core subject for me I always find the variation in our experiences Though more expectedly, I didn’t learn to tie shoe laces until late in middle school, lolbrbrOther variations I had as a kid, I had bottom 1 working memory, terrible writing ability (I struggled with tangents) and very strong verbal skills for my age I was both outwardly seemingly very capable, yet seemingly crippled when it came to working memory That’s obviously changed with time, but still very interesting to me I almost seemed like some kind of a savant when it came to academics as a kid, lol Comment from : @diophantine1598 |
I was diagnosed a little more than a year ago, I am 34, going on 35 Comment from : @crystalbaugh5105 |
I have NVLD and I appreciate the fresh content on this We get left out on YouTube unfortunately Comment from : @MarkoutMoviePodcast |
Within my social circle I have a friend who has NVLD, and I am trying to understand this disorder She doesn’t know how to read maps, nor does she have a good sense of direction Often times she cuts into conversations not realizing it’s impolite She has also sometimes lacks a filter She is the same age as me but in some ways, in the words of her niece who was describing her uncle with the same disorder as “a forever child” Comment from : @triggeredcat120 |
Sensory issues How do these things affect the NVLD and/or autisme community Comment from : @Meep8364 |
Thank you for making this! I was diagnosed with NVLD at 19 (11 years ago) The overlap between ADHD and ASD can get confusing, so this video is much appreciated I've always struggled with motor skills and visual-spatial skills It took me until I was 9 to learn to tie my shoes and ride a bike The amazing thing is that I managed to persevere and obtain my black belt in taekwondo, despite these deficits So, if any of you are reading this and you struggle with the same things/have NVLD, don't give up Some things might be more difficult for us, but it doesn't mean that you can't do them! Comment from : @WickedSapphira |
I am curious whether there is a link between the coordination difficulties found in NVLD and those found in dyspraxia Does anyone know? It seems like a lot of these things are comorbid Comment from : @lillyraye7232 |
NVLD is now in the ICD 11 brbrCan you please do a video on slowed processing? Comment from : @camellia8625 |
I fit the NVLD profile perfectly and really wish it would become formally diagnosable Everyone who's ever dealt with me knows there is "something" and I often use "autistic traits" or "difficulties in social interactions" when trying to describe it, but to what extent that explanation is accepted wholly depends on the goodwill of the other person My verbal skills and IQ have often masked difficulties and caused me to fall through the diagnostic cracks, despite the fact I was made to see psychiatrists throughout my childhood and youth, because I was "difficult"brbrI am currently trying to save my budding academic career (doing an MA in my special interest!), because I trusted the wrong person during a research stint abroad and my supervisor has now labelled me a "liability" due to my tendency to say what I think to people to whom one shouldn't and as such will no longer support me in the way she used to A formal diagnosis would have enabled me to fight back, as it is illegal to discriminate based on a disability Comment from : @SchwarzesSchaefle |
Excuse me autistic people can struggle with with poor coordination and have motor difficulties and not just something NVLD people struggle with Comment from : @brittanydaniels1102 |
I think I just found my next set of letters! I lovew youtube, I learn so much about myself here Comment from : @DaughterofDiogenes |
My best friends are the ones that never call me! Comment from : @charliedanielson4970 |
I've never heard of this one brbrLet me just make another notch in my gun of neurotype disappointments brbrHey have you done a video about being ND, ASD/ADHD, and suicide? Now THERE'S a topic Comment from : @WilliamAlanPhoto |
I honestly think that NVLD is simply one spectrum of ASD I don't have it, but there are, obviously, many autistic people who do Even I do have some things, but not many, in common with NLVD The two things should be under the same banner, in my opinion Comment from : @Elora445 |
I have NVLD so I’m glad he mentioned this since it’s literally never talked about! He did a really good job explaining the differences between it and autism but some things he didn’t mention is it’s not genetic like autism, it’s thought to be caused during pregnancy like if the baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around their neck or their mother smoked while was was pregnant (I think both were true for me lol), we are the absolute WORST at directions (I personally never learned how to drive, swim or ride a bike between that, the lack of coordination and my relatively high distraction level), we have a lot of similarities with ADHD as well (like over sharing, possibly masking and stimming, lots of daydreaming and a few sensory issues for me but to a lesser extent I think) and also Chris Rock has it He found out in 2020 during lockdown and does a lot of therapy now (including learning how to swim which he was NOT a fan of, that was relatable!) as well as talking about it in interviews which I’d imagine has really brought more awareness to it! 👍🏻 Comment from : @Teddyiscute |
🧙♂️🪄💨 In regards to autism and savantism why isn't there a clear separation in terms of testing? Also why does none of the tests take people with extraordinary literature or linguistic skills into consideration? Comment from : @bugmeanie6526 |
I was diagnosed with NVLD in my 40s Thank you Orion for tackling what feels like a little known area of neurodiversity Comment from : @valeriecp4883 |
Orion, your videos are so important to our family of nd and nt members Could you please talk about issues with driving This might also be an NVLD concern Comment from : @MicheleDriscoll-w8k |
Anyone have issues with the ability to take notes or just write down what is being said? Not sure what that is called Comment from : @kitty_ab |
You just described my autism Comment from : @keylanoslokj1806 |
My daughter was diagnosed with NVLD in grade school It made a lot of sense after finding out what it is She had a really hard time with other kids at school because she was so trusting She didn’t know why some kids would be mean one day and nice the next She wouldn’t know if someone was manipulating her or playing tricks Comment from : @masonb9788 |
I had never heard of Nonverbal Learning Disorder At first glance thought it might have something to do the nonspeaking population Thank you for explaining this! Comment from : @whitneymason406 |
Orion you keep switching between disorder and condition Just pointing this out These words have different definitions Comment from : @tims9434 |
I have both autism and NVLD I hope NVLD eventually makes it into the DSM Right now, NVLD is primarily recognized as at least a 15-point difference between performance IQ and verbal IQ, with verbal IQ being higher For me, NVLD is a visual-spatial learning disability In preschool, I was hyperlexic, but my teacher said I couldn't hop on one foot or skip I couldn't cut with scissors, pedal a tricycle, tell my right from my left, or tie my shoes I've struggled with certain types of math my whole life I used memorization to get by, and I got "A"s in math, so my teachers never saw a problem NVLD is why I'll never be able to drive or fully understand physics and calculus Comment from : @summermazur3064 |
5:15 but autistic people can also have dyspraxia I think it’s quite common comorbidity Comment from : @LaylaTow |
I chucked at the pilot joke/ comparison 😁 Comment from : @LaylaTow |
Wrote memory means short-term memory? Comment from : @LaylaTow |
Great video Orion I was diagnosed with nvld before being diagnosed with autism I've been trying to figure out if I'm struggling with other conditions than just what goes along with spina bifida I was trying to figure out the difference between neurocognitive impairment and autism Comment from : @Jennag85 |
Definitely a clumsy Comment from : @kellyschroeder7437 |
Like many, I had never heard of NVLD Can you do a video on 'lack of any diagnosis in the 50's-90's' that I'm sure many of us older souls here have had to go through For example; as a child in the 80's/90's, kids never got diagnosed with anything over here in Turkiye You were either difficult or not, different or not I was the quiet awkward but sweet kid - that was my diagnosis No one asked me but I was quiet because I was abused by my teacher so I was afraid of more slaps and hits on my head I was awkward because I did NOT get anything - I didn't understand why we were there at school, why we had to learn the boring stuff we were being taught, I didn't understand other kids or the dynamics of things social or not I was sweet because I soon realised the more you (fake) smile, the kinder people are to you I'm 45 now and I'm still that kid except that I'm no longer afraid of my teacher slapping me, but I'm quiet because I'm afraid of the whole society smashing what is left of my very low self worth 😿 Comment from : @CuteCatsofIstanbul |
Really like the info in your videos Just, please, please could you try to make them a bit shorter and more straight to the point? Please??? Comment from : @mariathorslund144 |
We should make “simul- arities” a word (things that kind look the same, but are not the real thing) 🙂 Comment from : @Dtiic5iyxixg |
My autistic friend had a nvld as well as a visual ld (words, sentences, spelling etc) he was diagnosed with dyslexia but it was so much more His vocabulary & speaking ability were excellent Comment from : @lizprince7944 |
I'm dyspraxic and have auditory processing disorder, so I completely understand NVLD Are those one in the same or different? Comment from : @bobsoldrecords1503 |
tyxoxo ❤ Comment from : @deborahparnell8862 |
Ughwrong diagnosises annoy meI wish there was a way I could get a refund for themI would be rich! LOL Comment from : @soundbeast4957 |
Food problems and eating disorders in people who have asd Comment from : @CherrysJubileeJoyfully |
This is SO fascinating!! I love this video, thank you for making it! 💜 Comment from : @PuddleFart |
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