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how to learn a language on your own as a busy student (self study guide)

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Comments how to learn a language on your own as a busy student (self study guide)

Omg I love China and Chinese cool video 🤍
Comment from : @amanecer53

Ur english accent is soo perfect ❤❤
Comment from : @elara_X1

11:28 economics in Spanish!!
Comment from : @gabriellameattray9778

Output:brbrI talkibrbrJournalingbrbrMake videos in that language
Comment from : @gabriellameattray9778

Olá, tenta ler Quincas Borba do escritor Machado de Assis, o maior escritor clássico do Brasil brbrThank you for you video
Comment from : @vejasimples

Hey Annie! I enjoy learning new languages, and learning new languages is one of my three biggest hobbies! I also enjoy acrylic painting and listening to music I also enjoy history and geography as favorite subjects Last week, I was teaching myself the Albanian language because my one of my favorite singers, Dua Lipa, she is of Albanian descent ‘Dua’ means love in Albanian and that is something new I learnt from learning new languages ‘I love you’ in Albanian is “të dua” The top ten languages on my list are Russian, Italian, German, French, Romanian, Portuguese, Finnish, Greek, Estonian and Albanian! 🇷🇺🇮🇹🇩🇪🇫🇷🇷🇴🇵🇹🇫🇮🇬🇷🇪🇪🇦🇱
Comment from : @steven_2005-z4f

Cara que legal, vc é a primeira pessoa que eu vejo que está aprendendo português do Brasil
Comment from : @aillasantosoliveira3838

I'm american , born and raised I started learning Pashto/ Dari Maybe like 3 or 4 years ago I became really interested in the language because I had a friend from Afghanistan and she helped me alot I could say that being around people who are fluent will help alot
Comment from : @Ajah-md6ue

Great video Annie Long! Congratulations for your learning process to master several languages I have one question for you: What is your native country or language? Thank you, greetings from México 🇲🇽
Comment from : @Eduardo_Music8560

I'm glad to see someone learnig portuguese, is a beatifull language Sua pronuncia é muito boa!
Comment from : @esqueletronesgomes1265

Fico feliz de ver que você está aprendendo português :)
Comment from : @elementare

1) I'm currently learning French and Korean French because I love the way it sounds and looks Korean because I want to study abroad in Korea (or at the very least visit) and I want to have a knowledge of the language beforehand so I can really appreciate the culture and the finer points of the language itself br2) My strategies for French are mostly textbooks/workbooks I've found and flashcards of grammar For Korean, I watch a lot of videos in Korean (mostly of Stray Kids lol) and dramas that my friends have recommended to me and I'm really focusing on hangul rn For both languages I'm consuming a ton of media in said langauge br3) I'm trying not to rely on Duolingo or Google Translate and in general translation as a whole br4) I'm trying to keep myself accountable by making to-do lists and scheduling studying time in my planner as well as keeping a list of goals I've hit but to be entirely honest, I'm not sure how well it's working
Comment from : @mkhi959

I did not see the inbox 😢
Comment from : @JalailaBooze

Bluds yapping
Comment from : @memetsb

I’m from the Dominican Republic, I’m happy to hear that the came here, how is your Spanish? Will you come here again?
Comment from : @Crismelycc

No 'ultimate guide' here Totally random, all in one, do it all Save some time here
Comment from : @andrefiord2357

Ela do nada meteu um português, levei até um susto kkkk, mas você é boa, tem um bom sotaque
Comment from : @GEOOTVN

I'm learning Finnish because I plan to move to Oulu; it's been difficult to find resources, since most of the big apps don't include it (and duolingo just doesn't work for me), but with a lot of perseverence, I've found a decent dictionary, and a good written course for all the grammatical rules There are, of course, videos, but those are harder for me to use because my brain is weirdbrbrEveryone works at their own pace, and everyone learns differently, don't get discouraged!
Comment from : @certainempathetic

1 I am learning French to improve my French grade in school, Mandarin to have fluent conversations with my family with no issues, Spanish to have more conversations with my best friend (its her first language)br2 I will listen to music, watch kids shows with English subtitles (at first) and switch them to the target language subtitles, listen to podcasts br3 I will avoid forgetting to study it or giving myself not enough time to studybr4 Google calendarbr5 Start rewatching Extra in French (as it is going to be my priority for however long), do my best to translate everything I can say in English to Mandarin, and find a Spanish kids show to dip my toe into actually learning the language
Comment from : @megantalksalot

I’m learning Khmer because my moms side of the family is from Cambodia and I wanna know hay they’re saying at family gatherings😭
Comment from : @Bubblegumbias

Wait, I’m from Dominican Republic, please come back
Comment from : @elenaisabelconde5865

Seu português é incrível moça!!! Melhor q o meukskk
Comment from : @Tartrys

I'm trilingual, and learning, two languages at the same time is manageable I'm about to become a polyglot! The grind is real but the reward is 100x more enjoyable
Comment from : @lil_grogu89abuelo59

I'm hispanic, my native language is spanish, and i watch this type of videos to improve my english!! So, thank you 😊
Comment from : @snowyflake19

1) I am learning Indonesian because I want to participate in an exchange program my university offersbr2) To keep it fun and engaging, for input I will be relying on YT, music & podcasts and write down vocabulary that coincides with the topics I'm interested in For output I will write small journal entries, record audios and talk to myself in Indonesian br3) I will avoid being harsh to myself when I don't meet a goal I've set for myself and I will avoid being too strict with my schedule and rather keep it fun and flexible (to not drop it completely)br4) I will keep myself accountable by setting reminders in my phone and having an accountability buddy who is also learning a language (albeit a different one)br5) I will look up Indonesian creators I can follow, so I naturally keep in contact with the languagebrbrThanks for doing this video! The reflection questions were great <3
Comment from : @carlasofia5048

Jesus loves you and wants a relationship with youhe died so that you could go to HeavenHe wants you to live for him and is the way to heavenBelieving in Jesus and what he did is the way to Heaven If you don't already, you should read the Bible ✝️❤️
Comment from : @Cmhrjkyg

I've been trying to learn French for the past 20 years due to being stubborn and my parents being against me doing it lol
Comment from : @cryotankexpansion

Guys if you know language app please tell me 😊🎉
Comment from : @PyinooLwin-w7p

I'm Brazilian and i'm trying learn englishbrI think your portuguese it's very pretty💗✨
Comment from : @Isabella123

For me it's so hard balance chinese and english at the same time😭
Comment from : @JiNiTaiMei888-j6u

I found it helpful to watch childrens TV shows in your wanted language, these shows have simple vocabulary and are anyways made to help children with there native language (which in our case is a new language) Also watching a show you love and have watch a million times WITHOUT subtitles since you have memorised some lines in your native language I'm personally learning french for school and just for fun and opportunities :D
Comment from : @riyamahajan077

As a Brazilian that speak Portuguese 24/7 your pronunciation is so good 😭💗
Comment from : @tokyowrhi

I'm trying to learn somali its my language and i wasnt taught Inshallah it all goes well 🙏 i wish success to everyone here
Comment from : @wearecastaway1

Muy bien 👏👏👏
Comment from : @high-techtroy4314

Wonderful 👏👏👏
Comment from : @high-techtroy4314

1) I am learning spanish for my future travels and to connect with more peoplebr2) I will use youtube videos such as simple spanish, podcasts like simple stories in spanish and apps like Duolingo Moreover I will write short essays about topics that interests mebr3) I will avoid focusing too much on grammar and Duolingo streaks br4) I will schedule my time to make sure I actually learn spanishbr5) I will immerse myself more in the spanish culture by watching spanish videos and listening to podcasts
Comment from : @AnnikaTrapp

Here a Spanish native! brIf you have doubts in Spanish, ask me here i will try to help you ❤
Comment from : @mentitaterere

damn her vocal fry
Comment from : @indigo2502

how can this be the ultimate guide???? this is what most people suggest, definitely not ULTIMATE
Comment from : @ronellejacobs5811

So I would like express right here my opinion about this wonderful and helpful video at the same time, to be honest these different videos how to this video make to me go on in my language adventure, because to be honest various languages which I'm learning currently really amazing for me , particularly with all opportunities which I can use in order to change my life in better side and also this changes my vision about this world because early I wanted speak only in English but currently I also learn Turkish and in the future Spanish, and I think that's languages that's the best tool in order to change yourself life in the best side Thank you for such good video
Comment from : @КириллЛасточкин-с6ь

busuu >>>>
Comment from : @luzmisz

Great video! Very well put thank you
Comment from : @Neyobe

3 mins into the video… I haven’t learned anytiing
Comment from : @Hfygjnng-tf3kn

Thank you for helping the families in DR
Comment from : @enmanuelgp4539

Could you please recommend some spanish channels? Im trying to learn spanish
Comment from : @kaitissmart

Great advice, thank you
Comment from : @X-7-Ripper

hi, thanks for all your tips!br1) I'm learning Spanish, Italian and French I want to speak Spanish because I would like to work in Latin America later on and I want to improve my Italian and French because they are offical languages in my country and it's important to me that I can communicate to everyone within my own country bordersbr2) I easily improves my English by watching shows and choosing the bilingual course in highschool (meaning that I had certain classes in English), so I'll try this with my new languages as well Also I really like reading, meaning that I'll get my hands onto some new books in the target languages I also like the journal idea and texting to someone in the target language!br3) My goal is to mostly speak as fluent as possible (since I'll mostly need the languages for traveling / working as a nurse) so I'll try to avoid learning grammar as soon as possible and rather embed new grammar in my studies only when I start needing itbr4) I have no idea, maybe I need a study buddy or someone in the corresponding language hyping me up So hey, if you're learning Spanish and want a new friend to chat and hype you up, hit me up! :) my insta: @_ntlstnr_br5) I will start reading every day a short story in Spanish and I'll start watching a Spanish show
Comment from : @nataliasteiner8254

আমি স্পেনিশ শিখতে চাই 😢
Comment from : @easyediting8929

Who wrote the book Mindset da Felicidade? I can't find it on Google
Comment from : @dannyfittro

Good luck for all of us!
Comment from : @gissellalala

1 Spanish and Ukrainian Spanish for cultural reasons, and Ukrainian because the utility is high especially with the war, many Ukrainians are moving to my city and I had a few Ukrainian friends at my old high school, I would love to reconnect with and surprise them by speaking their mother tongue br2 I'm the type of person who benefits from an outline so I will outline my every stepbr3 I will avoid putting to much pressure on myself when I have a lot going on already, especially right now with IB Exams coming up br4 I will keep myself accountable by letting my friends know my goals and telling them to check in on me as far as my progress goes br5 I will be compiling resources, making an outline for the next few weeks, and let my friends know my goals
Comment from : @salemlapotra

1 i'm learning korean because it feels like a comfort language, and i'm a huge kpop and kdrama fan, and if i ever go to a concert or smt, there ain't gonna be subtitles telling me what's happening (i also rlly wanna visit south korea)br2 i'm gonna start with busuu and coursera (maybe) i'm also going to try to listen to more korean content, and when i watch kpop content/kdramas, i'll listen more than i read the subtitles br3 i won't spend too long over things that seem pointless irl (ex grammar conjugations no one actually uses) br4 i'll get my friends to keep me accountable and hold a record of what days i study it and what days i don't br5 i will start lessons on busuu and focus on picking up vocabulary when watching kpop content/kdramas, and i will write them down for future reference
Comment from : @loveableleeknow

1) I am learning Spanish bc my dad immigrated from Venezuela when he was 5 and his parents have a very strong accent and are hard to understand and I would love to be able to speak their native language and understand the culture morebr2) I am starting from zero so I plan on starting with duolingo and watching some shows I am familiar with but in Spanish (gilmore girls, greys anatomy, so on)br3) I am going to avoid the trap of keeping myself in a little box and I will apply myself in real world situations br4) I will stay accountable by building in a certain time everyday to learn the language and learn with my friends to keep each other accountable br5) I will start my duolingo lessons and maybe watch a familiar show in Spanish in the next 7 daysbrbrThanks annie!! ❤❤
Comment from : @kaylakms

Please learn talk to the point
Comment from : @slhermit

Learning Polish, Arabic, and Spanish Wish me luck!
Comment from : @marz5460

your portuguese is so good
Comment from : @anacontino

Eu estou muito orgulhosa de você! Parabéns mesmo!brIts so good to know that you like us and our culture, for me is hard to see it!
Comment from : @ursis_licee

What beautiful portuguese! Eu amei ❤
Comment from : @nandoamorim1986

omg I'm from Brazil and I'm so happy that you decided of learning portuguese because of your friends! I have a goal of learning french and spanish because I want to work in international business, I'm studying ot in the college I got in this yearbrbrplz wish me luck!
Comment from : @giuliasilva5512

I’m learning Spanish, French & Mandarin Spanish because my grandmother is Cuban and I can understand it well but can’t speak it as fluently as I’d like Spanish is also the most beautiful language imo 🥰 French because I love Montreal and want to move there someday Mandarin because I have a lot of Chinese friends and the culture is beautiful
Comment from : @nala6846

0:17 why learn a language br1;55 Choosing a language br5:43 strategies br12:46 your next steps
Comment from : @aestheicmiraculoussnigsee

I speak German, English and French and my native language of course Currently I am learning Spanish (just started a week ago) Does anyone have tips for learning Spanish?
Comment from : @Mona-dk5vk

i speak dutch and french as my first 2 languages Dutch being cuz i live in the netherlands and french bcuz my mom is french I just only started speaking english for like the past 5 years for travels and for school Ive also recently started to pick up a russian and an arabic course to speak russian with my dads family and arabic with one of my most closests friends After im done with that im thinking about learning either korean or chinese, but i dont really know wich yet
Comment from : @vviktoire

Tip: In brazilian portuguese the "R" between two vowels is pronounced as russians and spanish pronounce it When there is a "RR" or when the "R" aren't between two vowels it's pronounced as the french pronounce it (or as the English "H" letter pronounce) brbr[This is just if you want a "perfect" pronunciation, but you don't need a perfect pronounce to be understood!]brbrI appreciate your will, you pronounced very well in the beginning of the video! Keep going, don't give up!
Comment from : @vinisuichi1243

Como falante nativo de português, afirmo, seu português está bem evoluído, parabéns 🎉
Comment from : @adbyzantine2085

Love your enthusiasm,Annie
Comment from : @eduardkrasovsky

Hii, my name is Fernanda, I'm 16 years old and I'm Brazilian I already speak Portuguese, English, Spanish, I'm almost fluent in Italian and right now I'm studying french and Korean My doubt was if I could really learn Korean This video helped me a lot Thanks 🥰❤️
Comment from : @Resumosdeensinofundamental

half is boolshit wiithout to the point
Comment from : @RezaRasikh-r7b

I’m learning French and I would say I am pretty proficient in the language The problem is that I have limited opportunities to speak French in my life besides French class My journey is I started when I was 12 over covid and I make a lesson plan on what I need to work on each day Journaling, watching tv and immersing myself in the language has really helped, and watching things with no subtitles or french subtitles it helps sooo much any other tips? 🙏🏻
Comment from : @Goatsimmer

1 I’m learning spanish because I love how the language sounds, I’d love to visit mexico, costa rica, bolivia, spain, puerto rico, peru, etc and I’m interested in Portugués and Italian and I think spanish could make learning those a bit simpler to learn eventually My aunt is also Bolivian and she speaks spanish and my cousin is bilingual so I’d love to be able to speak with them in spanish I also just generally think learning another language is a challenging thing to do that’ll pay off one day and hopefully get a little easier as I get more comfortable I’m already getting a lot better at speaking it, reading it, and understanding native speakersbrbr2 The strategies I’ve been using have been 2 years of spanish classes (which unfortunately didn’t pay off very well since I didn’t try very hard the first year and had the second year online), a little bit if duolingo, and listening to spanish music, but recently I’ve found an app called “Real Find Objects” that’s helped me learn more basic vocabulary, I’ve been watching a lot of spanish youtube videos, -I’ll edit this in a bit
Comment from : @soqqqy

I’m fifteen and trying to learn Italian! What I do is once a week I’ll take a video of myself saying “week 1 of learning Italian” and try saying some things in the language! It really helps and so has your video!
Comment from : @Frog_Licker

Ok, I came here out of the blue and I'm Brazilian! Your Portuguese is soooo cute in this video, I hope you continued to improve it! I can speak English and Spanish too and I0m trying to improve it with the content creation so I have my main channel in Portuguese and a second channel in English and Spanish and it is helping me so much! Love your videos and tips (Sorry if I made some mistakes, my English is not so good at all) ❤
Comment from : @itsluaa

estou começando minha jornada para aprender italiano, decidi escolher isso como um desafio em 2024 pq tava me sentindo acomoda desde q me tornei fluente em inglês e parei de estudar línguasbramei encontrar seu canal e amei mais ainda ver que vc tá aprendendo português brasileiro, minha língua materna brDeus te abençoe muito 💗
Comment from : @valentinasaldanhabrustolin3312

What useful language-learning ideas! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for them :)
Comment from : @langsandbella

I'm a Portuguese native speaker I spoke Spanish and currently I trying to improve my English and learn German just for funbrIn the past I tried learning in traditional school but now I trying to learn by myself
Comment from : @DevEternalLearning

1 I want to become fluent in speaking castellano (Spanish from Spain) because I have been living here now 2 years and 4 months and I still can't carry a decent conversation Its really hurting me realizing that I still have not achieved fluency because of a lot of reasons so now i need to be more accountable to myself and try to find something different each time to push myself like meeting some new people in language exchangebrwatching an episode a day in Spanish reading a post in Spanish brbrthank you for the video by the way its very inspirational!
Comment from : @fernwehtwl

I agree with the whole “ English isn’t the default” I don’t know why I thought it was before I started language learning
Comment from : @howto2628

So disappointed in the "missions" trip
Comment from : @tzununm7867

Parabéns pelo seu sucesso no aprendizado de línguas Se tiver dúvidas de português, pode contar comigo
Comment from : @limaceaae

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