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How Childhood Emotional Abuse Affects You In Adult

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Title :  How Childhood Emotional Abuse Affects You In Adult
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Comments How Childhood Emotional Abuse Affects You In Adult

Reach out and say what? How can I start the conversation? I 've never been able to open up to anyone in my life, whenever I open up a little bit I just get shot back down
Comment from : @TheBoyOfAllPickles

Bullying has destroyed me im not the same its killing me even from childhood abuse to name calling teachers siblings uncles aunties kids at school mum dad till today its heartbreaking and traumatizing im so 💔
Comment from : @Wayne-q9b

Everyone beat the crap out of my younger brother and my dad hit his wounded leg on his birthday Poor guy is depressed
Comment from : @Tightembrace

What can we do?
Comment from : @willywokeup

why did my parents hurt me so much
Comment from : @Drone-z5y

After dozens of counselors and a few decades, I don't think that I am able to change Fearful/disorganized attachment, anxiety, depression, isolation, self blame, addiction Everyone said life gets better, but it never did
Comment from : @thekangaroo42

Psilocybin mushrooms have certainly had a beneficial effect on my mental health They've been quite effective for me in managing my anxiety and depression
Comment from : @steceymorgan814

Children are not resilient like most have been programmed to believe
Comment from : @sarahwalker6000

that self destructive though patern, it doesnt seem like something that can be different
Comment from : @tubicdejan2629

Puh-ZITS 😂
Comment from : @AllTheseSuchnesses

Today is my first day of healing ❤️‍🩹 ❤
Comment from : @johnlothian3440

My parents loves stabbing me with their harsh words and blackmail
Comment from : @LoluEternalCouple

Empaths 🙌🏻
Comment from : @Pinkelephantzz

Your videos are always so informative Anxious attachment person here, also struggled with low self esteem Fortunately my self esteem is not an issue but constantly working on my anxious attachment style Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️🙏🏼
Comment from : @margielamark6162

I was Verbally abused and constantly belittled by my first grade teacher because she hated my dad She took that put on me and I didn't understand what was going on until I got I went into the 8th grade, I finally realized what had happened and why I shut down when yelled at
Comment from : @Clamper07

mothers n mother triggers are the reasons why i wish I was no longer here I'm ready to leave this evil bio phisical realm I'm 51 and had enuff
Comment from : @TinaLouise73

I'm on my journey I'm a very sensitive person and not very social It's only recent years I strived to live a better life I learnt to not hold onto my thoughts rigidly and let them be I'm now learning that every experience is nearly a learning opportunity That's something you can maybe obtain like perspective I think the tricky part is in order for me to learn a better way from my defensive reactions, I need to experience those reactions So crying, anxiety, co dependency Fortunately, I have a bf that's quite understanding I learning how to communicate with him and through an rocky paths we had so far, I learnt of a resolution
Comment from : @makaniistorm8664

My Mother was never happy for my success and always wanted me to stay a little damaged child
Comment from : @TeresaBisaillon

It is heartbreaking realising you still remember the past trauma you go through as a child
Comment from : @Jill-g2y

I can't thank you enough for making this video I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my chest brYou helped me identify a problem that I never knew I had until recently brI qualify as fearful/disorganized brI was beaten as a child by my father He beat my mother as well For some reason she didn't end the abuse until I was 13 She divorced and we are working on recovering our relationship and lives together If you read this and you've beaten by someone you love you're not alone There is help Don't give up
Comment from : @cognizentone

Is Stockholm syndrome a part of abuse? I feel like now that I’m older looking about at the physical abuse and domestic violence my father inflicted upon me I try and rationalize it but when I’m around him I somehow have this deep resentment and anger towards him but I still fear him for some weird reason
Comment from : @abrahamkarr12

and yet here i am, 35, still unloved and unwanted and filled with nothing but a life of pain and regret lucky us!
Comment from : @TheeJuleeBee

I watch these videos for answers because I myself don't know what my issues are, I was neglected by my mother, didn't get to know my dad, I was abused in a foster home for 2 and a half years I was also SA'd by my mom's ex husbandbrbrI had difficulties in school and pretty much in everything, I felt like I had difficulties understanding others emotions, couldn't even control myself half the time and I hurt a lot of friends and family because of my actions brbrI'm 22 now, starting to pick up my life now and be a real adult, it's a struggle but I'm doing what I can to do better
Comment from : @failedcontentcreator7062

I hate my parents, especially my father
Comment from : @gooser__43

Help is NOT available for those who can't afford it Ultimately due to the effects of abuse
Comment from : @colettenelhulett2042

Its heart breaking that I deal with the affects of being emotionally abused as a child the scars are still deep
Comment from : @Evoniagreenway-f9r

My Dad physically and psychologically abused me for 9 years until he died from cancer I am 30 years old now and still can’t recover from it
Comment from : @zaramkrtchyan2243

Am one of the young girl who pass through emotional and physical abuse it real hurt 😞 it affects life 100 😢 i feel like no one can help me Lets love and protect our children please I don’t want to see any child to face what i face it real hurts 😢
Comment from : @TachikoMwanamanga

My dad is very abusive and no matter how many times i try to stop him he always ruins my life and i hate him so much i wish i wouldve had a good dad who was never abusive
Comment from : @Forsurenotpalm

Thanks for telling us all how we feel 🙄
Comment from : @micklowrey1522

I'm in my forties, and I've always thought I was just a bad person I've struggled with relationships and seem to be obsessed with finding a partner Recently, I started reflecting on my childhood, which I always considered strict but normal Now, I'm not so surebrbrGrowing up, I believed I deserved what happened or that it was just what parents did My parents care about me in many ways—they put me through college and are always willing to help with things like painting the house But as a child, their strictness could be extreme If I struggled with math or spelling, my mum would get angry, sometimes hitting me and calling me stupid That kind of thing happened oftenbrbrAt eight, I was sent to boarding school and only saw my parents once a year When I came home, I clung to my mother, but she pushed me away and told me it wasn't normal My parents also fought a lot I thought all of this was just typical family lifebrbrSome things stand out now—like my dad timing me to finish my food If I didn’t, I’d be sent to sit on the balcony until I ate it all Once, he shoved the food in my face and put me in a headlock because I refused to eatbrbrToday, at 40, I had a massive argument with my mum and brought up some of these memories She said I was lying and dismissed it as ridiculous It’s left me wondering: was my childhood normal? Am I just being weak? Is this just discipline that I need to move past?
Comment from : @LeeFrancis20

Let me know when the culture finally shifts to being allowed to blame our parents for giving us mental illness and trauma I'll waitbrbr"You can't blame your parents for all your problems"brbrTell that to the person who developed the Adverse Childhood Experience test My ACE score would say that it is my parents fault Check mate♟️
Comment from : @PassionateFlower

It hot so bad in my home, around 14 I really wanted to leave this world
Comment from : @edzanjero353

It's true, the consequences are felt well into adulthood 😓
Comment from : @usptact

Yo, I'm just turning 31 in like two weeks and I realize, like, three weeks ago, some stuff that was affecting me That is, it came into very sharp focus
Comment from : @TheSlackerNamedJack

When I was child my older brother used to kick me for not praying and used to said brIt's said when a child reached 9 and yet did not pray she should be forced to pray by kicking
Comment from : @Sara_4_t

Past is not gonna change anything in your life but your future can do forget the past and focus on the future
Comment from : @knowledgeiskey4087

I have many bumps and scars that NO ONE CARES ABOUT its all over my legsbrWHY NO OJE UNDERSTANDS MY STRUGGLE AND MY DEPRESSION?!?!?😭😭😭
Comment from : @NhiNguyen-tw2pi

Comment from : @gyanprakashraj4062

Comment from : @johncarle7807

How do i tell my dad that one thing he accused me of but wasn't guilty
Comment from : @thesimsmom4390

Comment from : @Angels_surround_me747

Another video that is of zero help I already know what I'm feeling & the only advice is to seek mental help Chalk this video up as a fail
Comment from : @marygerner8711

Bullied I have been in therapy for 12 years and medicated
Comment from : @Halflife2-y2m

Talk about being scarred for life
Comment from : @hobbitfan8686

I don’t think I actually went through anything worth complaining about as a child It’s the results of my choices as an adult that keep piling up But that’s okay, I own those But to call it “abuse” is a stretch
Comment from : @FranciscoQuinonez-tb7wv

Thank you for making this video
Comment from : @secondfarm3690

Comment from : @Goldenfly737

I was relentlessly bullied as a child So I have a negative image of myself imbedded in my brain that I cannot seem to forget You spend your whole childhood being told your fat, you look like a platypus (Yeah my siblings did that) your hair was wrong you smelled etc you tend to believe them after a while so no matter how much self love and care I give myself I always have that ugly image of myself at the end of the day I find it hard to love myself as an adult
Comment from : @GabsGee

Step father was an abusive monster so now i can't get into a relationship because i fear being like him
Comment from : @karmakittenz69

Just remember guys, you are not alone
Comment from : @Moon-Creatures

Childhood trauma makes a person stronger It’s a good thing
Comment from : @tylersteward8917

Why I feel so guilty after I showed somebody how i feel in a determinated situation
Comment from : @Richardkv2112

This was a spot on video From my experiences growing up every peer I knew father was in the home but every last one of them were abusive fathers The trauma from those experiences are showing up in their adulthood
Comment from : @chanyoung3725

Try having Pakistani/Indian parents If you know, you know
Comment from : @SibRevs

I wouldn't want to re-live my childhood for all the money in the world! It was absolute chaos! My grandmother caught my mother trying to smother me with a pillow just days after she brought me home from the hospital, by the age of two I was raped by a family member, and nothing was done about it I remember after it happened I was under the dining room table, and mom was in the kitchen right in front of me She was cooking I remember I was terrified, screaming and crying and telling her that there was a "monster" inside of me down there She just looked at me, and kept doing what she was doing She didn't try to comfort me, or help me in any way, shape or form I forgive her, and I love her But I am now 56 years old and I have lived almost my entire life in fight or flight mode, I have suffered depression, attempted suicide, was an alcoholic until I was 47, and was addicted to drugs throughout my life I have had horrible problems with anxiety, and always felt like I am nothing! I was the 7th child, had five older brothers and my sister was five years old when I was born They were all mean to me, because I was the black sheep I feel much pain and sorrow for the child that that I used to be, and if I thought that I would have to go through all that again, I would rather DIE! PERIOD! I have been an absolute, TOTAL mess from everything I experienced as a child Childhood is supposed to be a good experience, but mine was hell on earth and I hated almost every minute of it! Thank God that it was just a one time experience! 😢
Comment from : @debralawson1299

Bs ms
Comment from : @KMRsolves

I feel called out
Comment from : @Skully5

The only thing i can remember about my childhood is that my father beat me up so bad while i was baby sitting my younger brother when he was around 1 year old at that time because he fell on the ground while trying to practice walking on his own Imagine i got beaten up for that, and choke me lucky im still alive till now What a past My father is still alive til now and i never heard him saying sorry even once And thats the reason why we have this huge gap in our relationshipand by the way that is not the only time he beat me up so bad Countless times You cant imagine the trauma
Comment from : @albertsguppyadventure4293

As an adult i have decided to become the guy i needed when i was a child
Comment from : @Sukhmam231

I also have it due to problems at home & school and today it's misery trying to get a job and keep a job due to the immense stress at the work place, which in turn makes it nearly impossible to have a love life I've tried and tried finding resources to help me with it, but because I live in a rural area there's little to hardly anything anybody can do to help me through it since there's no resources in the community to help people with PTSD For me I struggle bc of little income and now I don't have a vehicle to get around either, since the dealership I bought it from basically sold me a lemon and I wasn't aware of the overall bone structure of the vehicle Sadly, I wasn't able to graduate high school either So yeah It definitely gets lonely, oftentimes
Comment from : @TheMusicMan_518

this video made me very, very angry
Comment from : @justadude117X

Talk louder!!!!
Comment from : @spencermorris1148

The only thing I can say is that it is a 1:1 like a shadow that follows you all the time berating you and pulling you down It is torment shame and disease all at once I have to now as an adult try to fix this on my own while I push the boulder up the hill It is beyond evil it is torture I can't trust relate or bond with people
Comment from : @NotSponsoredByEA

Words hurt like a fist I got both fists and anger at 4 years of age and carried the anguish for life It only went deeper How much I could have used this as a young man
Comment from : @russell1143

I don't want this to be my personality, and it's so hard to deal with this, because it affects my decisions and behaviors
Comment from : @BeeSweet16

Whom are you talking to so secretly 🤔
Comment from : @dewdrops9253

I also experienced trauma
Comment from : @moaznajeeb4607

I have recently discovered I was diagnosed with semi autism when I was younger Something kept secret from me up until I went fully blind last year (temporarily) brFor the 2 months I was blind, that’s ALL I thought about, I was in my head the whole time Very dangerous place to be And all I can think about, is how much my father hated me, first memories I have was my father throwing me into the tub, leaving a little lump scarred onto my forehead Throwing me on the tump bunk if I was crying, and turning off the lights because I was scared of the dark, and leaving me there, and blasted music on his speakers so he couldn’t hear me crying If I cried for too long, he’d come in “I’ll give you something to cry about, give me your arm GIVE ME YOUR ARM” and he’d yank it over did I didn’t give it to him And slap it as hard as he could brMy sister was born “normal” and was “daddies little girl”brI won’t forget this EVER forget it, when he left the family for a hooker, that he’s now since married, had 4 kids with, and now recently divorced My sister said to me “it’s your fault dad left us”brI was 5 and a half years old man I didn’t ask to be born the way I was My mother also took the abuse for it because he also blamed her for my “imperfections” brI never understood what it is that I have until last year At the worst of times since I was blind Now it all makes sensebrI wish I could see my 5 year old self right now at the age I am (24) and say to him “it’s not your fault”brbrI’ve recently shared this story with someone for the first time, now finally going into counselling for the trauma I been stuck with
Comment from : @floydwilson3085

Im honestly over all of it and everything
Comment from : @JynxsQuest

Walked in on my dad attempting suicide by noose when I was barely older than 5 years This might be the first time I've written/talked about it outside of therapy I'm trying to understand my mental health these days, since I also have a seizure disorder, and I think traumas like this could be related, but it's hard to definitively say for certain But for the first time in ages it does feel like I'm trying to experience answers rather than hide myself away from the past
Comment from : @alwayswrestlingday

What ages span “childhood” trauma? Is it ages 0-18?
Comment from : @tiegz9770

I still fight with the things I dealt with as a child
Comment from : @jarmariohazel8440

I think the emotional abuse I've suffered from my parents has been worse in my adulthood Maybe it's because I'm starting to try and communicate like a normal adult and they can't reciprocate
Comment from : @leoniemoore1683

I married a single mother with a kid from her ex we born another two kid but my wife a toxic and narcissist woman with show off attitude, bad character and even have sabotage me to make my kid suffer as a childless father it turn out that her nearly all member of their family have 2 to 3 wife and also having other husbandnow my kid and me are suffer 😢😢 my clothes have been thrown many times outside now for a year I haven't saw my kid she using a weapon my weakness and my kid as a weapon for her cheat with the ideology of escaping and hiding her crime with the help of the inlaw and her family , my 1yr baby girl havent even got to say the word Papa to meam devasted and i dnt have money to fight the useless case which is not done by us 3 innocent soul😢😢
Comment from : @pynzpaul7352

I’ve been mentally abused and emotionally neglected by my mother’s husband, and when I told my mother once about the terrible things he’s done/said to me, she answered “It’s just his parenting style”
Comment from : @amara_YT-0

Adoption is a weird one, I’ve always known I was adopted at the age of three closed adoption Taken off birth parents for important safety concerns I’ve had a lot of trouble with relationships, brbrAnd have not long found out that, my birth parents, severely neglected me, matted hair, dirty, nutrition lacking diet all sorts :(
Comment from : @ChonkyAsmr

I'm actually a kid going through emotional neglect and I don't know if I should contact the police or cps
Comment from : @notsilxzy

For all the commenters who have (and are) experiencing this, I’m so sorry about your experience Please know that there are ways to work through this It’s hard and takes a lot of work, time and patience, but it is possible br4:36 <- this!brMy husband is working through this, BUT he is making progress and together we are breaking the cycle for our children
Comment from : @carlyar5281

Să îți dea Dumnezeu sănătate stimabilo I liked this video very much
Comment from : @NuțiculGeorge

I am only a preteen and i already am experiencing these things
Comment from : @HonestlyOSC

My mom did this to me By the time i reached 14 i had enough of it Still I'm suicidal
Comment from : @user-ce2kr6gp7b

I’m 33 and running water still makes me anxious
Comment from : @alwaysyouramanda

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