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6 Types of Dyslexia? ?

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Title :  6 Types of Dyslexia? ?
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Comments 6 Types of Dyslexia? ?

I only found out I even have visual dyslexia because I can think fast enough to see what my brain is actually doing with information as it comes in I was wondering why intake can sometimes be so sluggish, and I found out this is because my brain has difficulty discerning between certain types of glyphs, but ALSO has a built-in autocorrect that is more-or-less silently correcting most of the errors I also figured out that the off chance that some of my weirder interpretation glitches have occurred simply because this routine did NOT correct something for some reason
Comment from : @johnrickard8512

I add too many Es to words that have zero business having them 😂
Comment from : @christineboswell-sexton4894

I have the visual dyslexia, I also have aphantasia and my proprioception is excellent Now what
Comment from : @Gayzngaze

very informative video thank you i have another form of dyslexia (thankfully, it is a very mild form) which is Ambidextrous Dyslexia because i play several instruments, including violin and piano which over the years has caused me to use each hand either equally (piano) or opposite of typical right-hand dominant (violin), i sometimes mix up my left-right directions when walking, or driving it’s interesting, and like i said, it’s a mild but quirky form 😀
Comment from : @lisamuse574

I frequently write "by" instead of "my" and "be" instead of "me" What type of dyslexia is that?
Comment from : @msaijay1153

38 and I didn't know this and I was diagnosed with Dyslexia when I was a kidbut never told just what that meantbrbrNeglect Dyslexia
Comment from : @strangesoren2694

My son had an Evaluation with a Developmental Pediatrician who diagnosed him with Aspergers Disorder He was supposed to do a brsix hour neuropsychological testing testing but they felt it would be too difficult for him
Comment from : @monicasojka2738

My son had fantastic vocabulary and I had him evaluated by infants and Children's services and at 2 and a half he had all later sounds He had a spontaneously sentence of A yellow crayon my favorite and a Saw it cuts
Comment from : @monicasojka2738

Can I share your video on Facebook?
Comment from : @monicasojka2738

I am a Licensed Independent Social Worker-Clinical Practice with a Solo Psychotherapy Practice I have a child who had Dyslexia, dyscaluia, Dyspraxia,and Aspergers Syndrome He could not read textbook until 10th grade
Comment from : @monicasojka2738

And I’ll have to have an audiobook version for uncle
Comment from : @Sarah-r9m1p

I was 23 years old when I was able to read a novel and have it come alive in my head I grew up with parents who pretended nothing was wrong They just forced me to read every day for an hour now my kid has dyslexia I’m definitely gonna use this resource to help him Thank you
Comment from : @peterfetzer7039

My son (now 24) was diagnosed with dyslexia in the third grade He really didn’t have problems with reading He was just a really bad speller And he would memorize his spelling words for the test, but the very next day he couldn’t write them down He has trouble with left/right He would have trouble writing words like verbs, names of people And he does have some issues with pronunciation of some words He just received his associates degree last year It took him forever to get just that cause he has to work so much harder than most He is done with school and is now working as a driver for UPS He is so embarrassed that his spelling is terrible His brother has it too but it is much more mild I guess it is inherited I hate seeing him struggle We got him lots of help throughout the years He is very creative though and makes beautiful wood pieces like cutting boards, furniture, etc in his wood shop It is a side business he has They say those with dyslexia are very creative because they think better/clearer in the 3 dimensional world It’s one dementia thinking (like flat paper) that they struggle with
Comment from : @elizabethmares2938

Comment from : @MysticAurai

Is it more common to just have one type of dyslexia? I feel like I have all of these 😭😂
Comment from : @jadedragon5591

I always wondered if auditory dyslexia was a thing, I sort of diagnosed myself LOL I got picked for the spelling bee in 4th grade because I actually have a great vocabulary and I'm a great speller But when they asked me to spell the word out loud, I completely blanked I absolutely cannot!!! If you give me your phone number, you will have to repeat it a few times But once I write it down, maybe dial it a couple times so I'll remember it forever I guess if you listen to your body you kind of just know what's going on
Comment from : @manichispanic5234

How would u know
Comment from : @Maidthatkoolaid

I love to learn and was here because I have friends diagnosed with dyslexia only to realize I might have it too I just thought I was bad at spelling A lot of things clicked as I watched,this was fun to watch and very helpful!!
Comment from : @33goodwitch

Thanks you Sister Mary Guadalupe You spent so many hours working with me to help me learn to read Patience of a saint
Comment from : @boxofcannons600

One of my daughters still gets "ask" and "tell" mixed up She'll say things like, "Ask dad hi" Instead of "Tell dad hi" Or, "Tell dad can we go to the park" Instead of "Ask dad if we can go to the park" And my oldest says the letters look like they're moving when she reads She also gets b's and d's mixed up My father-in-law is dyslexic, do you think they might have it?
Comment from : @mrsmadielkins

Comment from : @MezTech-r4v

I have trouble with number reversal Also recall back in the day when I waited tables I remember mixing words when things were very busy An example: Someone asked for a burger with onions, I asked, do you want Ride or frawed instead of fried or raw
Comment from : @eileenmurphy2019

Daim Brandage
Comment from : @dorhocyn3

I have them all 😢
Comment from : @orangefrisby2366

The kids laughed at me in class when I was trying to read out loud I got so terrified of reading 😢brMy type is the last one 😢
Comment from : @InesDBG

all of the above 🥹
Comment from : @Molotov_zen

In grade five I was diagnosed with Dyslexia I think I have an issue with all of the types of Dyslexia mentioned, in my twenties postpartum depression, my thirties General Anxiety, Now I am in my Forties and I am waiting for an ADHD Assessment and I won't be surprised Autistic as well My daughter has ADHD and my youngest son ASD It's interesting how all of them are interconnected
Comment from : @lyndanickerson1373

Within the first 3 minutes of the video i had to at least go back to it 4 times to understand what is being said Tears
Comment from : @peteanddawn

Sad I'm finally understanding how to work around my dyslexiaand my parents thought I just needed glassesthe frustration I have right now
Comment from : @holyarmageddon19

Ummm, just study 📖 📓 😑
Comment from : @lizzetcosta8103

Now, I can validate myself from watching animes with English subtitiles
Comment from : @mikasauchiha6785

I die to know all types (I am at 2:04), but in case I forget: the solution is simple! Stop forcing kids to learn to read or to read! School is the main culprit
Comment from : @funkdrunk

I have lysdexia 😊
Comment from : @alfredopitcher3609

My Dyslexia was diagnosed in 1962 following my MD parents question: "Why is our child so odd and do we need to worry?" To which the doctor responded: "He has Dyslexia Don't worry he's smart enough to work around it" I did and have led a successful lifebrbrI've always been puzzled by how little the doctors seem to understand the minds behind the Dyslexia My wife and I have fun picking them out of crowds, when we give lectures, and have fun watching their eyes light up as we ask questions about their lives I once listened to an interview of a person with severe Autism: who eventually was drawn out enough to communicate fairly well As I listened to him I smiled and thought: that's just extreme DyslexiabrbrI was a bit disappointed with this video since it suggests how little progress has been made in linking the various pieces together
Comment from : @wmsatic

I’m like an imposter here 👀 I’m extremely good in reading and writing English, but 60 of the time when I read -especially aloud - I read one word as another Eg:brbrEllipses might become Eclipse or Crowds might become Crowns… idk, might just be me or smth :/
Comment from : @Hey_Its_Rose

It is so hard to tell
Comment from : @ThomsToms

I have dyslexia
Comment from : @ThomsToms

Comment from : @paganisttc

😅 me reading 'graves' instead of 'grades'
Comment from : @Lunara_Silvermoon2390

Comment from : @jonnteejonesjonesjones

Comment from : @jonnteejonesjonesjones

Comment from : @jonnteejonesjonesjones

Comment from : @jonnteejonesjonesjones

Comment from : @jonnteejonesjonesjones

I have four out of six not bad
Comment from : @nutcasejoker

Comment from : @RodreneLiverpool

why dose a problem with spelling have such a difficult word to spell ? As I have it and just can't spell it when i have to fill a form out
Comment from : @gammawolf4955

Am i adhd and brain works too fast or do i have dyslexia 2?
Comment from : @Eaglemadhatter

b, p, q, d, 6, 8, 0, 9, angel, angle, and eagle are a bain when writing or reading
Comment from : @erikagehm2805

My 180 degree life
Comment from : @Soberman75

Can I just say that the words/phrases that distort and flash in and out at the bottom of the screen actuality "hurt" my mind when I see them It is awful, and I think it is part of my dyslexia that makes it that way Maybe don't use that effect in future videos for dyslexics?
Comment from : @jenno6824

i was put in small classes but i turned out just fine ahead of most
Comment from : @scottmoody4382

Wish people understood this when I was a kid instead of punishing me for it lol, I pushed through it on my own, but this knowledge would have helped make it easier Different times
Comment from : @Cafelatine88

I'm not sure if I have auditory dyslexia, but I relate so much I went to speech therapy for years and every correction given to me sounded like what I said Now I notice that my vowel sounds sometimes are wrong or pronounced different
Comment from : @fairytaillight1453

I have attentional dyslexia It gets worse when I have a bad headache or migraine, and with the migraine can actually affect not only my writing and/or typing ability but my speech ability In the case of verbal, it's the entire word and its place within a sentence
Comment from : @cathierainwater

I was helping a friend study math for his asvab test He was getting every other exercise from the book wrong I'm here doing the exact exercise, but he's getting different results He's increasingly getting frustrated, so we decided to check the book for the results mine were right, his were wrongbrAs I was about to give up thinking my friend was an idiot, he realizes whenever I was dictating the exercises I'd mix the numbers verbally, while I'd still write down the correct exercise Turns out I was dictating every other exercise wrong 😂 but was able to copy them just find 😢😂😢😂 talk about brain power The ability to do one thing right while simultaneously do it wrong
Comment from : @gabrielgundulf7139

Never diagnosed, but I didn't learn to read until I was 9 and I wrote everything backwards, not just words, but the letters too As an adult I researched the topic and so much made sense! I finally understood myself!
Comment from : @christenelishevas2050

I am dyslex and Have adhd
Comment from : @ChristinaFarquharson-z6l

I was 32 when I realized I was dyslexic, my son was tested and we both have some of all the symptoms Thank goodness for the De Paul School of Dyslexic Linguistics It helped us tremendously When I was a child, my teachers said I was lazy or retarded That was 64 years ago So glad it's a real condition that's finally recognized
Comment from : @terrybartell9181

I definitely have neglect dyslexia Words have always bolded in and out while reading
Comment from : @SpiderPig-st5jv

Comment from : @barbaramattson817

The second type is literally held in Danish
Comment from : @peterjrgensen1927

auditory dyslexia can also be a sign of hearing loss
Comment from : @tracywhite20

What kind is it when you can read my writing in a mirror?
Comment from : @AshGreen359

My dyslexia is visual, a lot of letters can be confusing, b d, p q, m w, n u, learning to read from scratch at 12 and 13 was hard Now I read a lot and can have at least 3 to 5 books going!
Comment from : @barbarahartlen4052

What about numbers? I've always struggled with even basic math, and liken it to dyslexia with numbers instead of letters Many of the same problems mentioned Numbers seem to move They get jumbled in my head
Comment from : @hgolliher8319

I have dyslexia and have all of the symptoms mentioned in this video
Comment from : @claeb_nate

I used to say murdercycle not motor😂
Comment from : @colleenflowers7789

I have rapid auto naming Chile
Comment from : @vanessamutoni4869

Most of these apply to me
Comment from : @SULTRYVAMPS

Is it possible to have multiple forms? I struggle with several of these when reading
Comment from : @jennifertimberlake6522

No mention of DyscalculiabrI think it’s a very important subject for others to learn about
Comment from : @peggymermod2101

I guess I have three out of five Because words and letters flare together and change places a lotI write things backwards constantlyAnd I read things backwards better than I do forward
Comment from : @markiusgalfordii9248

I really want to share my expenrience with everyone whose kids struggle with dyslexia! brI am a mom of an 8 years old boy, he has got dyslexia, as we recently got to knowbrOf course, I started to research all over the internet, the communities, the programs which might help to overcome the issue so he doesn’t struggle in school and we tried this program called Grafari (by Constructor Tech)brThey are’t very popular, as the app is designed specifically for dyslexia kids, the app isn’t colorful like many other applications hence it doesnt irriate the adhd or dyslexia struggling kidsbrLong story short, I have been seeing a huge progress lately, and can’t be happier, as I thought dyslexia is gonna affect my kid and he will be lauph at but things look much brighter now
Comment from : @eugeniaustinova3888

In school I would write a b instead of a d
Comment from : @nickvertucci4187

My mother myself and my two sons are all terrible at spelling and singing You wouldn't give children special needs lessons and lecture them about feelings and friendship because they were bad singers So why do it because they are bad spellers?
Comment from : @SarahStarmer

Chategarising symptoms into groups is the first step towards understanding But it is only the first step and a bit useless without discovering the causes
Comment from : @SarahStarmer

There are an infinite number of types of dyslexia as it is diagnosed via an aggregate of symptoms What the possible causes of those symptoms are, no one knows
Comment from : @SarahStarmer

When my mother was belted every day for not learning her spellings I was diagnosed dyslexic and given extra remedial English classes My two sons were diagnosed dyslexic and given special needs classes which amounted to being put in a room with some disturbed children and lectured about feelings My advice is, if you think your child is dyslexic don't get them tested
Comment from : @SarahStarmer

Im bad a math but not bc if dyslexia im just stupid
Comment from : @Soshewent

Per child that they put on Ritalin
Comment from : @SUNSHINEFORTUNE-h6l

I was told at 27, I am now 62 I had a form of dyslexia when I went to collage, I did not know what it was called but yehhh, I now do, I have the 2nd one you talked about, I also after writing something read it just to be sure, I see it perfect, but if I wait a while and read again, I see the mistakes
Comment from : @SandraMckay9528-z8f

Beegs and acon that was the one I remember most
Comment from : @GothicCinderz

Is there any link between neglect dyslexia and schizophrenia or having that disorder in the bloodline?brbrWhat about crawling and dyslexia As in, people who do not crawl as babies are known to have problems tellingb left from right
Comment from : @Paulette-hg8sh

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