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Dyslexia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

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Information Dyslexia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Title :  Dyslexia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
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Frames Dyslexia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Description Dyslexia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

Comments Dyslexia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

I have dyslexia (age 28) school was hell for me @@ and i have this constant fear at work or in life that people will find out i cant do X Y or Z as well as them like im a fake, its like an evil shadow i have to hide and make sure nobody catches onto because its extramly embaressing when they do bri sometimes get told dyslexia a strangth as if it is why i am a good artist, but dam, i wish i never had dyslexia besides, you can definately be an artist without dyslexia! so i dont see how it helps me at all just wrighting this took me about 20 min ahh! brbri also can not focus at all when people talk around me when i work on stuff, i cant help but hear everything they say, and it makes wrighting extreamly hard to focus on brbri also can not focus if someone is watching me do the things i work on i feel like i will be distracted or interupted or judged x xbrbri dont mean to be negitive <3 just my experiances as a disabled person with dyslexia(yes, it is definately a disability, like being stuck in a wheelchair, and the world is all stairs!!!! haha)brto anyone reading this, you deserve a hug!
Comment from : @AstraPlanetshine

I thnik im one of does who have thisnow i know
Comment from : @adunahanfamily

❤ tq u very much👍🏼👏🏼🥰🙏🏽
Comment from : @LUCYGOMANGO

I dont like how this video has presented dyslexia as a disease There is no cure or treatment
Comment from : @Brellowcrop

I read same sentence 3 times to understand what it means? I find it very difficult to memorize anything And hence i failed exams Is that dyslexia?
Comment from : @samiyakhan2317

I have dyslexia autistic i cannot tell left and right i was bully as kid i have shit teachers at don't care about me tell me why i do not learn my mom don't care about me teachers used to tell her why i did not learn i try study it was hard for me im not good at math or reading loud or speak loud my mom said im stupid the teachers did not know i have dyslexia autistic and i hide it i was put in normal classes art help me lot at math, reading, writing stll make fun of me people
Comment from : @darkangel9104

My dyslexia affects my talking as well And mostly my whole life
Comment from : @mioxrls3955

There's this sign I see frequently That says "centinal gardens" Every time, my first few reads of it I see "Genital gardens" I often mix up letters and often need to google words to make sure im spelling right It can be infuriating A diagnosis Would have been particularly helpful When I was in school
Comment from : @francis7089

is spelling mistakes while writting the SYMPTOM OF Dyslexia ??
Comment from : @H4SANXAM

Nice Video 👍😊❤
Comment from : @TrendswindNews

thank you for the information
Comment from : @rosariohight2451

Thank you so much for sharing
Comment from : @neurodiversitystories5128

I passed 12th class but i have reading and writing problems i passed my exam by remembering everything with out understanding I'm too slowly at writing tooo
Comment from : @summertimes-hj6jm

Dyslexia is NOT a disability The English language and spelling is a disability and needs to be dealt with before we label people with disabilities! Deal with the English language first!
Comment from : @anitaheubel3228

I had a chance to be diagnosed earlier on but my school was garbage so I didn't get proper acknowledgement Not only did I not get help but they actively prevented me from getting any help when it was obvious that I needed help They used stupid excuses like it wouldn't be fare to the other kids for me to get printed notes or assignments adjusted to help me actually learn I moved around to different schools a lot but none of the other schools had an idea of the issues Most of the other alternative schools were so reading heavily which is one of the things I struggled with the most So I'm pretty sure my grammar is still terrible but going back and looking at it now is still a struggle and gives me those sinking feelings all over again So now that I actually know what the deal is I'm looking into it It makes me really want to help people like me even though I still haven't got myself the help I need yet because of how much of a struggle it all has been
Comment from : @rifflefuru

Sir please tell if one with dyslexia can excell in sports specifically 10m riffle shooting
Comment from : @nirmanyusharma6252

I can give accurate directions to places but I cannot understand when someone gives me directions to a place to save my life
Comment from : @mitijr2031

Okay well it's not a disorder I wouldn't call it that and I wouldn't call it a fucking disability it's just a fucking pain-in-the-ass is what it is I wouldn't describe it as a fucking disability God
Comment from : @jennatrusty522

I struggled in all areas except reading writing comprehension is a little above average I love reading writing letters and cross wordsmaths very basic can't follow a mapbrNo sense of direction always getting lostbrAs a child slow to tie shoe laces colour in Both fine and gross motors skill were crappy, still are I can not explain why I struggle in all these areas but don't have dyslexia Even someone who belongs to mensa will make the accausional spelling mistakebr I have a few family members who have dyslexia and believe me it's a lot harder to cope with them getting lost in the shopping mall
Comment from : @peterlawrence6815

My enemies daughter got alzemer and dyslexia docter hope she finds cure after some 40 yrs later
Comment from : @chg3266

I’m gonna talk nice to read as a pre-K love you
Comment from : @sophiabarbosa3522

Comment from : @moment3421

So I have a question? I've been suffering with dyslexia for all my life what are some things that you do to make it better?
Comment from : @alexisfashiondesign8044

Hello Sir May I know your name? Coz I'm planning to use your video in my presentation, and I want to put your name as an acknowledgment
Comment from : @jabnfgbhhdd3331

Thank youfor you video
Comment from : @sekolahnuranikasih4739

Do i count as dyslexic if i have incredible trouble with the a language i heard all my life
Comment from : @samikdasgupta2215

Just a nice way of telling someone they're slow
Comment from : @sirreginaldlee3576

Ive been inside the house for months now and addition to 2 years staying at home due to pandemic and I've been playing video games and watching a lot of movies and series, but lately, I have trouble reading like I read "triangle hidden trait" as Trident and other similar reading problem
Comment from : @asahel980

My dyslexia was never identified in all 12 grades of school
Comment from : @DavidJVMusic

I have a 9 year old sister that is having trouble understanding some words, learning new topics, and I've also noticed that she really gets frustrated by this because she really wants to learn and understand She tells me that she easily forgets stuff and she is having trouble understanding their lesson I have been trying my best to help and understand her but sometimes we both just get frustrated on how it goes I really wanna help my sister, we just recently been orphaned since our mother died last year and we don't get support from our dad I'm also still studying and my time is split between helping my siblings and working on my responsibilities in supporting our small family financially Can I get tips or some methods on how I can improve helping my sister with her studies and on how I can better understand her? She is also very good in drawing and pretty much doing art but when it comes to tough subjects like math or language it is hard for her
Comment from : @gwenshaina3184

Pueden ponerlo subtitulado 🥺 compartan no sean egoístas
Comment from : @melissacarhuas246

I feel bad to my cousin that Im always telling him to learn to read and scold him ciz I thought he just so lazy at learning The symptoms shows just prove his a dyslexia person I always believe he just lazy and just so addicted to games maybe I treated him hard But not as hard as his parents lmao they can't even seems to care about his condition His about to enter highschool and I was so disappointed that I thought in his age he could at least read especially our mother tongue is easier than English I should pay more attention to proof if his really dyslexia Thank you for the info really appreciated it
Comment from : @kekedesu6020

I wish it was mandatory for schools in the US to make you take a test for dyslexia in First or Second grade, i didn’t find out until two years ago in 9th grade… My academic carrier would be extremely different if i had known from early Ever since second to 10th grade my grades were always rock bottom and i struggled on school especially with Math and anything reading related
Comment from : @flamingoxe5984

Can anyone tell me if I have dyslexia or not? I have no problem in reading or writing, I also write spellings correctly I had learned to read and write a little before going to school, I used to read poems and stories easily But now I have a lot of problems in maths and I cant remember anything just by reading it once , I have to read again and again to remember it, and i have no intrest and talent in art im not creative and my grades are also decreasing please tell me if I have dyslexia or I am just overthinking about It about It
Comment from : @lol-pg8xz

When he said language I stopped chewing my cookie and was like “WAIT- I SKIP FRENCH-“
Comment from : @billieswateringhoes3774

Spelling and bad short term memory is pain in the ass I have mastered reading
Comment from : @johnrudge5459

Im 98 sure I don't have dislexia but I do have trouble with directions when someone says go left it takes like 5 seconds for me to think of what way that is and if someone says it in a pressuring way I usually go the wrong way 😅😬 im also awful with reading out loud i stutter alot and its just hard to read when im saying it out loud
Comment from : @Snurtleee

I have it with math tho
Comment from : @kimmyringo8055

I am proud to be dyslexic but most of the time l cry a lot coz l feel embarrassedl love to become a writer e and a counsellor but my problem is reading some words, pronunciation , and spelling
Comment from : @koltokawarpeei

I am dyslexic but my friends always think am smarter than them I think my main problem is spelling and pronouncing strange words
Comment from : @birdman9142

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