Title | : | Symptoms and Signs of Dyslexia (Ages 1-7) |
Lasting | : | 6.23 |
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Views | : | 49 rb |
Cannot be defined by lack of intelligence brMy teachers knowing I had this disabilitybrOh she’s just stupid, no point trying to teach her she’s too stupid to understand Comment from : @itrysoyoudonthaveto |
This was a great educational video You did a great job of organizing and explaining the concepts really well Comment from : @miriamcareybrown1533 |
I don’t think my son is dyslexic I think his ADHD is a little more severe than mine because he’s very intelligent He just cannot sit still Comment from : @falaafalstick |
These symptoms do not fit my now 17 year old daughter… Please address STELTH DYSLEXIA!!!! brShe knew ALL letters and numbers by 18 months old and was speaking 4word sentences and reading by 4/5 years old Homeschool!!! Was very social! And highly imaginative! Never had a problem with any writing!!! But her MATH!! And following directions, stability on level ground, processing emotions, and understanding was not right and STILL isn’t!!! We were having a conversation the other day and SHE TOLD ME “ITS HARD TO READ CAUSE THE WORLD LIKE COME TO LIFE ON THE PAGE AND KEEP WIGGLING AROUND!!! THATS WHY IT TAKES HER SO LONG TO FINISH HER READING BOOKS(History ect…)!” I was like WHAAAAAAT!!!!! 😨😰🤯😳😱😩🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THIS YEARS AGO!!!!! My son had similar issues but not with writing or numbers but with reading he would just protest… but when he worked on it he read fine! He is 15!!! No other symptoms besides listening skills, and understanding things! He says the words get super blurry!!! 🥺😪 but never said anything previously!!!!brI was looking out for these classic symptoms you described here in this video!!! My mother had it her sister and her sister’s grandson!!! I even asked my pediatrician several times!!!! 😡🤦♀️🤷♀️ Comment from : @jennaflint977 |
How can I get my child tested for it she is 8 and has all these symptoms but nobody will test her 😢 Comment from : @feliciaschneck6107 |
Excellent information Comment from : @aishwaryakaranth9668 |
I am considered a Dyslexi direct deluxe alexia dyslexic Comment from : @DreamaBradly |
Your video is extremely informative and well made As a fellow specialist educator I congratulate you As you have encouraged people to share this on their social media I will do exactly that as I can’t do it better myself Comment from : @Olivetree416 |
What an excellent video outlining Dyslexia This hit home so hard for our situation - thank you Arije-Aike for making this wonderful resource Comment from : @jpitt08 |
Just found out my 3rd grader is dyslexic Sadly she was in kindergarten during Covid and 1st grade so I think a lot of the issues were missed In 2nd grade the teachers were still trying to catch up on teaching kids social issues Now she’s in 3rd grade and her teacher is like uh oh there is an issue Oddly tho, all her state testing the school uses for reading and math is well above average She consistently scores in 80th or higher percentile During her dyslexia testing with neuropsych, she scored well above average in problem solving skills which I think has helped her keep her dyslexia under wraps for so long Some things I did notice as a preschooler-2nd grade was writing letters and numbers backwards She still does it to a degree but is able to catch herself more now She also would repeat numbers backwards when reading them 63 would be read back as 36 This is something she still struggles with She had a hard time decoding words, spelling words and her handwriting is absolutely horrid A lot of this was dismissed early on as “age appropriate” I knew in my heart something was off but it wasn’t extreme enough to warrant major concerns since she was still young She did receive speech services starting at 3-8 years old for articulation She would talk a lot as a toddler but you couldn’t understand a word she was saying I’m so thankful her 3rd grade teacher identified the issue My daughter also has been diagnosed as adhd inactive type Comment from : @JenLovesPizza |
I Dont understand how so many people share their experiences of their struggles with dyslexia because they have written in to this site and to me most of the time it is quite well written I believe them but it just makes it hard for me to understand exactly what dyslexia is Maybe someone can relate to my confusion🤔 Comment from : @peterlawrence6815 |
My 6 year old is struggling with her phonics her teacher said she is showing signs of dixlexia lots of b and d mixed up just small signs But what struck me the most was the shame part, she has completely withdrawn from reading writing & anything school related she has even told her teacher she hates her & she never acts out like this but i can now see the pressure she is under not doing as well as the others! its constantly being pointed out in front of the other children when the teacher pulls us aside in front of her friends in the playground Now I feel just awful for her she is so intelligent so imaginative great story teller huge personality, Thankyou for this insight I will be handling it so much differently than before Comment from : @chellej8863 |
I was dianosed in preschool I had dog and god mixed up Even when typing this i almost wrote dog and dog before i caught it Comment from : @princessnanful2751 |
I value this information I have never been diagnosed with dyslexia Though my parents were instructed to give me similar treatment as someone with dyslexia My family has a history of struggling with language (speaking, reading and writing) and had to work extra hard to be a similar level of the standard Now I have an understanding what to look out for in my child Thanks Comment from : @robyn274 |
Really grateful for this having been shared I homeschool and have had a suspicion my youngest son is dyslexic recently but had no way of knowing for sure Now I have a concrete enough idea of the signs that I am going to have him tested so he can receive supports brbrI also took the test you posted that is used to test for it I definitely scored a 6/9, though I have always been far ahead in my reading skills, having read my first book at age 3 brbrI do have to reread things often to grasp and remember details in material I read, as well as often seeing words in a sentence that aren't actually there but the letters, that make up the word are within the paragraph I am reading I find this fascinating and am curious as to why this did not manifest as a struggle for me in most ways Comment from : @amandagaudry4791 |
Love this video If i had this video 9 years ago, it would have been so easy… Comment from : @lotuslotuschan |
Problem for me, I learned a lot about these learning differences late in life My daughter is dyslexic I didn't know what it was I just took her out of the public school system enrolled her into a private school She has obvious and writing, verbal linguistic issues But she wasn't beaten down like I was in the Neurotypical school educational system She runs her own business married as a child does quite well for herself and she has an opinion and not afraid to express it Comment from : @danmalone5365 |
Early childhood learning to read have you ever heard of a child refer to the words as dancing words? Comment from : @joanneross7194 |
I saw hebrew alphabets if im not wrong hehehe Comment from : @rei_takayama |
Thanks a MILLION!! I now feel more equipped to have a conversation with my 5year olds kindergarten teacher Comment from : @demetriusmcbride |
I don't know if I'm dyslexic, I am a teen I have a hard time writing the correct words, and I have a hard time keeping track of numbers when counting like if I learn division, I forget how to do that so I end up starting from the beginning brbrAnd also I have a hard time reading I end up mixing up words or just skips over itbrbrSo am I dyslexic? Comment from : @Playlists723 |
My son is 7 and he has some of the signs you've mentioned,but his comprehension is excellent I am a bit confused if it's dyslexia or ADHD? Still in the process of getting diagnosis but only for ADHD and not dyslexia Comment from : @mmcharg4655 |
Editing skills are perfection 👌🏾 Comment from : @Danielleanderson428 |
There is permanent herbs to improve and heal Dyslexia It’s a medicine you can get from Dr Oyalo YouTube channel, his herbs have made my son improve perfectly in his speech and social skills💜💜 Comment from : @favourjohn312 |
Why aren't schools in every city and state recognizing this as a disability They told me in an iep she has idiosyncratic thinking? Like what does that mean School just keeps passing her 3rd gradeband she cannot read on a kindergarten level It's disgusting that they don't care Teachers should be there to teach Comment from : @barbigill943 |
Why it's important is because once in school they get lost and they lose self esteem They become defiant when it's time to learn They feel left out and isolated from their peers which leads to depression Comment from : @barbigill943 |
How can I reach u please Comment from : @folababy4143 |
Hi Very helpful video Can you please make some videos on tips and method of teaching kids in primary level with dyslexia? Comment from : @SimsWorldBDMom |
Love how you filmed yourself moving outside 😂 awesome vids 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️ ty sobrMuch !! Comment from : @sarahkercheval8964 |
Thank You for your video I am in the process of having my 2nd grade identical daughters’ evaluated Comment from : @WeReadTheClassics |
Im 43 and have it with a photo graffic memory It's a super power Comment from : @bobross5455 |
Todah for this such a breathe of fresh air and hope Comment from : @aineangeles2648 |
My son (now 25) has very profound dyslexia I noticed several things he struggled with as a preschooler His spoken language was not delayed but there were some odd issues He could not remember color names He’d ask for the crayon “the color of grass” but could not say “green” This persisted well into elementary Have you ever encountered that? Our state, at that time, did not recognize dyslexia as an ‘eligible disability’ meaning the schools did not have to address it and we could not even use the term in his IEP meetings We continued to fight the same battles with every new school and every new teacher through high school The PTSD is very real Teachers and peers can say things that cut so indelibly He has forged a very successful career as a scenic artist (without college!) but still struggles with self confidence Thanks for your videos It is interesting to hear you discuss what we lived for so many years Comment from : @surveyormarkable |
My lil brother showed all these symptoms since very small, so we made sure he would always be supported in every aspect He wants to become an architect and I'm sure he will accomplish great things Do you have any tips for neurodivergent/dyslexic young adults starting their careers and work life? brBeautiful Nature! Comment from : @laurapoles222 |
I knew my son had dyslexia before he started school, I would love a video on early interventions, we use boxes font, multi sensory (writing in salt, play doh to form the letters, playing games running to the words) brHe’s now 8 I have asked school for a laptop and for him to speak out what he wants to write, is this the right direction? Also having the book read to him and more working on comprehension rather than reading it brI have dyslexia so my reading up how to help is hard work, I often cry at his parents evening because I don’t want history repeating itself brThank you auto correct on my ipad you can read his 🤩 diagnosed at 16 with dyslexia and dyscalculia Comment from : @thomsonclan5878 |
I'm very grateful to have come across your channel! Comment from : @melaniep |
Thanks Arije This is extremely helpful and your editing skills are 👌! Comment from : @hannahteddyschachter7407 |
I was diagnosed with dyslexia in 2nd grade, but many go undiagnosed into adulthood Do these signs align with your child's behavior? And if they've already been diagnosed, how and when did you identify it? Comment from : @ArijeAikedeHaas |
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