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How Much Software Engineers ACTUALLY Make

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Title :  How Much Software Engineers ACTUALLY Make
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Description How Much Software Engineers ACTUALLY Make

Comments How Much Software Engineers ACTUALLY Make

In terms of salary, for base pay is that a fixed income or does that change and/or depend on other factors ? Is it typically 40 hours a week to meet base pay or will you get the base pay as long as work is being done?
Comment from : @lifeastalecia

Comment from : @AndreaGonzalez-sc8de

It's only going to get worse
Comment from : @anobodysnobody

This guy looks like he's from 1974 not 2024
Comment from : @CLaFong

how come an average principal Joe in google makes a million dollars it is beyond me I solve million dollar problems every dame and yet I'm paid peanuts comparing to that
Comment from : @poohshmoo9892

I look at data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, I think it's more accurate and can be broken down geographically
Comment from : @Taker1317

Your dataset is unfortunately skewed towards large companies like FAANG Most SWE's don't make nearly as much
Comment from : @Uax101

I see a lot of San Francisco companies, hence the high salaries
Comment from : @hemlo7494

Thank you for starting with the answer I watched the rest of the video as a result I figured, if the normal hook to watching a video was provided right from the get-go, I was sure that the remainder of the video had more to offer
Comment from : @pleasethink4789

thanks a lot brother can you make a video and compare software engineering and other computer science jops and what is the highest paying computer science jop please man
Comment from : @ghostangel8434

how many years of work experience are required to entry level engineer
Comment from : @armansivri7355

starting the video with "this is the thing", good for you, and for humans Thanks :)
Comment from : @ThisGuy-st5ce

Thank you for this video! Very insightful! We also thought about that and made a new video about the difference between a software developer and a web developer and compared their salaries
Comment from : @Jelvix

I subscribed when he showed that he cared about our time and answered the question lol
Comment from : @francshemsiu3132

yes lol yes i did check my phone
Comment from : @LivingLikeGaryYT

Love it
Comment from : @eternalrinx

That is insane I'd be happy even getting $100k right now
Comment from : @Ohiostategenerationx

Good News / Bad News Save your money, and not just in Stock Options I'm a retired Engineer, and remember when everyone was getting rich First it was CE guys Than the EE guys Now it's the SE Guys The truth is, when you get 40, the offers will dry up for most IF, you don't burn out first You avoid this by getting an MBA, and making the transition to management (and join the comparatively lazy folk) Oh, I forgot about the Fortran to C to Java to Python transition Did you know that Chat GPT knows Python? Of course you did
Comment from : @hidden-treasures

Hey man-sir,brbrI’m transitioning from a blue collar role Doing some research before making any definite changesbrbrBut I’m definitely subscribing based off of two random videos from your channel 🤙🏼brbrThank you for the great content!
Comment from : @walfytaffy3108

i would take the non-public companies TC with a grain of salt for example, plaid, airtable, openai, etc all include illiquid equity i would almost discount the equity for private companies to zero tbh
Comment from : @kml

more data less face showing
Comment from : @philliptheone

Only for US market
Comment from : @stephenbrennan1903

How much does Sam Altman make? How about Elon? Delaware judge took $56 billion away from Elon!
Comment from : @Agent77X

Um no Russian programmers make like $13/hr There's also a bunch of programmers in labs who make squat, under the guise of internships lol Also tons of seasoned devs happy to make 50k
Comment from : @splaytrees

This is drastically incorrect
Comment from : @meowpeep385

I work for a small company in AZ in a LCOL area I’m a senior engineer making $130k with minimal benefits My mortgage is only $1300
Comment from : @JonathanTheZombie

I work in FinTech for a reputable well known bank Entry level back end software engineer with 6 months experience and came from a coding bootcamp I earn 85k at an hourly rate
Comment from : @Slov_

I like the honesty at the beginning, so I gave it a BIG LIKEbrI' not greedy, I would totally be happy with 150K it's a lot of money
Comment from : @hamids4550

I’m on under £40k with 2 years experience in the UK This clearly isn’t representative of most companies
Comment from : @ScepticEngineer

This guy is so great at talking out of his ass
Comment from : @Kaitokaz

That median seems a bit high That being said, subbed because of that killer mustache
Comment from : @GordoFabulous

What is a "software engineer"? brbrThat title can be used to describe something quite different from generic designers or developers, or at least the implication is there
Comment from : @richardsteiner8992

Congrats on getting to 500k subs!!!
Comment from : @grantnlee

Also! I live in the Hampton roads area I'd love if you did some sort of in person events I've been remote my whole career and would love to get plugged into a real community of people I can talk to in person
Comment from : @seymour_videos

Senior Engineers in most non-fang companies will be in the 135k-160k range If you want more in those companies you need to take on management positions
Comment from : @deanwilliams433

I'd always look at the base and bonus, but not too much at the stock While you get the stocks, they are the incentive to stay, not part of the salary itself If you get let go, all unvested stocks are gone so stocks overinflate the salaries
Comment from : @magicflyinggekko8587

My dude, you don't look so healthy You doing good?
Comment from : @esparda07

another factor is niche vendor app implementation and engineering i know principles who don’t even think about roles below $600 an hour in a non-fang client
Comment from : @datboi449

As an Aerospace engineer, this mekes me sad
Comment from : @brandoncorwin8812

Can you even imagine making 1 Mil/yr? Me neither Im happy with my remote work no stress gig
Comment from : @Crzyspeedfrk

I will make that $1,million a year, I manifest that, I am planning to enroll for software engineering through Bootcamp
Comment from : @Joeybeautiful_

The lowest of the low software engineer makes as much as I do I am topped out in my pay too
Comment from : @davekohler5957

This REALLY depends on the type of software engineer Software Engineers educated in Machine Learning with a Masters or have some type of specialty such as embedded systems are going to be making the most right now The jobs that are decreasing and have wage stagnation are mostly stuff like front end and web devs There are just too many of those Supply and Demand for job market is king when it comes to baseline wages
Comment from : @fenril6685

Levels is definitely skewed It's probably closer to the 125-150 range
Comment from : @ycombine1053

Wow! In Denmark the salary-level is half of these numbers
Comment from : @erikipsen1682

lol software devs make 0 because there’s no jobs
Comment from : @onred_

im on a 5 person eng team at a small startup in a small market and i make 215k p/y plus 30k options
Comment from : @ernesto8738

I don't think the stats are correct about Northern Virginia/DC are correct Just look at how many of the highest income counties are in that area I can personally attest that it's not unusual for software engineers in this area to make between 200k-400k There is a sizeable cleared community in this area which command a relatively generous salary
Comment from : @civrev

how can the median in Amsterdam be that high if most collective labor agreements in big institutions or corporations doesn't even reach 100k with max scale and seniority?
Comment from : @HiiPPi3

Here in Germany you start with around 55k€/year as junior and it goes up to around 100k€/year for a 10year high lvl lead developerbrThats total with all bonuses incl brAnd they are highly competing against very good developer from eastern country like Poland, Hungary or Ukrain were it more start like 30k€/year up to around 80k€/yearbrSoas a CTO I will and would never get the budget to pay these inflated salaries from US
Comment from : @andye7715

The data even at the tech companies is off I was offered a manager position for security at Amazon in Seattle and it was almost half of what levels reported Needless to say I turned it down, I’m making more at another tech company
Comment from : @financiallife3696

I work for Faang, this is very well presented and communicated Nice work, Forrest, and also great work on growing this channel Keep it up!
Comment from : @s2tha3lgaming94

These CS / software engineer videos are dead This field is extremely oversaturated So many lay offs, so much competition, salaries dropping, etc
Comment from : @Karuska22ps

Google hires 3 of applicants and they only want to hire the best
Comment from : @ULTIMARAGNAR0K

Definitely not that high, companies are hiring Indian developers in huge numbers, so that lowers the salary for US based developers
Comment from : @gabrielmartinez2455

This is wrong From BLS data it's $127,260 median
Comment from : @Jeff321

Have you tried NiceGUI yet?
Comment from : @savantofillusions

Wildly inaccurate 5 years experience mid level engineer here, I can't find a job paying more than 80k
Comment from : @joshheaps1099

As an American who has been applying to software jobs for several years, I know the median isn't that high
Comment from : @genericdeveloper3966

Thank you for putting this info out there I was able to get a job an increase my pay by 20k with your sources
Comment from : @birdlawyer4885

this seems very high ive never heard of this kind of pay outside tech companies
Comment from : @dynamo3059

Most places that I've seen (contractors and FTE) pay between $90K to $120K Haven't looked into FAANG companies, as I really don't have any intention of working there, but using any other site that has "standard" employers will show this result
Comment from : @250miles2

Its important to notice the drastic decrease from only top 1 to top 10 cities If you aren't in those cities the numbers you see on levels are effectively meaningless
Comment from : @walboey

As a senior full stack dev who has worked in San Francisco, Dallas, Atl, and DC, and has had 5 different jobs and have spoken to countless recruiters about salary I can tell you this data is only for FAANG and is literally useless and egregiously wrong for the market as a whole
Comment from : @bhad7787

As a senior full stack dev who hass worked in San Francisco, Dallas, Atl, and DC, and has had 5 different jobs and have spoken to countless recruiters about salary I can tell you this data is only for FAANG and is literally useless and egregiously wrong for the market as a whole
Comment from : @Bryan-c6x

Forest still doesn't strike me as the type of guy that would be a computer science major let alone be a guy that codes
Comment from : @guitargod259

Why do I get @technotim vibes from this guy?
Comment from : @foakingphelp

I will take 80k a year
Comment from : @lazyman2451

Good to see a fellow Hampton roads dev
Comment from : @WorkingDev

Subscribed for putting the main information in up front Going to keep watching the video though 🙂
Comment from : @yayinternets

10x engineers should get 20x 🙂
Comment from : @MarkyGoldstein

170k?!?!?!?!?!brWhen I was running my own business in Finland, I was making 110k and I was in the top 01 richest people in the country
Comment from : @kamiljanowski7236

30 year veteran here I only made $170K a few years (and that was under Trump not Biden)brI feel as though these numbers are from Google if you're in Silicon Valley brI averaged $150K over 10 years and $100K over 20 years
Comment from : @bigneiltoo

As a computer engineer from Oklahoma City this is why I moved
Comment from : @unstoppablebox5415

Remember guys, this is data just mainly from the most high end tech companies The vast, vast, majority of companies don't fall under this bracket Also yes, the reason the comp is so high in some of those really big companies like google etc is the stocks, but the base salary isn't hugely impressive really (not that I wouldn't mind it!)
Comment from : @neomangeo7822

Here in Mexico a decent entry level job is between 350k - 600k MXN which is about 20k - 35k USD, so hearing about an entry level job in US is pretty insane to me The highest I've seen is about 2 mill MXN which is about 115k US for a L5 job at Netflix
Comment from : @pizzadude007

Lmao no they don’t, you forgot about the 400k layoffs over the last year and a half and now people are coming back to large pay decreases Stop setting false expectations to students who will be majorly disappointed
Comment from : @icandreamstream

It’s getting clearer why companies love those $20 an hour devs in India
Comment from : @voip4life

It's way off It's about 121K including benefits
Comment from : @88spaces

Far too much from the sounds of it Time for automation and simplification
Comment from : @illegalsmirf

I personally do not trust levelfyi's data While logging into it, it kept asking me to contribute my salary data, it asked me multiple times for some reason and now it's registered as 3 different persons, which is not true So based on that experience, I really feel like FYI is inflated and innacurate
Comment from : @migo-migo9503

When you said "at least give it a like" The like button glowed up Never had that happen before on YT
Comment from : @TheRussianGenius

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