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I Tested the BEST All Terrain Tires in the Dry, Wet, Snow, and Dirt!

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Information I Tested the BEST All Terrain Tires in the Dry, Wet, Snow, and Dirt!

Title :  I Tested the BEST All Terrain Tires in the Dry, Wet, Snow, and Dirt!
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Frames I Tested the BEST All Terrain Tires in the Dry, Wet, Snow, and Dirt!

Description I Tested the BEST All Terrain Tires in the Dry, Wet, Snow, and Dirt!

Comments I Tested the BEST All Terrain Tires in the Dry, Wet, Snow, and Dirt!

Please go review your tires over at wwwtire-reviewscom 💖💖
Comment from : @tyrereviews

I have the Falken AT3W 295/60/20 on my 2016 F150 crew cab 65 bed They have over 90,000 miles with still decent tread, rotated them every 3,000 miles I also called Falken about what PSI to run in them They took my trucks info, came back with 43psi I also did the chalk test and adjusted the psi a bit Love them and will be buying the AT4W soon for my truck Also put Falken’s on my wife’s Explorer and my son trying out the Rubitreks on one of his F250’s All great so far!
Comment from : @toddgray8828

K03brThe end
Comment from : @e5toro7008

Awesome video, can we see a video of the Cooper Discoverer ATIII
Comment from : @kaelangerhardt5651

Why does he keep calling the truck a "car"?
Comment from : @BigDOOMson

A view from the UIK I do have to laugh at these wannabee 'Expert Testers' They are the most subjectively biased 'tests' you will witness - chucking it round a muddy field as quick as THEY see fit Not one of 'em, NOT ONE ever refers to the tyres car manufacturers put on their cars during manufacture And, trust me, their reputation is relying on them Any sensible person with a passing interest in this subject would not believe they pick whatever's available down at Kwik - Fit or Halfords So, as an armchair expert driving round my front room on various tyres, my pick for the BEST ALL TERRAIN TYRE isthe one the car comes out of the factory with You spelt 'Tyres' wrong in your headline BTW No, not at all, happy to help
Comment from : @robertstancer4469

wish falken would be slightly lighter
Comment from : @CVPI03

i used to have KO2s but switched to Falkens at3s when it became worn ou The falken at3 out performs KO2s in every way My buddies were slipping more in snow than i was with the falken at3s Will try the At4 once these are worn
Comment from : @yoonsaechao8986

Hi, what was the tires size and did you adjust the pressure for each type of testing condition (track, road, snow) Thx
Comment from : @OlivierLaurens-g7p

What was the tyre pressure for each testing course especially for the snow testing
Comment from : @andystrubbergjr1235

Need to add the KO3 and Nitto Terra Grapplers G3 to this comparison
Comment from : @daniellopezd

Falken tires are good but they wear very fast and falken wouldn't warranty my tires they would pass inspection after 25k miles BFG are very over rated imo imo the best AT tires are the Goodyear Wrangler Ultraterrian
Comment from : @dylanbrown3840

I was looking for all-terrain tires for my Nissan Patrol, something that could handle both highway and city driving while also performing well on sand dunes (weekend desert drives are a must here in Qatar) After researching, I wanted to get the Maxxis Razr ATs, but they weren’t availablebrbrI ended up choosing the Kumho Roadventure AT52s, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised! They are surprisingly quiet on the road, offer great grip, and perform really well in the sand Now that I’ve seen them recommended by Tyre Reviews, I’m even more confident in my choicebrbrI’d definitely buy them again—unless something better comes along that fits my budget With brands like BF Goodrich being extremely expensive here (and getting the right size in newer models being a challenge), these tires have been a fantastic choice :)
Comment from : @sahilkad2762

I would have never considered buying a falken tire so this review was definitely interesting I ended up getting the ko3s but I may consider falken for future purchases based on this video
Comment from : @ThomasAllenson

Should have never done the testing Not fair to the other manufacturers of you don't have their latest design as well Comparing new tire technology to old tire technology is useless when you are trying to figure out who is the best
Comment from : @bionic2011

Love the in depth review! One thing that I don't think you mentioned was what size and load range were the tires that you tested? I would assume to be a fair test they would all have to be LT and the same load
Comment from : @josephvallier1152

Those Falkens look like a direct knockoff of the ToyosbrEDIT: Looks like Falken takes the cake
Comment from : @SwampFeet678

My BFG KO2 tires are absolutely horrible on the snow and ice Several times I've caught myself sliding towards an intersection when I try to drive it like our family car
Comment from : @z0mb13k1ll2012

you should've used the nitto terra grappler 3 in this experiment brNew lighter weight compoundbrbetter fuel mileage brGood reviews in the snowbr This might be the new latest and greatest
Comment from : @6gatornation

BFG KO2 tires for a couple of years While they performed well initially, I found that over time, they became increasingly noisy on the road Additionally, as the rubber hardened, they became difficult to manage in wet conditions, which raised some safety concernsbrbrI switched to the Falken Wildpeak AT3s, and the difference has been significant They offer far less road noise and perform exceptionally well in wet conditions, giving me much more confidence on the road
Comment from : @sugaris

What wheel is that? Id like it for our tahoe
Comment from : @scottallen6970

Can you test mud tires
Comment from : @nicksampson4460

So, silly opinion I run Pathfinder ATs I hunt elk and deer in the flat tops in Colorado Nasty, greasy, muddy, snowy, rocky, steep, theses tires never even made me a little nervous in a 4th gen 4runner And they are way cheaper They are also my daily drivers
Comment from : @TheOropherfelegund

Any opinions or experience with the Bridgestone Dueler AT Ascent? Looks different from the AT002 on your website
Comment from : @deus216

We've had the original Kumho at51 tires on our trucks 3 sets now never let us downand good for 80k km all day For day to day driver, a hunt here, a little mud theregravel roads, you know real world driving vs pounding around a track which isnt how most folks drive or use a tire for the price the Kumho simply does the job most folks need and is hard to beat Good all around for $$brI've owned the BFGs great tire too but $$$$ brMay look at Falken though
Comment from : @toddshowan3871

I find the toyo at3 to be vastly superior to the ko2, interesting
Comment from : @brochilldude

You ain’t got the best tires in your video… MT Baja Boss AT kill all those tires hands down
Comment from : @cmkpro81

Oh no I bought an off-road tire and I can hear on the road Get over it, it’s an off-road tire It won’t be quite like an all season
Comment from : @blakethomas

Falken…gestures to bfgoodrich didn’t miss the message just thought it was funny
Comment from : @fmurr2010

Yokohama Geolander at/xd Best tire I’ve ever owned
Comment from : @boneyard8705

I agree love my falkens
Comment from : @VancityAdventure

So bf goodrich k02 Got it
Comment from : @ccloud3981

Shame the Falken's aren't available in the UK And the KO3's are taking forever to be released
Comment from : @jamesbuckle6077

My tires all dry rot before I wear them out So cheapest is cheapest for me That’s why I just ordered kuhmos for 120 something per for my super duty
Comment from : @BeagleBob-zw7wg

I bought my first set of Falkens a year and a half ago They are the Rubitrek model These are the first set of tires in 20 years that I have not been disappointed with in some way Other brands have either worn poorly, were not round, would not balance, etc I've tried Kumho, Goodyear, Pirelli, Firestone, Cooper, Continental, BFG, General, Nitto, Michelin, and others I'm sure I'm forgetting When these wear out, I think I will stick with Falken and even try some on my other cars when the time comes
Comment from : @ejesoriginal

Too complicated Didn't get half of things he said and the score between three tires was like a 3 How do you even get that precise? I think half it is BS
Comment from : @Ipeters-farmboy18

4sets of Toyos and one st of BFG's 3r0k on a 3500 Ram dsl srw BFG's picked up every pebble and threw it forward to stone chip the truck and windshield 55K MILES ON bFG 60 ho 70 k on Toyos wouldn't risk changing
Comment from : @kerryscott3287

I would really like to see a review done on the new BridgeStone Dueler A/T2 Ascent
Comment from : @trevorjones8181

I have a 2024 Ranger Raptor and the standard KO2s are very average in the wet and also seem to lock up one front wheel in hard dry breaking, I’m going to replace them with the Kumho AT52s as I drive on road most and my Ranger Raptor has enhanced engine and is more road based now, so thanks for this review
Comment from : @gregwilliams7434

Would be great to add new NITTO Terra Grappler G3 and MAXXIS RAZR AT811 to the test
Comment from : @netsiteing

I’ve ran all these tires and the falkens are best all around Was an instant fan after spending three winters on them
Comment from : @jeremyhuntington6026

I'm not sure because at the end of the video he touched the BF tire while saying the Falken was the best tire I think his subconsciousnees is disagreeing with himLOL
Comment from : @unbearable5883

I got the Recon Grappler in 305/70/18 on my ecodiesel rubicon for summer It was about the only tire in that size that wasn’t E or F range, they’re D I don’t think they’re noisy compared to the KO2 that came on it It’s pretty much a pavement princess so, was looking for decent looking tire without being noisy Overall, it don’t see that tread being very good in the winter, doesn’t have the siping, maybe a better down south tire I got rid of the KO2 and got the old Duratracs for winter on stock rims, which it doesn’t go out much in winter The few times it did go out, better than the KO2 IMO I’ve run the Toyo AT3 on my work truck New going into winter, weight in the bed, they were great About 35k miles the started getting slippery in wet with no weight in the bed Still got 50k out of them We are running them on a couple dually service trucks, and the one guy said he likes them better than the Falken ATW3 he had last time Been running Nitto Ridge Grapplers on my truck and boss’s truck (3500 ram single wheel, F250) in 35 inch Been great for us for toughness Get new going into winter, and by next winter time for new at about 50k on them running access roads, railyards, and all weather They’re quiet for the tread, and handle high torque diesel work Currently running Duratrac RT to see if they have better winter traction than the Ridge, which is good in actual measurable snow, but not great in light snow/light film of ice They’ve been great so far but time will tell if they’re worth $95/tire over the Nitto I’ve read some good review from guys running the new Nitto G3 on HD trucks, good in the last couple snow storms
Comment from : @joewright9784

i just had the aklimates installed loving them so far in cold slush and ice no deep snow test yet very grippy
Comment from : @tested123

I think it's funny You was talking about the Falken but you was pointing at the BF Goodwrench 😂
Comment from : @jaredalexander5874

The Nitto recon grappler tires on my f150 lariat have been the biggest let down, ive had Toyo open c and BF K02 Toyo so far my fav truck tire They were quiet Recons are loud as hell, wear like shit and have horrible fuel mileage
Comment from : @makelifefun5101

Hello would be intested if you compared some budget tyres to like insta turbo tyres too please!
Comment from : @reubenjackson7829

Several friends and I have basically given up on these brands for off-road tires and have switched to Kenda Their AT2 and RT have been really impressive in the rain, off-road, and in snow, making an absolute joke out of K02s in every setting
Comment from : @keefgtp

goodyears on my ram1500 work good brthanks for your info was fun !! 🐺
Comment from : @lakyAMT

Anyone use the maxxis At811 over there?? Very popular in Australia
Comment from : @andrewford80

Comment from : @Billy-USA

Please show a side and front shot of each tire next time with the brand and type so we can see the side wall and tread pattern up close
Comment from : @thomasmartinoriginal

There's so many things stated about the KO2's in the rain and this kind of proves the people saying these things are kind of overblown Will likely be getting the KO3's when the time comes mainly cause they're lighter than the falkens and I got a yota so it's already slow as hell lol
Comment from : @pumpkin1escobar

I woulda loved to have seen KO3 in this test…
Comment from : @ayodangit

I'm entering my 4th winter on a set of Falken AT3Ws Having run BGFs and Coopers before this, I've never been able to push them this far Had to replace them due to tread wear or sidewall delamination Looking forward to checking out the AT4Ws next year
Comment from : @myronhudson1067

Great review but massively disappointed that ko3s weren’t included
Comment from : @0lamalar0

What was the time of day for each tire ?? Being an avid skier I know the snow gets super soft just after mid day but firm's up again as the sun starts to dip Should have done a second test in a different order to verify these results
Comment from : @anthonyhodges472

How was the Outpost nAT not included in this? Especially seeing how it's european 😂 please consider them! :)
Comment from : @stefman4444

My 21 ram warlock came with the at3 I really like em we finally got snow and I got to use my 4x4 And they bite pretty good And gotta do so e donuts I had to punch it kinda good to break traction Even with traction aids turned off and that's with my tread being In the red on the depth Guage
Comment from : @DayvidSlice

What about the new Bridgestone Dueler A/T Ascent?
Comment from : @TimothyDHolt

Those Fulken tires are awesome
Comment from : @EXCELSIOR_INC

The AT4W is a big disappointment The AT3W was a better tire
Comment from : @mojo4376

What about cooper at3 ? Can you do a review on it
Comment from : @ThomasAvellanFilms

Nokian nAT?
Comment from : @mitral5333

Run the test with 500kg-100kg of payload in the truck so people can see how weight/sidewalls affect things
Comment from : @JWT9656

I have had 2x sets of BFG KO2's Absolute shit on wet sealed roads
Comment from : @Mrbuckaroonie

It’s a pity you didn’t test the all new and completely re designed KO3 , it’s reported to have more grip again than the Ko2 and better sidewall ride and better mud handling than the old KO2 version brbrMaybe a shoot out between wild peaks and the KO3 when the size comes available
Comment from : @denveready3486

I’ve been running the Toyo’s on my two super duty’s for about three years, super happy with the grip in all conditions, and they are not noisy when on road, highly recommend
Comment from : @astraus5353

have yo done a video on what the mountain actually certifies? isn't it only acceleration from a rest vs a "B" traction tire?
Comment from : @cordellroberson532

please remember 3pmf is optional, some OEM chose not to mark their tires with it because they feel they have better options in their brand for such conditions, Tire rack found that out with certain Pirellis IIRC
Comment from : @cordellroberson532

Been using the kenda klever at3 for a couple winters in the Midwest and being 3 peak rated they work well but they sure are noisy on the rd
Comment from : @williambehrend5452

I'm getting my 10,000 lb Chinook camper set up for an Alaska/Artic Circle trip I ordered the Falken AT4 in a LT235/85R16 120 116s HD so I could evaluate the fit on my 1996 E350 DRW chassis I hope some of you tire guys can answer two questions that Falken has not replied to: this size is one of the exceptions regarding the 3ply side wall, its 2ply Why? 2nd questions is the warning label says not to run on RV or Comercial truckif I'm well within the load range, why the warning? Thanks
Comment from : @jimpaisley2583

I always find the US results to be interesting brThe BFGs always rate highly over there, yet in Oz, I personally find them to be lacking in most areas, particularly around wear and tear, and gripbrI just can't seem to get more than 15,000 kms out them in our harsher conditions, yet get nearly double that out of Toyos, which end up with similar in milage to Coopers, but are also a bit more durable as well brComfort and handling become almost irrelevant around here once we get 300 miles from a capital city, wet, dry, loaded, unloaded or otherwise lol
Comment from : @stevegraham3817

Geolander ?
Comment from : @ashishvishwas9952

Why didn't you add the Goodyear duratrac rt brOr tho workhorse at mind you I have the at4 falkens brBut my truck came with Goodyear when I got it
Comment from : @nuttynut54

which one if your only worried about snow? found the breakdown a tad confusing but appreciate your video cheers
Comment from : @witsend177

Can anyone tell me what race track that is!? Almost looks like the Hollytree off-road race track in Alabama, it’s been years since i was there but don’t remember it It just looks super familiar and now it’s going to bug me 💀🤣
Comment from : @amrodriguez866

Why are you testing the obsolete ko2's? THE PEOPLE WANT KO3's
Comment from : @iMakos101

I've got the Toyo's because my jeep yj came with 5 new ones when I got it I do wish it had something nasty on it
Comment from : @Yelladog78

please do this test again and add the Mickey Thompson Baja Boss AT and any other premium tire This was a great review!
Comment from : @JohnnyButtercuts

I would like to see the Mickey Thompson Baja Boss AT compared to these
Comment from : @MSchumacherfan

Any way you could do a mud test the next time you do a test like this? I go with all terrains since my driving here in the PNW deals with a lot of rain, mud, snow, and ice
Comment from : @megaconda07

Thank you so much for such objective performance information! The data review link is great too It helped me decide the Falken is best for my GX460 because I use winter tires through the snowy months here in UT Being able to drastically lower the snow performance value in the equation made my choice clear
Comment from : @hardcoreish

I would like to see you test the Nokian Outpost nAT against the others
Comment from : @xjer2880

Canadian here, and i have a slightly lifted truck on 285 75 17 BFG KO2s They did quite well the first 2 or 3 winters, but now they have avout 40,000kms on them and the performance on packed snow and ice is much worse I wanted a set of winters but its hard to find a dedicated winter tire in that size I stepped down to a 285 70 17 and ordered a set of cooper snow claws that im having studded Im hoping they will give significantly better performance that the KO2s
Comment from : @carterthiessen2664

I live in a snowy climate Toyos for me
Comment from : @NebuChadNezzarKBDN

I just wanted to point out when you were touching the tires in the results like you were pointing to the tires you kept pointing to the wrong tires I personally have been using the KO2 for the last 90k kms I do agree with them being noisy and being quite soft for cornering and the like I did really like the video though lots of great information :)
Comment from : @smartiesfreak

You should test all at and mud tires in the snow/ ice just for a comparison to the rated ones I would love to see how the milestar M/T tires do in all of it
Comment from : @bloodbushcraft2467

Great Video good mix of real/objective data paired with personal/subjective opinion
Comment from : @majorvice3309

Would love to see 1:1 comparison between Falken AT4W and Nitto Terra Grappler G3
Comment from : @majorvice3309

I've owned the BFG KO'S, two sets of KO2'S and now the Mickey Thompson Baja Boss A/T 35x125x17 Tires load range "D" on my trucksbrbrI really liked the BFG tires but I like the Mickey Thompson tires better
Comment from : @sixshooter4570

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