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How Companies Are Dodging Trump Tariffs On Canada, Mexico And China

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Title :  How Companies Are Dodging Trump Tariffs On Canada, Mexico And China
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Comments How Companies Are Dodging Trump Tariffs On Canada, Mexico And China

OK my question is if/when the tariffs come will the product that was "Front Loaded" going to stay at pre-tariff prices or is this a buy low sell high type of deal?brwe are still paying pandemic prices for pandemic products or for those who just said huh high prices for less product
Comment from : @mychellevanschaick4321

undercutting american manufacturing and workers should have a risk
Comment from : @PirithiumX

Dont blame Trump supporters, they just can't understand I don't blame them
Comment from : @LaurieMacDonald-x8w

Fascinating! How great the impact of a politician could bring upon his subjects during his reign and after, no wonder they regularly wear Emperor's New Clothes!
Comment from : @etbuch4873

Trump introduced tarrifs so people would buy American products but not enough factories have been set up in the US to produce the amount of goods Americans consume
Comment from : @precognation

American company in China ship back to United States yeah they should pay bring the company back to United States
Comment from : @miccowolf4601

And you know what they do even if they have a stockpile? The moment the tariffs are active they still charge more
Comment from : @fabianhwnd6265

Why would you skirt and dodge the policies of the person you voted into office? I mean it seems you may be unamerican and a traitor I mean this is why you voted him into office isn't it?
Comment from : @mikemahoney295

I hope Trump does everything he said he would fo and screw Americans good This is what these self-righteous ignorant people confidently voted for
Comment from : @BigDaddyDax

Is that what cha want murrica😂
Comment from : @mrt4916

Comment from : @cogitate150

Buy only what u need, screw all this garbage
Comment from : @red7574

Any company can avoid tariffs by relaying the product through untariffed countries
Comment from : @TheSolitaryMonk

Some economists are worried that the policies of Trump 20 will prove to be inflationary My question is, does the economy really determine the stock market? I still see booming performances and curious how to turn the market in my favor
Comment from : @lacreshahicks

Designer shoes are a bold faced scam built to promote big government
Comment from : @samuelclark1095

Trump was a corrupt business man who just brought in his goons to the White House
Comment from : @apollovacademy6066

Why are they avoiding tarif? Isnt that wat the US wanted? Face the trouble or stand up against that orange dictator before it is too late He is only making unpredictable decisions and no business likes unpredictable policies
Comment from : @hylkeheidstra2274

so dumb Trump wants to create an External Revenue Sevice completely ignorant to the fact that the duty is collected by customs I can see the winning already OH God help us
Comment from : @vicdangiolo

Trump is thinking that other countries will come and invest in USA and build manufactures in the USA to avoid tarifs …not going to happen…China have all countries in the world to trade with, and have Russia and India on his side and North Korea cheap labor…so no not now not ever…
Comment from : @msbebelle07

My major concern is how I can protect and preserve my wealth in savings against the various harmful economic forces, regardless of what the high and mighty economic talking heads discuss at economic seminars What are the instruments I can buy to help meet my goal?
Comment from : @AnnDiageon

It's basically man-made "pandemic" supply chain conditions
Comment from : @xjjfjfdjdh9993bbhhhh5hjjjjd

"All costs in commerce are passed down to the consumer"thats capitalism 101, so congratulations America you just f×cked yourselves
Comment from : @alphacentauri2103

So these companies are taking advantage of cheap foreign slave labor…lets make goods within the US instead of
Comment from : @thesig301

Being in the Meera Grayson server and starting trading is literally changing my life I'm starting with a small $4,700 account but I got it up to $14,370 in one week! Not a lot of money but that's a big growth for me🎉🎉
Comment from : @AGT878

Being in the Meera Grayson server and starting trading is literally changing my life I'm starting with a small $4,700 account but I got it up to $14,370 in one week! Not a lot of money but that's a big growth for me🎉🎉
Comment from : @AGT878

Cuba and Peru joined BRICS🎉🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : @feyolopez4712

5:16 I say to myself: "These big companies all bankrolled Trump Surely they wouldn't back a candidate that would hurt them" And boom I have my answer, "hurts small to medium importers" trying to squash rising competition?
Comment from : @sor3999

Higher prices for consumers and a lot of jobs lost, high unemployment, Terrible economy, thats what trump is bringing, not to mention disasters and diseases While he and his billionaire friends line their pockets
Comment from : @mgdiaz2158

I thought you would stop the war in Ukraine, Russia Trump?brbrbrbrYou said (in the first day of duty as the 47th president you would finally end the war in Ukraine,Russia) Than it never happens ???
Comment from : @Zach78-b3k

Trump is going to destroy his rich donors' businesses with his dumb tariffs!
Comment from : @dexterspeights3484

Its not going to last even though they bought in bulk
Comment from : @casandraramirez7526

Train wreck is moving fast - broadcast popped up about a boat seller - product (boat) held at boarder - if there’s even one part in a bin that’s from China additional paperwork is needed so it’s being held up
Comment from : @Jenesaisquoi44

I hate cheap Chinese crap Breaks to fast and quality is junk
Comment from : @aliekatsmom

Go ahead show us how to get around tarriffs (like traitors) And DOGE will have a way around that too! 😂😂
Comment from : @lisalisavirgowarrior1111

Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800 Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family
Comment from : @ClarieZwiehoff

Greedy azz Amerikkka done out smarted its self DRWMF😂
Comment from : @TAP-g6l

C how much of a stupid human being adverbs voted in hah hah SUCKERS
Comment from : @richard2720

By just reading some of the comments in this thread, shows that the uneducated masses have no clue what capitalism actually is These imbeciles don't understand that buy low, sell high is the very definition of capitalism And that is what they shout that makes this the best country in the world over other economys Minds, full of slogans and propaganda, not an original thought to be found No wonder why there is another imbecile getting ready to destroy the economy for the working class, that voted for him as well as those who didn't
Comment from : @gilbertcox290

If corporate America does what they said they said were going to begin, save consumers money The prices will stay the same They moved production to overseas not to save us money but the fatten their pockets but when they left, they said it was to make the products cheaper instead of passing the savings on They pocketed all the money and now complaining because Trump is trying to reverse the disastrous economy Bring jobs back to America!!!!
Comment from : @WilliamCampbell-bo1dr

Lol that means your cheap Temu $5 items will soon be a $30 item for low quality material 😂
Comment from : @rachellynnsummers6273

looks like U S is sticking it 2 themselves
Comment from : @edlinke2368

Comment from : @knowahnosenothing4862

I won’t allow it
Comment from : @AlexandraWilliams-lp6qc

As is the berkshire has a clue Think for a moment a million $ worth of goods, should last for 4 or 5 days You watch the berkshire will get their coinbrIf you think any bigger company gives a rats ass, step back and have another bong hit !
Comment from : @jeffbarron5500

I thought retaliation is not allowed in business 😂
Comment from : @mabryfamily1720

OMG! She spread false information, I am wondering who paid her to hurt America?😅
Comment from : @liyang080

Stop playing in our face white boy said we make shoes but ship them from china
Comment from : @ThatsACap-me4gn

But they will still sell all that stock at new tariffed price $$$$
Comment from : @Libtard1

As a response to all the Tarriffs and sanctions imposed on nations by America brEvery nation should should sanction and boycott AmericabrDon't buy anything from them and don't sell anything to them
Comment from : @krazykillar4794

Everyone hates The Untited Snakes of America and nobody is afraid of thembrThe Arabs will stop trading in dollars soon and as soon as they do the value of the dollar will drop
Comment from : @krazykillar4794

Trump is a idiot 🙄 brHis supporters overrate him, brHe is not a good politicianbrbrHe thinks these Sanctions and Tariffs only affect the rest of the world Everyone is sick and tired of the Americans and their Petro dollars brEven the Saudis want to Join BRICS , they have even started to develop ties with Iran 🇮🇷 😂brbrThe moto for 2025 is brdump the dollar
Comment from : @krazykillar4794

😆 The Yankies thought Trump was really going to make America Great AGAIN ! 😂brWhen was America Great to begin with ?brI've heard of Great Britain brBut I Never heard of a brGreat America
Comment from : @krazykillar4794

I can’t believe anyone wanting to move to Canada under dictator Trudope
Comment from : @ruthhurren7232

With respect to the automobile industry, just some food for thought If tariffs are put in place, at some point, depending on how high the tariffs are, it will make more sense economically to make these cars in the US rather than Mexico as the tariffs will offset the lower cost of labor in Mexico That, in turn, will lead to an increase in car manufacturing in the US and thus manufacturing jobs Although broad tariffs are unwise, in my opinion, targeted tariffs could be beneficial to the US manufacturing industry This is often overlooked by these scaremongering reports from the MSM
Comment from : @MEsfer1234

not all prices will go up!
Comment from : @philjones5555

Now maybe America will start making things in the US like Electricsl Transformers and Antibiotics Things we should be making here for Nation Security reasons anyway And China is already doing this to us now
Comment from : @henrytoledo4103

Certainly Trump policies will have backfire impact to Amarican Be careful that Trump is shooting to Amarican own foot
Comment from : @sarbinitijan8669

its only 4 years of pain vote trump to be king for ever
Comment from : @royhindmarsh4087

Trump want manufaturing to come back to US and create more jobs for Americans
Comment from : @Psalm-wx4wh

Even though retailers have front-loaded inventory to avoid tariffs, they are still going to raise prices to increase profits and blame it on tariffs they didn't have to pay
Comment from : @jondoe406

Didn't HappenbrbrEveryone completely Complied brClose the Border stop the Fentanyl! brbrWhy is that so Hard? It shouldn't bebrbrChinese Ingredients assembled in Canada, by Canadians, so it's quite specific and personal Ya know? So WTF
Comment from : @transtrump7762

We pay for Trump s tarrifs
Comment from : @lindadavis5668

Acting like prices havent been going up for the last 5 years already
Comment from : @Elevation86

Make no mistake, they will raise prices despite front loading
Comment from : @jamielandis4606

Easy fix just dont buy
Comment from : @stevee2639

Just make shoes in US old man!!
Comment from : @duststorm2699

This is economic warfare to combat globalism Its in every Americans best interest for sure, especially the next generation of adults Wear hand me downs if you have to, quite being a consumer You're more than that in reality
Comment from : @Zippadeedoodaa-nt8om

The end result of import tariffs advance tax is paid for by the American population to the USA gov’tbrBy commodities price increaes as inflation……
Comment from : @vencheock4233

Just imagine if for example china, mexico and canada will retaliate with 25 tarriff Thats already 75 tariff against US products😂 also these countries can simply trade more with china to avoid US tariff Meanwhile the US has few options US is not as powerful as it was in a lot of manufacturing
Comment from : @anywherebisaya

IMHO, Deer Stag shoes are low-quality "disposable" footwear I purchased a pair last year, wouldn`t do it again
Comment from : @blackwaterdogs4256

There is no tariffs the Mexican president and the weirdo from Canada straighten out fast
Comment from : @antonl8346

Too little too late - Chinese firms have set up an octopus global network of manufacturing plants in Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Africa, and South America These companies are registered by local names but operated by Chinese owners
Comment from : @rosenguyen6635

The imported fruit taste like WATER
Comment from : @MothaEssence

More American jobs and more quality stuff
Comment from : @MothaEssence

Consumers higher prices, debt goes higher, foreclosures start again, big banks get help little to middle income DISAPPEARS INTI TENT CITIES HESUS … when is someone gong to wake the cheetos brain up… we’re all going down this entire continent …
Comment from : @JeanineH

Disgusting there’s going to be such a crash… Chinas gonna come out on top… USA is done … this is so upsetting and yall voted him in …
Comment from : @JeanineH

you should stop making videos about things you know nothing about
Comment from : @Batx00091

We should be manufactoring this crap here!!!! Getem Trump
Comment from : @gamerson2504

10 for China isn’t nearly enough, the gov Is being way too easy on the communist republic
Comment from : @mortalman01

The semiconductor industry incentive to build a semiconductor plant in the USA was done by Fmr Pres Joe Biden It wasn't implemented due to tariffs, it was due to China's constant threat of invading Taiwan (produces 85 of the worlds chips
Comment from : @msp9810

I don't know why people are so upset Trump said he was going to do all these things and he still got voted in these are the consequences
Comment from : @Kerry-z4n

WHY DON'T YOU SAY WHAT IT IS EXACTLY WHY THESE COMPANIES ARE STOCKING UP??brThey stock up buying all these products at a cheaper cost but when the tariffs hit they will say "We need to increase the price" So all they are doing is actually price gouging the average American making huge profits off LIE Oh wait you elected the biggest Liar in America as your co president to the Nazi musk
Comment from : @cinmanmoo

Sound like these companies don't want the add reasonable of factories and just want to sklm the easy money off the top now there caught with there shoes off
Comment from : @WilliamBone-w3o

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