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will a narcissist ever pay you back the money they owe you? With @ResilientAF

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Information will a narcissist ever pay you back the money they owe you? With @ResilientAF

Title :  will a narcissist ever pay you back the money they owe you? With @ResilientAF
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Comments will a narcissist ever pay you back the money they owe you? With @ResilientAF

Comment from : @Rainbowofthefallen

Soooo true!
Comment from : @SuckerPunch92

2 words Hell No!
Comment from : @mikesmith6594

This is what my Mother did to me Smh, I still feel some of the sting of what she has done to me for 10 yrs (since I came back from living out of State Aug 2003) Now is like I don't trust her at all
Comment from : @LusciousBlackQueen

Is it even worth going to small claims court over money he owes on a loan I cosigned for him while we were married? (His mother manipulated me and talked me into it) He won't pay me back even with a court document! I think I'll have to garnish him
Comment from : @nicolebeard6051

Man talk about entitlement my daughter’s father was mad that I claimed our daughter on my taxes mind you he barely gives money to help take care of her and he doesn’t live with us she lives with me He caught a fit and said I stole his money 🤣🤣
Comment from : @kerenthomas1392

He stole $600 and when I said he was a thief he said if I continue to call him names he would sue me for slander Once I had my lawyer contact him about it he suddenly talked to God and “even though he did nothing wrong, he would give me the $600”
Comment from : @ChristieGray-s6u

Omgosh, he sure did ask me to give him a number of how much I think he owes me so he can make payments over time! I basically told him to put those payments into a savings account for himself so that he wouldn't need to "borrow" any more money lol
Comment from : @JenJen-80sbaby

Her skits are superb!!!! Lol
Comment from : @TheTbear103

Telescope to look at the MoonLee you crack me up!!! LMAO
Comment from : @passion8princess261

I would glick glock the windows out of his car and house Over my $4879 that I’ve rounded up to $60 But he’s a cop that’s the only thing that saves him🤦🏽‍♀️🤣 I gotta steal something out of his house to make me happy😂😂😂
Comment from : @2_blAck

Mine just talking She remembered, even several times talked about it as if she'll pay them asap But, nope Zero until now
Comment from : @lajimolala4968

This so accurate ‼️‼️
Comment from : @peppaminttea

Hi Lee, can you please do a video on why many narcissists (not all narcissists!) always show up late?
Comment from : @okaywow3486

I was hoping you and her knew each other!!
Comment from : @_spacepony_

I never really had this issue He went out of his way to pay everyone back mainly I guess because he didn't want to look bad If I loaned him something when he was short at that moment he'd pay me back double, and always shared when he hit a lick He always said "if I eat, you eat" Too bad money couldn't solve all of his other issues
Comment from : @lljcool8009

Go ahead and write that money off
Comment from : @sirg-had8821

Thank you for this video Lee!!!
Comment from : @heavenlyprecog23

This is my life currently! My ex husband is refusing to pay me back He actually said he doesn't think he should pay me back because I benefitted (which was a lie)🙄😅
Comment from : @nicolebeard6051

I can feel all that my soon to be ex-husband has me in debt thatI' I'm getting back on track I left him and don't expect him to pay shit, he created bills when we we're together so I don't expect anything from him Not a man of his word # Bum
Comment from : @ILovewater-2mill

Yes This is a problem I had throughout the relationship He would always clock my money as if he was entitled to it but if I asked about his it was “none of my business” 🙄 or “stay outta my pockets” while he was all up in mine
Comment from : @JessLin0304

I looooove Syn!!! Both your videos are so helpful
Comment from : @JessLin0304

Even when it’s court ordered, they won’t pay you back Sucks to suck
Comment from : @cliffordkelleher0142

And 2 can play that game When he owes me money his stuff goes missing It's held for ransom by me until I get my payment in full with late fees and penalties added 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
Comment from : @twofry64

Without even watching the video, I knew the answer My daughter tells people I owe her because I spent more money on my son Who went to college Never asked for anything
Comment from : @seameology

I already know the answer to thathell to the no, they won't
Comment from : @brendaleverick3655

Damn they all behave exactly the same, as you once said they seem to be graduates from unaccredited school of narcissism My female narc ex had asked me for a lot of money and while she was discarding me I didn't even ask about the money She suspected maybe that I'll reach out to her family or something, kept saying I don't want your two pennies, I'd give them back once I have them Once she discarded and I, not knowing about toxic people, was confused and broken and reached out to her family She freaked out and told her family that I gave her money forcefully I thankfully had evidence and showed her sister that she demanded it, and I refused to take it back but her sister managed to return most of it back
Comment from : @khurramawan6338

Learned this one the hard way My ex emptied out my retirement fund, racked up $300,000 of debt in my name even sucked the equity out of my house and left me to raise HIS children with no child support Now he tells everyone "I'm going through a bad divorce She's trying to take me for everything I have!" 🙄
Comment from : @yugenknows740

Still waiting… like a surprise pregnancy, like Im not expecting it but it will happen and I’ll be shocked but accept it 😂knowing all along my tubes are tied 🤦🏾‍♀️
Comment from : @blklacquer

It didn't take very long to figure out what he was doing
Comment from : @loriewallace8922

Yes this is so true He still owes me $500 He tried to say i owed him rent
Comment from : @GroovyChic868

I'm on disability and doing without needshe is a millionaire earning at least 160K/yearhe takes home in a week more than i get for the month even after paying taxes/health insurance/401Khe can't navigate the internet, so he would ask me to buy things for him onlineat one point he owed me about $300 and it took 3 monthskept crying poverty
Comment from : @110311DONTWANTCHANNE

While dating a narc, I asked what if your partner earns more than you?brbrHe answered, It's a good thing ALL the money comes home His partner could take care of expenses while he'll be working on a start-upbrbrYes duh📍brAutomatic entitlement to other person's money💸
Comment from : @Nidhi_Maheshwari

I never give $ I can't afford to lose Loan or no Consider it gone
Comment from : @danielleadair7394

Short answer: nope!
Comment from : @nappyfries

Pay me back or go to jail Either one is fine with me
Comment from : @ChelseyTheDawn

Currently going through thisin many respects I feel trapped😢
Comment from : @OriginalIndigeness

For the narc its, your money is my money and my money is my money (the little or non existent) Its always a double standard
Comment from : @marylu2216

From my own experience, hell no they wont! Its been 11 years and havent seen a cent!brbrLove ResilientAF!💛 Her skits are spot on!
Comment from : @marylu2216

I held the you're about to be exposed mirror up to his face He organized the payback money so freakishly fast it was amazing to see the action!
Comment from : @reuben1527

Yup This too Ticks me off! The more I learn the more I feel like a fool and can't trust anyone Not even myself! I believed him! You can only do that so long before whatever happens to you becomes your fault Unbelievable I've been such a blind fool
Comment from : @spicyphilly

My mom always paid me back the money I lent her But sometimes I’d tell her not to worry about it, so maybe that’s why? My cousins, after BORROWING money from our grandmother, both REFUSED to pay her back, saying “It was a gift” How tf can you say that when the person who lent it to you is straight up asking “when are you paying me back?” People are so entitled, it’s crazy My grandma finally wrote them outta her will after they pulled that a few times
Comment from : @someoneyoudontknow7705

Nope lol everything she just said is 1000000 accurate I was going thru this with the narc here recently and I was being falsely lied to for 3 months and I haven’t been paid yet and the narc said he don’t give a damn he not paying
Comment from : @melanatedgoddess7743

Entitlement drives that bus
Comment from : @stevehartwell1861

I’m in court suing him now and he’s surprised 🤣 I got the text messages so I’m sure the shame monster will show up🤣 Lee keep it going
Comment from : @MrTeddyBoy89

Comment from : @SectionHikingTheAT

Oh wow that's the absolute truth He used to reach out telling me how much he misses me and still wants to be with me blah blah blah , at first I thought wow he must be ligit but no it was the buildup to ask for money when I say no I can't or you still owe me that's when he blocks me for months on end LOLs brbrI really am not crazy
Comment from : @nawawees9666

Lololol no, of course they wont
Comment from : @MamboNombre5

Facts!!!! I have chalked it up to a lesson learned and let it go My peace is more valuable
Comment from : @KR-hg6nq

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