Title | : | Why 80% Of Day Traders Lose Money |
Lasting | : | 11.04 |
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Views | : | 737 rb |
My gain is 33 in 2 months I do it part-time and made 100k trading last year Comment from : @MyDyerMaker |
Another interesting video from the One & Only Graham Stephan I heard Timothy Sykes say on a video recently that it took around 2 to 3 years for all his later millionaire students to profit consistently with day trading Timothy says it's a marathon, not a sprint Comment from : @sterlthepearl1000 |
Success in life is the result of good judgement Good judgement is usually the result of experience And experience is usually the result of bad judgement Comment from : @sterlthepearl1000 |
Market is efficient, that's the reason Comment from : @marcovieira5636 |
I think the more u trade ,more u looselesser u trade in terms of time u will be more saving ur account from liquidationalso,holding a trade longer is common cause of losses Comment from : @PrashantKhatavkar-w1n |
80? No It's over 90 Comment from : @jameslinmd |
Dont let the failure scare you from trying Comment from : @DISCIPLINEX100 |
Rlkb Asts and mstr investors be like 6:39 Comment from : @joshuaneave7865 |
I had problem comprehending trading in general I tried watching other YouTube trading channels, but they made the concepts more complicated I was almost giving up until when i discovered content and explain everything in detail The videos are easy to follow Comment from : @ekawelesarah4637 |
A fool and his money are soon parted Comment from : @kirkin2006 |
One word psychology Comment from : @danielbrink9475 |
Commenting for the algorithm Comment from : @Saavys |
I'll pay tax on long term capital gains over short term any day Comment from : @TheTangoAlfa1 |
most people don’t understand the market And they don’t understand that it takes time to understand market behavior and market psychology Comment from : @bioshock9998 |
Day traders lose money because the first thing they do is read a book or watch videos from a price action "guru" and go to the charts when in reality the chart is laggy and price action is prediction which is faulty What really drive the market and moves price is value ( in case you speak of foreign exchange ) interest rate for indexes or volume for commodities (gold, silver) Actually volume works for s&p500, nq as well tl;dr: price action guru's create victims by presenting a "concept" which is unvalidated mechanism, like going to the casino and putting it all on red because a made-up term called "fair value gap" was "filled" like WTF? Comment from : @andrei-cristianfilip205 |
Daytrading is a skill that needs to be learnt over time You can't just pick up a guitar and play like Jimi Hendrix so why expect you can do that with trading? Comment from : @mountainlogistics9882 |
trade currencies not stocks Comment from : @lucaqueiroz4251 |
watch ICT Comment from : @gooserb7042 |
As a day trader, I have an annual income of 500K Comment from : @JRM---516 |
I think the average day trader account size is relevant too Someone with a small account has a higher likelihood to become impatient or trade options to try to get up quicker, while someone with a large account will be more likely to make safer trades that nearly guarantee them a hundred bucks upside, for example I think scale is a purposefully overlooked reason as to why bmost/b day traders fail If trading just simply didn't work, there wouldn't be professional traders employed at firms and banks Comment from : @ninezerotwo1778 |
❤❤❤ Comment from : @christinab9133 |
a stock going down does not matter if you knew this and already shorted it Brokers give you leverage so you don't have to wait 10 years to make profit, you can literally make profit the same day Comment from : @xondeez757 |
Emotional trading and ignorance Comment from : @carsonpowers8523 |
Back when Graham had his credibility Comment from : @TheNORegretShow |
Graham- The reason most traders lose money, beyond the reasons you mentioned is due to improper tools They are not using Market relevant tools I learned this the hard way A little piece of the puzzle here and a little there, but never the complete picture to take a trader across the finish line time and time again and the second has everything to do with the individual as you mentioned in part Designed or gathered my own to turn my trading around Comment from : @micahthompson3762 |
Thanks! Comment from : @robertpayne9009 |
as someone who is 18 i have a high risk tolerance and the only way to get rich is by approaching high yield opportunities whilst not allowing them to ruin my life having room for error but also allowing the wins to be so massive it can account for the losses Comment from : @v-hypertopic7757 |
what about the people who take it as a skill and train consistently for years until they master risk management and hone their strategy keep to their trading plan practice mastering psychology Comment from : @v-hypertopic7757 |
I bought OTM puts on NVDA and I'm down 80 Fk trading I'll stick with buying real estate Comment from : @andersonandrew112 |
Stop saying investing Day trading is completely different And yes, majority is losing Because it takes more than they think Comment from : @icsongi |
Thank you I needed this Comment from : @sheriflatif7800 |
The issue with this is you must be consistent and keep changing your strategy with the market which is impossible to predict Comment from : @raymondctchow |
I day traded for a few hours right after turning 18 and I made 17 cents :D Comment from : @InsertMyChineseUsername |
Options Comment from : @RobFrank22 |
GREAT Comment from : @robertcliffort2354 |
And the other 20 are just flat, no loss no profit :) The real winners are the brokers Comment from : @nylixneylix8785 |
Main reason people loose money because trading penny stocks and focusing on so many stocks at a time And they can not take loss and hold their position and become swing trader and end up blow up My wife did that 😂😂 Comment from : @AnnaLia120 |
guh Comment from : @bluemodize7718 |
Mosr paid an expensive class to learn and eventually leave with hugh losses brbrThe embarrassment and shame, stop them from telling others to stay away from itbrbrThe human nature wants to get rich quick, everyone wants to have a lot of money but few are willing to see their money compounded Comment from : @TwinJalanugraha |
This is stupid, you can't diversify day trading Comment from : @chasgiv4 |
I like your video, but just one thing should be mentioned:brYou are talking about trading, and right after that you mention the word "investing" Sometimes you say "investing" and a bit after that you talk about "trading" These two terms represent two different things I know that you are mostly an investor (a successful one, which is great), but trading is a different fieldbrThe most basic distinction is that "trading" is short term and "investing" is long term Using those two terms interchangeably is just incorrect and incredibly confusing Comment from : @donkovi6303 |
Video starts at 3:05 Comment from : @gloom3821 |
So what your saying is don’t day trade Comment from : @notsnho |
Its good when people lose money in trading Comment from : @PaulyGuy1 |
Idk graham that stop loss is really important Comment from : @dunktimetm6216 |
So now it's 80? Comment from : @giorgimanjgaladze3249 |
95 decide this just sucks! Comment from : @hugavet3049 |
Stay away from day trading! How about 100 loss Why? small wins breed large losses Oh yeah, luck breeds overconfidence big time I was up 10k before losing 30k IN ONE DAY! Emotionally hijacked! Literally have no idea who was pushing the buttons Hard expensive lessons Can't stop now I am a slave Comment from : @hugavet3049 |
Lost 5k this week day trading Never again will I do this Comment from : @imveryhungry112 |
Thinking about wallstreetbets this entire video Comment from : @solitaryvibes2332 |
Excellent video! Comment from : @Andrew-cn6rc |
HahahabrYou are skeptical of one of the best intraday traders out there, while the real scammers whom ACTUALLY live off their subs are still out there Look further my dude if u want the real truth Comment from : @DK4Code |
That’s why I rather become a broker than a trader 😉 Comment from : @davontawilliams3958 |
I hulk smashed that like button Comment from : @TheRealDegen100 |
If you want to make money on trading, buy shares in the trading house Same with a casino: the suckers go there and play, the smart people run the place Comment from : @CatsMeowPaw |
Hey man Can you please add subtitles brCuz I can't understand your accent ❤️❤️ Comment from : @rudramohan1957 |
Thank you, your always on point Comment from : @SgtMannyGunz369_nypd |
As one of the 20 Could you kindly shut up We are the ones taking from the 80 🤣 Comment from : @NeonGen2000 |
good video Comment from : @iroast7333 |
You can't compare Buffet's 30 return from investments with a day trader's returnsInvestors don't trade swing lows and swing highs during every day thus they don't make profits from the difference between the daily swing low's and swing high's Comment from : @shadowhunter241 |
Yup Nailed that one Comment from : @hawkeye4469 |
So you telling me i should not buy high and sell low? Comment from : @sonder_ |
SPACE AGE TRADER'S ALERT 📢 WEBULL, YOUTUBE FOLLOWERS AND FELLOW AMERICANS 😀 brbrGood Monday morning 🌄 , to all I hope that everyone is okay As for myself, I'm feeling great 👍physically and in good spiritsbrbrAAPL, SPCE, COIN, CLOV & TSLA, brare my biggest positions and I expect them to be held down all this week as posted in my comments last week brbrHowever, with that being said, I plan to invest more money into each of them today, while they are still pretty cheap I'm going to beat big on TSLA today not because of earnings call but because I believe in what Elon Musk is doing with the company and I'm willing to wait to be rewardedbrbrOh Yeah, I want be posting to WEBULL much longer because I've fully integrated myself into the Stockmarket via friends and family So therefore, there's no need to keep playing out in the open and subject myself to Wallstreet prejudices against my kindbrbrWell in short, I will become known as Ghost Trader XbrbrPeace, Love and Respect , it's been fun Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
Trading is 90 psychology 10 strategy/knowledge Comment from : @angeloseconomopoulos8918 |
80 lose because they jump in with no strategy, no knowledge, and loads of hope! Comment from : @vitsin87 |
You know, I was asked what do I really think about our US 🇺🇸 STOCKMARKET brMy truth is this, it saddens me to know that our Stockmarket is being ran by such simple minded individualsbrbrSincerely ,brRB Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
SPACE AGE TRADER'S ALERT 📢 WEBULL, YOUTUBE FOLLOWERS AND FELLOW AMERICANS 😀 brbrToday the Stockmarket is looking a little unusual but there's nothing to fear if you're on both sides of your trade brbrOption Day Traders, br1to3 months expiration time, is how the Day Trading Game is played in 2021brbrIf you've been unsuccessful with your trading, try rethinking your approach brThe next time you trade and your Broker gets hell bent on taking your money 💰, just have a friend place a trade in your opposite direction and see how that works out brbrit's so simple, I wonder why so many trades are losing I mean, it's like boxing , you have to avoid being hit, so you learn to weave and bobbbrbrThink of me, as a coach and take heed!brbrPeace ✌ OG-RB Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
CNBC brscript today,brMarkets Hit By Covid , brBut that's a False Narrative brbrThe Truth is, it's been Hit By a Smooth OperatorbrbrOG Reggie B Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
0:37 its bc they are also day trading and they need to get their money back Comment from : @littleretroship6403 |
🤔 I’m surprised it’s only 80 Comment from : @ShaneCM |
SPACE AGE TRADER'S ALERT 📢 WEBULL ,YOUTUBE FOLLOWERS AND FELLOW AMERICANS 😀 brbrAs you can see, the stockmarket is headed down and running 🏃♂️ from OG Reggie B brbrWhen the Stockmarket is in motion on the upside, I ain't nothing nice because I run plays like the legendary Jerry Rice of the SF 49ersbrbrSo like a defeated beast The Wallstreet Cowgirls bring down the entire Stockmarket to keep their most vulnerable parts from being exposed to OG-RB Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
SPACE AGE TRADER'S ALERT 📢 WEBULL, YOUTUBE FOLLOWERS AND FELLOW AMERICANS 😀 brbrI've taken the Stockmarket hostage and I offer you proof of my life,brbrYou guys, Pick any stock and I mean any and leave it in this comment section and I'll take control of it and hold it, until you guys say release itbrbrWho Out there don't believe me by now, post your pick and watch me work I'm a beast babybrbrOG Reggie B brWord is Bond! Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
Oh Yeah! the SPCE stock is primed and ready for the 050/050 delta setup entrybrbrRemember it's very important to buy your options with a minimum of thirty days expiration and always close or roll your position at least one week before expiration to keep from becoming a victim of the Theta killer ie time expirationbrbrPeace ✌ OG-RB Comment from : @Tweetogreggieb59 |
day trading and investing are totally different You should have known the difference before making this video Comment from : @qwerty83484 |
diversification in daytrading? what are you talking about? Best streaks I've had were based on strong trends, risk control and emotions monitoring Once any of those element is gone - your money is gone too Comment from : @therzook |
I think the pandemic has taught people a big lesson, having one stream of income is not really a good idea cause your job doesn't secure your financial needs The pandemic has really set out business minded people from the rest that is why I'm so lucky to be amongest the investors trading with harry_fxvalue on insta as his student it's been success and happiness since the beginning of my trades!!! Comment from : @danielzadimi562 |
Because 80 don’t know the secret and I haven’t seen anyone talk about the easy strategy Comment from : @drizzle335 |
It's unavoidable because of the Pareto Principle Comment from : @tmengucor |
As a long-term investor, I thank all you day traders(gamblers) for giving me your money 😂 Comment from : @terran236 |
It's actually 90 Good to take advice from someone who knows the facts and actually trades Comment from : @neversaidiwas4566 |
363 is only a lot if we are talking about 363 of your entire funds I literally roll up and smoke 363 of my paycheck into my lungs simply for recreation every single week and still pay my bills, save money and invest in stocks If someone decides to day trade the stock market and they loose 363 of their money I don't see what the problem is because you should only use money you are willing to loose Investing into the stock market is easy and investing is the general purpose of the stock market Day Trading the stock market is different than investing and dramaticallynoexponentially harder Investing is like an average joe going to the park to play some Basket Ball with the locals and actually keeping up Day Trading is like trying to hop on the NBA court with NBA players and expecting to actually keep up I'm not saying that its rare for people to be good enough to keep up with NBA players I'm saying that people that can keep up with NBA players are absolutely not abundant Basically over 80 of people will not be good enough or ever will be good enough to keep up with NBA players no matter how much they practice Thats the level of the playing field when you click that Buy or Sell button I encourage people to try new things but at the same time use your fucking head and don't jump blindly into something without being prepared for the consequences Nobody wants to loose money but that is the nature of trading Everyone knows this Don't trade if you can't handle loosing money Thats just my opinion Comment from : @blackryan5291 |
get rich quick sounds like me, although i only buy etf funds They are all growth stocks, some dividends index, sp 500, total markets, and the most risky ones are the ark etfs surely these wont go down in the long run? i plan to never sell these Comment from : @IamAWESOME3980 |
Invest in S&P 500 index fund under a low-cost company (vanguard) using tax-benefit accounts (Roth IRA, 401(k)) once a month/week to average out the prices you purchased them Give it a few decades and there you go, that’s it Don’t have to spend tons of hours researching, you just buy it and let it sit there Comment from : @jakewebster755 |
No duh but the profits are fkn beautiful Comment from : @saqu3197 |
I don't always understand what you discuss, but Im learning Comment from : @danicegewiss862 |
Biggest scam in history Comment from : @Capsfan-vp1jf |
20 years ago I did daytrading I broke about even, but was not worth the time and stress So if you include my time and stress I lost Comment from : @covercalls88 |
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