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Why Beginners Lose Money In The Stock Market

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Title :  Why Beginners Lose Money In The Stock Market
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Comments Why Beginners Lose Money In The Stock Market

Recently bought some recommended stocks and now they are just penny stocks There seems to be more negative portfolios in the last 3rd half of 2023 with markets tumbling, soaring inflation, and banks going out of business My concern is how can the rapid interest-rate hike be of favor to a value investor, or is it better avoiding stocks for a while?
Comment from : @CalebMartin2U

I started investing in VOO and haven't made anything in 4 months, actually lost money I could be making 425 on that money every month in a HYSA I get it's supposed to be for long term but there is zero momentum
Comment from : @user-rs2zh8gy4x

My "investment journey" is just getting started, and I intend to invest $100k in dividend companies in order to earn up to 30 in dividend yields annually Do you have any advice?
Comment from : @LesterHess-t1x

If you really want international, just do 75 in VTI and 25 in international, Dave's strategy involves expensive active funds and overweights you to small caps actually increasing risk, and recently, underperforming
Comment from : @HW9-s2

I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 85K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30 per year in dividend returns Any advice?
Comment from : @RobbieNixon-d1w

My advice to everyone is that saving is great but investment is the key to being successful imagine investing $8,000 and receiving $43,000 I appreciate Johannes Ann Ludwig's guides
Comment from : @JessicaYoung-b7v

My brother got me started with investing a few years ago Made many of these mistakes along the way, even invested a little into 2 companies that were later revealed to be frauds(not making the products they advertised) Investing started out very stressful for me But after a lot of prayer, at the beginning of this year I figured out what the best strategy and goals are for me And I understand how different types of holdings work, how they are taxed, and so on Now I'm excited and motivated about investing, I DCA every month, and I finally see God blessing my efforts!
Comment from : @adamspiker5507

bI'm glad you made this video/b it reminds me of my transformation from a nobody to good home, $34k monthly and a good daughter full of love
Comment from : @atedoghudappa8953

International stocks are a waste of time Vti or voo and chill Also I would yolo 10 into a multibagger , that’s how you get rich Ie palantir (esp if you’re young and your portfolio is small)
Comment from : @thomaskim2159

Not a single human comment in here
Comment from : @NvidiaRTX5080

I've always been fascinated by investing, but when I tried stock investing early this year, it hasn't been as successful as I expected However, I keep seeing good news about the stock market Any recommendation will be much appreciated
Comment from : @Anessa-gibson

Buy stocks which you think has huge potential to grow Seeing my portfolio grow changed my life for good
Comment from : @Johnwestly-l6n

Bro really refuses to change his mind about crypto😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @connorpena373

bad strategy, not sticking to a strategy, or its the year 2000
Comment from : @dakota5569

The stock market is just filled with both overvaluation due to rapid gains and strong economic fundamentals justifying high valuations Raises concern for my $600K equities going 8 up and 20 down So is it better to hold on or sell off positions to hold cash?
Comment from : @Graceh-t8o

The best thing a beginner investor can do is by the S&P 500 any time I have tried to beat the market I have lost money
Comment from : @chrisbaker2669

George, no advisor would recommend 25 in each of those investment categories People would be much better off with a target date index fund than doing that split
Comment from : @Joenzinator

You will lower you risk by using four types of equity Yeah that's not how you lower your risk You lower your risk by diversifying with low risk and higher risk funds Equity are higher risk You need some income funds to lower risk How much depends on your age Risk profile and other factors
Comment from : @laundrygoddess4

I like this guy far more than Dave
Comment from : @troublesome3607

negative content is all I get Have a nice day
Comment from : @FlatWaterFilms

What I don’t understand is, on one hand we are told the stock market will crash and yet on the other we are told ways of investing in the stock market Oxymoron or paradox? I'm considering investing over 150k, but I'm uncertain about risk mitigation strategies
Comment from : @CrystalJoy-32

Just sold a property in Texas and I'm thinking to put the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying its ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $200k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point
Comment from : @PhilipBeck-h8l

bI had problem comprehending trading in general I tried watching other YouTube trading channels, but they made the concepts more complicated I was almost giving up until when i discovered content and explain everything in detail The videos are easy to Follow/b
Comment from : @Vandyjames

1) never ever do penny stocks!!! Omg!
Comment from : @kimberiysmarketstrategy

We are in our 50s with nearly $3M saved, no debt and $50K annual spending But we avoid the stock market completely
Comment from : @don_hug

The stock market is definitely picking up pace right now, but I still think investors should be careful at this time I'm actually a newbie in this space, so I'm open to hearing other investors' take on this
Comment from : @HaroldSimmons-mf3ep

you don't need international stocks, Love George but no, that is bad advice They under perform the S&P 500 by so much
Comment from : @joshuawilliams6153

1 Not Understanding What You're Investing In 1:07 br2 Not Diversifying Your Portfolio 1:48 br3 Jumping In And Out Of The Market 2:28 br4 Not Understanding Or Ignoring Fees 5:06 br5 Ignoring Taxes 6:47 br6 Not Having A Clear Investing Goal Or Strategy 8:15
Comment from : @matthewmcnemar8248

You should've insesrted Jim Gaffigan singing "Hot Pocket"!!😆
Comment from : @summerbaby4600

I'm a plumber making over $100k a year, and I've never invested before but do have a substantial cash saving I'm thinking about starting a Solo 401(k), but I'm stuck on what to invest in I've watched a lot of beginner videos, but I still don't know the best way to start Any real-life advice or tips would be really helpful
Comment from : @Mitchellee-g2s

Don’t pay a percentage of assets under management In George’s example, 1 of 100,000 is $1000 a year Just get an account at Schwab, Vanguard, or Fidelity and buy the funds yourself
Comment from : @briankowald6465

the stock market is a SCAMunless you have contacts on wall street, you will loseand you can't just buy Nvidia forever
Comment from : @gustofpv4470

Any advice on diversifying? I use BTC & S&P it’s just too hard not to 😢
Comment from : @DavonsMedia

I am 76 and still working!! I invest because I like seeing my portfolio grow My net worth (ZERO debts) is well into 8 figures!
Comment from : @frankalexander5401

As a passive investor, is it wise to buy market tracking index funds and ETFs from companies like Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street, even when they're at all time highs? i want to invest around 600k for retirement
Comment from : @Griffinguardian

My target retirement fund in my 401(k) had poor returns compared to the S&P 500 I switched everything to the S&P 500, but I regret not doing it earlier What are the best options for investing $200k for reliable cash flow?
Comment from : @geraldt331

The financial market has plenty of opportunities to earn which I myself took advantage of I made my first million from going diverse, mainly ETFs (stocks, bonds etc), coins, and gold I'm also working on an investment plan that includes NFTs with my FA, Susan Kay Mack It's been a year and half of steady growth
Comment from : @Gregtaylor4U

Two sponsors in one video? Ugh
Comment from : @theolufson

At 25 I was making $500/mo Your example of how easy it is, is really insulting to those just trying to make it to the next day
Comment from : @Laz_RS

Bro, your content is phenomenal I love listening to you It’s very informative and helpful Keep up the great work!
Comment from : @abufarhaz2306

Actively managed mutual funds just aren’t the move A conservative investor can invest in index funds like VOO and VTI all on their own and maintain a 015 expense ratio If they’re feeling extra spicy they can add bonds and a REIT to that as well
Comment from : @VGHSyntheticOrchestra

Crypto is gamblingbrBitcoin is investing at this point
Comment from : @JarinCOD

Crypto IS the future Bitcoin IS the future
Comment from : @burntrubber7458

You can spend years figuring things out the hard way, or you can read the book The Secret Doctrine of Wealth and save yourself the struggle
Comment from : @ozbiljnisigmator

Thanks for sharing the video! I have a question: USDT is stored on BitGet, and I have the seed phrase (surge innocent cannon include document frost exercise load okay empty secret senior) How do I transfer it to Binance?
Comment from : @JamesNowak-o3m

AGREE Do research and keep it very simple, you will still outperform 99 traders 😊
Comment from : @EIMedia888

why do people over complicate this? $100 every month in an S & P index fund inside your Roth IRA Do this from 18 to 67 and you will be a millionaire at retirement
Comment from : @freedomring3022

Good one with the tortoise race along with the ad It worked!
Comment from : @akshaysalvi-it-is

Just dollar cost average (15 of your income at a minimum) into an index fund, like a generalized total market or S&P500 tracked fund Automate it every month to make it even easier
Comment from : @tcgtpl

WSB regards be punching air rn fr
Comment from : @RubieKanary

Kamel Kamel Kamel!!!
Comment from : @akshaysalvi-it-is

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