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What Happens if China Stops Buying US Debt?

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Title :  What Happens if China Stops Buying US Debt?
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Comments What Happens if China Stops Buying US Debt?

Do you think that the US at risk since China is selling US treasuries?
Comment from : @BehindAsia

Brilliantly explained
Comment from : @afzaalkhanm

China knows they secret!! White Americans are too fake! Keep them white
Comment from : @DntKnow-m4x

These white people in America are pedophiles and China will or could expose! China doesn't wanna do business with bullshit people and thats white Americans! Too fake
Comment from : @DntKnow-m4x

All these obvious ai bots pushing financial advisors that are only there to screw over their customers make the 'Dead Internet' theory more and more beliveable as time passes
Comment from : @dereklang4451

Sell baby sell
Comment from : @estiennetaylor1260

Who thinks it isn't a good idea to hold debt from someone you'll be on war with?brThe Taiwan problem isn't resolved and the USA can't afford to lose TMSC
Comment from : @christopherzaf5768

Excellent explanation Thank you!
Comment from : @carpediem44

i think that China plans to invade taiwan soon, and to do that they must sell of US treasuries to ensure that whatever policies or sanctions the US has against China aren't as effective as they otherwise would've been
Comment from : @nkosilangazane2038

What happens if we(China) keep buying the US debt?
Comment from : @jumpman22cn

If BRICS and especially China have such leverage against USA with their treasuries (because of the risks that US faces of higher treasuries costs to finance their debts and a weakening dollar if China decides not to invest anymore in treasuries) why don’t they ever used it as leverage in negotiations and/or against aggressive anti China rhetoric by the USA?
Comment from : @tradingwithLenny

China doesn't want the US to have the power to cancel the debt when China goes to war with Taiwan The West successfully froze hundreds of billions of USD owned by Russia for starting the war with Ukraine The US could just zero out the trillion in debt it has with China Does anyone here think the orange clown wouldn't try to do this?
Comment from : @23lkjdfjsdlfj

Anyone who buys US securities at this time must be either american or crazy
Comment from : @123fourfive5

not enough money sent to ukraine, diminish your economy by sending more
Comment from : @DoomSlayerVel

The US will just keep printing dollars, and eventually the whole deck of cards collapses, it can’t not ‘cause it no longer has equivalent gold
Comment from : @johntaylor5968

Lower debt means there orders getting fullfilled by other or self made moneybrTotal shift in eco 😢
Comment from : @COALROCK8642

Why would any country want to hold US debt beyond the bare minimum when America is on the verge of economic colapse?
Comment from : @carnivaltym

When ever the video shows ,first we understand something things, it's always use less video, please respect our time
Comment from : @kannanragavan5533

No country wants to invest in the USA while Trump is playing games
Comment from : @good-boy-ringo

Dear China, we are open for biz Love Canada
Comment from : @robtlj4485

This comment section made me realize how the americans, despite having a country and an entire socioeconomic system, based on a capitalist values, have zero idea or understanding of how economy works
Comment from : @GloriousChickenYT

not only China , Bond mature and must return to buyer or gold He who borrow too much to make a living will go kapoot
Comment from : @bhubestakesoponsatien1143

I new that would happen as soon as Trumpovitz was elected
Comment from : @rogerover8301

China helped the US a lot by lending money to them back in the world economic crisis in 2008, thats likely why they suddenly became the largest owner of US debt
Comment from : @Ryker73

China and the US's relationship is weird, first they are enemies the next you see they are friends, lending money and trading so much that their biggest trade partner is eachother
Comment from : @Ryker73

Hey dick skin your AI voices is gargled and laggy
Comment from : @samuelclark1095

Only time will tell, rumor is they are dumping treasuries and buying gold hand over fist
Comment from : @languso13

Wait US DEBT IS OVER 356 trillion and blame it on china which owns only 700billion of that debt Why are you trying to divert our attention on who owns majority of the debt See like the biggest 'hey look over there'
Comment from : @yd5891

United States has the most Gold Reserve to date It has more gold than the next 3 countries combine
Comment from : @kimocoloma4123

I believe Canada divested $56 Billion in US Debt Securities since May 2023 but many Canadian Investors still hold a good chunk of US Debt SecuritiesbrUS Debt used to be a good investment Now that Donald Chump is running the show and trying to screw everyone, I think there is going to be a run on Divestments because the US can no longer be trusted with anything
Comment from : @SnowTiger45

Can't uou hire a narrator? Why use AI? Very cheap Lots of mistakes
Comment from : @thomasshelby4795

Lol what did you think was going to happen ? Such ignorance, It has no bounds today
Comment from : @Fatbodypyle

For ignorant here Chinese government helps itself by buying US debt It's not a charity act
Comment from : @Adam-ei5it

Nonsense, there is no reason that any foreign government should hold US treasury bonds We would all be better off if most all of our national debt were held by US residents like they did after WWII It would be a very good idea to have the Fed issue a special issue savings bond specifically for the American people with a higher yield than regular savings bonds That way the interest paid to bond holders would end up circulating through our domestic economy just like how it happened after WWII
Comment from : @RMForbes505

It’s the interest! And now the Republican House wants to increase the debt ceiling!!!! WHY???
Comment from : @judithmccrea2601

"only 760b $"😂 brbrNever has context meant so much
Comment from : @hyena8385

Because they're done for providing us
Comment from : @MarkkuS

Squid games
Comment from : @RyanScales-g1k

Treasuries are IOUs So the US says, "Can I borrow some money and give you a treasury (IOU with interest)? The other country says, "Sure, just make sure you pay the interest on time, and at the set date, pay back all the money you borrowed"
Comment from : @obryants247

Central Banks, all over the world, CAN print new money Yes, it would create inflation, if injected in its own local economy But what if it is used only to buy Foreign Governments Bonds? It is not unusual for the US Fed Reserve to print money to repay debt…
Comment from : @riccardob7774

China is securing its assets from the organized fall of us economy prepared by the Jewish traders
Comment from : @tarekkhalifa1645

Seems EVERYONE is selling their US debt
Comment from : @tokarteam1

Good call on the Au Let’s work on Ag now!
Comment from : @ch34pskate16

Too risky to have US Treasuries
Comment from : @musictomyears8

Let him keep signing executive orders without taking into account the consequences for the people he claims to serve This system of things is coming to its end
Comment from : @mrpizzamarlon

China probably expects Trump to ruin the USA and selling as a way of protecting their investment!
Comment from : @patcresswell6736

They still owe US $1 trillion is loans during WW2
Comment from : @JJSeattle

Why is USA borrowing money to give away?
Comment from : @InestperfumesKenya

Because the “Taiwan Issue” has not been solved yet!
Comment from : @cfg5697

Comment from : @MarksViewstoday

US government debt is toilet paper that the world is coming to realised
Comment from : @kmh2418

26 trillion is owned by domestic institutions and individuals , including 5 trillion by the fed and 7 trillion intragovernmental, mostly SS
Comment from : @markhusbands2037

under trump us leadership is over good bye america
Comment from : @streamingeagle1

"Buying Chinese debt" What massively deceptive wording for China taking US' IOUs, LOANING AMERICA MONEY SO AMERiCA CAN CONTINUE SHOWING ITS ASS TO THE WORLD, USING MONEY BORROWED FROM CHINA!!!!! Us hypocrisy is just off the charts, off the fucking charts
Comment from : @johncarpenter4083

I feel one Of the greatest challenges that we first timers face in the ma rket is that we end up losing all we have, we find it difficult to find ourselves back to our feet My biggest advice is to always seek the services of a professional just like I did when I ventured into it for the first time Big thanks to JasmineWrubel I now make huge profits by weekly through his services while still learning to stand on my own
Comment from : @DerekWilliams-r7k

Absolutely brilliant
Comment from : @johnlovenhill1

Comment from : @randyscott3386

You only want to hold debt if you think the debtor can possibly pay it back - or at least pay the interest This is looking rather less than certain
Comment from : @johnwarr7552

China's economy is depended on US, and vice versa
Comment from : @MySpace662

Because they can't get US funds by Trump haha😂😂😂
Comment from : @wintwarmawwintwarmaw-m9w

China knows that holding US debt is like playing musical chairs with everyone in the room already sitting in a chair when the music stops How wants to be left standing when the music stops
Comment from : @alexanderalexander7404

Comment from : @WAFIKAMIN1

I don´t follow, China holds about a trillion usd, while the total bonds are 53 trillion, so China holds just 2 How that is supposed to impact?
Comment from : @marcelomazzolli4217

really clickbaity title - as it does not tell what happens (will happen); but the conclusion is simple - with the US more aggressive towards China, and Trump grabbing power in the US, 2 things happened at the same timebr1 the incentive for Chince to de-dollarize grows (at the same rate as the US aggressivity towards China)br2 Trump president is a source of major instability and decline (starting within the US) - so it renders the US debt less trustworthy
Comment from : @alexandrsnajdar7944

Why should you buy IOU’s to one who spends more the he earns?
Comment from : @CarCal0216

This debt is just fuzagi 😂 US can just print unlimited amounts of money and hold its value 😂
Comment from : @TheRichardBranson

They know now that you can't trust USA at all USA are weak in the worlds eyes now
Comment from : @Alienshade

With a nut job like Trump in the White House, it makes sense for China to stop subsidizing the US economy
Comment from : @andrewhylton8712

American should buy their treasuries and enable African to start manufacturing
Comment from : @bonifacekaranja4689

I don't think that stacking up on billions of US debt was a good Idea 😊
Comment from : @morrisdyer9560

us dollar will have NO VALUE
Comment from : @cruzn4ever169

It'll just mean they'll have a larger USD reserve, unless USD inflows slow faster than their purchasing does China has so many USD coming in that they buy bonds so they get interest instead of storing them in reserves with no ROI They aren't loaning the USA money, they're investing it for a return
Comment from : @chadmoats645

When China invests in other countries, China is accused of "increase influence" and "change the international rule"brbrBut USA is the largest (in terms of money owe to China) country "invested" by China USA is happy that China buy its debtbrbrHowever, if China stops buying, China is accused of "de-stablize global economy"?
Comment from : @KamFung

They stop earning 19 interest
Comment from : @supadupahilton6848

Superb explanation! I wish Führer Trump could see this video
Comment from : @alggazteca

Smart move my Communist friends …
Comment from : @geoffreylee5199

I've always thought that the advantage of an imbalance between two countries favors the country that OWES the money to the other Why? Because - with the stroke of the pen - trump (in this case) could simply declare that we owe China nothing Sounds simplistic, but who could stop such a thing? Who wants to take that risk?
Comment from : @bobpourri9647

Comment from : @vivianlunsford4052

Comment from : @stoneybakermd1936

No because others are buying, otherwise the value would sink rapidly Which is not hapenningbrAnd, as China still holds a lot of treasuries and it is not in their interest to crash them
Comment from : @kevinuk7042

IMO, like Brexit in the UK, electing DJT and a Republican House & Senate will be a catastrophic self-inflicted financial wound for the US
Comment from : @GaiaCarney

Thanks for this tutorial
Comment from : @georgejacob6378

Seriously how knowledgible and creditble when they could not get it's lead title politically correct More accurately china do not buy US's debts China purchase US's Bonds
Comment from : @mikekok

Drill baby Drill 😂
Comment from : @vision-yb8mm

debt is what balances the difference between what you sell and what you buy nothing more the trade balance between the two countries is quickly shifting hence the disappearance of the US bonds with Trump’s strong tariff stand i would expect foreign holdings of US debt to fall!
Comment from : @forgetn

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