Title | : | Child Support Takes Your Money And Stops You From Leveling Up Your Finances |
Lasting | : | 9.45 |
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One of my biggest financial setbacks was not realizing sooner how child support was quietly draining my income and stopping me from truly leveling up Comment from : @Andres_853 |
Child support yeah the mom always blames the man but took two to make that baby I think the woman is more irresponsible than the man because a man goes as far as a woman let's him Comment from : @carlosalvaretz3621 |
Child support made me better financially Yall need to stop the crying and whining Sounding like kindergarten brats brbrChild support is for the person taking care of your children They putting in majority of the work Showing up to buy gifts aint shit Your uncles do that You should want to provide for the person taking care of your damn seedbrbrAint no come up in raising children 24/7 Thats a responsibility Comment from : @mostmost1 |
finally somebody keeping it real on hereSht isnt easy but we have to keeo pushing😎😎😎 Comment from : @streetglideosama |
I have 4 kids My oldest is about to turn 18 this summer, me and my ex wife have 3 kids together For some reason, I cant figure out why they chose to put me on child support when im a better father than my father I feel like i was jump by the system Suspended my license,and taking atleast 75 percent of my check Robbery at its finest Cant even get taxes while shes claiming my income Come on courts Got to do better We both deserve to live and provide homes for the kids Comment from : @brandondicks7765 |
Im sure most of the men in these comments have been giving chance after chance by the mother of thechild to take care of the child without the courts being involved and the men refuse that’s how and why your check is being garnished I used to always think women were so harsh and heartless to put men on child support but the truth is most women’s hands are forced to go that route because men don’t like to financially support the child Comment from : @richelifestyle9835 |
I can relate BADLY,they took everything from me,Drivers License,Passport and paychecks,sadly Comment from : @MoshineTheDon |
Up Comment from : @MoshineTheDon |
So having gone through this myself, and thinking it over and breaking down the state child support calculator You're saying, I got her a crib, carseat, diapers etc Was that supplies for your house or for the mother's house? It would be very much a hassle, not to mention all the touch points and arguments with the other parent, to constantly send supplies to the other house It's like your job paying you by giving you various assortments to live The easiest thing is send money If you were in the same house, you'd be spending that money anyways, believe me Kids cost Interestingly, my ex and i analyzed the state ch support calculator comparing it with what both of our new budgets looked like (burden of costs on her as she had physical custody), and our budget balances came out very similar (we had similar incomes) Comment from : @oberlinio |
Absolutrly I made the mistake at 26 Im 37 now This man spoke the 100 truth Also the more you make the more they take Comment from : @walterfoster1167 |
Be safe with these women fellas!!! All they want is the easy way out Comment from : @PsypremeKareem |
🆙 Comment from : @PsypremeKareem |
The biggest crime is we get taxed as if we’re single w/o kids There should be a tax exemption I wished you’d offered more solutions Comment from : @CurtJunya |
Very good advice I'm staying single for sure ❤😊 Comment from : @JoseFernandez-de1on |
Ok child support is paid already by the state via the title d program Child support double dips and it's a forced loan They violate your due process rights by not allowing you to prove that you DO support your child and that the accusations are false They also name the county as the plaintiff which isn't legal since you have the right to face your accuser and they need to be a human being, not a corporation You have to stand your ground and demand they honor you're rights to due process and present the evidence to justify the claim before deeming you guilty and issuing a forced loan on you to be forced to pay monthly with threats of legal retaliation if you don't like pulling you're license or going into your bank account or jail time, all illegal over stepping their abilities and powers Do research and fight and don't get railroaded into a quick judgment against you Comment from : @patrickjustus |
If you are Not SMART ENOUGH to take care of a childYou STUPID BLACK MEN need to use PROTECTIONYa fuck!n DUMMY Comment from : @4x4crvVibez |
LIONELL TILLMAN IS THE GUY WHO TALKS ABOUT CHILD SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!! Comment from : @jayhova1788 |
Jeff Bezos is a bad example His wife actually helped him build Amazon and was with him from the beginning He was happy to give her a portion of the business Comment from : @darronrbrown_ |
Bro you had it good try paying $900 a month and still being involved and getting all her school clothes and shoes and doing everything a regular father would still do that still in the household Comment from : @gwasoulja2751 |
Ok I am trying to get 50/50 with my child you think they will drop it for 1 child 575 a months Comment from : @ATK_adventuretimekennel |
I am a present father, my children believe and tell me all the time and even strangers that they have the best daddy which is my only goal in life is to give them a life I never had I work hard to better my future and my kids future I wanna be able to buy property, build a home and give what I can to my children when I am gone but I physically cannot build any further because of child support They literally take over half my pay, I can't even afford a damn haircut anymore, I can't afford much anymore because of the greed Comment from : @MikeyV5896 |
It is so frustrating… I was married for 10 yrs My now ex decided she was a lesbian And now I pay her 1200 per month I am stuck financially Barely making it paycheck to paycheck My question is how is that fair to my kids for the time they are with me and we can’t afford to do simple things like see a movie Even going places because of the cost of gas is a consideration that I now have to have… Comment from : @mattv1007 |
Up Comment from : @ikonthebeat2060 |
I’m gonna die broke from child support It’s just my lot in life Comment from : @BigPhilly15 |
My ex-wife drew me out Christmas Eve I take 320 week 1 a week for 20 years Added up New Jersey law sucks They give the woman everything I got nothing I recoup, but I struggled for a long time, and I can't even see my kids I haven't I have been seen him in 2627 yearsImagine that son of birthday card Christmas cardsNever, ever once did I get a Father's Day card card or thank you?And I stopped all that bUt yes the mother poisoned them Comment from : @donaldcurtis9229 |
Yea it sucks, this unstable creature I have e child with is the most energy being in the world Chick has over million in assets but has the my way of the highway attitude Went to court last week she’s requested a modification now she was awarded $600 a month smh I even offered her $450 with me relinquishing my rights to claim my son on my taxes, dis bih still had the nerve to say why can you do $500 smh ungrateful as* bih Comment from : @Blasphemy84 |
All of this is really sad Please don't leave it to the woman to use birth control, both of you are adults and are equally responsible Also, as Suze Orman always says, "Don't have any more children that you can afford to take care of by yourself" It's a shame that we have to think about these things all of the time, but in order to protect your wealth, this should always be in the back of your mind Prenups are also a good idea You don't have to be rich to have one If you have anything worth protecting, get a prenup Comment from : @patriciabaldwin-dennis9847 |
I have been homeless for years now while my bill racks up Im at 1400 month minimum payment Comment from : @ronhollis157 |
Accidentally getting a girl pregnant was the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life Comment from : @marquisnishawn6598 |
Use protection and be careful who you have children with…if you do get someone pregnant, make sure you get a DNA test Comment from : @PlaneJane1 |
Good video Men need to hear this It boils down to not being STUPID! Comment from : @prophecyrevelations5653 |
Child support is to destroy the BLACK MAN Comment from : @leea3531 |
Jus gotta find a cash job Comment from : @21jumpstreet88 |
That’s pretty much what happens when you have kids You’re broker by way of having children, duh Your responsibility is yours to pay I don’t feel sorry for anyone being made to handle what actually belongs to them Comment from : @amazinggrace313 |
Let us all know what the judge says after you tell him you refuse to pay your child support and expect the taxpayers to feed them Let us know what he says Be careful He pays taxes too After he puts you in a cage for a few months Let us all know how that works out I here the food sucks Good luck Comment from : @peternorthrup6274 |
Become self-employed to avoid paying, save the money and leave the country !! Get a new life and start over! Comment from : @phisit8813 |
It’s not for ever Comment from : @pattencycling |
Child support can be brutal It's not fair for a man or woman to expect the other parent to pay for everything childcare expenses, having to sacrifice work opportunities due to the child being sick, clothing expenses, etc and only have the child two days a week and when they want to see them especially when they didn't help with diapers, formula, etc However if someone is activately in the child's life and helps pay for the child anyway child support shouldn't be needed Comment from : @thatdivineoraclegirl1622 |
Gotta work two jobs Comment from : @fbwkeezy |
even prenups dontvhold up in court Comment from : @Michael-bx7hb |
why marry? Comment from : @Michael-bx7hb |
Child support is a scam The best thing a man can do is not have kids, especially with American Women Unfortunately, they are incentivized to put men on child support, and often times that money doesn't even go toward the child I'm one and Done I will never marry or have other children ever again Comment from : @KingsleyLP |
Glory to the single guy Comment from : @osirismalu3394 |
I don’t too much want to be involved in my situation But I’m not putting up a fight, been 5 years no contact But if I’m obligated, I just don’t want them giving me an outrageous amount Contracts are negotiable $300 a month should be just fine That’s at least 2 weeks of day care I really want her to do this outside of court to get child support off my record Again, I want no involvement but I can only negotiate Comment from : @Carolinanine_ |
Been there ! Glad those days are long gone 😜 Comment from : @stevengonyaw1617 |
I'm seriously like keep watching the spinning thing in the background Does it spin forever or is it plugged in? Comment from : @NateTheGreat0101 |
I need this I'm stuck in a rut Comment from : @walterbutler8698 |
Mother of 4 sons and never took their father to court for child support, instead I worked hard to provide for us Knowing I couldn’t teach them how to be a man but I did instill in them to be very cautious when it come to picking a woman to make their wives and the mother of their children 2 are now married with children and the other 2 are single and aren’t ready To this day their dad complements me on how I raised them without him Comment from : @naturalbeauty6983 |
What is a deadbeat parentbrWhat is a deceptive parent Comment from : @Aigentcy |
Bezos was broke and married before he started Amazon, also it was his idea to give her 25 billion I understand your message and I agree, but bezos isn’t a good example He’s still worth 150 billion after that His life isn’t affected by throwing her some stock Comment from : @The_snatch_wrecker |
Homeless no life just work until u crook give 40 make them pay taxes on the $$$ and have cs and visitation in the same court room Comment from : @worthyrobinson |
Could have bought a house with all I’ve paid in Comment from : @paulgomez3254 |
No offense but you started off like yoy had advice but just told your situation 😢 Comment from : @realphillystreets |
I feel everything you say i pay for 3 1200 a month Comment from : @harleyclair98 |
Of course nobody is talking about this, they want you to get caught in the trap Comment from : @Val_Zod77 |
Yes he said he got a job at the airport so be prepared to start paying child support hahahahhahahahahhaah Comment from : @antaneiaelliott7350 |
Yes I'm going be happy my son start receiving his first child support payment for my child father Shawn Comment from : @antaneiaelliott7350 |
This is modern day slavery Comment from : @Ron_D33713 |
So what are you planning to do about it? I have a running petition against this PROVISION, not LAW, PRO-VISION Anybody interested in standing with me against this issue and robbery our country don't seem to give af about please respond Comment from : @Ron_D33713 |
$250 for 1 kid ex is a Fed, see my kid every weekend and I buy everything for him, go home with less that $490 a week, got lots of years to go still, shit sucks bro Comment from : @2LAZY-2EDIT |
This is awful, as a woman this disturbs me I feel like if the father is a good parent and you have the capacity to do for the child, without his help financially if he can’t do much, it shouldn’t matter and he shouldn’t have to suffer out of pettiness or whatever AND he still should be allowed to see said children Comment from : @afenismama |
🤦🏾♂️this vid was totally useless Comment from : @henrysmifth536 |
How you still gotta pay and yall going 50/50 Comment from : @falaahblackwell1535 |
Men this is simple 🪓 your penis off like I did after being hit with this scam called child support Comment from : @Jimi-HendrixJr |
I am in a similar situation I can't afford to move out of my parent's place My ex-wife is living on section 8 (has a WHOLE house to herself), welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, my child support and doesn't even work Comment from : @kevlardude |
Not only that if your current on child support and you get a bonus your baby gets a bonus too Comment from : @anton211985 |
The states profits off of child support by Title IV-D of the social security act brbrLook up chapter 201107 of the Texas Family Code Comment from : @AlanEoff |
I’m paying almost $3K a month for one kid, plus $1600 for my ex wife(different women) I’m getting hammered to the tune of almost 60 net I’m about to retire and move to DR Getting out of this corrupt country Comment from : @DWilliam1 |
Bitches aint shit just be honest Comment from : @goofynigga8456 |
MorebrVideos like this please Why the government keeps doing this is beyond me Comment from : @AlphaMatt1000 |
Getting married and having children today is a huge risk for a Man Comment from : @dt8762 |
The whole breakup culture when women break up to make money off of husbands is pure evil and wrong Why don't you guys stay together and raise your children together without destroying each other? You married each other with oath to support yourselves till death do you apart And look at you right now :| splitting up just because you ain't feeling emotions at the moment Disgusting and immature, that's what this is Comment from : @vakho30 |
I was placed on child support while I was in the Army I went into debt and fell way behind on bills I had to move into barracks housing as a NCO so it cut off my BAH Took the courts 1 year and a half to review my income agin, by that time I lost my car, fell deeper in debt, and was eventually discharged from the Army Once discharged it took the courts another year to review my income but I was homeless and still owe back child support I’ll never get out of this mess Comment from : @DJGENOTYPE |
If you are on child support you have to start your own business get employees and pay yourself a super low income($2000) or lower There’s ways around it If you have a start an LLC already get someone you trust to do it for you Get a EIN number Build the business credit Put everything from here on out in the LLC Talk with a lawyer to get that under a trust and make sure someone is on that llc with you so they can’t do what’s called piercing the corporate veil Get asset protection lawyer and strategize Get your power back fellas Comment from : @bigc3052 |
Don't forget if you don't pay on time and they'll put you in arrears, threaten jail time , and suspend any license you hold They also tack on an extra 10-15 on the arrears that's on top of the regular 17-21 that's already court mandated Definitely not worth the 35 seconds of creampie-ing a b*tch lol Comment from : @sithlord926 |
Destroyed me financially, even when it's done I can't get ahead The rise in cost of living left me years ago I paid over $140k to the ex in 16 years Comment from : @CHRISPITSCH |
I literally just had to file for bankruptcy because they were threatening to take my driver license I wasn't working for a while and couldn't find a job I was instantly put in over 5 thousands dollars in the arrears when I went to court for child support I pay over a thousand dollars a month in cs for 2 kids I recently got my CDLS to drive trucks I had to file bankruptcy to protect my license before they suspended it while I catch up on my CS it's a horrible thing to go through as a man Comment from : @bigbang5831 |
alimony or better known as spousal support is determined on the length of the marriage in most cases for example, every 3-4 years of marriage can equate to 1 year of spousal support Comment from : @johnjohnson1681 |
I used to be on social security or SSI I don't understand how I get on child support but I am now and it makes me feel agitated Comment from : @pfrenchtrenches5942 |
The more you level up the more these financial predators not only the courts but these women that supposed to be so called Queens but they try to financially oppress you! Comment from : @stanmoney8470 |
Life's a Gamble, my first kid I guess I saw the signs that she was a liability but I was too young to realize it at the time Second kid you know just took a gamble out the woman had her own and relationship still went solid so it happened to me again It really makes you not want to trust anybody man, when somebody tries to financially crush you! Comment from : @stanmoney8470 |
I never resent my children for child support!brI only resent the woman who constantly wants to raise the child support! That's the evilness of these wicked women that want to keep raising it no matter whether you involved with your child or not! They treat the involved dads just the same as the deadbeat sorry ass dads ,they run after your money like you've never been there for the child! It's modern day oppression!!! Comment from : @stanmoney8470 |
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