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The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS

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Title :  The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS
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Description The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS

Comments The Most Successful People Explain Why a College Degree is USELESS

PLEASE READ --> Hi everyone, this is a completely different video than normal Videos will resume back to normal on Monday with an EPIC video by Simon Sinek I want to explain that College is a perfect solution to many, however to others it may not be a good fit For myself, it was perfect, for one of my good friends, it wasn't a good fit If you are currently in college, do not rely on that the piece of paper that you receive at the end to get you far, it is your own commitment and perseverance that will get you far College is one of the best places on earth to develop networking connections with fellow students and professors, as well as create experiences that are extremely valuable I want to emphasise that you don't need to go to the best and most expensive school to get the best education or be successful My advice is to BECOME INVOLVED, make friends with as many people as possible, help others, and be true to yourself I REPEAT, this is not a video saying that College is useless, but rather we put too much emphasis on a piece of paper, thinking that a degree is going to catapult us to great success Make the most out of your time, go out there and make connections with other people, and take risks!
Comment from : @MotivationMadness

These people correlate money with success
Comment from : @swofisswiss543

No wonder we have fools running our governments and fools running major corporations
Comment from : @craigmurphy1618

😂😂😂 Yes, the best example are some of these BUFFOON!!
Comment from : @naar7192

I'm convinced here that success is not based on schooling 🙏
Comment from : @MawuenaMatanawui

0:56 Elon musk is the only one who heals me
Comment from : @Duck_playss

I mean alright i do want to learn things in school but why do i have to study subjects that are not useful for me now or in the future ik some people would say that learningis a good thing and i agree but i say learn something that makes you better brWell thats my pov guys i you feel that i am thinking wrong just correct me tho
Comment from : @positive_af

before college was great, but today is like an optional thing
Comment from : @lokitunes4256

Don't buy this bullshit My son graduated from Oregon State University, got an intern Job, went for his Master and now is a City Planner for Portland, Oregon Don't fall for Get Rich Quick scams Get trained on something Invest in valuable training
Comment from : @kichigan1

A college graduate and postgraduate degree
Comment from : @Abhisek-d7y

Elon musk saying that while having 2 bachelors is a contradiction 🤣
Comment from : @monumental_tv

go to community college just in case
Comment from : @Brandonhayhew

The beast engineers are former technicians
Comment from : @kathieharine5982

This video is literally just about business
Comment from : @zarajundi6276

If you want to be a doctor or lawyer an extensive education is necessary Many professions don’t need degrees and are better learned through tech schools or apprenticeships
Comment from : @barbaralee7385

It really says something when people say "I hate school" or kids are so happy in June when they "get out" There is something fundamentally wrong here
Comment from : @danielrivera2365

Anyone in 2025?
Comment from : @A1234nonelikeit

Holly crabs, this is hilarious 😅😅 they all have different mindsets
Comment from : @SpaceSiren5067

It can help in an interview but in the end all that matters are your years of experience Nobody will ask about your degrees anymore Or your school notes🤣 Doesn't matter once you learned a job Companies don't need overqualified people You have to be able to work that's all
Comment from : @Lightmaker5

Study is very important when you study right stuff
Comment from : @Zorawar00001

But all their job applications require a lot of degrees 🤔
Comment from : @gilbertogonzalez4132

Hate zionist hate zionist
Comment from : @LaraibShahid-x5q

Pov :- Tommorow is my exam 😂
Comment from : @khanashraf007

Yet, when they advertise positions, they require minimum of Bachelor's or Master's degree
Comment from : @HabibuAhmad-im4qm

Degree is worthless that is him and musk have phds and make trillions brCapitlist do not want others to be successful
Comment from : @nammalik786

Watching This before my finals
Comment from : @HumayounAamirHakeem

If it was worthless 7 years ago it's extremely worthless now
Comment from : @peanutnjessy7864

explaining isn't worth putting the exact same thing on action
Comment from : @DogmaticDoggo

If you want to get hired go to college
Comment from : @pound4pound380

They were already rich
Comment from : @mausi28

It is contingent upon their individual interests, such as my brother who seamlessly delved into the realm of technology
Comment from : @sevenRyeh

8:15 public education and college education are teaching you how to be an employee/taxpayer, not an innovator You’re expected to be in a place for a certain number of hours and told what to do all day College is somewhat a pseudo experience since you can pick your major, etc But, formal education follows the 9-5p NPC system
Comment from : @economicallyshort5184

Homeschooling parent… considering all this for my children
Comment from : @leannbarker2051

Being productive, meaning doing something to add value to others, is a universal principle that has financial rewards Sitting in a desk all day is not a productive thing
Comment from : @leannbarker2051

Anyone in 31 October 2024😅
Comment from : @MohammadAliRasel

"Rich people arent telling their kids to skip college; just yours "
Comment from : @Dommie222

Not everyone can be an entrepreneur None of these guys will guarantee you a job or give you funding to start your new company Yes, to study or not to study should be a wise decision but behind every successful dropout, there are thousands that are unsuccessful and have no skills to offer to potential employer or differentiate themselves from the rest
Comment from : @mark_sugar42

Mine is good Idk about them
Comment from : @aprilchow-chee5281

Zuck got the idea of Facebook when he was at university 👀
Comment from : @boumlike9119

School puchs you to learn and study, also networking
Comment from : @boumlike9119

so wise😁
Comment from : @Entripleneur

You always clarify tough subjects!
Comment from : @JamesGrady-v2p

College is not a waste If you use for knowledge, not for information I got 503 college credits I go to school for knowledge, not for information Majority of individuals go to school for a degree I absolutely do not go to school for a degrees I have multiple college degrees
Comment from : @VincentZevecke

all horrible advice
Comment from : @survivorisland

Elon fires the people without a degree first ;)
Comment from : @duellinksantimeta7636

While I generally agree , Education won’t make you successful, in BusinessbrIn the Medical field, a lot of education is required just to get to the starting line…brWould you have someone operate on you, or treat you for Cancer if they didn’t have a strong medical background!
Comment from : @edwardfinn4141

He was not thinking critically- he developed his platform using skills for university- without uni he would not have revenue- maybe it was the resilence or self mastery and business experience that built himby being critically knoledgable using the rescources provided by uni- I was able to apply real knowledge to
Comment from : @NadiraRobleh-r5e

How many drop outs hired by FB or Tesla?? I know Microsoft goes only Computer Engineers All this talk is good to talk Go study first guys 😅 try adventures next 1 in million drop outs least good life, but at least half a million of that educated million people lead a good life PROBABILITY is the key word
Comment from : @ashwinkumar2244

"You can go to hell, go to jail or go to Yale" Andre 3000
Comment from : @cluustudio

Mark looks like AI bot
Comment from : @typebetanymphgamingch5UB5CR1BE

Can anyone help me with the name of the man who said I hated school so much in white shirt, I want to research about him
Comment from : @kinglion6197

Just remember for every successful businessman lecturing you, there are thousands who worked just as hard and didn't make it
Comment from : @FourthWayRanch

There are a lot of things wrong with school and the straight forward education we receive from there But it's important to know it's the educated who keeps the ideas running No degree is useless it's the perception of it and the simply fact that does who know to much don't do to much
Comment from : @NsohRhodel

Mark Zuckerberg: "College is USELESS" also Mark Zuckerberg: training a USELESS "martial art" called Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and making friends with equally USELESS people like entitled incel crybaby Dorky Mikey DorkDork Musumeci DORK lol
Comment from : @SINdaBlock411

I dont hate learning In fact, it's one of my favorite things to do Your brain is constantly looking for information to learn about from the time you are a child until the day you die Studying is something im not a huge fan of though It really takes out all of the fun and only guarantees success to those who do it You wont be studying when you grow older than your parents one day, but you will always be learning something
Comment from : @TheEKdude

The people in this video are the best and brightest They would havev succeeded with or without college Not everyone can be bill gates or steve jobs Someone needs to clean the bathrooms It's not that college is bad in and of itself, it's just they aren't teaching things that are necessary to be successful in life A liberal arts college education just rehashes what you did in high school You studied world history, why do it again just with more detail College should be more than that It should be practical not theory
Comment from : @matthewgray659

Comment from : @rafaaqilamaheswara

South Korea went from extreme poverty to one of the most advance country in the world because of EDUCATION This vid is the pinnacle of American individualism and selfishness
Comment from : @bmc868

They say a college degree is useless because they are sucessful and made it All the ones who don't have a college degree and didn't made it to sucess are kept out of media lol Don't be fooled people, get your college degree if you're good at studying
Comment from : @bastiaanvanbeek

Of the things I have learned over my life I find that people are most impressed by those things my dad and my uncles taught me; things like brick laying, tile work, household electrical, plumbing, planning, planting and harvesting crops, over what I learned in various educational systems I believe this is because I learned these skills from someone who knew them well and looked forward to imparting them in me A teacher seeking to impart grace is like a field harvested, but not planted
Comment from : @dougshipley5547

Maybe if Musk went to college for more than 2 days he would have a different viewpoint!
Comment from : @larrycreech9847

My main takeaway from this video is that Zuck is 100 a robot
Comment from : @deadtothewxrld

One thing I realised about these billionaires is that they are lying to you For instance if I were to apply for a job in Tesla or Microsoft they'll need thr highest qualifications in engineering or computer sciences you name it These employers are giving you motivation on how to quit at the same time increasing job requirements
Comment from : @FaithNcube-d3l

Disagree partially with this Having worked for the largest engineering firm in the world, you most likely won't get hired without an engineering degree
Comment from : @joliettraveler

Comment from : @KerryMccauley-ds7wk

Comment from : @KerryMccauley-ds7wk

All of these successful people only hire college educated people to run their businesses and or finances College is important Proof is in the pudding So go to college, just don’t go for economically useless stuff 😂😂😂
Comment from : @justin4653

ive got to get an computer
Comment from : @MikeTule-pt7vd

sweety dis keyboard feel cancerous as do da mouse whats really going on
Comment from : @MikeTule-pt7vd

unless you wamnt to move
Comment from : @MikeTule-pt7vd

who majkes 300 thou a year and how many and what about da rest of da world
Comment from : @MikeTule-pt7vd

Not only US same goes for Btech colleges or any field degree colleges in India and maybe all over the globe 🌍
Comment from : @ritiksharma6344

Sir i don't want to serve fries to the rest of my life
Comment from : @AmeenkChanel

Is tenure in teaching is what kill society great advancement
Comment from : @TriPham-yo7we

Most leaders are college drop out
Comment from : @TriPham-yo7we

College mostly build class consciousness and enrich other than themself But how to have better human resource department and hiring managers
Comment from : @TriPham-yo7we

Everyone has their own opinion, but the reality is that everyone has it's own structure of life At last, respect all opinions 👏
Comment from : @syedshahemaalabbas7605

They are careers that doesn't need college degree but the society told" us if you want tobe successful in life you need college degree "that is a scam
Comment from : @SempunduAmari

Zuckerburg : Says the guy who went to Harvard
Comment from : @brianmeegan6384

The actual purpose of "education" has become a mass of confusion! First and foremost, education is for learning SPECIFIC SKILLS! It has also become a place for making useful social connections Unfortunately, "education" has also become a means of signifying some kind of feigned "elite" status
Comment from : @willharriman1881

Exactly why i hate it school it punishes us for failed grades not to learn or improve
Comment from : @cristopherortez3503

He said that, however, he only hired the best of the best from elite universities
Comment from : @Weathering123

We will all have our anecdotal evidence of why degrees will or won’t work out brI am an individual in management overseeing Associate and Bachelor's degree holders who are 2x my age with 30k plus of student loan debt I just turned 30 this year and I am in a mid-senior-level position with my sights on upper management with just a high school degree and 2 years of college I chose not to finish my BA in Business Administration I went to College for 2 years with no out-of-pocket cost In the 3rd year, my scholarships and grants were completely drained Paying out of pocket for just 2 classes would have been 1500 at the time The equivalent of rent To cover the remainder of my degree my academic advisor told me 40k would fund my last 2 years of college and student loans were an option At the time I already had 3 years of experience working in the industry I wanted to stay in (Financial Industry) I unenrolled on the spot!brbrThe market is going to dictate how this discussion will play out eventuallybrMost employers from what I’ve seen when a job position is posted online The description says, “College is preferable” which loosely translates to "if you have it good but it's not necessary" There are variations of this statement out there in the wild Another example is "have a bachelor's with 3 years relevant experience or high school diploma with 7 years relevant experience" Having a college degree for the stereotypical positions such as lawyer doctor and so on makes sense No one is debating that fact In most jobs, especially white-collar work you learn on the job the degree can get you in the door or at the very least consideration However, your skills, experience, self-marketing, drive, etc keep you in the building brbrI will never say college isn’t valuable, but the systems that are in place to make college lucrative for entities behind the scenes that what’s wrong with the system Strapping thousands of dollars of debt on an 18-year-old that can last 10 years to a lifetime is disheartening
Comment from : @NajeebOneHeartOneBeat

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