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My Learning Disability: Getting Diagnosed with Dyscalculia at 38

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Title :  My Learning Disability: Getting Diagnosed with Dyscalculia at 38
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Comments My Learning Disability: Getting Diagnosed with Dyscalculia at 38

my youngest had dyscalculia and dysgraphia!
Comment from : @autobotdiva9268

Thanks for telling your story! When I discovered dyscalculia was a thing, it immediately clicked for me Because of life circumstances I've ended up working in IT I hate it but it allows me to live comfortably I remeber my boss trying to teach me excel formulas and between the effects of anxiety/adhd/dyscalculia, all I could do is stare at the screen with its meaningless numbers and letters and desperately try to figure it out based on memory and patterns It was so embarrassing and defeating I'm not dumb but that kind of thing makes me feel so dumb
Comment from : @meghanswinson6267

Wait you mean most people don't just memorize the times tables patterns bro no wonder I was the worst in class and never got to go to the ice cream party for completing all the times tables in 3rd grade
Comment from : @emh1178

How are schools today in detecting dyscalculia & dyslexia? I mean both the US & Canada as I'm American and I can hear her Canadian accent
Comment from : @Jefff72

This made me emotional Thank you so much for sharing One of my past students very clearly has a learning disability I hope she has the help she deserves now Thank you for reminding me about her! I'll reach out to her parents now
Comment from : @Luxine108

Geez, the words you're using and ihow/i you use them is glorious!
Comment from : @WileyLynch

I don't know if I have dyscalculia or not, I just happened to be very very bad at anything math related and even today, my boyfriend has to make the calculations for our home cause it's basically impossible for me I know until multiplication and that's it I did a genetic testing and one of the results: "probably lower than average in maths" unfortunately it's true 😅 i'm trying to learn how to code now and even the beginning doesn't make sense, as I also struggle with logic I had a very sensible math teacher who understood I couldn't pass (and in my country if you don't pass in a subject, you might be required to redo every single subject again) he just straight up told me: "look i know you've been studying a lot so i'm going to help you with this final test grade, you are a good student overall" he just gave me the necessary grade to pass
Comment from : @beuzzzi

I can relate to a lot of what you said but for dyslexia, thanks for sharing
Comment from : @EscPointDev

Man, it’s the worst when ppl become indignant and condescending about it as if it’s something done on purpose Most dehumanizing feeling I’ve encountered The interesting thing about this is that the western public education system is built almost to ensure ppl slip through the cracks None of this changed for me until I realized flash cards and mnemonic techniques are game changers
Comment from : @shonesanchez6636

We sound basically the same but the opposite problem, which is hilarious in so many ways
Comment from : @BohAstora

I love what your grade 10 math teacher did It sounds like they took you as an individual, unique student We all have unique brains and needs As a Neurodivergent person, I see firsthand how the lack of universal design in schools hurts students Our education system does not encourage teachers to do this We need to embrace human diversity! :)
Comment from : @sarahkmiller

Crazy how my experience is so similar! I haven't been diagnosed, but I was infamously good at language and horrible at math 😂
Comment from : @fulicious2991

In high school girls were expected to slip in math because everyone knew the boys were better at math We had some smart guys but 2 girls were valedictorian and salutatorian In 1987 I enrolled my son in kindergarten and begged them to test him for autism, based on his preschool tests Three years later they believed me
Comment from : @lynnschaeferle-zh4go

I am trying to kickstart my career in stem as a 27 year old late diagnosed autistic/adhd/dyscalculia… this hit
Comment from : @URI443PHOENIX

My mum is a doctor and suspected I had dyscalculia all my life She never told me as to not discourage me, which sadly only let me to believe that I was somehow stupid even though I was very gifted in various other fields I found out about dyscalculia on Tumblr in my teens and everything just clicked I told my mum about it and she said, yes, obviously? I wished I had known about it earlier but her reasoning was that there were no accommodations for it anyway (like for example for dyslexia) and it wouldn't have made a difference She later apologised for her error and it was very healing I was never officially diagnosed because now it wouldn't make a difference anymore but just knowing this about myself (confirmed by my doctor mum) has made all the difference for me personally and my self worth
Comment from : @marenq4138

This was me, only I never had the good teacher I not only think about just missed opportunities- but the level I was made fun of by peers and adults in my life was probably the biggest thing I struggle with now Trying your hardest only to be bullied by teachers and bosses was devastating I gave up It was a high school boyfriend my senior year who was tutoring me for the SAT that stopped and asked "are you dyslexic?" And that word had never been spoken to me before that moment I had gobs of tutors, after school help, summer school, and even was placed in the "special ed" (meaning the special "teacher" just gave you the answers and you just wrote them down- this also just made me feel stupid) not one of them ever says anything like that They thought and told me I was lazy and that was my problem I'm the same age as you, I just think there was no one even thinking learning disabilities were even a thing Funny thing is, I would be failing almost everything- but always had an A in science until it required math Why? I watched the heck out of Magic School Bus and Bill Nye, TV was a very effective way of teaching me
Comment from : @Ilovesmesomeketchup

Been there,done that,got the same diagnosis I had to take algebra twice in high school My math in college was statistics,which I made a C in All other math courses were wavered cause no way could I do itI had the same problems as you,diagnosed before college,in my late 20'sbrGraduated from college with a B average and ended up starting my own business as a pet sitter Math skills at 4th grade level I also wonder how different my life would have been if there was not this hole in my mind
Comment from : @dacisky

if you got a credit cardalways pay in full Otherwise, the interest will slowly kill you And figure out the statement due date That's the last day they calculate what you owe for the payment due date Use the card on or right after that statement due date so that the billing will be on the next cycle instead of this one
Comment from : @CrimsonMey

Thanks for sharing I had so much trouble with math in high school
Comment from : @adamrocks529

I have never felt so heard in a video before Thank you for sharing
Comment from : @AntiYouSpray

Thank you for sharing this You articulated many things I have struggled with but have been unable to put into words
Comment from : @sabbsism

I experienced a lot of what you went through I wasn’t discovered because I was “smart” at science, reading and English I managed to get my bachelors degree after getting diagnosed I was able to work for bmw and Tesla as a tech BMW for almost a month, had issues of having to do a lot of math for something that shouldn’t be involving math I had to give our estimates in labor and parts costs Hated that I had to do the work of the advisor It led to me having anixtey and not wanting to work on the cars Tesla was a little better in terms of not giving quotes What I didn’t like about Tesla was the Wall Street dog eat dog culture Everything needed to be done yesterday Had a lot of programs to learn to even find the car we were working on What I can say is that ever since being diagnosed I have felt more comfortable failing in designing parts for rc’s Or anything that I can 3d print If I could start again, I would go into engineering I only went into automotive because I saw it as being more hands on work Rather than doing math
Comment from : @powcar91

Toward the end there Looking at the hindsight for what could have been is depressing Though I would try to remind myself that it could have been worse, so vice versa For example, would I be happier? Would I be satisfy? What if the reality now is the best case scenario that could happened to me I guess that is the same as gratitude Be careful with the grudge and resentment though, watch out for that brbrThere I thought you have got it all figured out Guess we are struggling in our own way Aim up! :P
Comment from : @drawingwithsound8022

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