Title | : | How to write in a foreign language (even as a beginner) |
Lasting | : | 15.11 |
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Views | : | 412 rb |
so many good ideas I'm going to recommend to my students! just a warning though, I've seen a lot of beginners write down vocab without noticing they had make mistakes in the spelling, make sure to quadruple check when you write down stuff that you will use as reference later! Comment from : @acekidatelier |
Você é brasileira? Comment from : @ComputerScienceLiw |
using preexisting native texts as templates is such a great idea! Comment from : @PaulinaGoraj |
I've just started learning Greek and I loved seeing how you make your notes Could you tell me what textbooks you use? Comment from : @juliawasicka3473 |
Love it! I've just been writing a page every day without looking up anything I've been a bit bored because it got quite repetitive I think I'll try the topic method and let myself look up some words Comment from : @noemie8029 |
A black pen is de regueur Comment from : @flaneurable |
This is such a helpful video Thank you for going through exactly what you do I’d love to see an in depth overview of a study session you’d do for a newer language Comment from : @polarbearseverywheres |
Finally someone actually trying to share information rather than just trying to get us to use their link to buy something THANK YOU!! Comment from : @EvanAguilar-c4f |
i started journaling in English when I was 14 and I was literally writing things I didn't even understand it (i was creating a new lang) LOL however I am so grateful to myself for sticking with it after about five years or more, my English has improved so much I believe the secret to this progress is writing every day even if you make mistakes, you can correct them and learn from them as you go along good luck guys <3 Comment from : @Zino077-z3g |
your handwriting is so beautiful, btw ❤ Comment from : @Luana-b4z |
For children, writing is not always the last skill to develop Neurodivergent children often write before they can speak Comment from : @ARTISTESSER-123 |
Not me watching this during my own greek study session in the library, packing everything up, goung to the book store across, buying a planner and returning to the library to start doing this myself brbrThis is such a good idea and i think this will help me a lot down the road I will still do my journaling in Greek in addition to thisbrI'm lucky enough that I have a Greek native speaker as an online friend that already looks over my journal entries and corrects them for me so i will give these to her as well at the end of every week Very curious how this goesbrbr(Also the sticky notes are GENIUS!!!) Comment from : @arthurzackaryabrin |
Been getting better at my French through Immersive translate The app has been so satisfying for me Comment from : @-nf9vt |
This was very helpful and you provided great ideas to start writing Thank you Comment from : @raymarquez123 |
Great tips! Ευχαριστώ πολύ! Can you share your Greek workbook? It looked top tier! Comment from : @Wardroom87 |
Hi, love this concept! Just a question, how do you check what you have written down is correct? Comment from : @Emilientje |
Hello Tanya, thanks for great video Can I ask you what is your Italian textbook? At the very beggining there is a chapter in your book "La Famiglia di Antonio" What is the title of the book pls? Comment from : @tibveronika |
During Coviid lockdowns in Ontario Canada the opportunity to develop some language skills in Gujarati were taken to their utmost potential by me An integral part was SLOWLY practicing writing in the Gujarati script Taking the time to write at a pace that allowed the hand writing to look nearly computer printed increased the desire to REVIEW that content There is no ending to language study Racing to infinity blurs your travels and you easily skip the important parts Comment from : @yaketythack |
Honestly, this is the best video on learning a foreign language I really enjoyed watching it—thanks for sharing! :) Comment from : @VanessaFreire |
Hey Tanya, excellent and super useful video, thank you for this! Journaling is always the first thing that comes to mind But I agree with you, when you are just a beginner or even an intermediate, it is very challenging to find all the vocabulary to describe a day of your life I tried this in French and no wonder why I stopped so quick I also love the idea of using a planner agenda for this, I have one of them and as I plan digitally, I was finding no use for that agenda Now I have a brilliant idea for what to do with it! Comment from : @semihakisisel |
Omg you look so punchable I can't focus on what you are saying Comment from : @Ambeksa |
:) Comment from : @yeet9703 |
❤ Comment from : @-marialiakou |
As someone who is learn Greek, this is video was a God send! I’m buying a planner tomorrow to add to my note taking brI listen to Kefi FM, and watch Εικόνες on YouTube- it’s a travel show Otherwise I stick with my textbook It’s a slow process brΕυχαριστώ Comment from : @monicasmadeinmaine1114 |
Escribir qué No es lo mesmo escribir sobre filosofía que sobre matemáticas o literatura Impostor Comment from : @ghevargheese |
I absolutely love this idea! I've been learning french for quite a while, but without much progress This year I decided to really dedicate myself, a love it or leave it kind of situation ai think this will help immensely with makig writing practice more regular and easier Comment from : @pettyella6607 |
Υπάρχει το σχολείο Ελληνικής γλώσσας στη Θεσσαλονίκη Κάποια από τα μαθήματα τους είναι διαδικτυακά Comment from : @victoriageorgopoulou4292 |
Γεια σου! Πρώτη φορά συναντώ μια YouTuber που μαθαίνει Ελληνικά Πολύ ενδιαφέρον βίντεο Αυτό το διάστημα βελτιώνω τα Γερμανικά μου Δεν είμαι σίγουρη αν θα αρχίσω ισλανδικά Μιλάω αγγλικά, γαλλικά, ισπανικά, Πορτογαλικά και γερμανικά Καταλαβαίνω ιταλικά σε μεγάλο βαθμό Comment from : @victoriageorgopoulou4292 |
Great channel, great content and very helpful tips Thank you for taking the time to produce this kind of informative content Also, I would like to know what tablet you're using in the video, please?! Comment from : @agent4754 |
v1 Comment from : @hareth3911 |
Thats mean u can be a Italian spy but other don't know that u speak but u understand and can read😂 so cool Comment from : @interesting158 |
learning italian here! i started writing about my routine, this recommendation helped me a lot, thank you 🤍 Comment from : @beariiin |
I'm just trying to learn how to write in cybertronian and yautja language Comment from : @The_real_jdevil |
Don’t knowhow to start Ciao Comment from : @nancytestani1470 |
You shared many good ideas Thank you! Comment from : @Ithinkimfallingin_u |
Great advices Comment from : @PriDrummond |
This video is great, plenty of awesome tips and concepts I'll be giving to my tutoring students (and using myself hehe) Thanks! Comment from : @s3dliw |
Yo estudié español por 2 meses en mi universidad esta verano y yo puedo escribir y leo bueno brPor mi, hablando y escuchar es mas dificíl Pero, yo creo de este escribir practicar será bueno me ayudar recordar mi gramatica y vocabulario hasta mí clase proxíma en 3 semanas Yo no puedo esperar por español intermedio Comment from : @sarahlincourt3268 |
Im tryna learn korean and hopefully I will! Im also not native in English too, so I also hope this wont be too hard bc I am A2-B1 level about English Good luck for everybody who wants to learn a new language! Comment from : @millslearn1ngkore4n |
Hi, can you put the link of journally and learn correct, please? I searched them, but I can´t find them Comment from : @heybookworm |
У тебя просто шикарные видео❤❤❤ Они очень мне помогают спасибо за твой труд! Comment from : @wowcow-w |
When I practice writing I write a made up stories! I got this idea from my middle school Chinese text book that have something stupid like : "The monkey is blue, He is from china One morning, he eat candy and die" So I do exactly that We can apply harder grammar into it too I contrast it with writing about my life sometimes Super fun to do Comment from : @monetkyun |
I've watched your video in order to discuss this topic with my eng speaking-partner Thank you very much for a broad overview Comment from : @Карина_Гой |
Thank you for your recommendation! I have already been using effective extensions like DeepL and Immersive Translate for a long time Especially, Immersive Translate has been incredibly helpful for me I will definitely consider trying out what you've recommended Comment from : @ONANDON-u4z |
Better a girlfriend Comment from : @willhelm1 |
I'm learning greek aswell, and not very sure how to start/set up my journal, so this was helpful! Comment from : @millia_honey |
What book(s) are you using to learn Greek shown in this video? Comment from : @RobertJones-qx2nn |
this video is very helpful, thank u Comment from : @nguyenthuy5695 |
Hoy did you Learn the Greek alphabet to read faster I still need romanization 😢 Comment from : @LeyendasMusicales |
Yay for repurposing a thrifted planner! It probably would have been put to waste otherwise Save trees! 🙂 Comment from : @PumpkinMozie |
I’m currently teaching myself Italian, Dutch, and Hebrew This will tactic will be helpful Comment from : @Vivi_LaRue |
Ох, это такая боль! Я смотрю и читаю на английском уровень b1-b2, но просто не могу говорить, как будто не знаю ничего☹️ Comment from : @lavendergirl7728 |
I feel the same way about English I can easily read books and watch whatever I want, I spend hours on Tiktok watching content in English but it's so much harder to write a simple comment on those same videos ;-;brIt's so annoying when I see a person saying things that I have enough knowledge of the language to know is bullshit, but not enough to say it😂 Comment from : @vivies2 |
I'm always amazed by how systematic many language learners are For me, learning a language has to feel spontaneous My organization goes as far as having 30 minutes a day to study the language What I will do in these 30 minutes is a mystery even for me In relation to writing, my journals are quite messy I just write random thoughts according to the level I am and once a week or so I read it to make sure I understand what I wrote Maybe it's not the most effective way, but since languages are a hobby and I'm not trying to get any certification, it's enough for me Very nice video, thanks for sharing your method Comment from : @luisguilhermeoliveira5794 |
Such a good video! Lots of inspiration on how to use a journal successfully! Comment from : @Tita09Tx |
How to write good in English 😔 Comment from : @rafiasyed9622 |
what pen is that omg Comment from : @nikki3996 |
This is the big issue with immersion-is-the-only-true-way zealots - they don't seem to recognise that for many people activation doesn't come easily Like you, when I learned high-school French I could read Proust but I could barely order a coffee Not everyone is the same - many of us need structured output practice from quite an early stage or it will takes years to become conversational Comment from : @tullochgorum6323 |
What do you use to learn modern greek? Comment from : @aduusia44 |
Very helpful Loved this video! Comment from : @xoSilverSurfer |
Why does she speak in slow motion Comment from : @felipessunshine |
This might be a topic for a whole other video but you mentioned that without consuming a language it's harder to produce anything in it - which is very very true! English is my second language and it was so easy to learn it because I was learning it as a kid/teenager who was on the internet all the time and if I wanted to do anything, I bhad/b to be constantly consuming English But, for me, any other language is much harder to organically consume Films and books are an exception, since it's quite easy to find foreign language films/books that I like But on the other hand, I struggle to find things like podcasts or youtubers in languages that I'm learning that cover topics I'm interested in I know they're out there, but because I don't quite know what to search for, I struggle to find them And because a lot of the people who speak those languages choose to put out content in English because that way they reach a bigger audiencebrAny tips for how you find those things? Like I said, I know they're all out there, but I must be searching for the wrong thing! It would be super helpful to know how you go about finding them! Comment from : @elitsa_nn |
Let's gooooo I'm learning german Comment from : @Ellie-jz6yu |
I got very good ideas from this video I really struggle when it comes to writing and I couldn't find a way to practice regularly I'll try to implement these ideas into my learning process Hopefully, I can make this work :D Thank you so much Comment from : @acoffeebreak8192 |
I love your relaxed method! I'm currently focusing on getting more input but I'm saving this in my playlist for useful techniques Comment from : @emiliagetsproductive |
I loved your video ❤ now that I learned English my next goal language is Italian 🇮🇹brQuesta parte è tradotta ma spero di poter scrivere e parlare presto in italiano❤❤ Comment from : @userr0975 |
Inspiring! Comment from : @Andla_2806 |
This is so useful! Thank you so much for sharing❤ Comment from : @yanzierr |
Hi!! You look exactly like Tanya Boguslavskaya, and I’m wondering if it’s you, the videos have actually helped me with my Russian journey as an intermediate learner, using your examples in this video too ☺️ thank you Comment from : @nyrak2157 |
This is a great idea and something I will start to incorporate into my language studies! Comment from : @trishmccallister |
The traveling post-it note is a great idea, thank you 😊brI will also use the planner idea as well Comment from : @batgirlp5561 |
I'm a Koine Greek learner, and I have to applaud you for learning Modern Greek, it seems so hard to me in comparison to any other languages I have studied, including Ancient Greek! Comment from : @συστρατιώτης |
Спасибо за видео Я зимой активно учила английский, но теперь мотивация пропала и я ищу практики, которые помогут мне хотя бы поддерживать мой уровень как он есть Думаю этот способ будет интересен Comment from : @lordfunnycola4265 |
Hi Tanya! just found your channel and you're giving so many good tips You're very inspiring and I'll surely try out your ideas Thank you! Comment from : @Tanyachen14 |
Is ‘thrifted’ a verb in English? 🤭 Comment from : @frankathl1 |
So I am a native portuguese language speaker brI use the coments to training 😂brI begin with poetry, but i did it sometimes in the past with writing music i almost good with this after a year brbrA taste:brbr" The Daisy and the DandybrDancing through the darkbrDoves and neat dandelionsbrThe loved one rolling the random dice brFor deity's sake - beneath my own daily brDriving this double destinybrDivine Chaos! Do you truly demandsbrMy dear dandy to die? "brbrI already can understand everything you said But when i put my head to read a book Omg!brbrMy inner child want to read fast as i do in portugue and the readings become so boring I try once with pride and prejudice and i didn't do it After i catch Harry potter that i like to re-read somethimes and it becomes more easy 2 words for page i have to consult a dictionary brbrLike:brHandkerchief 😂 brbrEnglish i learned like a turtle One music here, one video over there, one scientific research and after 10 years i'm here brbrBut i'm trying now Italian and Russian brbrSo thank you for this video I will do the tips for " take for week" It is help Comment from : @EncantografiaDeEmillyPena |
hi! I love this video so much! I do have some tips to say, so please bear with me I was forced to learn Turkish when I was 14 to 15 years old because I moved to Turkiye and had to study in Turkish schools One tip I learned was to imitate native speakers' styles although sometimes it may contain slang, cussing words or even street language, I try my best in speech and writing to sound like them So right now when I speak for the first time with a Turkish person, they would not guess I am not Turkish hahaha even when I listen to Turkish content, I don't need to look up all the slang and the street language they may be using because I already have some knowledge about it another tip I kind of developed was to be active as much as possible in it it works even if you are learning a language that you can't pick up from your surroundings I don't mean listening to Turkish all the time or reading or studying from your textbook no I mean when you think, think Turkish when you speak, add Turkish vocab to it code swech all the time especially mixing new and old vocab very important! I know that we need to learn new vocab when we learn a language, but remembering it is more important I think you have mentioned it in the video, repeating your writings I completely agree mixing old and new info in your writing really helps remembering the words I now have to look up the words that I have never used or learned in a convo, but if I have used it a million times in the past, I can remember it in a heartbeat MOVIES!! god, they help so much I don't like Turkish drama, especially the acting sucks but I had to be active in the language so I tried when I found the right content, OH MY GOD I was happy I could fly One recommendation would be the Turkish adaptation ÖĞRETMEN nice work really what helped me in that drama was the convos between the characters were kind of realistic in a way that I could take the words and use the structure as a template you can do it with other dramas too, but this one really stood out to mebrbrI know I wrote a lot here hope it helped! Comment from : @Mina_321 |
I'm glad that the algorithm lead me to you I'm very much like you when it comes to learning languages I absorb languages mainly through media/contents (youtube, films, music, etc) At some point I reach the point I can listen and read quite ok without having to reach for translator or dictionary, but hell, speaking and esp writing are really my biggest problems brIn short, super excited while watching your video and I am urged dive in my languages learning immediately after this Comment from : @ticoiiiiii610 |
Thanks a lot,i love learning languages and im currently learning 4 so this is really going to help me improve and im really excited to become fluent in each one 🇪🇬🇰🇷🇺🇸🇫🇷❤ Comment from : @Chessmaster_kpop |
Hello! I love writing and I don't have problem witch it I've started gratitude journal on English and I think that the writing is very important I noticed that when I reading a lot my writing as better than before My English is still far from perfect and many people tell me that I shouldn't learn language, because I don't any talent of it But still I don't give up I don't speak fluently but when I started recovering od myself I noticed that is better and more confident I need to start write more on Spanish and your notebook was great! I really like to see how another people learn language and I do the same You are my inspiration :) and I've learn from you so much Comment from : @annadeptua3225 |
I really like your idea on using a planner to write in a different language It's also a nice way for me to use the unused pages of a 17-month planner when I switch to a new planner due to the overlapping months The idea of using example text on low energy days is nice too I think this can be even more effective if you were to study and memorize the text and try to write it down without looking at the text Repetition is important if you do this though Comment from : @cmxian |
Thank you for your video 🤩🔥 Comment from : @georgemicelli8405 |
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