Title | : | How Much Money You Actually Should Have Saved By Age (2024) |
Lasting | : | 14.26 |
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Let me know how much you haved saved by leaving a comment (if you're comfortable) Thanks for watching 👊 Comment from : @humphrey |
My husband and I are moving into our mid 40s and we have double the median and more than 3x our salary Comment from : @RBD582 |
just turned 20 with $40k I do a side business at my university and so many people are like im broke im like how? Their mistake was not going to a community college first lol Thankfully I got most of my school paid for by scholarships Comment from : @Leoooo485 |
Should be based on expenses not salary Comment from : @JonnyBeoulve |
And hare I am at almost 33 with $0 saved for retirement Comment from : @jordanfig0292 |
Your videos are the best! Thank you 🙏 Comment from : @aliciap477 |
What a joke Over 50 of Americans have not even br$ 1000- Comment from : @MichelleDavis-y7p |
21 Safe to say that I'm broke Comment from : @Harthik2003 |
I love how this is done with the mindset that you’re not stuck in a minimum wage job Comment from : @RumpleGold |
I gotta thank my dad for teaching me all about personal finances ever since I was a small kid I started saving when i was 13 putting half of my allowance money in it or money from jobs like mowing the lawn, that knowledge allowed me to have a net worth of almost 500k at 29 without a particular high income The thing is that i never stop watching videos like this or in general being in touch with the personal finance subject If anyone that is reading this have kids start them as soon as possible, kids are way smarter than we sometimes think and teaching them stuff like this can be worth literally millions of dollars in their lifetime Comment from : @fernandochapa1433 |
The recommended amount you should have or saved is ridiculous vs reality With that amount saved, I would have to be on ramon noodles until the day I reach retirement Comment from : @denis4072 |
Comments section is garbage Content creators should be held liable for not filtering them out with the available AI They allow it for the engagement Comment from : @RealNaisuCinema |
Above average at 57 Comment from : @kckuc310 |
You keep saying net worth, but it seems you're talking about retirement savings or savings in general Can you clarify? Comment from : @skirchmar |
Are these individual numbers? What if you're married but a single income household? Comment from : @QueenT4 |
You talk a lot about retirement but there are many other reasons to build a good financial foundation to life Stuff happens, calamities and crises occur, people get ill, injured, lose their job, have property destroyed, breakdown or be stolen A higher availability of money can really help no matter what you are dealing with I've lived through several economic contractions, lost my job, had to relocate, been severely injured and had to stay off work for many months and had friends and family get sick Having some money available to throw at the problem helped with all of those things Often it doesn't need to be so very much, just something that you can put your hands on to lubricate the situation Comment from : @milessmith5779 |
So to clarify, those numbers drastically multiply if you are actively contributing to your retirement fund and let that vessel compound The magical wonder of compounding… Comment from : @ErrorPagenotFound-ig1cy |
I feel these figures are low, especially considering inflation If you want the income of $100k in todays spending power in retirement, you will realistically need $166k per year, or $5M plus invested Comment from : @timeanddrive5811 |
42k I am 28 making 24kish annual Comment from : @kamiotamega5317 |
If only I could get the wealth building tool that I've been working towards for a long time, I'd be much better off I'm still doing OK for retirement, but not great Comment from : @chrisgast |
I'm supposed to be worth over $700,000? 😂😂 Comment from : @brandonly27 |
I’m 54 and $714k in my 401k I have IRA and retirement I’m still working and hoping the 401k doubles before I retire Comment from : @paralyzer134 |
It is advisable to save at least 15 of your income in a 401(k) Online calculators can help you estimate the appropriate savings amount based on your age and income By saving at least 15 of your income in a 401(k), you can work towards a comfortable retirement This strategy allows you to benefit from compound interest, potentially growing your retirement savings significantly over time Comment from : @NicholasBall130 |
50s - The baseline assumption that a home is nearly paid off based on 30 year mortgage starting in late 20s is unrealistic Most Americans move several times in their working life, and mostly those moves are a reset of mortgages Housing debt, for those who do have homes, is a bigger factor than presented here For non-home owners, the situation is even more bleak Comment from : @ESFranck |
The things that always seem to be exluded here is deflation when talking about retirement You mentioned 4 of your 1M per year will be 40k$, but isn't that only worth $10k in todays money if you're currently 25? Comment from : @paddynbob |
I am in my early 50s and I definitely have NOT prioritized paying down my house This is because my interest rate on the mortgage is 25 and I am currently getting better than that on SAFE investments Currently have a number of CDs still paying over 525 and even short term treasuries pay over 47 and aren't subject to state taxes I feel like the rule of thumb has some exceptions Comment from : @LouisDuran |
Old navy shoppers recognize old navy shoppersbrbrIf you know, you know Comment from : @samgodzwa7927 |
Is anyone here not a bot? Comment from : @allybaapp1053 |
With the economic difficulties the nation is currently facing in 2024, what plans can we put in place to support our income while we adjust to this time period? I'm determined not to see my $500K in savings disappear, especially after all the effort I've put into building them up Comment from : @FrankPatrick-no8zo |
Saving early is the name of the gamebrWe are 29 and 33 yobr$800k in equity - purchases in 2015 br$430k in 401k - maximizing for 5 years br$70k in other assetsbrbrHopefully we can hit $3M by the time we are in our 40s 🙂 Comment from : @temaus |
I usually look up your videos for updates! Our government has no idea how people are suffering these days I feel for people with disabilities not getting the help they deserve Thank you Ms Rachael Campbell, imagine investing $12,000 and received $305,500 Comment from : @Fareed-q1x |
Started saving at 20 yrs old with zero dollars 41 now and sitting around $930k in my retirement portfolio (excluding real estate assets) I drive a 23 yr old car that I bought for $500 w/170k miles 😅 Target is to hit a $25M portfolio for a $100k (4) withdrawal in retirement (excluding SSI benefits) Should hit that in <10 yrs Comment from : @clee8172 |
Humphrey I am shocked it’s so low for mean saving! Comment from : @mikeconnell4067 |
I am impressed with your update on tech stocks, I am looking for tax efficient way to rebalance my 7-figure dividend portfolio without triggering capital gain tax what asset location strategies should i use? Comment from : @OttoLane-j9z |
I am 55 and married Total net worth including 401k over 30x base salary Zero debt since early 40s Out of control inflation and outrageous cost of health insurance had pushed us to retire abroad After realizing the premium of Medicare Plan B and other options for the ones with passive income after retirement, I gave up In my mid 40s, I tend to pay cash for everything Instead of driving flashy German luxury cars, we drove Toyotas and Hondas Limit vacation to once a year Dine out once to twice a week brbrI found a tool estimating my social security if I continue to work after the age of 50 If you had maximum SS withholding for more than 20 to 25 years, continue to work till 65 won’t increase your monthly Full retirement benefit much Your annual SS withholding simply goes into the pool Why do I want to share my hard earned money with others? Last but not least, I am doubtful if SS is able to pay out 100 at the time of full retirement age Comment from : @EYUK1 |
$75k salary in your 20s? You’d never see that in the UK except for magic circle law firms Comment from : @Tom-bs1em |
$600K at the decade of 60s It is good enough if you can get more than 3 grand per month from SSA Comment from : @moonnam1778 |
Based on those metrics I am doing ok But the problem is I want to retire now haha Comment from : @MaybeLoveHate |
Buy a condo in Florida! Comment from : @JWilkins-lo3gg |
35 y/o here, -24k net worth :( Went into debt from student loans and credit cards Jumped ship from w2 world after getting burned too many times, used my small 401k savings as seed money to start my own web design/IT consulting business Unfortunately had to mostly stop working from back injury and didnt have enough income to qualify for a biz loan so went into CC debt to survivebrbr7 years later i am digging myself out of the grave, just paid off all my CC debt and am saving 3-35k per month to put towards paying off student loans and saving/investing I now am earning around 90-100k at $80/hr and working less than 6 billable hours per day to optimize for my back and general healthbrbrSuccess is relative I feel life "rich" now compared to living in poverty for several years in horrible health The mad irony is that i was a licensed financial advisor as one of my first jobs Sometimes life throws you bigger challenges than expected thoughbrbrCurrently still negative 24k net worth but hope to beat the median savings by the time im 40 still! Comment from : @justinfranks5493 |
because -98k really helps balance out the people making 1mil Comment from : @cosyelaine |
Considering the increased complexity since the 2008 crash and COVID, I suggest diversifying your financial portfolio I employed a manager and successfully grew my assets by over ($150K) during this turbulent market using defensive strategies that protect and profit from market fluctuations Comment from : @Hannahbenowitz |
I'm in my 30's with no expensesbrMy folks have paid for my college, car, wedding & down payment on our house Comment from : @foundationsrus6469 |
I make about 65k before taxes and I’ve been maxing out my Roth and my 401k but I want to start saving up to build me home in 5 years what should I do Comment from : @KadenBartley-pq7xq |
I’m 40 and just been declared bankrupt!! Time to start again Comment from : @Goood-dn2ux |
Excelente este video!! gracias Comment from : @femeninasfinancieras |
Counting my blessings up 6 figs in net worth at 26 and zero debt Comment from : @camerongentry9135 |
I am holding a cash position right now, of about 300k I know a dip is supposed to be the buying opportunity, so whats the best stocks to dive into, in this recession? Comment from : @Christine-wp2bw |
Is the 80 rule applied to gross or net? Comment from : @StevenDavisPhoto |
can u do a video on retirement spending be highest in the first years due to travel and other fun? and it slowly going down as u lose mobility? Comment from : @StevenDavisPhoto |
just turned 41 $210,000 in ROTH 401k $36,000 in traditional employer match 401k / $37,000 cash in rolling 5 CODs / $600,000 house in Massachusetts with $175,000 left on the mortgage Make $82,000 per year in salary before taxes Rent out my house with two roommates to pay off my mortgage faster hope to have house paid off in 4-5 years Will definitely be nice to have the house paid off and I can live alone Comment from : @greapper1 |
Dang, im not even near any of age Im 30 now, didnt have much savings during my 20s When i hit 30 I started investing I dont have debt, and im currently putting £12k every month Comment from : @germanalcomendas760 |
In our 60’s and still paying mortgages (2 homes) but with $1,200,000 combined equity in both Comment from : @linziee8651 |
Building wealth from nothing involves consistent saving, disciplined spending, and strategic investments Begin by creating a budget to track expenses and identify areas for savings Prioritize paying off high-interest debt and establishing an emergency fund As you build a foundation, start investing in low-cost options like index funds, and focus on continuous learning and improving your skills for better income opportunities Comment from : @Jersderakerguoe |
You work for a 40yrs to have $1m in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10k in a bitcion coin for just fe months and now they are multimillionaires thanks to Charlotte Grace Miller Comment from : @salinagauntlett |
I’m an my 40s wit to repo car loan 💵 one is a co sign the other is a voluntary repo what should I do 😩🤷🏽♂️ Comment from : @iguessillsayit7510 |
I'm 54 and have a bit more than 10x my yearly salary House is paid off 3 paid off rentals No debt Just an aveage Joe, whose first job was fast food, attended community college, got a Bachelors degree, and worked in corporate AmericaI worked side gigs to get aheadno big stock optionsjust standard savings Comment from : @willywonka69xx |
The Market have been suffering over the past month, with all the three indexes recording losses in recent weeks My $400,000 portfolio is down by approximately 20, any recommendations to scale up my returns before retirement will be highly appreciated Comment from : @SylviaJoe6 |
26 here and I’m in debt paying it off before I can start even saving An injury put me in debt and a year behind saving I only had living expenses for 3 months when I was out of work for a year while my disability was denied Life is crazy but it’s still good Comment from : @isaiahscott1998 |
Who the heck is making $75,000 as a salary in their 20s? Comment from : @tinkachu8743 |
It’s so crazy how different it is from Europe Being in the states is a privilege, it’s so easy to get wealthy Low taxes, high income God bless America If you make 50k a year after taxes as 50 year old in Germany that’s a damn good job Most people can’t make it to 200k in their lifetime as far as savings go Really the only way is to start investing at a young age in all kinds of assets Comment from : @TopDogStatus25 |
I'm 23 and I am planning on retiring at the age of 45 It seems unlikely, if not impossible, but I'm still optimistic Comment from : @JosefSloanson |
This video is for people that make over 6 figures without debt Comment from : @Chinunit22 |
The 50 year old thumbnail looks ancient! 50 is young cmon (I’m in early forties but still) 😅 Comment from : @BagsNBaguettes_327 |
Buying a home at this point is ridiculous I'm not paying those prices rather live on the street Comment from : @bobsacamano7653 |
I have over a million in retirement which is way more than 8x my annual salary My annual salary doesn't cover rent Comment from : @bobsacamano7653 |
I'm 28 with a net worth of 26k after clearing out all non mortgage debt At age 30 my portfolio is likely going to be something like 85 cash in a HYSA looking for a house Comment from : @alexpietsch7997 |
i never met anyone who made 100k a year and im 41 Comment from : @kingrobthegreat7446 |
I wish my hb can plan like you I am kinda worried how we are gonna retire 😂 Comment from : @Buttercookiesssss |
About 6650$ saved at age 25 Started saving about a year ago when I was almost 3500$ in debt Comment from : @DuncanHilbers |
$430000 at 44 right now At least above median and not quite the average Comment from : @kenjkbs |
15k by 19, saved thanks to living at my parents and my job :D Comment from : @chefvieux |
This is so relatable and true lol I remembered how tough it was before I hit the $100k mark 37 I am 56 today with over $28 million in my retirement nest fund alone, didnt take me any stress to get there Maybe its because my CFP is reliable, but point is, it was way easier from there Comment from : @SlParkerlee |
28yo; 122k in investment account, 80k in ROTH IRA (tbf today is a good day on market); all self managed; 20k in emergency & checking account no debts, NO PROPERTY/HOUSE, never had student loans (so I feel like I should have been even more ahead?)i have bad money anxiety and STILL feel behind Comment from : @PC-qx6uf6zb4m |
The numbers are way off when you think about that fact your spending goes way down when your mortgage is paid for, thus needed half or so of what you needed to live off during your employment stage Comment from : @GoodTimeCatchers |
Why should you have stup debt? Comment from : @JohnBenge-c6t |
Great video This is for a single person, How does this math change for couples? Comment from : @dangrcat |
“Great offense and poor defense translate into [the perennial New Orleans Saints]” Oh, wait I thought that’s what he was going to say Comment from : @gsusfrk333 |
Age 52 Networth 475K Comment from : @bobbygallant2229 |
For boomers and senior citizens, the current market and economy are unnecessarily harder I'm used to simply purchasing and holding assets, which doesn't seem applicable to the current volatile market, and inflation is catching up with my portfolio My biggest concern is whether I'll survive after retirement Comment from : @michaelwiebeck3 |
57 y 457and401k 300,000 still working it Comment from : @juanabaez3126 |
The greatest investment is yourself If you're in your 40s or even 50s and you don't have near this saved, keep investing in yourself and you can make up for a ton of lost time Comment from : @rogue8853 |
Currently 23 years old, graduated college a little over a year ago:brSavings/emergency fund: $212kbrCash in checking: $10kbrRoth 401(k): $76kbrRoth IRA: $154kbrBrokerage: $114kbrLess: Studen loans: $123kbrbrNet (after student loans): $443k Comment from : @MoSanta42 |
This is awesome! Can you PLEASE do, Average Income in Retirement? And average spending budget? Comment from : @KarenVMiguel |
I began my investment journey at the age of 33, primarily through hard work and dedication Now at the age of 38, I am thrilled to share that my passive income exceeded $5k in a single month for the first time This success reinforces the importance of the advice mentioned earlier It is not about achieving quick wealth, but rather ensuring long-term financial prosperity Comment from : @Patrickwalter-vi3fe |
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