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Who gets your property if you die without a will

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Title :  Who gets your property if you die without a will
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Frames Who gets your property if you die without a will

Description Who gets your property if you die without a will

Comments Who gets your property if you die without a will

Does a common law spouse have legal rights under this succession
Comment from : @robertleejohnsonsr63

Excellent information
Comment from : @susanyeserski5389

My father had a will I am contesting everything
Comment from : @JeanetteMoseng

My wife died,we never divorced, and her brother, and cousin took everything, this happened in July 2023 I automatically get her social security, but our son told me that he got her pension, how is that possible,I need help with this,
Comment from : @JuniorMiller-j6t

Mother in law died no will but her daughter went to a lawyer to be named to handle bills now think getting house but there mom signed a paper at my lawyers office saying my wife gets ten thousand dollars cause she never gave my wife nothing cause I worked and a rich guy she worked for set it up didn't know had the same lawyer so going to be a big blowup if she doesn't get anything it's ok but things is gave others twenty thousand dollars when working for rich guy and they call he knew about money from mom wife called to talk to her and he said you only have one kid worth a damn my wife she told him I worked that's when he said about the money so here's the story
Comment from : @KevinHarvey-qw5mj

See my father just passed on the 13th of this month this year he did not put a will car titles are blank my father I am the oldest child of my father there is only two of us left my grandmother passed away away a year and a half ago I live in Florida I have people's trying to scare me dad has the titles in his name is in his name but none of them are signed on the back in Florida is a type of law that supposed to go to your children he wasn't married doesn't have a will Ora trust so do I have to to get a lawyer Chester transfer the deed of the house and the land to my name will my sister agrees to give me it with no fight
Comment from : @tinagrayer5801

The American waystupid as hell as usual
Comment from : @Kayunyah

Comment from : @Bellatutu1927

My Plan is nothing to pass anybody
Comment from : @MySmallWorld

I have nobody from the list you have listed Who is going to take my money?
Comment from : @kingdomofgeorgia1751

The Trift store😂
Comment from : @vio2696

very good information
Comment from : @amjadmirza4765

My parents does have a will But they are working on a trust now
Comment from : @gimcrack555

In my mothers case the solicitors In1947 my mothers unmarried and only cousin died intestate leaving £28000 which was a large sum at that time The solicitors spent most of that money looking for the only other missing relative in Australia and she finished up in 1955 with £70
Comment from : @dereksmith6404

If you’re planning on leaving your house to your kids make sure it’s through a Trust so to avoid them having to pay capital gains tax Bullshit law but it’s what it is Buddy of mine years back lost the house he grew up in because of this mistake Not sure if there was more to it but that was definitely part of it
Comment from : @boomhawk6217

I want to leave it to my granddaughter but the inheritance tax what's best to avoid it
Comment from : @marileedent8499

I want to give my home to both my children equally in Michigan so I have to have a quit claim deed
Comment from : @GrampyCampy

It was simplebeforeattorneys and governments Got involved
Comment from : @georgezink8256

That's kind of weird!! But I like it
Comment from : @thekittynews5802

The state of course!!!😂
Comment from : @winstonsizemore2385

What if you have nobody?
Comment from : @bp30656

Thanks for sharing that information
Comment from : @tonyt6726

When my mom died, my brother took everything he has no family, but he told me he is going to leave everything to the state Can he do that? He is so hateful
Comment from : @DianaStroisch-bo8xj

Does a will have to be recorded or can you just write it on a piece of paper and put it in your lockbox?
Comment from : @DianaStroisch-bo8xj

My dad died and a lawyer in Nevada acting with legal guardians made me sell his vehicle and his home because he didn't have a will made at least 5 years befor his death,supposedly the state kept the money from the sells?
Comment from : @GregLovejoy

My mom is married to my step father which is in her name and yes they were still married at the time how does that work
Comment from : @maryHernandez-oz5ct

What happens if your significant other who you lived with for 15 years passes away also paid 50
Comment from : @stevebunce915

It’s not your property or did it belong to the deceased, you do not own property in this county the government owns it you just lease it from them A lot of people just don’t realize this
Comment from : @russs250

Comment from : @QuangLe-nm7ck

What if your parents are passed away your siblings and there is no children except for you you what happens to the property if I have no will
Comment from : @vickiepauley876

Basically, it goes to the highest bidder
Comment from : @thelakeman5207

If the motherfather and sister die and there is one living son who gets the property"? The sister who died left all of her money to her son Understandable But when the one son of the mother and father die does the grandson get half too or does it go to their son??? Confused
Comment from : @abcdefg15005

Reverse mortgage
Comment from : @joycedurham1729

If I died my money go to my cats
Comment from : @dt3375

Define children Do you mean minor children?
Comment from : @nateleal

Who cares i can't take it with me
Comment from : @brettblankenship3246

Forget a will unless you have more than one child I’m just selling my house to my Granson for a few dollars He will have to maintain it and pay yearly taxes I can’t take money with me when I die
Comment from : @Zekeratt

LUKE 21;36 KJV
Comment from : @RaptureHermit

Thanks for this educational and informative post
Comment from : @abdulaikoroma5458

what if there's just no family around, like brothers, sisters no neices or nephewsdoes the state eventually get it?
Comment from : @richfjr1300

My brother has no Will and has not and will not create a Will my question: I am his only living brother and he has been with his girlfriend/companion for over 35-40 years, so in New Mexico, when he dies, would his property (home and assets) come to me as his only living brother or to his girlfriend? I have tried consistently to get him to do a Will, but he thinks he will never die I guess Any help you can provide would be appreciated
Comment from : @charlespadilla1027

If a property does not have a quit claim deed after a divorce (years) is that a big problem?
Comment from : @craigjohnson3603

I'm not divorced, but a widow with an adult son My house is paid for so how do I leave my home to my son without a will? Not sure how he would automatically get to receive my home I do have him as POD & beneficiary on financials Thank you for your reply!
Comment from : @Jojo-p8w

Seems just skips the grand children I do have a Will And at the bank I have pod tobrMy grandchildren Trying to keep my home out of probate Great info
Comment from : @cskiles318

In the case of "in-testate" at death, when you say property that has been "designated" to go to someone, How does one officially "designate" that upon their death a car (for example) goes to a certain person (without making a will) ? What specifically is required ? I would like to go ahead and designate some things for transfer Thanks
Comment from : @shanewwilliams

A will lol, put everything in a Trust
Comment from : @papparocks2603

But I thought Intestine Sessesion was a form of constipation
Comment from : @bicaroyoda4686

Nice review
Comment from : @lisamccray9079

Sweetie, you need to cover your arms
Comment from : @henry-bo3np

Grandpa's butt Hurts
Comment from : @JerryMorgan-q5u

Nobody passes, we dont have wills Nobody dies, just remember we just live on
Comment from : @ShariCory

i had rights of survivorship and judge and mom & dads estate lawyer stole it! you got that one wrong
Comment from : @Pushyhog

I don't own anything is that simple
Comment from : @juancardenas3537

I have a roomate for (21) years, we both are on the title of our home equally His (2) adult male children have abandoned him They haven't called, seen or even visited him in yearsbrHe is up in age I am his caregiver He had (2) strokes and now has Dementia brIf something happens to him (I pray that God will give him many more years to live) will the home go to me solely or can his children that abandoned him claim the house?
Comment from : @franceslovato9842

Do I still need to make a will if I already made a living trust ?
Comment from : @lutherliu9002

Doesn't it go to probate?
Comment from : @MrCraftycd

Very helpful! Thank you very much🙏❤️
Comment from : @juanitacastillo840

what if you have children by separate ppl, whose children gets it, if both die? thanks
Comment from : @AngieHatfield-ck6hg

Do stocks need to be sold?
Comment from : @goobertgoobert

My brother already took it 🎉
Comment from : @LINDAAIELLO-i2m

That doesn’t apply to all states Wrong information
Comment from : @gainsforjesus1164

Very interesting information thank you god bless you
Comment from : @salvadoralfaro3765

To anybody that can hear her, this lawyer, please follow her instructions word for word and letter for letter if necessary brbrMake sure that your parents or relative gets the will to a probate qualified lawyer and properly filed in the correct courts, notarized with proper bona fide legal documentation, proof and receipts Tie up all loose ends and small details in black and white A record of everything All assets!brbrDO NOT leave it up to a "Trusted" relative," The Bank," "Family friend," Minister and/or someone bragging about they have "Power of Attorney" brbrWolves in sheeps clothing come out like vampires and vultures when someone diesbrbrDO NOT trust anything or anybody but verified and certified legal counsel or the courts brbrPersonally, if there are a lot of assets and everything isn't legally squared away after a death in the family you might want to consider retaining a lawyer to protect your best interestbrbrTake nothing for granted Trust No One! brbrYour loved one cannot come back and argue on your behalf and say that's not what I intended or meant to happenbrbrWhether you like it or not, it's every man, woman and child for himself!brbrSigned: Human NaturebrbrBeen there done that
Comment from : @IThtso247

Comment from : @Beverly-b8r

People just wait for some thing to happen so they can put their hands on it, they will fight like they work so hard so for it plus overtime , most of the time, the son or the daughter stays closer to the parents or take care of them that's the one never want to fight for any thing the parents have, and the opposite one, wants to do anything to get the most or everything, brBelieve me that happens even in the Nice and educated families
Comment from : @asicomovienes892

Thank you for making this so clear My issue is that: I have no parents, spouse, children, and the brother is deceased However some of his children are there, the problem is that I do not want anything going to them It boils down to: I must have my will done as soon as possible
Comment from : @erijqudus1960

My parents pass so there are nine children that are adults the house is a homestead there was no well but all my siblings older than you have passed away which phase me according to the courtyard looking to my older brother and two my adopted niece but like I said they have all passed away My mother old taxes on the house no one has paid for it because they all have passed away I am the Ken and there are four younger siblings besides my niece how does this work
Comment from : @saraolivares724

What if your the only child and the parent who died sibling got his legacy… And I was never contacted by no one and I have all his death certificates but his sister won and I never seen the will and never contest it?
Comment from : @BumpyBlood18

What if your the only child and the parent who died sibling got his legacy… And I was never contacted by no one and I have all his death certificates but his sister won and I never seen the will and never contest it?
Comment from : @BumpyBlood18

This is valuable information
Comment from : @2Big2Fail2Day

Being an heir to property that has been in probate since 2018 hasn't done anything I was living on the property till i was evicted I this legal?
Comment from : @mrbonner967

I don't understand her at all, despite her slower cadence In what state is this applicable? Like an old school teacher, speaking slower, but still speaking in a foreign language or without a helpful introduction is not helpful
Comment from : @rivegaucheranch

Concise & Informative
Comment from : @edwardwells2325

I have a first cousin He is single, has no other relatives left but me He is well off If he dies without a will (I don't know if he has one) would his estate come to me? I am his ONLY first cousin left in the entire family Also, should he die and I not be notified, how could I make a claim to his estate?
Comment from : @23Piccolina

No will The bank can take it back if they want too
Comment from : @thecitizen61

My wife passed away in May, our trailer is in her name only Had no will Title office said I have to go threw probate court to get it put in my name for 200 dollars Why?
Comment from : @geraldmoore7768

My mother made all of us , (her 3 kids) the power of attorney in her attorney's office with all of us present
Comment from : @R-anne7375

What if you have no next of kin at all?
Comment from : @HandyMan-p3t

Weasley whatever corporate state you live in tries to steal the property through intestate When it should go to the next weekend or the family
Comment from : @Mattw0071

The govrn takes everythingtruth be told u own nothingthe state doesstop lying i saw pple who cud not touch thei pples stuff coz there was no willthe state take all
Comment from : @MkulimaMkali

I have no will, no kids and no wife I rent and do not own much, so whomever gets my shit may not want it
Comment from : @viperdemonz-jenkins

Good info
Comment from : @RossieLittle

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