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Stereotypes about African Americans

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Title :  Stereotypes about African Americans
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Comments Stereotypes about African Americans

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Comment from : @MrTimSwain

I can reassure you I am aRetired African American who wants to relocate, but I can't afford it
Comment from : @mdcoleret

and it makes me so sick that my people think that they are African and we are too different nation of people God made us totally different You have a lot of dark nations in the earth but somehow we always relate back to we are African and we are not
Comment from : @harrietjones2495

what I never understood is why African people never ever told the so-called black and brown Negro man and woman that we are two different nations and that they sold us into slavery also
Comment from : @harrietjones2495

All the gold in the world is actually in places in Africa like this woman’s homeland You are LITERALLY walking on gold and diamonds! And yet you control nothing of the natural resources in Africa White people control all of it! So it is absolutely hilarious that you brought up “walking on gold” ma’am The irony is absolutely ridiculous
Comment from : @abdelll9737

America is broke girl
Comment from : @rebeccasingletary4615

They're sitting on all the damn resources and we have opportunity We fought , bled and died for everything we've gotten here even what they get when they come here, they just haven't been sabotaged!
Comment from : @NatHenrickClarke

Not all Africans are this naivè or ignorant This lady does not speak for all of us
Comment from : @vuyophama8668

How about you make it in your own country
Comment from : @MCfact1827

Most of us are poor, yeah there are some of us that have made it out but we don't stick together 😅😢
Comment from : @AhiYahYsraYL

Little do they know most blacks in america are poor in both wealth, knowledge, resources
Comment from : @JustinAshley-p7s

Typical 😒
Comment from : @kwameamanfo1314

Comment from : @wholesalebuyerdeals

Good thing there';s a bunch of African content creators who understand what's going on Social media is awful but wonderful in how we are able to hear each others stories and deconstruct the Imperialist narrative or we'd never hear anything good about each other
Comment from : @AshaSelfsDemoFilms

Say I
Comment from : @mayag3808

I'm done Africans are literally walk on gold😂😂
Comment from : @acoustictherapy7225

Im African and this woman doesn’t know wtf she’s talking about She needs to travel and get off of social media
Comment from : @Cuddyy1k

That’s not true the struggle is real
Comment from : @richardjohnson9191

🐂 💩…We could say the exact same thing about you guys… Africa the riches place on the planet…But was the poorest…I’m confused
Comment from : @KevinKing-i7t

Girl, you don't know what you are talking about 😮😮😂😂
Comment from : @shadrackollennu1199

I grew up in southeast San Diego poor idk wtf she's talking about my neighborhood looks just like Compton
Comment from : @memeking2696

Africans have all the wealth beneath their feet They are the laziest people known to humanity They are beggars Minister Louis Farrakhan told the African people to their faces
Comment from : @kirbysmith8236

She said Africa (I know it's a continent) is a place to grow up and leave That's profound A Japa mindset
Comment from : @tf5655

TimSwanThis is an "OLD" question In this dispensationbr🌍🌍AFRICAN 🌍🌍 brimmigrants especially NIGERIANS 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬 in America 🇺🇸have NOT only "Out-performed" African-Americansbut they have Out-performed the national American 🇺🇸 average encompassing ALL racial/national groups‼️‼️‼️🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨☺️☺️☺️brPlease CHECK your records there in the StatesbrSo "THIS" type of question is premeditated with the intention of you making br 🌍🌍 AFRICANS🌍🌍brINFERIORto AFRICAN -AmericansbrSTOP IT 😡‼️‼️‼️‼️brThat ERA is in the PAST‼️
Comment from : @MulandwaOkunrotifa

Black Americans are NOT no damn GENERIC AfricansWE"RE BLACK AMERICANS not african americans
Comment from : @luvfba99

Comment from : @TirrellSpann

Africans Americans having opportunities and walking on goldhmmm Well damn, no place on earth has more potential and actual gold than Africa Scratching my head?
Comment from : @truthseeker1009

Who's webrPlease speak for yourself
Comment from : @OlawamideSamuel

We in South Africa knows that AA are struggling like many people in the world To me South Africans are in a better position to make it in life Yes ,when AA move to Africa including SA their position bevomes better bcos their dollar makes them millionaires here but in America life is expensive
Comment from : @lydiaramafoko8745

I get so upset hearing this bs Your father’s sold us out on 🚢 like cattle were mistreated in the USA even this were created all relevant things that matter today they stole it from us all of it And you think we have all this opportunity Well come tell me how that works when you have no parents no guidance no education nothing Why because you been raising your siblings trying to keep them from going into the system yes they have a system for us so we can go back to slavery it’s called jail they get paid well for keeping us there Smh
Comment from : @queensuccessful1

Everything tht glitters ain’t cold never judge a book by the cover
Comment from : @ericastarrr1992

African American make their opportunities We are some of the most if not the most resilient ppl on the planet
Comment from : @monopolymaal

Stupid 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @Tsmall2244

She apparently only knows and believes what whyte people have told her They don’t tell folks in this world how they had laws, policies and procedures that IMPEDE our progression I guarantee she doesn’t know that they even used our babies as ALLIGATOR BAIT in history
Comment from : @makiba9461

Awwshe doesn't know😂
Comment from : @thetambourinist7

So as an Black American I can say the same things about full blooded Africans They have all the gold, diamonds and precious jewels are resources literally Im not sure why natives of Africa flee to America chasing the American dream because America is a lie and allot of African Americans struggle here Africans are technically way richer than Americans Her comment clearly came from a space due to low education of the truth in society Stop believing what you see on TV people Hollywood is not what you think it may be But be my guest to F around and find out
Comment from : @zairx

They dont get rhat economy in the Americas is plastic money Based on good credit scores? People dont pay cash, but pay in monthly stalments!!!!!!
Comment from : @AlClavelle-wi1vg

African Americans work so hard and suffer
Comment from : @ChrisAaron-g4e

We paved the way for yall asses here tf💀😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @CameronDaniel-u9k

What were Foundational Black Americans supposed to give Africans? Who told her Foundational Black Americans have all that money? How long have Africans been delusional?
Comment from : @abetteryounow6484

These peoples of different countries internationalhas been BRAINWASHED!!!!so damaged!!! Americans has to earned for survival as saviors ❤Gold what if it doesn't tarnished green 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : @vonradillard964

Damn they couldn’t wait to flee lol
Comment from : @scotty5448

Oh lord, please stop the lies We work hard over here
Comment from : @MrsHudson

Who exactly is WE? How does she speak for an entire continent? I’m listening to
Comment from : @terriwebb7219

I like her earrings,,,
Comment from : @rexchiquine6049

Brainwashed misinformation
Comment from : @WillieBriscoe-ff3rg

Wasted opportunity
Comment from : @cobaltbluevision

we aren't african americans we're Americans!!!
Comment from : @RodneyW

We have the GOLD 😂😂 WOW
Comment from : @PublicsEye-News

They just don't even know smh but it's kind of like how we've been miseducated about them
Comment from : @trellclemons8311

America is full of people just trying to survive There is no gold It’s a lie
Comment from : @mrschilders8333

Damnshe is so wrong
Comment from : @jaystaggers8958

Comment from : @rebeccab4543

We never believed so, she is saying what she had tot ofonly those who are not informed thinks like she dowe never see African Americans like thatwe know about their struggle, marginalisation and discriminationwe were tot all these in school and for her to say this is her own opinion
Comment from : @AbdulfattahIyaji

Lets not forget Africa is s continentbrTeaching in her country is not necessary thr same as other African countriesbrIn my country we know America is a rich country but not necessary Blacks having much of the wealth
Comment from : @keagleeagle821

Not all of us think like that 😅
Comment from : @AllenLuoke

America are great salesman and know how to promote a lie to the rest of the world 😂😂
Comment from : @leedurham3144

Damn She said, b"Africa is a place you grow up and leave"/bbrbrThe brainwashing of poverty has blinded the Africans mindset for generations They are not being taught that 80 of the world's resources still come from Africa The African school system isn't teaching them to use your education and after school knowledge to transform their land and multiple groups of animals into products of gold! brbrIn the past, I worked with Kenyan carpenters that each own several plots of land with 20 or more animal groups I told them that they are richer than the average Westerners that you see making paper money Your assets are greater, but you lack the knowledge and buiness skilks to market and sell your sheep's wool, chickens, and their eggs, the cows milk, beef, etc Most africans with land full of animals are rich, millionaires, but they've been brainwashed to think that all of the stuff seen on tv is worth more
Comment from : @JEDIAL9

That's why media is dangerous but at the same time there's to much Internet access to not do research on things & people so that's a excuse maybe back in the day it would be excusable but there's too much information today so that's played out now to just be going by that
Comment from : @CaseyCook-xs2ob

Damn, so African think every African American has gold chains, new Jordan’s , and rides in Bentleys like in the Rap videos Makes sense now…
Comment from : @GHarleyDavidson

I actually agree that it may be easier here for Africans coming from places like Nigeria But to overlook what we go through in this country would be foolish We do have more opportunities than a lot of African countries but we definitely don’t have the resources So we may not be doing back breaking work for cheap and u can make money here and not have to slave per se but in exchange for what? You can actually own land in AfricaCompletely own land You can lease land in America because if u stop paying taxes they will take it from you You can have the money here and still be denied the access of other groups You can save money here and go back to Africa and live comfortably Because I know u don’t plan to retire here in America The difference is no matter how much money u have in this country u are still treated as less than We built this country and to this day they call us lazy We literally built this country You as a Nigerian coming here have access to more capital and loans than I will ever be They even make people who look like us turn against us And y’all just go along with it I hope you know they hate u just as much as me There is opportunities for outsiders here but for the ones born and raised here it’s an everyday struggle And we wish you could see that
Comment from : @trzmak3977

American Blacks have what we have because we built itand fought for it
Comment from : @mariejane1567

No ma'am Africa literally has the gold and diamonds
Comment from : @mariejane1567

Issue is American Media
Comment from : @tamu-chiwara

American blacks so many are poor and into drug's and gangs poor communities only those rappers and actors doing well for themselves
Comment from : @usmanjohn3267

This lady does not know anything about Africa America she's speaking for her self not Africa I never ever think of Africa America as people on gold unless you do not know about the trans Atlantic trade black Americans are suffering most communities are in deep sheet with gangs, drugs, killing each other and they don't go to school
Comment from : @usmanjohn3267

Would they accept America running for president in Africa ?
Comment from : @Cindy-i9r

As a south African who grew up listening to their music they were cool and I knew that they had overcome a lot I have never seen them as rich people, honestly; besides the musicians, actors, and athletes I think different parts of Africa view them differently and depending on the generation
Comment from : @MKL_D

African Americans are in the land of endless opportunitiesthat is the point being made Having travelled in Africa, and witnessed the grinding poverty there, I can understand how they see Americans this way The problem in America has to do with victim mentality and the glorification of gang culture more than any racism
Comment from : @whiskeytango9769

Some of my Nigerian friends in the US wonder how people in the US stay poor generation after generation and suspect many born in the US are lazy, made lazier by welfare
Comment from : @ricfax

Um, they aren't entirely wrong Yes, there is a wealth desperity here in the US, but right now, I've been layed off, while I look for work I'm getting unemployment benefits worth 2/3 of what I was making, also I can get a grant to cover $10,000 of my education or training towards career advancement or to go into another field, and there are other support systems out there, Americans take for granted what we have and we may lose those things because of both ignorance and taking those programs as a given
Comment from : @eliasaltenberg

Literally coming from the same people with gold and diamonds and uranium, etc in their land but are poor for some reason
Comment from : @golobulus

False perceptions, but it's very funny I can't stop laughing You've been fooling yourself
Comment from : @immortalideas-fi6kj

They have all these opportunities and you totally wrecked your culture
Comment from : @BeADad2447

Stop asking these people about black Americans!!!! We don’t care how they think or feel about us Drop the microphone 🎙️
Comment from : @loisgordon8840

Its all about the bottom line
Comment from : @ajosralastname7823

Big fantasy I wish that was true 🙏💯
Comment from : @MelissaLaura8989

Speak for yourself I see them as brothers tho a lil while, but if you know what they have been through, you will understand why
Comment from : @marshmallow5948

The perception is different to that for us South Africans
Comment from : @Zintlle

Not walking on Gold! 😂😂 i love her honesty
Comment from : @Shomefune96

Why do they want Americans to “give them something” though?
Comment from : @MAGAISKLAN

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